Oceanography / Marine Organisms Essays

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How to Create a Blue Print for Guest Management in a Hotel Chapter Paper Icon

This page provides examples of procedures that prevent or block mistakes in the services that hotels offer.

Hotel error-proofing: Most modern hotels have moved away from heavy tube-type televisions, replacing those sets with LCDs, which are lighter and easier to move. It turns out that some guests pull the LCDs forward, or move them off the cabinet for more convenient… read more

Chapter 2 pages (641 words) Sources: 2

Analyzing the Workforce Challenges Case Study Paper Icon

Though there are differences in the projections, there was a particular thing which everybody agreed on; the deficiency in workforce was going to develop into a serious concern. Shortages were also realized in dental and public health providers and also in mental health. A few of the reasons behind this shortage include aging of population and increase in population that… read more

Case Study 2 pages (652 words) Sources: 2

Analyzing and Rationalizing the Identification of Potential Hiring Mistakes Essay Paper Icon

The emphasis of an interview can aid the interviewers to perceive how fast the candidate learns a certain task. More so, on condition that the organization employs tasks and tests that are directly associated to the position for which the individual is interviewed, the organization will attain quantities of pertinent information to use in the selection procedure (Heathfield, 2016).

Looking… read more

Essay 5 pages (1552 words) Sources: 4

Implementing a Diversity Policy Term Paper Paper Icon

The responsibilities of the committee should include regular discussion of ideas intended to increase diversity and promotion of equitable policies at work. The committee should also be responsible for setting of definite goals and the development of strategies to achieve the goals (Bennett, 2009).

The diversity and equality policy should be made available to all the employees as well as… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2502 words) Sources: 6

Crafting the Right HR Interview Questions Creative Writing Paper Icon

With the above in mind, anything of any important in terms of desired practices, best practices or policy in general should be in print or online and employees should be made aware of and be required to acknowledge that they are in receipt of these policies and thus will follow them. It is not beyond the pale to have an… read more

Creative Writing 4 pages (1349 words) Sources: 4

Which Applicant to Pick Chapter Paper Icon

Medica's combination of healthcare IT technology and sales experience is a clear match for the position (CCN, 2015).

Even with all of this, the hiring manager will need to be careful. The person relocating to Kansas City as a result of getting married cannot be discriminated against or eschewed just because they are getting married. As noted above, so long… read more

Chapter 2 pages (712 words) Sources: 2

Risks of an Employee Portal Essay Paper Icon

However, since it is being controlled properly, it would be a positive risk. If there is something of these natures being changed, Human Resources needs to know so that the proper paperwork and vetting can be done. It is a positive risk, if done correctly (SHRM, 2016).

Lack of Verification: Just as some employees do not do the proper updates… read more

Essay 3 pages (1038 words) Sources: 3

Analyzing Plan for Legal and Ethical Issues Term Paper Paper Icon


Beesley, C. (2013, July 24). How to be an ethical, fair and lawful manager of employees (while protecting your interests). Small Business Administration. Retrieved from https://www.sba.gov/blogs/how-be-ethical-fair-and-lawful-manager-employees-while- protecting-your-interests

Bevitt, A. & Stakim, C. (2012). Employment law commentary. Morrison and Foerster Monthly News, 24. Retrieved from http://media.mofo.com/files/Uploads/Images/121129- Employment-Law-Commentary.pdf

Business Balls. (n.d.). Equality: Summary of law (UK/Europe). Retrieved from http://www.businessballs.com/equality.htm

Cooney, S.,… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1540 words) Sources: 4

Analyzing the Diversity Plan Essay Paper Icon

Conflict Resolution: Requires clear protocols to address conflict, accusations, or concerns with regard to harassment or discriminatory treatment form critical components of an organizational diversity policy. Writing and implementing advancement and outreach policies do not suffice in safeguarding employees from alienation because of workplace inequities or tensions. Conflict resolution policies and procedures will help guarantee a positive work environment for… read more

Essay 2 pages (784 words) Sources: 1+

Scholarly Research on LGBT and Workplaces Research Paper Paper Icon


The field study by Hebl, Foster, Mannix and Dovidio (2002) tested the ways in which individuals who portray themselves as homosexual experience formal bias (for example, a job not being offered), interpersonal behavior (how long interviews or communications were conducted once the sexual persuasion became clear), and the manner in which bias was perceived. The study used participants who… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (931 words) Sources: 3

Analyzing Strategic HR Plan Term Paper Paper Icon

Operational Unit

Increase the number of personnel by 15 more employees in order to increase the level of efficiency for every unit, thereby improving the operational success of the company.

Field Unit

Be able to undertake 5,000 more orders in the next fiscal quarter, making it possible for the company to increase its revenues and growth.

Identify Critical Success Factors… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (2979 words) Sources: 9

Managing Employees to Counter Absenteeism Turnover and Boosting Productivity Term Paper Paper Icon

As a result, the company will produce quality products, which will increase sales and subsequent increase in profits.

Expenses on direct and indirect costs are incurred in the process of production. They are measured by assessing the turnover. The best way to measures these elements is comparing all the inputs incurred which are the expenses and the income received to… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (731 words) Sources: 2

Analyzing Roles of Workplace HRM Term Paper Paper Icon

The organization runs a policy where equal employment opportunities are given and diversity across business functions and structures is appreciated.

Particularly, according to the Goldman Sachs seventh rule of Business, 'For organizations to progress, men and women must exhibit the mixture of cultures and societies in which they operate'. Breaching such policy can create consequences such as… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1474 words) Sources: 4

Article on Training Personality Article Review Paper Icon

Agreeableness has been correlated with T&D competencies such as cooperation, supportive behaviors, and teamwork and therefore it was hypothesized that people in T&D occupation would typically score higher on this personality factor than in other occupations. The researchers further make hypothesizes about the other personality traits such as extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness. They also use other personality models such as… read more

Article Review 2 pages (579 words) Sources: 2

Analyzing Employee Compensation and Benefits Research Paper Paper Icon

Under minimum wage regulations, an organization is required to pay workers a sum that is no less than the minimum statutory pay multiplied by total hours worked in a particular work week (Walker, White & Johnson, 2012).

Bonuses: Bonus payment serves to improve personnel retention, while providing extra incentives to attain specified targets (Walker, White & Johnson, 2012).

Taxes: Organizations… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (599 words) Sources: 3

Literature Assessment of Changes in Management Studies Essay Paper Icon

Its bias is that it focuses solely on servant leadership and how it helps to strengthen the workplace culture by supporting an ethical system that is rooted in the observance of virtues.

Parris, D., Peachey, J. (2013). A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(3): 377-393.

This study's purpose is to emphasize… read more

Essay 3 pages (944 words) Sources: 6

Analyzing Customer Service Training Class Research Paper Paper Icon

The survey will also seek to find out the challenges and difficulties that the employees face on an everyday basis. More so, the survey will also place emphasis on different aspects, such as opinions of the employees, job positions as well as the ages, with regard to the training class and program.

Employee Survey

Section one

Kindly place an X… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1583 words) Sources: 3

Process of a Dismissal Meeting Research Paper Paper Icon

Greg worked for Company F for ten years. In his ten years he managed to secure a severance package with the labor union that included money payments and help with job placement.

When Greg was dismissed, Company F's manager discussed the terms of his severance package. He will get monthly payments of $1,500 for a period of 6 months. He… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1480 words) Sources: 3

Analyzing Team Based Approach Training Research Paper Paper Icon

The basic problems that team-based organizations encounter include the following

Poor participation. Some team members simply do not complete the assignments provided in the training sessions.

Bad communication strategies. Team members may not know how to carry out effective communication. They talk at and over each other. Consistent silence from some group members is a common occurrence. They may allude… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (698 words) Sources: 2

HR Technology Trends and Uses Research Paper Paper Icon

It can even be used in an international environment whereby it takes into account various locations and allows for communication for various locations through multiple homepages (Epicor, 2015).

Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

That Meets Your Business Goals

It is a flexible system that can accommodate various processes including the payroll.

It also accommodates the engagement of employees, their development,… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (935 words) Sources: 2

Training and Hr Exercises Chapter Paper Icon

Second, the activities will reinforce concepts like teamwork and whatever enculturation that is part of the training. Kirkpatrick's learning model argues that the activity should be fun, and that team members should learn from it. Unless the organization has a hyper-competitive culture, the activities should not be competitively intense, but should foster camaraderie and teamwork. One of the activities should… read more

Chapter 2 pages (696 words) Sources: 2

Hr Role in Org Change Research Paper Paper Icon

First, the organization needs to be mentally ready to change. In the Kodak example, that was a company that basically had no idea how to change, because it never had to. When the need to change arose, there was no ability to innovate, no creative thinking. The organization not only lacked the technical skills needed to reshape its business, but… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1029 words) Sources: 3

How to Privatize Airport Security Screenings Research Paper Paper Icon

This move will help to shore up public opinion, save airports money by allowing them to hire the best-value operators (who of course will still be approved by TSA -- but this will be a much less monolithic TSA -- one that is more involved in the organizational standards rather than in the oversight of private airports).

Thus, this change… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1607 words) Sources: 5

Human Resources in a Modern World Chapter Paper Icon

V. Blurring of Public/Private Lives

a. Social media exploits of employees can lead to awkard situations for employers and some employees can be fired for saying the wrong thing

b. Employees would be wise to have a firm line between their professional and private lives

c. Some employers demand to have access to Facebook profiles as a condition of hire… read more

Chapter 2 pages (590 words) Sources: 0

Accuracy of Performance Reviews Assessment Paper Icon

The woman needs to be told in black and white terms what she is doing well and what she is not doing well. For those things that she is not doing well, she can be offered additional help or training as needed to get her up to the needed and necessary standard. If the woman's usual penchant for hostility and… read more

Assessment 3 pages (1117 words) Sources: 3

Job Analysis Under Cover Boss True Value Term Paper Paper Icon

I used different information sources that are frequently better method of doing a job analysis such as the one in this study. This has been done by collecting information from respondents and scholarly sources.

Job description

Roles and the responsibilities

As a forklift operator, one is charged with the mandate of processing and assisting all outbound and/or inbound, picking, packing,… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1319 words) Sources: 3

Solving an Issue of Low Productivity Research Paper Paper Icon

Implementation (Ways and Resources)

The subject of low productivity could improve when the employee's low morale increases. Workers ought to recognize that their work is appreciated. They wish to possess a sense of belonging and feel that they are respected by both the management and their colleagues. The most appropriate action is to make individuals feel that they are a… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (2552 words) Sources: 5

Role of Current HR in Ford Company Term Paper Paper Icon

The security generalist will be in charge of access control, give executive residential security, monitor the CCTV systems, protect the company classified information and report as well as follow up the maintenance issues for the facility (Ford, 2015d).

The job that I would prefer above is the HR coordinator slot since this is the position that will not only present… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1300 words) Sources: 3

HR Interview About Culture Essay Paper Icon

In the modern globalised economy, the rising number of multinational companies is testimony to the growing trend of employing people from multiple countries to work together. Such employees coming from different countries carry with them the culture, values and behavioral attitudes with them to the new work place (Culture shock, 2013). In cases where the culture and the atmosphere in… read more

Essay 10 pages (4123 words) Sources: 20 Style: Harvard

Human Resource Strategies to Manage Workforce Diversity Research Paper Paper Icon


Communication comes as a fundamental building block required for the creation of an engaged workforce. It creates an employee's sense of organizational needs and goals as they fit into a big picture. Employer-employee relationship utilizes communication in building an organizational culture that encourages maximization of the potential of employees. Transparency and timely attributes depict effective communication. Information sharing within… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2559 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

Jetties Philosophy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] When observing the body of water between boats moored to the jetty and the point where the sea meets the horizon, it seems that the jetty itself is meant to emphasize the lengths to which people can go in order to feel one with the sea. By looking at a jetty one is actually encouraged to consider the opportunities that… read more

Essay 2 pages (563 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Ocean Park HK Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Promotional and education are also part of the marketing program at Ocean Park Hong Kong. There is an educational element to the promotion, in that if people, especially children, learn more about the sea and its creatures, they will take a greater interest in Ocean Park in general. Learning is one hook that attracts children, but also attracts parents as… read more

Essay 2 pages (665 words) Sources: 1

Problem With the Ocean Cleanup Term Paper Paper Icon

Plastic in the Ocean

A gyre is a large system of rotating currents within the ocean. There are five major currents/gyres that often associated with the movement of the wind. The author of this article, Stiv J. Wilson, is responding to a recent proposal known as the "Ocean Cleanup Array." The idea of this proposal is to have barges line… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1172 words) Sources: 0

Intermediate Algebra the Formula Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is especially important to understand before getting out on the water, where Mother Nature can throw storms and swells that would only further complicate the situation.

Problem 104

A. S=16 AD^-2/3

A=810 square feet

D= 23.345

S=16(810) (23.345)^-2/3

S=12960 * (23.245^-2/3)

S=12960 * .00122776

S= 15.9 Knots

B. S=16 AD^-2/3


In order to solve this problem, one had… read more

Essay 1 pages (372 words) Sources: 2

Prose Piece Describing Barton Fink Image Creative Writing Paper Icon

Barton Fink

Sitting on a wavy, white, sandy beach; he has a puzzling look of bewilderment on his face. The man does not fit in, as he is wearing a rumpled blue shirt with a tie that is hanging down in front of him. He has on maroon socks that are matching the style and image of his suit. The… read more

Creative Writing 2 pages (733 words) Sources: 1

Dip in Salinity Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The relationship of one decreasing variable due to another increasing variable is termed an "inverse relationship" and is such that one variable "is inversely proportional with the other." (Lutgen and Tarbuck, 2011)

Temperature is the greatest influencer of the density of seawater due to the variations in the surface seawater temperature being larger than the variations in salinity. Therefore, it… read more

Essay 2 pages (620 words) Sources: 1

Beach Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] On my beach blanket I have left my basket, which in turn has attracted a crowd of seagulls. Circling above like vultures, they know there is something in the basket of interest. They chatter and scream and squall, conspiring to steal with my lunch. I return to the blanket to shoo them off and safeguard my humble meal, but they… read more

Essay 2 pages (678 words) Sources: 0

Dip (I.E., Decrease) in Salinity Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another possible reason for higher salinity in the Atlantic Ocean is that the Atlantic Ocean has a midoceanic ridge traversing it. This adds volcanic gasses (since it is a volcanic feature) therefore salt to the water.

Density of water increases with temperature. So at the equator, we have high temperature and low density water (as see theorem). (At the poles,… read more

Essay 1 pages (320 words) Sources: 4

Heat and Temperature Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] These variations occur mostly in coastal regions. In these regions, there is unequal heating of the land as well the adjacent sea regions. This leads to the creation of land and sea breezes. Land breeze (offshore winds) occurs at night while the sea breeze (onshore winds) occurs during the day (Convection, 2013). During the day, the land becomes heated more… read more

Essay 3 pages (1007 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Self-Reflection: Writing the Proposal Annotated Bibliography Paper Icon

[. . . .] While examining this issue, one of the major research problems and complexities was developing the appropriate research questions to analyze the problem. This complexity was partly fueled by the seeming inability to locate resources that could help in developing the paper. In this case, there was a huge need to develop research questions that were specifically targeted on the topic… read more

Annotated Bibliography 4 pages (1208 words) Sources: 0

Pure Water Boils at 212 Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] ii. No added iodine. Sea salt is usually quite pure, but sometimes will contain trace minerals.

III. Describe the Research


Each of the three types of salt will be tested for its ability to help water boil.


The other factors will remain the same. So the pot will be the same, and the burner will start at cold… read more

Research Paper 1 pages (355 words) Sources: 0

Sandro Boticelli Sandro Botticelli Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This occurs through utilizing brighter tones that will highlight something new taking place. ("The Birth of Venus," 2012)

Texture -- actual or implied?

An implied texture is constant. This is showing the various subjects and their poses. Yet, the individual is not able to physically touch the people. Instead, they have to use their imagination in order to have a… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (823 words) Sources: 1

Scientific Method Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Test the Hypothesis

The hypothesis will be tested by comparing the boiling points for all three. This will be accomplished by mixing a table spoon of each type of salt into a glass of water and then recording the boing point. There are three different groups that will be examined to include: table, sea and Epsom salt. This will determine… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (570 words) Sources: 3

Old Man and Sea Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] These people are like bokeh in a photograph: they are essential to the composition of the film but they are blurred and have no individual identity. Our focus remains firmly on the Old Man. Yet the framing is not to done to develop a theme that pits man against his fellow man. It is to reveal the great paradox of… read more

Essay 2 pages (709 words) Sources: 1

Fish: A Love Story? Creative Writing Paper Icon

[. . . .] "

And so it was that Olivia Trout, cherished daughter of Antonio Trout, was ransomed from the Barracuda Boys for fourteen sand dollars and seventy five shells.

"And now to tell Olivia the good news!" smiled Oscar.

Unfortunately, when Olivia heard the good news

"You ransomed me from the evil Barracuda Boys for a lousy fourteen sand dollars and seventy… read more

Creative Writing 4 pages (1535 words) Sources: 0

Carothers, Courtney. "Equity and Access Annotated Bibliography Paper Icon

[. . . .] Lodge, Michael W. "The Practice of Fishing Entities in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: The Case of the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Oceans." Ocean Development & International Law 37 (2006): 185-207. Print.

Certain nations have balked at being included in international organizations that attempt to maintain the sustainable… read more

Annotated Bibliography 3 pages (911 words) Sources: 6

Riders to the Sea John Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 26). By the end of the play, her fears are confirmed, but her response is not what one might expect. After she thinks she has seen Michael's ghost, but before she finds out about Bartley's death, Maurya seems resentful of the sea, as she recalls all of the people she has lost to it and falls into a kind of… read more

Essay 3 pages (1093 words) Sources: 2

Organizational Profile of a Community Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Just as the Kiwanis Club does not explicitly state how its social responsibilities and strategies were developed, it does not state an outright social initiative. It's stated objective is to respond to the needs of the community, emphasizing youth involvement, with a goal of helping to properly shape future generations of leaders (Kiwanis Club, 2012). What could be termed its… read more

Essay 3 pages (819 words) Sources: 2

Durability of Pre-Stressed Concrete Seawater Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] , 2003).

Chemical resistance

Pre-stressed concrete is one of those few materials that can not only withstand very harsh temperatures but it also has the ability to resist harsh chemicals to a great extent. This is the reason that pre-stressed concrete is one material that is very frequently used to build the transportation and treatment facilities for highly aggressive chemical… read more

Research Paper 12 pages (4012 words) Sources: 10 Style: Harvard

Rising Sea Levels: Boston Harbor Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 1).

Figure 1: The average sea level patterns in Boston from 1900 (Beaulieu et al., 2011)

As, this project is concerned with the measures that need to be taken for the events that might take place in the future and because it is being considered that the sea levels will continue to rise in the future as well (City of… read more

Research Paper 20 pages (7134 words) Sources: 15 Style: MLA

Drilling Specialist, There Are Various Rig Term Paper Paper Icon

drilling specialist, there are various rig types, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The success and improvement of drilling technology often means that drilling can occur in increasingly deep ocean waters. In relatively shallow waters, the professional has the choice between a built platform or a jack-up rig. The advantage of the latter is that it can be moved to… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (663 words) Sources: 0

Beach Erosion: Causes and Remedies Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another solution, which has been proposed to help the rapidly-shrinking island of Galveston in Texas, is using "geotubes or artificial reefs" to "trap sand" (Rice 2007). However, this has a negative effect on other areas, because these reefs "hoard scarce sand and starve neighboring beaches," which simply moves the problem to another region (Rice 2007). Other communities have tried adding… read more

Essay 2 pages (675 words) Sources: 1+

Long-Term Effects of Adverse Nature Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Coral reefs on the beaches and on the shallow floor of the ocean are shattered posing a threat to the planktons that use them as sources of shelter and food. Oil spillage has also had continued effects in the fauna and flora undersea. The oil well drilled to the sea floor cause leakages from which many environmental bodies have been… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (833 words) Sources: 2

LA Wetlands of Louisiana Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Over 70% of that amount comes from species such as oysters, shrimp and blue crabs that rely on the coastal wetlands as nurseries for their young. Louisiana sells over 330,000 hunting licenses and 900,000 fishing licenses annually to hunters who depend on the wetlands as game habitat. Additionally, recreational activities such as swimming, boating, camping, hiking, bird watching, painting and… read more

Essay 3 pages (904 words) Sources: 2

Riders to the Sea Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] His mother tells him that he would be better to leave the rope at home given that it will be needed if Michael's body washes up anytime soon. The sister gives him the rope and the rope comes to signify a rope that will be the boy's noose. His mother has said that the rope is for the dead not… read more

Essay 2 pages (983 words) Sources: 2

European World View Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] It is also noticeable that the Europeans had not idea about the resistance of the Americas, Antarctica and Australia. They grossly underestimated the size of the earth to the tune of 10,000 miles making it virtually impossible for these European explorers impossible to know the teru nature of the expanse of the world unless they went out to find out.… read more

Thesis 2 pages (607 words) Sources: 3

Difficulty of Life Explored in Synge's Riders Essay Paper Icon

Difficulty of Life Explored in Synge's Riders To The Sea

The difficulty of human experience is often overlooked in today's Hollywood culture. Even I the movies, we escape reality to watch unrealistic movies about love, success and life in general. Every so often, society needs to be reminded about the harshness of life. Riders to the Sea by John Synge… read more

Essay 2 pages (618 words) Sources: 1

Geology What Is the National Snow Essay Paper Icon


What is the National Snow and Ice Data Center? What do they do?

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is a division of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado. They support research of frozen areas around the world. The study snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions. They administer… read more

Essay 2 pages (593 words) Sources: 2

Motion of Water Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Modern buoys, equipped with global positioning satellite technology, are used as "drifters" to be carried along in ocean currents and relay their position back to a satellite. This information is then compiled in a computer system which compiles and analyzes the data.


5. San Francisco Station Number 9414290

Date: 5/8/2011

High Tide: 1.784 Meters @ 09:51 GMT (9:51… read more

Essay 2 pages (760 words) Sources: 2

Platforms the Development Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] New startup companies where new and innovative ideas are more likely to emerge tend to be more cash-strapped than their larger competitors, and thus they are seeking places to do business in properties that they don't own, that have already been built and can be modified (or not) rather cheaply. A very extreme example of this can be seen in… read more

Essay 2 pages (560 words) Sources: 0

Marvelous Marvell We Have World Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The mortality fear we put a far

As our graves for long stay ajar

The treasured purity share it with the world,

Our springs of honor renewed by each word.

And you tether your lust from dust

Hence the graves spaces for us lost.

For eternity in our hands we grasp.

With courage lets our efforts muster,

When the youthful… read more

Essay 1 pages (316 words) Sources: 2

Arctic Sovereignty Introduction to International Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] "[footnoteRef:23] In the Arctic, the main issue is not so much "the precise limits of Canada's territories" as the international legal limits of its rights within these territories.[footnoteRef:24] [20: Ibid, p. 98.] [21: Ibid, p. 99. ] [22: Byers, p. 4.] [23: Ibid, p. 4.] [24: Ibid, p. 5.]

Borders do not exist in the Arctic but boundaries do, since… read more

Thesis 8 pages (2567 words) Sources: 10

Ocean Basins Essay Paper Icon

Ocean Basins

The oldest oceanic crust in the three oceanic plates -- Atlantic, Pacific and Indian -- can be approximated at 200 million years. This is rather intriguing especially in a context in which the land crust is approximated to being as old as 4 billion years (Patchett and Samson, 2003). Based on the disposition in the map, and the… read more

Essay 2 pages (676 words) Sources: 1+

Report of EWB Book Report Paper Icon

Earth's water is contained in the world's oceans, where the salinity and other chemical factors make the water unsuitable for drinking and in other infrastructure applications. The lack of available potable water has created a water crisis that is felt unevenly by different populations, but truly exists across the globe, with large multitudes of people in areas that lack adequate… read more

Book Report 3 pages (870 words) Sources: 2

Fourth Uncle in the Mountain Last Chapter Essay Paper Icon

Fourth Uncle in the Mountain

Last Chapter of Fourth Uncle in the Mountain

After Tam left, we waited in the house for two weeks. Thanh had disappeared, which worried everyone. I thought maybe Tam was right to leave. This was craziness.

One night, the eight-year-old boy fell down into the water. We fished him out, but something in the rank… read more

Essay 3 pages (1161 words) Sources: 0

Delta of the Guadalupe River, Texas Summary Term Paper Paper Icon

Delta of the Guadalupe River, Texas

Summary of "The Recent Delta of the Guadalupe River, Texas"

This study comprehensively describes the processes and features of the delta formed by silt depositions from the Guadalupe and San Antonio rivers as they empty into the Gulf of Mexico. After descriptions of these rivers and delta are presented, the topics of the initiation… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (781 words) Sources: 1

Delta of the Guadalupe River, Texas Research Paper Paper Icon

Delta of the Guadalupe River, Texas is a book written by Richard Harold Martin. In this book, he explains in detail about the formation of the Guadalupe River and the Delta basin in Texas. The author describes the formation of the basin and traces it back to the Pleistocene period. He explains that the delta was formed as a result… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (469 words) Sources: 1

Gap in China Melting ICE Research Paper Paper Icon

China, Melting Ice

Proper regulations are compulsory in management/leadership to address life-threatening situations for all to benefit.

Increasing global temperatures are causing Antarctic ice sheet to melt rapidly.

As a global disaster, relevant regulations will limit release of carbon dioxide and other green house gases.

China's rapid growing economy caused the gap between the poor and the rich to increase.… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (698 words) Sources: 2

Maritime Piracy Research Proposal Paper Icon

High Seas Piracy: Terrorists, Organized

Crime, And Crimes Of Opportunity

Background and History of Maritime Piracy:

High seas piracy had a long and storied history throughout the late Middle Ages

and well into the 19th century before nation states began fielding large and powerful enough navies to eliminate the problem. Despite the fact that maritime piracy in the modern era… read more

Research Proposal 10 pages (2753 words) Sources: 5

Beach Erosion Research Proposal Paper Icon

Beach Erosion and the Eastern Seacoast

The paper begins with the thesis statement relative to the topic to be discussed -- the erosion of beaches on the eastern seacoast. The reader is introduced to the environmental challenges of the modern society, to be then explained the meaning of the concept, the causes, and the effects of beach erosion. The following… read more

Research Proposal 5 pages (1459 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Physical Spiritual Emotional Isolation and Solitude Term Paper Paper Icon

Robert Lowell's "The Skunk Hour"

Robert Lowell's poem, "The Skunk Hour," written in 1959, captures a time when two different worlds appear to collide. Nautilus Island is a place of both past and present, a location where dreams of reality seem to disappear into a realm of apparent reality. Nothing is as it seems. Nothing is quite real or tangible… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2114 words) Sources: 1+

Impact of the Rise in Sea Level on Tourism in Venice Italy Term Paper Paper Icon

Sea Level in Venice

Venice, Italy is 1,300 years old and built on mudflats in the center of a lagoon. It tops the list of the world's most endangered cities, since high tides have become frequent (almost every two weeks), along with winter flooding. Known as acqua alta or "high water," these tides can flood the city with more than… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1040 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Acqua Alta the Effect Term Paper Paper Icon

Acqua Alta

The Effect of Acqua Alta on the Venetian Tourist Trade

Venice's tourist trade has reported an annual turnover of about $17 billion a year. Tourist activity is increasing and Venice doesn't appear to be suffering, at least in this respect, from the effects of Acqua Alta. The high water which threatens to ruin Venice has only spurred interest… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1522 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Ridges Under the Pacific Floor That Form Term Paper Paper Icon

ridges under the pacific floor that form a vital part of the oceanic ecosystem. Underneath these ridges lie what the article refers to as a "plumbing system," whose workings also contribute to the composition of aquatic life around it. Its process of heating and emitting water into the ocean provides a source of food for several life forms around it.… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (689 words) Sources: 1

Technology & Improving a Nation's Disaster Response Term Paper Paper Icon

technology that can be used to respond to disasters in developing nations. The writer explores sirens as well as other possibilities as a way to respond to disaster in nations that may not have cellular and other advanced abilities. There were two sources used to complete this paper.


Disasters are a part of life.… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1118 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Olive's Ocean by Kevin Henkes Book Report Paper Icon

Olive's Ocean" by Kevin Henkes is a charming book set at Martha's grandmother's house by the ocean, (actually Cape Cod in Massachusetts) which has a large part in the overall message and theme of the book. It takes place during the summer, when Martha has plenty of time to have fun and think about her life and the upcoming school… read more

Book Report 2 pages (760 words) Sources: 1

Tsunamis Are Formed Earthquakes Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Runup is a measurement of the height of the water onshore observed above a reference sea level -- a term that indicates directly the danger of the tsunami.

Contrary to many artistic renderings of tsunamis, the majority of tsunamis do not result in giant breaking waves (like normal surf waves at the beach that curl over as they approach shore).… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (606 words) Sources: 1+

Martin Eden by Jack London Term Paper Paper Icon

Martin Eden

Jack London's book Martin Eden is the semiautobiographical story of a young man born into poverty who desperately wants to become financially secure and middle-class. Partly this desire is driven by his love for a young woman, Ruth Morse. Ruth has high social status and has actually graduated from college. Martin idolizes this young woman and thinks she… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1212 words) Sources: 1

Master & Commander - Patrick O'Brian Term Paper Paper Icon

Master & Commander - Patrick O'Brian

I believe you have been led astray by the words master and commander (122, Chapter 4 p. 3).

Despite the fact that one might be a captain at sea, one is not a master of all things -- not all men's fate on land and sea, not of the class system off a ship,… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (764 words) Sources: 0

Psychological Themes and Symbolism in Ernest Hemingway Term Paper Paper Icon

Psychological Themes and Symbolism in Ernest Hemingway's Novella The Old Man And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway's novella the Old Man and the Sea (1952) is a naturalistic, extremely psychological and symbolic tale, about.".. An old Cuban fisherman who catches a giant marlin but is unable to keep the sharks from mutilating it before he can get it safely to shore"… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1160 words) Sources: 0


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