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Undulatus Asperatus Clouds Essay Paper Icon


In 2009, the first new cloud formation since 1951 was proposed for addition to the International Cloud Atlas of the World Meteorological Organization ("Altocumulus Undulatus Asperatus"). Only eighty cloud formations have earned their distinctive marks in the International Cloud Atlas (Olson). Named after the Latin for "turbulent undulation," or rough waves, the altocumulus undulatus asperatus would therefore be the… read more

Essay 3 pages (1036 words) Sources: 3

Prisoner's Dilemma and the Fight Against Global Warming Capstone Project Paper Icon

Prisoner's Dilemma And The Fight Against Global Warming

Global warming reached alarming levels and governments from all over the world need to gather in a united front to fight the process. Sooner or later, all countries will be obliged to enter this fight, leaving all divergences and interests aside, as global warming affects everyone more or less. While some might… read more

Capstone Project 25 pages (7692 words) Sources: 15

Evacuation Plan for Hurricane Andrew in Miami Essay Paper Icon

Project management/Evacuation

Natural disasters can be devastating to people and property. Hurricanes can be particularly devastating and regions affected by hurricanes may take many years to recover. The threat posed by hurricanes must be taken seriously. One of the primary issues surrounding hurricanes is the ability to properly evacuate a region prior to the hurricane occurring. The purpose of this… read more

Essay 15 pages (4595 words) Sources: 5

Global Climate Change the Increase of CO2 Essay Paper Icon

Global Climate Change

The increase of CO2 emissions are expected to continue until 2150 when a decrease is expected to occur. The consequences are also expected to be dramatic. The continued melting of polar ice caps and glaciers will cause the sea levels to rise. This will result in greater flooding in areas already prone to flood and coastal cities… read more

Essay 3 pages (991 words) Sources: 1

Recovery of Stratospheric Ozone Term Paper Paper Icon


The Recovery of Stratospheric Ozone and the (Possible) Effects of Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change: A Review of Current Literature

Waugh et al. (2009) investigated the effects that climate change has on he recovery period and rate of stratospheric ozone. This team of researchers set out to modify an existing model, the Goddard Earth Observing System Chemistry-Climate Model, in… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1790 words) Sources: 6

Hydrological Hazard or Water Resource Issue Essay Paper Icon

Hydrological Hazard or Water Resource Issue

Extreme weather phenomena frequently take place in various places from around the world, and while some of them are forecasted, others take people by surprise, taking a high toll on their lives. The severe rainfalls from the island of Madeira, Portugal, have killed tens of people through the flooding and the landslides that followed… read more

Essay 2 pages (647 words) Sources: 1

Impacts of a Warming Arctic Research Paper Paper Icon

warming Arctic

Global warming has reached alarming levels and the effects of the event are felt throughout the world. The Arctic region is one of the territories that have experienced the full hit of global warming and because of the importance that the area has to the rest of the planet, the effects of a warming Arctic are manifested through… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2577 words) Sources: 1

Plow Bib Annotated Bibliography Allen, Robert; Seaman Annotated Bibliography Paper Icon

Plow Bib

Annotated Bibliography

Allen, Robert; Seaman, Scott and DeLascio, John. "Emerging Issues: Global Warming Claims and Coverage Issues." Defense Counsel Journal Volume 76, No. 1 (2009), pp. 12-9.

This article details the media and public attention to and coverage of the global warming issue, framing the question as much in political terms as in scientific concepts. The implications and… read more

Annotated Bibliography 2 pages (598 words) Sources: 0

Earth Science and Society Essay Paper Icon

Earth Science and Society

The Wabash Watershed -- For this analysis, we will be focusing on a specific geographic area, the Wabash Watershed. Chronologically, we will use 1961-1990 as our basal reference, including raw, 5-year average, and 10-year average data. The data sets include temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration, moisture surplus, moisture deficit, and surface runoff. Our primary research questions surround what… read more

Essay 8 pages (3272 words) Sources: 4

Earth Science and Society Water Budget Thesis Paper Icon

Earth Science and Society

Water Budget

The water budget of a particular area can differ greatly depending on a number of factors. Climate, geographical location, altitude, and soil density can all have major impacts on the water budgets of specific areas. Precipitation is the primary source of acquiring water; "Precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail, etc. makes up… read more

Thesis 4 pages (1068 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Lived Effects of Historic Climate Essay Paper Icon

Lived Effects of Historic Climate on the Wealth of Nations


The authors are attempting through their research to make a direct connection between the wealth and prosperity of nations when compared with the effects of long-term climate change, specifically temperature. They propose to conduct their study over three centuries time, the 18th,… read more

Essay 5 pages (1851 words) Sources: 6

Environmental Ethics Global Warming Thesis Paper Icon

Warming Ethics

Global Warming and Social Philosophy: Practical and Ethical Issues in the Face of Climate Change

The issue of global warming is one of the most prominent political and social issues of our time. Hardly a day passes without some mention of global warming, climate change, and the possible human causes behind it by a major news organization; it… read more

Thesis 8 pages (2352 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Global Warming the Earth's Atmosphere Is Heating Thesis Paper Icon

Global Warming

The earth's atmosphere is heating up because of the rise in the amount of man-made greenhouse gases that are being released into the atmosphere. Some call it global warming, others call it "climate change," and still others believe that the scientists who research the warming of the planet are somehow putting forth a hoax. For the purposes of… read more

Thesis 2 pages (679 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Global Warming. The Reality Thesis Paper Icon

global warming. The reality of global warming has raised alarm bells as well as intensive debate in many sectors of contemporary society. The implications of global warming and climate change are widespread and complex and affect every sector of modern society -- including the social, economic and political dimensions.

The situation becomes even more problematic when we consider that we… read more

Thesis 10 pages (3440 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Call of Remembrance Hurricane Katrina Hits Never Forgotten New Orleans Thesis Paper Icon

Remembrance: Hurricane Katrina Hits Never Forgotten New Orleans

Hurricane Katrina struck the New Orleans area early on August 29, 2005. The storm surge breached the city's levees at multiple points, leaving 80% of the city submerged, tens of thousands of victims clinging to rooftops, and hundreds of thousands scattered to shelters around the country (Heerden "The Storm," 2006). The physical… read more

Thesis 5 pages (1916 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

Global Air Circulation Patterns Thesis Paper Icon

Global Air Circulation Patterns

We know so little about the place that has been our home for thousands of years. There are so many unseen functions of the planet Earth that have such strong influences on all aspects of the creatures which walk upon it. The forces of the air and atmosphere are some of the most influential on global… read more

Thesis 4 pages (1136 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Flooding in the Kickapoo River Drainage Basin and Southwestern Wisconsin Thesis Paper Icon

Southwestern Wisconsin: Flooding Due to Natural and Human-Created Vulnerabilities

The areas of Southwestern Wisconsin located near the Kickapoo River saw record flood totals in June of 2008. The immediate cause of the flood was a series of storms in which seven southern counties received more than a foot of rainfall during the first half of the month. Precipitation records were… read more

Thesis 4 pages (1407 words) Sources: 1+

Global Warming Evidence for Global Climate Change Thesis Paper Icon

Global Warming

Evidence for Global Climate Change

In our lifetime, we have experienced a period of relative stability in the earth's climate. At least it is stable when compared to the past. The earth's climate has been in a constant state of flux long before the dawn of life. The earth has experienced periods of relative warm and periods where… read more

Thesis 8 pages (2816 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

Politicization of Science, Causes and Consequences Essay Paper Icon

Politicization of Science, Causes and Consequences

In today's world, going green is more of a trend than a scientific recommendation. Wearing clothes made from recycled products or sticking Greenpeace stickers all over a suitcase or car is considered fashionable and trendy. To believe that global warming is not a result of humans' actions is considered ignorant and backwards, while thinking… read more

Essay 3 pages (1079 words) Sources: 8

Politics of Science - Global Warming Essay Paper Icon

Politics of Science - Global Warming

Perhaps the most confusing aspect of global warming is the simple word, "warming." Quite often, on an anecdotal level, people will complain about the dangers of global warming during freakishly warm winters or prohibitively hot summers, and forget about the phenomenon when it snows. Deniers of global warming use the more benign sounding phrase… read more

Essay 2 pages (826 words) Sources: 3

Ozone Layer Research Proposal Paper Icon

Ozone Layer

Factors, Impacts

The ozone layer is a spread of blue-colored gas through the stratosphere, which filters out ultraviolet radiation from the sun (Lean 2005). No life on earth is possible without it.

But chemicals, like chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs, and other pollutants, have weakened the protective layer and created a hole. The hole, first recognized in 1987, is as… read more

Research Proposal 10 pages (3115 words) Sources: 8

Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Thesis Paper Icon

greenhouse effect and global warming, and the scientific concepts behind these issues affecting the world today. The greenhouse effect and global warming are two of the most important scientific issues facing the planet today, and for the future generations, they will be one of the biggest issues to be addressed and managed.

The greenhouse effect, contrary to popular belief, is… read more

Thesis 4 pages (1398 words) Sources: 4

Impact Hurricane Andrew Made on Florida Research Proposal Paper Icon

Hurricane Andrew

The Impact Hurricane Andrew Made on Florida

Hurricane Andrew' was a ferocious tropical storm that hit the northwestern Bahamas, the southern Florida peninsula, and south-central Louisiana in the early hours of August 24, 1992 causing unprecedented devastation along its path; it struck the southern Dade county, Florida especially hard leaving 15 dead and up to a quarter of… read more

Research Proposal 4 pages (1344 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

Transportation and Global Warming: A Contributor Essay Paper Icon

Transportation and Global Warming:

A Contributor to Controversy

In today's political and scientific realms no issue has been so publicized as global warming. From the dramatic the Day After Tomorrow to Al Gore's informational an Inconvenient Truth, even Hollywood has offered its opinion on the environmental issue that threatens to significantly impact the earth's atmosphere, and therefore the lives of… read more

Essay 1 pages (364 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

Global Warming - Fact or Fiction? Thesis Paper Icon

Global warming - Fact or Fiction?

Alongside with globalization, global warming has been the most popular concept discussed in news broadcasts, specialized and unspecialized articles as well as special international conferences. There are those who strongly believe that global warming has negatively impacted the earth and if the human actions continue as they are now, the planet will be lost… read more

Thesis 5 pages (1457 words) Sources: 3

Global Warming Is Inherently a Natural Process Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming is inherently a natural process caused by the trapping of gases in the Earth's atmosphere: a process known as the greenhouse effect. However, global warming has been hastened by factory and automobile emissions and other factors related to human activity since the Industrial Revolution. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "there is no scientific debate on… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (412 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

Global Warming: An Inconvenient but Necessary Remedy Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming: An Inconvenient but Necessary Remedy

When I saw "An Inconvenient Truth," the documentary produced by Al Gore about the effects of global warming, I felt motivated to learn more about the subject. Before, I had been a bit smug. After all, I recycled. I did not drive a Hummer. I did not litter or buy things with a… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1112 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Problems Caused by Climate Change in the 14th Century Term Paper Paper Icon

Climate Change

Problems Caused by Climate Change in the 14th Century

During the 10th through the 14th Century, a warm climate predominated in Earth's weather. Called the Medieval Climate Optimum, it affected politics, religion, labor, finances, science and population changes among humans on the earth, by creating conditions ripe for the spread of disease, which in turn created human problems.… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (417 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Environmental Changes the Physical Term Paper Paper Icon

Environmental Changes

The Physical Environmental Change

What is global warming? How does it affect the weather, what are the contributing factors? Global warming is the gradual process increase in earth temperature; the warming is attributed to the increase of greenhouse gases in the Earth's upper atmosphere like carbon dioxide and methane emissions caused by human activities like farming, industrial and… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1019 words) Sources: 3

Reasonable Solution to the Problem. Global Warming Term Paper Paper Icon

reasonable solution to the problem. Global warming is the gradual warming of the earth's climate, leading to changes in a wide variety of the earth's ecosystems. To solve global warming, we must reduce our dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels such as oil and coal.

Global warming (often referred to as climate change) is one of the most serious environmental problems… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1685 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Hurricane Forecasting Term Paper Paper Icon

scientists predict the number of hurricanes expected during a season and how they predict the development and motion of a single hurricane. Hurricane forecasting is a difficult process, but it has developed into a science that is usually capable of judging the velocity and trajectory of a hurricane in order to help save lives and property. The National Weather Service… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1617 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

Global Warming Is a Lie Abstract Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming is a Lie

Abstract: Global warming is a falsehood, a lie, a fabrication, and
people like Al Gore should be held responsible for the fraud being
perpetrated on the public. Indeed, the public is being misled about the
dangers of global warming, according to numerous writers in this paper.
These essays and reports quote from numerous sources that… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2812 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

Global Warming Seems Clear Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] How can the developed world in good conscience tell them to slow their efforts at globally unsustainable, polluting growth?

Technology and Natural Resources 1

Technology has given us mass production, making everything possible from inexpensive clothing to affordable cars. It has given us electricity and a 24/7 society. It has also 'given' us polluting cars, toxins in the products we… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (346 words) Sources: 0

Global Warming Is an Issue Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming is an issue that is at the center of extensive and intense debate and research; some research is more reliable than other. This brief study attempts to examine how research is used to drive reaction and support for or against global warming theories and, thusly, recommended actions, such as the Kyoto Protocol, a controversial work of thought that… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (906 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Analyzing 2 Viewpoints Term Paper Paper Icon

Science and Skepticism: Climate Change Modeling

It has become apparent, since the release of the IPCC report on climate change, that there is a growing consensus in the scientific community that the effects of global warming are real and that there is a significantly high degree of certainty that those effects can be traced back to anthropogenic causes. Yet despite… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1884 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

World Geography Term Paper Paper Icon


Explain the core concepts of geography

Perhaps the most fundamental concept of geography is that the nature of the earth, and the way that it has evolved in terms of its climate, structure, and terrain, has had a fundamental impact on human and animal agriculture, living conditions, the use of available land for living quarters, and the clothes and… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (688 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Global Warming Can the First Wedge Issue Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming can the first wedge issue of the 21st century.

Jim Manzi, National Review

This is a real wake-up call for people who mistakenly think global warming is only going to be a problem way off in the future or... has no impact on their lives in any meaningful way. The problem is here today..."

Christine Rogers

Exposure, Epidemiology… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2086 words) Sources: 7 Style: MLA

Risks of Climate Change Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Increases in bushfire frequency and intensity have the potential to increase rates of damage to buildings and structures, especially those in non-urban areas.

Drier conditions may lead to increased ground movement and changes in groundwater. Higher temperatures and more solar radiation could amplify degradation of materials.


Key impacts stated for case studies… read more

Research Paper 25 pages (6494 words) Sources: 12 Style: APA

Health Concept Analysis Health From a Nurse Term Paper Paper Icon



Health" From a Nurse Practitioner's Perspective


The word "health" is, among other things, a concept that relates in most cases to the survival and physical condition of a living entity, in this case, the human body. This analysis will embrace and encompass the varied and diverse approaches to understanding and defining "health" as a concept. Health… read more

Term Paper 15 pages (5047 words) Sources: 1+

Monsoons by Understanding the Basics Behind Term Paper Paper Icon


By understanding the basics behind monsoon climate and its weather patterns, it is possible to comprehend the global climate pattern of monsoons and its effects (Vernekar, p. 248).

Research, Hypothesis, Objectives

This research will attempt to provide information on the monsoon climate, its causes, the effects on other regional weather patterns, and effects on global production; additionally, the prediction… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Global Warming: All Hyped Up With Nowhere Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming: All Hyped Up With Nowhere to Go

Flow of Information

What is global warming?

Those who believe it

Those who don't believe it

Global warming discussions have been circulating for the past few decades with increasing frequency. Forty years ago it was a hypothesis that was thrown into the ring for discussion and examined as a "what if"… read more

Term Paper 20 pages (5455 words) Sources: 10

Global Warming the Reality Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming

The reality of global warming can no longer be denied. Some of the harsh consequences of global warming on water, food production, health, and the environment are already apparent as our earth warms because of greenhouse gases. The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce emissions of these… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1977 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Global Warming in Canada Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming in Canada -- an environmental, economic, and cultural meltdown

Even in Canada, one of the most legendarily frosty countries on the earth, the effects of global warming are manifest. In fact, perhaps because of the large, icy nation's previously typical climate, the rate of global warming is more evident, to layperson's eyes as well as to scientist's documentation.… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (743 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Ecological Environmental Impact Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming and Its Effects on the Ecosystem

Studies have shown that human activities like burning of fossil fuels and deforestation have a great impact on our planet, causing emissions of greenhouse gases and determining changes in the climate system: heat waves, increases in rainfall, increase in intensity of many extreme climate events, ice melting at Earth's poles. These phenomenons… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (3267 words) Sources: 9 Style: APA

Global Warming and Crop Production Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming and Crop Production

As global warming makes temperatures rise witnessed will be a decrease in crop production.

It is reported in a Science Daily report entitled: "Will Global Warming Improve Crop Production?" that scientists from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada have predicted, "crops will be at a greater risk of winter damage in the future even though the climate… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (633 words) Sources: 1+

Journalistic Dialogue. The Event Used to Complete Term Paper Paper Icon

journalistic dialogue. The event used to complete this paper is a tornado that ripped through Gallatin, TN and made national news for its damage and devastation including the deaths of 12 residents. There were two sources used to complete this paper. It is written as if the author of this paper witnessed the event first hand.


Term Paper 4 pages (1138 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

Homeland Security the 21st Century Term Paper Paper Icon

Homeland Security

The 21st century has been a challenging time for the American society so far. The 9/11 events have proven that there are no more conventional threats and pointed out the vulnerabilities inside the U.S. security system. The terrorist phenomenon makes the daily headlines through violent and indiscriminate attacks, a constant presence which determines the convergence of all forces… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2503 words) Sources: 7

Satellite Imagery Has Recorded Rainfall Term Paper Paper Icon

Satellite Imagery Has Recorded Rainfall in the Amazon

For studying the Earth's atmosphere, satellites have become indispensable even though it has only been 30 years since the first meteorological satellites were launched. Meteorological satellites view the Earth together with their land- and ocean-sensing cousins, on a global perspective which is unmatched and unmatchable by any other observational system. Observing capabilities… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1794 words) Sources: 8 Style: MLA

Global Warming Represents the Single Major Environmental Term Paper Paper Icon

Global warming represents the single major environmental problem of the 21st century. The industrial revolution is not without its price. Man's quest for development has contributed to environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources. The natural equilibrium of earth is altered by man-made conditions. Global warming, or the heating up of the earth's surface is the by-product of the industrial… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1261 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

Tornadoes From the Viewpoint of an Emergency Term Paper Paper Icon

tornadoes from the viewpoint of an Emergency management director. The writer explores the forces of a tornado, the type of damage that they do and the steps that can be taken to warn communities of their possible arrival.

Out of all the natural disasters that can occur, tornadoes are often considered the most damaging and the most dangerous. While earthquakes… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1395 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Mississippi River Flood of 1993 Term Paper Paper Icon

Mississippi River Flood of 1993

The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1993, also known as the Great Flood of 1993, is considered unparalleled in magnitude, extent and impact and possibly the costliest and most devastating to impact the U.S. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1996). Before it subsided in October that year, it had inundated 20 million acres in nine… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2247 words) Sources: 8 Style: MLA

Global Warming Carbon Emissions Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming-Carbon Emissions

Environmental Science

Global Warming - Carbon Emissions

For over two decades, the scientific community has been sounding the alarm of a man-made, global warming of our Earth's lower troposphere. This warming has been accelerating at an unprecedented rate and its effects have been accumulating at a level that can be seen in the recent weather changes and… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (2003 words) Sources: 1+

Formation of a Tornado Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In this way a very strong spiraling tendency is created, due to shooting momentum. This finally makes a vortex. In a tornado, the same sort of thing happens, except with air instead of water.


Tornadoes are most often generated by giant size thunderstorms. Typically a thunderstorm cloud can accumulate a huge amount of energy. Under certain… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1235 words) Sources: 1+

Fed State and Local Response to Katrina Term Paper Paper Icon

Federal, State, and Local Response to Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina was one of the most significant and expensive natural disasters that has ever taken place in the United States. Despite the fact that it was something that the residents of Mississippi and Louisiana knew was coming, many of them did not evacuate, either because they could not realistically do so,… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1410 words) Sources: 0

What Went Wrong in New Orleans as it Relates to Hurricane Kathleen Term Paper Paper Icon

New Orleans' Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina touched land near New Orleans, Louisiana on August 29, 2005 and its storm surge ripped the levees built to protect New Orleans from Lake Pontchartrain, which bounds it in the North (Wikipedia 2005). With hundreds dead and damage along the coastal regions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama costing more than $200 billion, Katrina is… read more

Term Paper 15 pages (4582 words) Sources: 1+

Nature/Man Relationship Hurricane Katrina Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] With industrial development and technological innovation, human beings have been able to control the growth of crops and harness the power of wind and water for the conduction of electricity. Wilde's quote suggests that nature is meaningless in the absence of the human intellect and prowess.

We in the modern, digital age view the world largely through the lenses of… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (347 words) Sources: 1

Temperature in My Hometown Business Research Problem Term Paper Paper Icon

Temperature in my Hometown

Business Research Problem

How do unexpected changes in local temperature affect the local economy, such as consumer buying patterns? For example, due to the increased costs of electricity in the summer because of the greater need for air conditioning in consumer's homes, as well as retail establishments, and the cost of heating homes and businesses during… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1136 words) Sources: 1+

Pacific Islands Term Paper Paper Icon

Pacific Islands

Of the 25,000 plus islands that grace the Pacific Ocean, only a relatively few are inhabited by human beings. A large number of the Pacific Islands are tiny, with few if any natural resources. The Pacific Islands, which are often collectively referred to as Oceania, consist of two basic island types: high and low. The high islands are… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (702 words) Sources: 1+

Environmental Problems and Deforestation Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] .. trigger decreases in agricultural productivity and diminish food security." (ibid) The loss of the world's trees and forests are a primary contributing factor in these predictions.

The central causes of deforestation are economic policies that do not take environmental factors into account. "Deforestation is the inevitable result of the current social and economic policies being carried out in the… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (761 words) Sources: 1+

Fate of the Earth Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Moreover, the wildfires that hit Europe, Canada, California and Australia in 2003 were the result of many factors, such as land management, ignition sources and extreme local weather (Wallstrom pp). However, prevailing warm and dry conditions, most likely linked to climate change, amplified fire intensity and extent (Wallstrom pp).

Due to poor access to fresh water, more than two billion… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1414 words) Sources: 1+

Climate Change Projections Expected Impact Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .]

Mitigation Strategies Explored

The work entitled "Food, Agriculture, and Climate Change: The U.S. And International Outlook (USGCRP, 1997) ask the question in relation to addresses the "projected climate changes" and how they "affect agriculture, food resources and the availability of food in the U.S., and the availability of food in the U.S., and globally, over the next 25, 50,… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1393 words) Sources: 1+

Hurricanes Floyd and Grace Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 10,000 people were driven into temporary shelters, and a new 24-hour rainfall record was recorded in Wilmington. Deaths also occurred in South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont (National Weather Service). Hydrologists marked Floyd as a 500-year flood event, meaning that a similar flood would only occur once every 500 years… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1102 words) Sources: 1+

Atmospheric Phenomenon Term Paper Paper Icon

tornadoes, including the basic background associated with tornadoes, and the specific example of the May 30, 1998 tornado that hit the tiny town of Spencer, North Dakota. Tornadoes differ from hurricanes because tornadoes form over land, while hurricanes form over water. Tornadoes differ from cyclones because they travel over a much smaller area than a cyclone. While tornadoes may tend… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1967 words) Sources: 1+

Global Warming Many Environmental Experts Term Paper Paper Icon

Global Warming

Many environmental experts as well as scientists and medical experts are becoming increasingly concerned about the effects of global warming over the past few decades. This sense of alarm is fueled by the fact that many hypothetical theories and predictions previously made about the probable effects of extreme weather and climatic changes and believed to be an indication… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2888 words) Sources: 1+

Global Warming Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The losses that the U.S. get from these are mainly found to have derived from peoples' unproductivity due to health and environment problems caused by global warming. Such affects the continuous movement of business and industries that are the major sources of one nation's economy.

Taxes in the U.S. states are also affected by global warming. When prices of gasoline… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (614 words) Sources: 1+

Climate Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .]

10. A sub-tropical cyclone is a low pressure system that combines features from tropical and mid-latitude cyclones, and which can evolve into tropical cyclones, or hurricanes (from

11. Tropical cyclone winds rotate counter-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern hemisphere because of the patterns of wind flow affected by the Coriolis force.

12. Tropical cyclones… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (324 words) Sources: 0

Temperature and Answer Questions Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The other is surface properties-surfaces with high albedo absorb less incident radiation, meaning land absorbs less insulation than water because of its lighter color ("

Isotherms are "lines drawn on a map of a particular region of the earth's surface connecting points of equal temperature; each point reflects one temperature reading or an average of several readings over a period… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (444 words) Sources: 1+

Climate Change Before the Industrial Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Such high levels of methane would not be released naturally. The same is true for other greenhouse gases like nitrous oxide. However, by far the most notorious greenhouse gas that might be causing the earth to become consistently warmer over time is carbon dioxide, which is released into the atmosphere by factories as well as automobiles. The combination of these… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (315 words) Sources: 0

Global Climate Change Term Paper Paper Icon

Global climate change is one of the most important environmental challenges facing the world today. The steady yearly average temperature increases measured by scientists worldwide serve to destroy ozone which in turn pokes significant holes in the earth's ozone layer. Although most of the evidence points to only negative effects of this climate change, some effects are positive too. Regardless,… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1316 words) Sources: 1+

Hurricane Andrew Term Paper Paper Icon

Hurricane Andrew

In May of this year, Florida's Biscayne National Park dedicated a plaque to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew. The plaque's opening line reads, "On Monday, August 24,1992, at 4:30 A.M., the eye wall of Hurricane Andrew passed over this point before striking Homestead and southern Miami-Dade County." (Biscayne National Park Plaque Commemorates 10th Anniversary of Hurricane… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1998 words) Sources: 1+

Public Management and Administration Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] (Kulzick, 2000)

Additionally, when engaged in a synthesis of these diverse needs, one must be careful not to create political infighting between for instance the scientists and the 'policy wonks' in the organization, or even those scientists who might have a bias towards one area of interest in contrast to another. For instance, a chemical environmentalist might consider an area… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1688 words) Sources: 1+

Climate and Economy in Two Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "

In 1998, El Nino had a profound effect on the tropical rainforest in South America. During this time, "a high-pressure dome dominated weather patterns over the region, causing high temperatures and extensive drought. Tropical forests received less than 10% of normal rainfall amounts, and the typically humid forest fuels became tinder-dry (Cochrane, 2001)." This produced a number of fires,… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (825 words) Sources: 1+

Hurricane Preparedness XYZ Hamburger Havens Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] You will also receive a prepaid cell phone. Give this phone number to all employees.

When a hurricane advisory is issued, take out your Hurricane Preparations notebook and review its contents with all assistant managers. Make up an assignment sheet of tasks for each shift.

If the advisory is upgraded to a hurricane warning, preparing the building for a hurricane… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (656 words) Sources: 0

Alberta Province of Canada Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] There are already high-efficiency automobiles, which only require incentives for manufacturers. There are is a vast area of 100 by 100 miles in New Mexico, covered with solar panels, for all the energy needs of the U.S.A. Only a very few new and clean energy plants should be built to meet the 6% Kyoto target.

Among the countries that have… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2362 words) Sources: 1+

Tornadoes What Causes a Tornado? Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] NWS tells people to watch the sky for color changes after a warning is issued. If they feel that it's getting dark (or greenish), this indicates that tornado is about to hit the area. People are advised to go to basements, lowest possible floors, near hallways and far from things that can fly off due to strong winds. Other warnings… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2242 words) Sources: 1+

1900 Storm of Galveston Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] However with the publication of Erik Lawson's book "Isaac's Storm: A Man, A time, and the deadliest Hurricane in History" new light has been shed on the events surrounding that day. Isaac failed to notify the people of his city about the storm. He lost his pregnant wife due to the storm and was estranged with his brother because of… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1474 words) Sources: 1+

Global Warming: Is it Really Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This argument contends that the temperature is not really rising, only the surface temperature. This argument is enhanced by the fact that satellite temperature readings do not show the same temperature increase trends as ground measurements. It is argued that, "The disparity between surface and upper air trends in no way invalidates the conclusion that surface temperature has been rising"… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2126 words) Sources: 1+

First Peoples of the Americas Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, there is one important piece of evidence that have been found in numerous parts of America that supports the theory that PaleoIndians had inhabited America during the Ice Age.

The Clovis point is the most important piece of tool that was first found in Siberia, and several pieces of the same kind of tool was found in U.S. states… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1111 words) Sources: 1+

Functionality Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] There are five main web site sections, each indicated by a pentagonal button on the top of each page. Deselected buttons are textured using two tones of grey, one for the button label, one for its background. The deselected buttons also display a tiny image resembling interlaced hockey sticks. The color of this tiny image foreshadows the color scheme of… read more

Essay 3 pages (1264 words) Sources: 0

Affect of Climate Change on Food Security in Nigeria Research Paper Paper Icon





1. Man and the environment has co-existed for years since time immemorial. This is because man and the environment are inseparably linked in all aspects of human life, well-being… read more

Research Paper 25 pages (7581 words) Sources: 0

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