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Analyzing and Assessing Problem Solving Chapter Paper Icon

It is obtained using the following formula:

Therefore, the variance is obtained as = (659.33)2

= 437,716.05

7. Find the Range of the stress level of the 100 students

The range of any sample is the difference between the highest value and the lowest value of the sample. In the sample of the 100 students, the highest value is 2,559… read more

Chapter 6 pages (599 words) Sources: 6

Demonstration of a Chi Squared Test Essay Paper Icon

The aim of a Chi squared test is to assess whether or not the test sample (divided with a categorical variable) has different results compared to the expected results.

Before performing the statistical test, it is also necessary to determine the level of certainty associated with the results that are achieved. A common approach in business research is to undertake… read more

Essay 2 pages (701 words) Sources: 2

Applying Logic to a Case Research Paper Paper Icon

" It does not verify that Spielberg is the greatest director ever.

Value Assumption in the Argument

According to the Browne & Keeley framework, value assumption is individual values that an author uses to support the reasons provided and to ultimately support the conclusion. These are standards that the author endorses and then expects others to meet (Browne & Keeley,… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (496 words) Sources: 1

Descriptive Statistics and Its Interpretation Research Paper Paper Icon

Moreover, the average months by which all participants have worked for the company are 53.98 months. The results reveal that most of the participants have not worked for the company for up to 5 years before leaving. However, 58% of the participants are male employees, while 42% are female employees. However, 79% are a supervisor.

However, the data analysis to… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1129 words) Sources: 6

Chapter 7 8 And 9 Summary Essay Paper Icon

Furthermore, it also discusses the difficulties that the teachers are face in gaining concentration of the students, like maintaining their attention, identification of numerals and symbols, using measuring tools, following a sequence; all these are major problems that every child with special needs face in the classroom. Suggestions are provided for the teachers, which include creating short breaks between the… read more

Essay 3 pages (904 words) Sources: 0

Looking Into Basic Mathematics Formulas Research Paper Paper Icon

Students must have many such opportunities so that they can effectively learn new information.

Even though federal legislations stipulate that schools should offer interventions based on research, practical considerations show that for an intervention to be effectively executed, it has to be acceptable to the student's teacher. Interventions that have low degrees of ecological intrusiveness reduce the time that an… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1297 words) Sources: 4

Students With Disabilities and Their Mathematics Instruction Book Report Paper Icon

There are three main tiers of intervention, they can range from mere class room intervention to some more serious, personalized assistance. The more the teachers watch their students learn, the more they see the obstacles and challenges students face. This situation calls for a more balanced and challenging mathematics curriculum for all students with need for specialized education services in… read more

Book Report 7 pages (2630 words) Sources: 1+

Causes for Failed Implementation of the Emergency Research Paper Paper Icon

A report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), in 2005, revealed that over 75% of agency preparedness grants were turned towards local and state terrorism preparedness in 2006. Therefore, National Emergency Management Association's (NEMA) leaders warned Secretary Chertoff days prior to Katrina's onset that the amount of emphasis given to preparation and response against terrorist attacks in future was endangering… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1885 words) Sources: 5


I believe that I would make the risk aversion rate higher than average and the growth rate lower. I believe that we should basically caution on the safe side relative to risk aversion given the levels of uncertainty that are inherent in climate models. Furthermore, I think we can develop in ways that are necessarily tied to economic growth and… read more

Assessment 4 pages (1234 words) Sources: 0

Some Feature That Is Relevant to Environment Essay Paper Icon

The Greenhouse Effect is the notion that because the ozone layer is gradually eroding (due in part to automobile pollution and other man made pollutants, natural gases and the heat from the sun reflect off of the earth and are trapped in the surrounding atmosphere around it -- which is responsible for the alleged Global Warming phenomenon.

I still am… read more

Essay 1 pages (331 words) Sources: 2

Deconstruct the Research by Answering Chapter Paper Icon

Their case selections, then, are the various people that they interact with who experienced loss in this flood, and who first hand witnessed the response from the government t and social infrastructure upon which the country is built.

The authors use qualitative data in the form of interviews with those who lived through the hurricane.

The main findings are that… read more

Chapter 2 pages (593 words) Sources: 0

Arctic Climate Change Essay Paper Icon

Many species are being forced to rapidly shift their habits with regards to feeding and reproduction. There is evidence that this is occurring, but nature is not able to move as quickly as the climate is changing, which puts species at risk.


The authors understand the "rush for Arctic resources" as the quest for access to oil and gas… read more

Essay 2 pages (637 words) Sources: 1

Hurricane Response Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] A fourth part of the strategy will be to elicit help from the national guard from the state who can in turn ask the federal government for assistance should it be needed. Such was done in Katrina (albeit delayed by bureaucratic waste) and the same can be done for this new disaster even if it is not necessary for all… read more

Essay 3 pages (1006 words) Sources: 3

Climate Change and Global Warming Attitudes Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Data Presentation

10. Conclusions and Significance of Study

Literature Review

Climate change, which is at least partly due to human activities, poses a threat to the future of all species on this planet. Rapidly growing and exponential increases in greenhouse gas emissions since the pre-industrial era have led to a carbon dioxide concentration of roughly 400 parts per million in… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Stafford Act: Support for Its Reformation Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This implies that nuclear, radiological, biological, and chemical incidents are not classified as major disasters under the Act (Moss & Shelhamer, 2007). The President, under such laws as the National Emergencies Act, the Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, and the Comprehensive Environmental Response Act, possesses power to respond to interferences or disruptions that trigger the release of hazardous substances;… read more

Essay 3 pages (1233 words) Sources: 3

Growth Without Jobs/ the Security Risks of Global Warming Discussion Chapter Paper Icon

[. . . .] Many others are 'under-employed' -- working several part-time jobs that do not pay benefits, for example. Furthermore, there has been a tremendous spike in unemployment amongst young people with college degrees. There is such a glut of job-seekers, people without years of experience are being overlooked, even for positions like unpaid, resume-building internships.

It is true that some industries are… read more

Discussion Chapter 7 pages (2158 words) Sources: 3

Progress: Community Sharing vs. Individualistic Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] ' This creates the need to have more and more material goods that are only shared in private. Dawson even envisions solidarity economies of 'ecovillages' (modeled in part upon indigenous societies) which are based upon the principles of sustainability. All authors stress the notion of environmental sustainability as a complex system in which various contributing factors all influence its development… read more

Essay 4 pages (1199 words) Sources: 2

Global Warming Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] There have been many predictions made based on a range of consultations and interviews with experts were analyzed in order to determine security threats in the region over the next 40 years (Brown & Crawford, 2009). The study concluded that the legacy of conflict that is already present in the region will hamper its ability to adapt to climate change.… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2120 words) Sources: 9

Climate Change, Divorced Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] d.). How climate change impacts the ski tourism industry is a relatively small issue to the impact on drinking water supplies, though. "The effects on natural systems will be widespread: from accelerated glacier melt, altered precipitation, runoff, and groundwater recharge patterns, to extreme droughts and floods, water quality changes, saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers and changes in water use," (The… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1247 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Mayans' the Abrupt and Mysterious Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, most legitimate sources point to one of two events that are more likely to represent the collapse of the civilization. The first category is that the Mayan decline was self-inflicted. The Mayans are considered as a very violent and warmongering civilization (Minster, 2004). It has been theorized that war played a role in the Mayans quick disappearance. Other theories… read more

Essay 2 pages (482 words) Sources: 2

Environmental Sciences Obama Turns Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] The article explains three different stages of the overall movement, and how each movement either detracted or contributed to the overall progress of the social movement.

An interesting aspect of the article was the overall longevity of the climate change movement. As indicted by the article the movement originated in 1970 and has gone through server different iterations since. History… read more

Article Review 4 pages (1160 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

Natural Hazard: Flooding Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Flooding is easily one of the most costly natural disasters mankind has ever known. Hurricane Katrina, in the words of Frank (2012), "brought with it flood waters, the loss of power, little living space left, and a breeding ground for mosquitoes." In addition to affecting the economy negatively, flooding could also have devastating consequences for people and the environment. To… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (595 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Perturbed by Humanity Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " The full negative fallout of what has been done to the earth will only be felt by future generations, a fact which will likely result in an even greater, unfortunate but inevitable incentive to focus on short-term economic benefits vs. long-term environmental preservation.

In fact, some environmental activists are even throwing up their hands, effectively declaring the human-generated nature… read more

Essay 2 pages (571 words) Sources: 0

Global Climate Change Doubters Stir Controversy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Limbaugh went on to assert that those who accept global climate change are looking "…to find a way to permeate the minds of these young people who have been propagandized and who want to believe that there's disaster and imminent danger at every turn" (Limbaugh). However, while Inhofe and Limbaugh's attacks on the science of this issue have helped to… read more

Essay 2 pages (752 words) Sources: 1+

Inconvenient Truth Greenhouse Gases Thicken Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Finally, the bulk of the documentary is presenting the logos aspect of his argument. He has a clear claim that humans and high levels of CO2 are causing catastrophic climate change and something needs to be done. He presents evidence that the science community does not deny climate change; climate change has political consequences such as the Darfur conflict, drought… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (690 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Environmental Challenges Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "Multiple lines of evidence" shows that "the climate is changing across our planet, largely as a result of human activities" (IPCC, 2013).

The most "compelling evidence of climate change," the IPCC explains, is that the scientific observations offer "unequivocal" evidence derived from the atmosphere, land, oceans and cryosphere" (IPCC, 2013). Sea levels are rising and global temperature records show increases… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1397 words) Sources: 1+

Asthma Bib Entry Chulada Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The study wanted to better understand the situation in order to increase the efficiency of asthma in the city of New Orleans, while also potentially serving as a model for other cities to follow as well that were also exposed to the dramatic impact of Hurricane Katrina. All participants on the research and were highly qualified to conduct examinations in… read more

Essay 2 pages (679 words) Sources: 1

Hurricane Katrina When Former New Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Indeed, there are several challenges to the U.S. crisis management system:

Huge geographic area -- covering numerous biomes, types of natural disasters (from ice to tsunami, etc.).

Fifty States with thousands of local and municipal police, fire, and local governmental bureaucracies.

Lack of defined authority and role in disaster management (e.g. In certain criminal cases, the FBI takes precedence due… read more

Essay 6 pages (2216 words) Sources: 6

Kristoffer Borch WW2 Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] She clearly stated in her thesis she wanted to focus on positive aspects. All I've read thus far are negative.

It goes on to talk about free healthcare and how it's not free and it just continues to veer off the original thesis statement. When looking at the bibliography, it is just a bunch of links. Literally there is hardly… read more

Essay 3 pages (1454 words) Sources: 0

Brainstorming Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The pattern continues in the second sentence where the writer presupposes what the reader will "assume." The first example is not bad but it's not really a transition. It is just another "reason" that supposedly builds on something prior. There is no clear segue from one point to another…it is just another point for a prior-mentioned topic. The second item… read more

Essay 2 pages (583 words) Sources: 0

Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis Disasters Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] There are three types of storms that are experienced within the Australian region; these are the unspecified storms, the local storms and the tropical cyclones. The tropical cyclones are the most frequent and most destructive costing millions of dollars at each wake of these storms. These are followed by local storms and the unspecified types of storms (EM-DAT, 2012).

To… read more

Essay 3 pages (796 words) Sources: 3

Climate Change -- Cause Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] NASA research shows "certain facts" that are not in dispute because with available science data, the current warming trends show the "big picture": a) "…scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal"; and b) the "heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide…" and increased levels of "…greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response"; c) sea levels are… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1470 words) Sources: 4

Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In order for mitigation efforts to be effective, some policy changes that would be needed to help stabilize the global climate include the increased use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar by all citizens and businesses to the maximum extent possible. For instance, policies requiring the use of solar-powered water heaters similar to those in place in… read more

Essay 3 pages (950 words) Sources: 4

Globe Is Warming Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] According to participants who also happen to be distinguished climate change experts with years of experience in the field, global temperatures are likely to decrease even further in the coming two or so decades (Ferrara, 2012). If this is indeed the case, claims of a warming globe could be somewhat inaccurate.

It should also be noted that changes in global… read more

Essay 2 pages (597 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Environmental Ethics Evaluation of Effort of Policy Essay Paper Icon

Environmental Ethics

Evaluation of effort of Policy Makers in Promoting Environmental Ethics

Moore and Nelson discuss in their book the moral affirmation concerning the ethical issues, and call the people to honor their moral responsibility concerning the environmental ethics. In the contemporary environment, people need to demonstrate their moral and intellectual responsibilities concerning the global ethical consensus. Essentially, global crisis… read more

Essay 2 pages (641 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Diamond Catalyst Shows Promise in Breaching Age-Old Assessment Paper Icon

Diamond Catalyst Shows Promise in Breaching Age-Old Barrier

Not all elements and minerals are desirable, especially in an era where global warming has become such an issue. Modern science has tried to work with combinations of chemical reactions to change these more unfavorable components into more useful elements. The article "Diamond Catalyst Shows Promise in Breaching Age-Old Barrier" on Science… read more

Assessment 6 pages (1908 words) Sources: 6

Global Warming Subject Environmental Ethics Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] He argues that this process is "a message from the planet and clear evidence that our global economic system is on collision course with Earth's biophysical limits" (Smith, 2009). Not only is the author adamant about inhabitants' perception of this planet as a sacred, glorious wonder created by God, but he proposes three practical directives for counteracting the harm inflicted… read more

Essay 3 pages (898 words) Sources: 2

Personal, Local, or National Issue Application Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The possibilities of states individually can hardly cover the actual needs in terms of financial costs and legal implications that the protection of the Amazonian forests taken as example require. In this sense, the United Nations Environment (UNEP) together with the Global Environment Fund have created the protected areas system that have enabled parts of the forests to be considered… read more

Application Essay 2 pages (709 words) Sources: 0

Hurricane Sandy Communication by FHA Natural Disasters Professional Writing Paper Icon

Hurricane Sandy Communication by FHA

Natural disasters are no strange phenomenon to the United States, and especially to the coastal areas. Indeed, hurricanes and earthquakes are a frequent phenomenon, with some occurring as often as once per year. Disaster aid organizations in conjunction with the government and housing agencies are therefore an important component of the life and sustenance Americans… read more

Professional Writing 3 pages (867 words) Sources: 3

Warming the Fatal Flower Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] An increase in global temperatures 15000 years ago led to flourishing of the first human civilizations.

Modern examples are provided as well. Droughts in the Middle East around 3000 BC led to a tightly organized Egyptian society based on preserving scarce water -- mathematics were invented, as were calendars and irrigation. A global drop in temperature in 450 AD caused… read more

Essay 2 pages (502 words) Sources: 1

Breaking Robert's Rules (Brr) Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] I would then provide expert opinions to help provide contrary evidence to each party's argument. Then, I would attempt to arrive a mutually beneficial solution that helps both parties involved.

Does the mediator have a responsibility to help the weaker parties for the sake of a better outcome overall? Should their support be purely procedural in manner, avoiding the substantive?… read more

Essay 5 pages (1532 words) Sources: 1+

Hurricanes and Global Warming Essay Paper Icon

Hurricanes and Global Warming

The 2005 season saw the largest number (27) of named storms (sustained winds over 17 m s -- 1) and the largest number (14) of hurricanes (sustained winds over 33 m s -- 1), and it was the only year with three category 5 storms (maximum sustained winds over 67 m s -- 1) (Anthes, et… read more

Essay 2 pages (681 words) Sources: 1

Climate Change Executive Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The first is that it must have caps, wherein the government sets emissions limits, penalties for violating those limits, and enforcement mechanisms to ensure that the penalties are imposed. The second is that the government would then need to set up a trading system for carbon credits, wherein polluters would be able to sell those credits to those who choose… read more

Essay 4 pages (1205 words) Sources: 2

Environmental Are Vital Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] There was also a differentiation in lack of commitment to the protocol by developing nations. This is because of the essence of being the outside party in the contribution towards the climate change. This is evident through rapid increase in the economic group in the context of nations such as India and China not listed as the industrialized nations in… read more

Research Paper 7 pages (2082 words) Sources: 7

Climate Change in Australia's Alpine Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This could also arise based on adjustments in the services of ecosystems in the area including great priority being placed on water harvesting in the area (Visconti, 2009).

MacCarthy (2010) argues that if snow cover is reduced and temperatures increased, the richness of species is likely to change in the Alpine regions of Australia. The richness of animal and plant… read more

Essay 4 pages (1260 words) Sources: 7 Style: Harvard

Disaster Event Hurricane Sandy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The response of the various arms of the government was uniform in nature. There was need to tackle the hurricane especially at a time when the nation was heading for an election. Disaster response from all levels of the government worked in haste to handle the disaster and save the citizens from further damages. This unity in response is supported… read more

Essay 3 pages (971 words) Sources: 3

Emergency Management: Hurricane Katrina Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] 146). Likewise, Sylves (2008) emphasizes that, "In the wake of the poor government response to the 2005 Hurricane Katrina disaster, many questions have been asked about why the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), along with a host of other federal, state, and local emergency management agencies, performed so ineffectively" (p. 68).

While it is frequently easier to identify what… read more

Case Study 11 pages (3299 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

Global Warming Is, Like Bacon Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This argument is untenable given clear information revealing the direct, immediate, and rather drastic impact of human industry including the prevalence of automobiles. There are clear causes of climate change that are directly attributable to human industry, which means that humans are contributing to climate change or at the very least could be exacerbating a natural warming cycle. Even if… read more

Essay 3 pages (997 words) Sources: 1+

Wabash Watershed and Global Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 5%. Increased disparity in different regions with respect to the amount of rainfall that is received is also a main issue in the problem caused by global warming and unsustainable use of water. The increase in precipitation is more in tropical regions that already have adequate water reserves in form of rivers, lakes, and sea. On the other hand, the… read more

Essay 7 pages (2323 words) Sources: 1+

Risks and Vulnerability Factors County Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] As such, this information is valuable to insurance companies in determining rates and the degree of risk involved in doing so. Additionally, it helps government officials in those counties know approximately how much funds and other resources they need to dedicate to counteracting any noxious effects of environmental disasters. Moreover, there is a comparative aspect of the Social Vulnerability Index,… read more

Research Paper 1 pages (389 words) Sources: 4

Aquifers and Mass Wasting Factors Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Climate is one of the factors that determines the rate or rather the degree of this process. For instance, areas experiencing a high amount of rainfall are likely to experience significant degrees of mass wasting. This is because the surface water falling on the earth surface saturates the earth surface to a significant depth. Under the influence of gravity and… read more

Essay 2 pages (654 words) Sources: 4

Merchants of Doubt Book Report Paper Icon

Merchants of Doubt is a book written and published in 2010 by an American historian called Naomi and a scientist Erik Conway. This book has identified the difference between the earlier issues of smoking tobacco and the debate on climate change. The authors of this book claim that those who opposed the consensus that was reached by scientist kept the… read more

Book Report 3 pages (954 words) Sources: 3

Disaster Management Lessons Learned Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] They did not sit first and develop a strategy on how to make these evacuations. The objectives of such a strategy are to identify the categories of individuals that must be evacuated first, on reducing the time required by these evacuations, and on reducing the level of resources they determined.

It seems that the authorities in this case were not… read more

Research Paper 9 pages (2610 words) Sources: 7

European Union's Emission Trading Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] What are two other options for achieving the stated purpose behind the EU ETS?

The Climate Marketplaces and Investment Association (CMIA) declares that it would want to view marketplace involvement by European Union policy makers to deal with the discrepancy within the auction time report. Particularly the CMIA want to experience a decrease in availability of 1.23 billion EUAs within… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1692 words) Sources: 4

Willingness and Motives of Customers to Offset CO2 Emissions of Consumed Products and Services Research Paper Paper Icon

CO2 Emissions

The willingness of customers to offset CO2 emissions

The importance of global warming has progressed to the point that there are very few people who would deny its significance and the fact that it must be counteracted. Over the last decade, there have been a number of attempts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and fight global warming, and… read more

Research Paper 10 pages (3440 words) Sources: 20

European Union's Emissions Trading System Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 1) Two alternatives stated include the following:

(1) Policies that provide allocations on the basis of average industry sector emissions rather than those of individual firms could be adopted in order to virtually eliminate the incentives for individual firms to over-pollute as a means of enhancing their entitlements; and (2) The use of reputation could also further encourage voluntary compliance,… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1639 words) Sources: 4

Gillis and Broder (2012) Outlines Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Attempts to set up systems that deliver economic disincentive to this destructive failure have never been seriously implemented.

There are significant warning signs already that people are going to need, collectively and globally, to take action. At this point, however, there is little actionable plan to stem the growth of the world's temperature. These effects could bring about cataclysmic changes,… read more

Essay 1 pages (402 words) Sources: 2

What Are the Effects of Global Warming on Arctic Animals? Research Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming

The Arctic homes some of the most distinctive animals These include migratory and resident birds, the world's major fisheries, polar bears, some species of seals among others. Culturally and biologically the arctic is a unique environment and hence the continued survival of these animals. In the arctic the whole ecosystem depends on the presence of sea-ice for their… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (766 words) Sources: 6

Cultural Adaptation Following Hurricane Sandy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Cultural Adaptation of Work Methods and Relaxation of Rigidity

It is reported in Time Business and Money that a lesson learned from Hurricane Sandy is one that was needed in today's work environment. Bacevice (2012) states "Resilience was on display in New York City this past week. Subways and commuter trains ground to halt, leaving people with few transportation options… read more

Essay 4 pages (1072 words) Sources: 3

Aar Sandy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is precisely what Krisberg (2006) points out, noting a "shortage of health care professionals and a "fragmented public health system" as being primary problems (p. 2-3).

I have the honor of knowing a cadre of emergency workers on Long Island. Their experiences with Hurricane Sandy has revealed to me in practice what we have learned through this course. For… read more

Essay 2 pages (697 words) Sources: 2

Wildfires in California Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The greenhouse gases that were released into the atmosphere were more than 277 million tons. According to scientists, "This is an average of 68 tons per acre" (Bonnicksen 2009). Additionally, wildfires put a large amount of dangerous levels of smoke in the area and the longer the fires burn, the worse the air quality becomes. Inhaling large quantities of smoke… read more

Essay 5 pages (1648 words) Sources: 4

Amazon Rainforest in Brazil Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] It is estimated that countless species are subject to extinction because of their loss of habitat due to deforestation. However, despite the depletion of the biodiversity found in the rainforest, climate change may pose the most salient danger to the entire human species.

In recent years, the debate over how best to preserve the Amazon has intensified, with many outside… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1139 words) Sources: 10

Sinkholes Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] But there are more extensive problems related to thawing permafrost. Thawing permafrost can also result in irregular land, leading to leaning buildings and unsafe foundations for the buildings. Trees may fall over when the permafrost thaws, causing damage and even casualties. Beneath the surface, any pipes can easily be damaged due to the permafrost thawing. Infrastructure damage can be astounding,… read more

Essay 4 pages (1406 words) Sources: 4

Action Report (Aar) the Importance Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The third most important learning outcome of this course was an emerging understanding of that the aftereffects of a major disaster may not show up until many years later, thereby delaying diagnosis and complicating the development of proactive treatment immediately following trauma. Athan, et al. (2005) studied melioidosis in tsunami survivors who had near drowning experiences in which they aspirated… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (899 words) Sources: 3

Global Warming Ample Scientific Evidence Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The research focuses on the potential for conversion of biofuel using the same sort of biology ("NASA," 2012). On a larger scale, NASA is looking at the energy that is produced by wind-driven mechanisms that are not attached to the conventional blades and cement columns of wind turbines ("NASA," 2012). The most familiar mechanism used to help explain this phenomenon… read more

Essay 2 pages (657 words) Sources: 2

Psychological Impact of Katrina Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The survivors can also develop dissociative symptoms such as de-realization, depersonalization, and even dissociative amnesia. They can get depressed and have difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep and even lack concentration. They can have an impaired functioning for instance impairment in their social, occupation or even problems in sleep. This for instance in the case of the Lusitania disaster, the… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2352 words) Sources: 5

Polar Bear Habitat Powerful Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The energy required to live and to hunt is supplied by a diet that consists mainly of seals. Seals are the bear's favorite foods because of the high fat content in seals. A diet with such high caloric requirements cannot be adequately supplied by eating land animals because of their lower fat content. When seals are unavailable bears have been… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1481 words) Sources: 5

Local Team Response Communication Hitches Essay Paper Icon

Local Team Response

Communication hitches in the Oklahoma City bombing

At 9:02 A.M., Wednesday, April 19, 1995 Oklahoma city became a victim of terrorist attack. This took place at the Alfred P. Murrah building which housed several government agencies as well as a good number of visitors (the Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management, 1995).

There were several issues that… read more

Essay 3 pages (1340 words) Sources: 9

Manmade Disasters Seen Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] As well, seven of the sixteen acute care hospitals in the metropolitan New Orleans area have permanently closed due to damage. Every one of the fifty Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT) in the United States was activated, three mobile military hospitals and several ship-borne hospitals, totaling 789 beds, were also deployed. Innumerable nursing homes were damaged or destroyed. Approximately 1.2… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (510 words) Sources: 2

Global Warming Research Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming

Over the past few decades, scientific research has documented a gradual increase in the global temperatures attributable to increased release of heat trapping natural gases. From the ensuing debates, global warming is an increase in temperatures of the globe Gifford R., 2007.

This has occurred in the past years owing to increased human and natural activities. A consensus… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (870 words) Sources: 3

Global Warming Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Seawater will move further into rivers and contaminate fresh water further upstream. Aquifers will become polluted. All these effects will affect human survival, as both food and water sources will diminish as a result. As this occurs, wars and conflict may become much more prevalent as people fight for their survival.

If there were to be an ice age, the… read more

Essay 2 pages (688 words) Sources: 2

Global Warming Reduction Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Turning off lights when rooms are not in use also reduces the electricity consumed. Opening curtains to let sunlight into the house during daytime hours helps as well. Drying clothes outside on the clothes line reduces electricity from running a clothes dryer and additional electricity used to cool.

Regular maintenance on vehicles and other forms of transportation also reduce greenhouse… read more

Essay 2 pages (595 words) Sources: 1

Forests Conservation Forest Conservation Global Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Also, a noticeable decrease in rainfall would be observed due to deforestation as rain falls occur due to transpiration breathing of plants. If forests are deprived of evaporative cooling, the process of transpiration would not take place properly as the land would get dried and as a result the global warming will definitely increase (Global Warming 2001).

There can be… read more

Essay 2 pages (680 words) Sources: 1+

Environment From a Christian Perspective Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Laurel Kearns writes in the peer-reviewed Sociology of Religion that it was against the "anti-environmentalism of the Reagan administration" that Christians -- who, ironically were courted by Reagan -- began to become focused on the environment. Kearns asserts that some churches are interested in becoming "creation awareness centers" rather than "barren edifices surrounded by parking lots" (Kearns, 1996, p. 3).… read more

Essay 4 pages (1243 words) Sources: 5

Global Warming Occurs Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In addition to this, the south and the north poles are also causing global warming. It effects in such regions where permafrost contains great quantity of carbon that have iced up over time.

Disorder in these areas results in melting the permafrost and due to this, the pollutants are emitted in the environment (Archer, 2011).

Changes in the output of… read more

Essay 3 pages (941 words) Sources: 3

Safety Hurricane Katrina Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Measures put in place by NDMS to counter disasters; they include strong medical leadership. Medical disaster teams should be run by medical experts qualified for disaster management. There has been a stable medical funding, in addition to the budget estimates.


Hazard efforts need to be improved by; carrying out modernized flood mapping country wide, and more accurate to mitigate… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1334 words) Sources: 4

Planning Efforts to Reduce Future Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A disaster like Katrina had a big impact on the consumer behavior and also the supply chain. This shows that the markets were largely affected, and with awareness, this would be curbed. The government will be prepared to meet the losses that come with hurricanes like Katrina with the awareness programs. New Orleans had been built on a marsh. This… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1397 words) Sources: 4

Misuse of Funds Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In the New Orleans region, for instance, residents reported frenziedly attempting to call the Red Cross outlets and receiving no response. Another small, predominately Native American community of Dulac reported that they only received supplies form the Red Cross a month after Hurricane Rita had overwhelmed them.

In the meantime, other accusations involved unnecessary spending of the Red Cross on… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Human Ecology - Climate Change Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] The two important references mentioned by the author have covered the changes and impacts seen by the societies after the climate change since many years. The main aim of the author is thereby to highlight the importance of the book. The effects seen in the cultures of the societies are an important fact that makes the book more important. The… read more

Article Review 3 pages (1030 words) Sources: 1+

Global Warming Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another human activity is deforestation by which the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increased. When animal waste is left unprocessed, it releases methane gas. Human beings also contribute in increasing cattle production by livestock breeding and this as a result not only causes deforestation but also produces methane gas. Last but not the least, the use of fossil… read more

Essay 9 pages (2371 words) Sources: 4

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