Oceanography / Marine Organisms Essays

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Survival Strategies: Benthic vs. Pelagic Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Although both plankton and nekton inhabit the mesopelagic zone, the defense mechanisms of the nekton are more elaborate. The Diel vertical migration of nekton represents a strategy to remain invisible to visual predators, by migrating to the upper pelagic zone to feed on phytoplankton during the night and returning to the depths before the sun comes up (De Meester, Weider,… read more

Essay 2 pages (690 words) Sources: 2

Force of the Winds Essay Paper Icon

force of the winds is the major cause of patterns produced on the ocean surface. They are then modified by the effect of the Carioles Force due to the earth's rotation. Like gyres, the ocean floor dictates their characteristics (Gardiner, 2010). On question 2, swells, breaking surf and tsunamis despite all being products of the ocean activities, the tsunamis prove… read more

Essay 5 pages (2142 words) Sources: 5

Red Tides Affect in the Gulf of Mexico Thesis Paper Icon

Red Tides on the Gulf of Mexico

The world's oceans form the basis for a food web that extends to virtually all living organisms, including human beings. The health of the oceans is therefore of critical importance to the future survival of mankind. One phenomenon in particular that threatens the health of the world's oceans is red tides. Although there… read more

Thesis 8 pages (3219 words) Sources: 20 Style: MLA

Ocean Pollution Term Paper Paper Icon

Marine Pollution

The ocean covers 71% of the surface area of the globe and accounts for 90% of all habitable space in the planet (Mulvaney 1998).The total volume of the ocean is approximately 300 million cubic miles and weighs approximately 1.3 million million tons. This great matrix is so vast that scientist-writer Arthur C. Clarke once commented about the inappropriateness… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2459 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Negative Effects of Artificial Reefs Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Building mitigating artificial reefs when real reefs are damaged fails to address problems of pollution, nutrient runoff and over-exploitation of the oceans, he also argues.

One of the biggest problems with artificial reefs is the impact on the environment.

One key concern in this area is coastal erosion. Insufficiently weighted materials that end up miles away from the reef site… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1105 words) Sources: 1+

World's Oceans Term Paper Paper Icon

Environmental Science

The World's Oceans

The Economic Value of Oceans to Americans

Waste Dumping in our Oceans

Oil Contamination from Various Sources

Toxins and Trash Entering the Oceans

The Depleted Fisheries

The Vanishing Wetlands

The World's Oceans: New Studies Reveal Threats and Possible Solutions

The world's oceans are vast - in fact, they make up over two-thirds (70%) of our… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3142 words) Sources: 1+

Oceans & Plastic Pollution the Growing Mass Term Paper Paper Icon

Oceans & Plastic Pollution

The growing mass of plastic debris that is polluting many of the world's oceans is of great concern to scientists, governments, and environmentally inclined ordinary citizens -- and should be of grave concern to every inhabitant of this planet. What is the nature of the problem? How severe is the degree of degradation to the species… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1338 words) Sources: 4

Features of the Ocean Floor Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This current is the West Wind Drift.

B. The Atlantic Ocean Currents

The North Atlantic westerly winds move the water eastward as the North Atlantic Current, or North Atlantic Drift. The northeast trade winds push the water to the west, forming the North Equatorial Current. The north-south continuity currents are the Gulf Stream, flowing northward along the coast of North… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1092 words) Sources: 1+

Effect of Plastic Debris on Marine Species Research Paper Paper Icon

Plastic Debris on Marine Species

Marine litter has been a huge nuisance to marine life and especially plastic debris. Marine debris is defined as any solid material which finds its way into the waters. This marine debris or litter has many negative effects to aquatic life. Close to 80% of all marine debris is of plastic nature Van et al.… read more

Research Paper 12 pages (3763 words) Sources: 12 Style: MLA

Threats to Ecosystem: Cause Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The problem is so bad that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that over 25% of the world's fish stocks are incompletely depleted and that as high as 50% are totally depleted (The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA)). In fact, about 90% of the world's predatory fish are virtually non-existent (ibid).

Over fishing has direct and… read more

Essay 2 pages (673 words) Sources: 2

Oceanography What Were the Significant Contributions Term Paper Paper Icon


What were the significant contributions of James Cook, Matthew Maury, and the Challenger Expedition? How did their contributions lead to a better understanding of oceanography?

James Cook was the first person to have a trip dedicated exclusively to oceanography. The contributions that he made to a better understanding of oceanography include: the invention of the chronometer, the mapping of… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1574 words) Sources: 5

Oceanography Comparing Approaches Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] R. Arrigo, I. Asanuma, O. Aumont, R. Barber, and M. Behrenfeld (2006), A comparison of global estimates of marine primary production from ocean color, Deep Sea Res., Part II, 53(5 -- 7), 741 -- 770, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.01.028.

Duffy, J.E., and J.J. Stachowicz (2006), Why biodiversity is important to oceanography: Potential roles of genetic, species, and trophic diversity in pelagic ecosystem processes,… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (379 words) Sources: 5

Harmful Algal Blooms Weather Events Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Detection tools have been innovated and implemented by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Finding and measuring harmful algal blooms is time-consuming and requires specialized labs. Generally cells are collected by boat, preserved, and then examined in a lab, so there is a significant time-lag between collection and identification.

Scientists can use satellites to collect data on ocean color to… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1046 words) Sources: 1

Invertebrate Ocean Acidification and the Disruption Research Paper Paper Icon


Ocean Acidification and the Disruption of Marine Ecosystems

The presence and behavior of human beings has altered the ecological balance in profound ways. The release of fossil fuels into the atmosphere, the dumping of waste into the world's oceans and the disruption of the food chain through overfishing have all contributed to a change in the quality of the… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (921 words) Sources: 5

Oceanography Diurnal Tides Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] m.

8. From -2,000 feet to 14,000 feet

9. Semidiurnal

10. The difference between the low tides and the high tides increases significantly as the week progresses.

11. The greatest is approximately 2,000 feet. The least is approximately 500 feet.

12. The tides are significantly different. The disparity between the high and low tides in Florida is practically insignificant when… read more

Essay 1 pages (376 words) Sources: 0

Earth's Ocean Surface Current Patterns Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is another example of how surface currents can influence currents at deeper levels.

The Gulf Stream also influences the world's ocean currents at the surface by creating major flows of current many times larger than the Mississippi or Amazon rivers (McWilliams and Restrepo, 1999). There are many different specific currents, namely the North Atlantic and the Canary in the… read more

Essay 2 pages (509 words) Sources: 2

Continuing Legacy of Louis Agassiz and the Study of Marine Biology Term Paper Paper Icon

Louis Agassiz

The Scientific Legacy of Louis Agassiz

Though he may not be as well-known in the general populace as his contemporaries Darwin and Spencer, Louis Agassiz is responsible for some of the greatest achievements in geology, marine biology, paleontology and scientific philosophy in the 19th century. His wide-ranging interests, deep intellect, and talent for acute observation and innovative thinking… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1487 words) Sources: 3

Oceanography Oceanic Tides Differ Greatly Essay Paper Icon


Oceanic Tides Differ Greatly Depending on Location

The tides of the ocean are unique to geographical location. Each individual location is affected differently by the pull of the moon and sun on the earth's bodies of water (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2010). Thus, location is a primary determinate of the types of tides, and how ocean water levels… read more

Essay 4 pages (1011 words) Sources: 3

Oceanography What New Phase of Ocean Exploration Essay Paper Icon


What new phase of ocean exploration started in 1968 with the Glomar Challenger?

A new phase of ocean exploration was started with the Glomar Challenger, where deep water drilling / exploration become a reality. This is significant because prior to the launch of the Glomar Challenger, no one had known the age or the composition of the ocean floor.… read more

Essay 3 pages (879 words) Sources: 2

Ocean Water Resource Issue Research Proposal Paper Icon

Ecological Balance of the Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are a system of living organisms found only in the warm benthic shallow ocean water environments along the world's coastlines. The shallow seas where the reefs grow represent just eight percent of the world's oceans, but sustain most of the life found in the sea (BBC/Discovery, film documentary, 2008). The health of… read more

Research Proposal 3 pages (873 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Marine Mammal Impact on Fisheries Term Paper Paper Icon

Sacramento Basin

The project is designed to examine the link between marine mammals and fisheries in the area of the Sacramento Delta, looking particularly to the impact pinnipeds have on the anadramous fish populations and recreational fishery in this region.

The goal of this research project is to assess the distribution and abundance of pinnipeds in the Sacramento and San… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2629 words) Sources: 20

Spread of Marine Larvae Predicted by Ocean Term Paper Paper Icon

Spread of Marine Larvae Predicted by Ocean Temperature

Marine life in the world's oceans is increasingly encountering conditions that are rendering many species near extinction. It has never been so important for scientists to understand the reproduction process among marine life. New discoveries are breaking and are being reported that will surely assist scientists in their study of the reproduction… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (620 words) Sources: 1

Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor Term Paper Paper Icon

Hydrothermal Vents: A New Way to Monitor the Earth's Core

Deep sea-thermal vents are an important part of life on our planet. These unique areas of the ocean provide an oasis for life on the sea floor that are supported by thermal and chemical processes situated deep in the earth's interior. It is thought that life on earth may have… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2749 words) Sources: 1+

Mortality and Loss Processes in Phytoplankton Term Paper Paper Icon

Mortality and Loss Processes in Phytoplankton

Phytoplankton are members of the autotrophic that that are usually found on top-most parts of bodies of water. They are oftentimes floating over the seas or rivers. The name itself comes fro a Greek word "phyton" which literally means "drifter" or "wanderer." Phytoplankton could not really be seen by the naked eye especially if… read more

Term Paper 11 pages (3007 words) Sources: 1+

Geography Oceanography Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Finally, recent discoveries about the geography of the ocean floor have profound implications for the study of biology. The discovery of biological communities that do not require oxygen or light to sustain life, found around hydrothermal vents, has profound implications for the study of how life on Earth may have begun (WHOI, 2005).

At one time the ocean was viewed… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (372 words) Sources: 0

Kinsler Defines Acoustics Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] (Pacific). In case of rough or "back of the envelope" SNR calculations, ambient noise lvel (NL) is deducted from the sound intensity level with this equation:


When the reading is higher than 0 dB (decibels), the signal can be detected and separated from the background noise. If less than 0 dB, it is inaudible. (Pacific)… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1423 words) Sources: 1+

Activities Along Coastlines: Positive Vs.Negative Research Paper Paper Icon

In places as northern New South Wales, Queensland, Western, and South Australia, minerals within the beach sand are mined for economic purposes. The sand minerals include zircon, rutile, and ilmenite. In regions of West Australia, calcareous sand found beneath the seabed can be mined to produce limestone and cement. The large Economic Demonstrated Resource of such minerals makes countries qualify… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1294 words) Sources: 3

Environmental Impacts of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Term Paper Paper Icon

Environmental Impact of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

On March 11, 2011 a massive 9.0 earthquake occurred 311 miles off the cost of the Japan. This was one of the largest seismic events to hit the country (triggering a tsunami with wave heights of 133 ft.). The Fukushima nuclear plant was sitting inland on the Northern Pacific Coast. This meant that the… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1672 words) Sources: 5

Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Besides commercial consumption, these fishes were hunted extensively as a sport. Its quick dart and speed challenged numerous people and this became a popular sport among fishing enthusiasts in the United States, Canada, Spain and Italy. The dwindling numbers of Atlantic Blue Fin tuna finally put an end to this sport, though some environmental groups believe that this sport continues… read more

Essay 4 pages (1347 words) Sources: 4

Behavior of Concrete in Rivers Dissertation Paper Icon

[. . . .] Included in this are the kind of concrete use, the cover depth chosen for reinforcement, the overall on-site implementation and managerial practice as well as the intensity and harshness of exposure (Castro et al., 2001).

River atmosphere signifies the atmosphere encircled through the river water. River water is really a complex compound of numerous salts that contains living matter, suspended… read more

Dissertation 13 pages (3632 words) Sources: 24 Style: MLA

Migratory Cetaceans and Their Relation Essay Paper Icon

Migratory Cetaceans and Their Relation

To the Trophic Level they Feed within the Foodweb

seasonal migratory patterns of 3 species of whales; is the global primary production pattern evidenced in VGPM maps related to their seasonal migration?

What are cetaceans?

Cetaceans are Mammalian Order Cetacea, and include whales, dolphins and porpoises.

The Cetaceans are further separated into two major subgroups:… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 3

Coral Reefs Conclusion and Assessment Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The predicted final color values were also lighter for this tank than predicted: As in the tank held at 30 degrees Celsius, both brown and green segments of the coral bleached to one designation higher than predicted.

The hottest of the tanks -- held at 34 degrees Celsius did indeed, as predicted, show evidence of bleaching on the first day.… read more

Essay 2 pages (662 words) Sources: 5

Solar Radiation Spectra in Ocean Water Essay Paper Icon

Ocean Water Modifies and Influences Solar Radiation Spectra

There are a multitude of complex factors that influence the absorption of solar radiation by ocean water, including two very specific laws involving the amount of light transmitted through a liquid. The Beer and Lambert laws govern the transmission of solar spectra in ocean water, but beyond these laws, other factors also… read more

Essay 10 pages (3103 words) Sources: 10

Fate of Carbon in a Seagrass Dominated Ecosystem Literature Review Paper Icon

Fate of Carbon in a Sea Grass Dominated Ecosystem

Perhaps the most pressing concern for the world is the rising rate of global warming in the 21st century. Many discussions have taken place on the global front to discuss the possible steps to decrease this rate. On aspect that has been discussed diligently in relation to global warming is the… read more

Literature Review 17 pages (4902 words) Sources: 1+

Desertification of Coral Reefs Essay Paper Icon


Desertification of Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are under threat worldwide. An estimated 58% of reefs are classified as threatened and 11% of the original amount of coral reefs has already been lost. The makeup of remaining coral reefs is also rapidly changing. In regards to many of the reefs, the decline in coral has coincided with increased cover of… read more

Essay 8 pages (2658 words) Sources: 9

World Religions and Ecology Research Proposal Paper Icon

Rachel Carson -- Under the Sea-Wind

Under the Sea-Wind is not Rachel Carson's best-known book; her most heralded book is Silent Spring. But Under the Sea-Wind, her first book, is very well written and contains a wealth of solid environmental information for the reader. Many years before Jacques Cousteau began his televised explorations into the depths of the oceans and… read more

Research Proposal 5 pages (1705 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Job Application as a Licensed Mate Application Essay Paper Icon

Job Application

As a licensed mate, I have 337 sea days worth of experience. I have worked on four different ships as an Officer in Training. These ships included container, break-bulk and passenger vessels, both diesel and diesel-electric. Each of these vessels was commercial in nature; however I feel that the transition to government/research vessels will be relatively seamless.

In… read more

Application Essay 4 pages (1206 words) Sources: 0

Ballard's Telepresence Project to Unlock Undersea Secrets of Gulf Marine Sanctuary Term Paper Paper Icon

Ballard's Telepresence Project To Unlock Undersea Secrets Of Gulf Marine Sanctuary

The article concerns the latest projected effort of Dr. Robert Ballard and a team of scientists. This team has been assembled to explore the NOAA Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary undersea area, located about 114 miles from the Texas/Louisiana coast. Its attraction for research relates not only to… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (328 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Endangered Species Green Sea Turtles Term Paper Paper Icon

Endangered Species

Green Sea Turtles are an endangered species of reptiles, one of the few animals to have seen the mighty dinosaurs grow extinct. Sea turtles are as old as 200 million years, and are now on the verge of extinction because of the son of man.

The scientific classification of Green Sea Turtles is:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Reptiles… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (2208 words) Sources: 4

Effect of Red Tide on Manatees Term Paper Paper Icon

Red Tides and Manatees

The Effect of Red Tide on Manatees

The manatee population of Florida has suffered devastating effects not only from the fishing and boating industry, but the re-occurrence of the red tides has killed large numbers in recent years, leading to much research and numerous efforts regarding manatee protection and algae controls.

Manatees are large marine mammals,… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1576 words) Sources: 1+

Landforms Barrier Island Beaches Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] ..

a Roads

b Latitudes

c Elevations

d scale of distances e Man-made structures

84. The cartographic technique by which points on the sphere of the Earth are transferred to points on the plane surface of a map is ...

a Trajection

b Projection

c Intersection

d Interpolation

e approximation

85. The Mercator projection is actually which type of projection?… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2371 words) Sources: 0

Human Effects on Coral Reefs Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Available: http://www.nos.noaa.gov/education/kits/corals/coral07_importance.html (Accessed 25 Jan. 2005).

'Things You Can Do to Help Save Coral Reefs." National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Available: http://www.yoto98.noaa.gov/books/reefs/reef1-5.htm (Accessed 25 Jan. 2005).

"Threats to Coral Reefs." University of the Virgin Islands. Available: http://www.uvi.edu/coral.reefer/threats.htm (Accessed 25 Jan. 2005)

'U.S. Coral Reef Task Force." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Available: http://www.epa.gov/owow/oceans/coral/taskforce.html (Accessed 25, Jan.… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1973 words) Sources: 0

Coral Reefs Their Status, Purpose Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Many scientists recognize the extreme value of the reefs, and are attempting to save them not only for their great contribution to the ocean ecosystem, but because of their great beauty. One scientist writes,

Delicate purple sea fans, blood-red sponges, spiny pufferfish, poisonous scorpionfish, giant clams, yellow-lip snakes, and giant manta rays are just a small sample of the fascinating… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (739 words) Sources: 1+

Ocean Pollution Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] All in all, marine pollution affects marine populations all over the world, and some face extinction because of it. To save the marine populations, strict pollution guidelines have been developed in some countries.

The Clean Water Act, first passed in the United States in 1972, was a major step forward in protecting the world's oceans. Since its' passage, the Act… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1363 words) Sources: 1+

Residual Effects of Global Warming Research Proposal Paper Icon

[. . . .] Residual Effects of Global Warming and the Loss of the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf
Island nations such as Tuvalu, the Marshall Islands and the Seychelles all face uncertain futures due to climate change that could one day threaten their very existence. Morgan ORourke (2012)

The vast majority of climatologists agree that the evidence indicates the earth… read more

Research Proposal 14 pages (3346 words) Sources: 12 Style: Chicago

Outlaw Sea: The Lawless Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] According to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) "Piracy and armed robbery attacks against ships rose 14% in the first nine months of the year compared to the same period in 2006, the second consecutive quarterly increase in attacks, as the coastal waters off Nigeria and Somalia became ever more dangerous" (Piracy attacks rise 14% as Nigerian and Somalian coasts become… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1691 words) Sources: 4

Outline. Your Instructor Outline Evaluate Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (Hagan, p. 7) Neighboring lands have also contributed to the materials present in the area, as it carries numerous sediments that turned into sandstone through time.

Mammoth Caves as an ancient shallow sea

Water was very shallow in seas covering the present-day Kentucky area and this made it possible for a wide range of tiny organisms to thrive there.… read more

Essay 2 pages (693 words) Sources: 2

Managing Fisheries and How Perceptions Reaction Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Safina relates how salmon are first born in the rivers which are freshwater bodies but then some months or maybe years the salmon head toward the ocean traveling in some cases thousands of miles before they reach their destination. What once was a strength for the salmon, breeding in freshwater, is now a threat to them, because there is little… read more

Reaction Paper 3 pages (976 words) Sources: 1+

Developing Countries Adopting (Sar) Challenges Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] So far, this has led to the biggest risk of sinking cruise ships. From early 2000, there has been a significant increase in the number of passenger cruise ships visiting the region and its surrounding hub of waters (Wu & Zou, 2009).


Major challenges of the developing nations are the vast size of the region of responsibility and the… read more

Essay 5 pages (1873 words) Sources: 8

Living Under the Sea Creative Writing Paper Icon

ocean as a hostile environment -- a place that is determined to put an end to human life and where it would be impossible for someone to feel 'at home'. However, living far from land for tens of years provided me with the opportunity to 'understand' the ocean and it practically feels that I speak with it as I dive… read more

Creative Writing 2 pages (601 words) Sources: 0

Sea Sediment Types and Their Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Terrigenous sediment settles very slowly on the deepest parts of Earth's seafloor, accumulating at the rate of 1 centimeter of abyssal clay every 50,000 years, while rapidly building up heavy deposits of material along continental margins near the mouths of large rivers (Lutgen, Tarbuck & Tasa, 2011).

The production of biogenous sediment is a continual process, as oceanic organisms shed… read more

Essay 2 pages (573 words) Sources: 1

Sea Floor Hydrothermal Vents and the Sea Life Research Paper Paper Icon

Hydrothermal Vents

Life in the ocean is hard enough. Yet, life a mile down is even harder. Hydrothermal vents are open fishers that stream hot water, minerals, and nutrients from the earth's core. These open cracks on the bottom of the ocean provide an oasis deep beneath the surface of the ocean. Bacteria feed on the minerals, and then serve… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (2042 words) Sources: 6

Sailing Destinations Web Content Paper Icon

Sailing Destinations

Vounaki, Greece

Vounaki is located on the west coast of Greece, at the foot of the Arkanika Mountains. The Vounaki marina is said to be a relaxed, beautiful and restful small port venue, made even more dramatic because the Arkanika Mountains are a visually stimulating backdrop to the marina.

It is worth noting that Vounaki is not much… read more

Web Content 8 pages (2209 words) Sources: 0

Sea Around Us Rachel Carson Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It has also inspired people to take steps to further the protection of these spaces. One such group, the Sea around Us Project, has embarked on a massive investigation into the fishing industry and how fisheries impact marine life and the ecosystems which are disrupted by human intervention (Pauly 1). This research has led to quantified data which shows how… read more

Essay 3 pages (940 words) Sources: 3

Western Interior Sea Kansas Research Paper Paper Icon

Western Interior Sea is the name given to the seaway that split the North American continent in the cretaceous period near the end of the age of dinosaurs. Estimated to exist between 65 and 100 million years ago the seaway was relatively wide stretching as far west as Utah and as far east as the western Appalachians, south to the… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1028 words) Sources: 4

Saltwater Intrusion and Salinization Research Paper Paper Icon


Saltwater Intrusion and Salinization

Approximately two thirds of the world's population lives within 400 km of an ocean shoreline. The majority of these coastal regions depend on groundwater as their main source of fresh water. As the world's population continues to increase, fresh water supplies are continually being depleted, which brings with it issues like saltwater intrusion. This increases… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (966 words) Sources: 1+

Unique Properties of Water Essay Paper Icon

Properties of Water

According to the definition provided by Merriam Webster, water is defined as being:

An odorless, tasteless, very slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H2O which appears bluish in thick layers, freezes as 0oC and boils at 100oC, has a maximum density at 4oC and a high specific heat, is feebly ionized to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, and… read more

Essay 2 pages (855 words) Sources: 2

Quote From Ludlow Research Proposal Paper Icon

Psychometric Theory

"If it exists, it can be measured; if it can't be measured, it doesn't exist. "

-Ludlow, 1996

That expression of professor L.H. Ludlow is actually an idea suggested much earlier by Edward Thorndike (1874-1949) and to even earlier arguments, such as those of Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911), for whom a strong case could be made that he… read more

Research Proposal 3 pages (875 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Remote Sensing Can Be Utilized Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Radiometric sensitivity: This is the sensors ability to differentiate the reflectance or the remittance of the spectral radiation from various predetermined targets. This however depend s on the various quantum levels that exists within a certain spectral band.

Problems with remotely sensed information

The major problem with remotely sensed information is that the path that exists between the object under… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2642 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

Turtles the Surprising Thing About Essay Paper Icon


The Surprising Thing About Turtles

Almost everyone has seen a turtle, and not just on that also happens to be a pizza-eating Teenage Mutant Ninja. A lot of people keep small turtles as pets, both indoors inside terrariums or tanks and with some varieties outdoors in gardens and back yards. Larger turtles live in the zoo and, to a… read more

Essay 5 pages (1589 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

Saltwater Oceans Compare and Contrast to Freshwater Essay Paper Icon




In some respects, oceans and inland freshwater lakes are very different; in other respects, they are not as different as they may appear superficially. Similarly, while biological organisms that populate the oceans do differ from those that populate freshwater lakes, in many ways they may also be… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

Trash Has Been a Part of Human Thesis Paper Icon

Trash has been a part of human civilization since at least the Neanderthal began tossing excess foods, waste, and broken items into their caves. It is directly linked to human development, both socially and technologically. Historically, the compositions of wastes have varied, with the Industrial Revolution and subsequent innovation providing a huge spike in excess waste. As a nation, the… read more

Thesis 3 pages (1389 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Maritime Delimitation Essay Paper Icon

Maritime Border Delimitation

Maritime boundaries have been debated, discussed and litigated for centuries. Despite this the majority of maritime boundaries are not delineated or set by any enforceable means as maritime boundaries lay in what is considered a no-man's land, within reason of coastal borders.

For the most part nations have assumed the right of the waters within a few… read more

Essay 11 pages (4617 words) Sources: 30 Style: Harvard

Lapita Pottery Thesis Paper Icon

Lapita Pottery

The native peoples called the Lapita who lived an estimated 3,000 years ago on the scattered islands of what is now the Kingdom of Tonga have left part of their cultural legacy available to be studied through their ceramics, according to the literature. This paper reviews some of the research that explores the Lapita craftsmanship through archaeological studies;… read more

Thesis 5 pages (1791 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

Spreading of Red Sea Floor Over the Geological Time Term Paper Paper Icon

Red Sea Spreading Seafloor

The spreading of the seafloor under the Red Sea offers researchers a chance to study several important areas of science and apply what is learned to a better understanding of earth, earth's history, and perhaps other planets in the Solar System such as Mars. This paper reviews and examines existing science related to the tectonic plates… read more

Term Paper 17 pages (5399 words) Sources: 7

Bermuda Triangle Term Paper Paper Icon

Bermuda Triangle - also sometimes called the "Devil's Triangle" - has been the topic of controversy for many years. The name "Bermuda Triangle" was given to this area - a roughly shaped imaginary triangle between Florida, San Juan (Puerto Rico) and the Bahamas - by writer Vincent H. Gaddis in 1964. Gaddis published an article in Argosy magazine claiming that… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1418 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Students Meningitis Shots Term Paper Paper Icon

Glacial Melting

Though global acclimate change has been debated much over the last 20 years the debate seems to be coming to an end, with regard to the masses of evidence of its occurrence, at an extremely accelerated rate over the last 50 years. Global climate change in its current state is creating massive glacial melting, which can have devastating… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1319 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Keeping California's Oceans Healthy for Future Generations of Scuba Divers Term Paper Paper Icon

Scuba Diving in California's Oceans

Scuba diving is a recreational activity that is rapidly gaining popularity, as equipment has become more professional, easier to work with, and widely available to the public. People may choose to scuba dive for a number of different reasons. Some do so on a professional level, to investigated oceanographic matters, to investigate elements such as… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1022 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Understanding Ocean and Coastal Literacy Term Paper Paper Icon

Ocean and Coastal Literacy

Understanding Ocean and Coastal Literacy

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Office of Education and Sustainable Development (OESD) have benefited from this research;

Those agencies are in the process of identifying both the threats to our ocean resources and habitat, and to determine how much citizens are aware of these threats.

The report… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (952 words) Sources: 1

Inhabitants of N. America Term Paper Paper Icon

Inhabitants of N. America

The First Inhabitants of North America

For the last 50 years schools have taught that the first people in America were Asians who came from Siberia across the Bering Straits. Because the ice melted, they were able to walk across a "land bridge" into Alaska, and gradually they migrated south. According to this theory, they were… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (991 words) Sources: 2

Natural Disaster Tsunami Term Paper Paper Icon

Natural Disaster


There are a number of tsunami occurrences that has been recorded around the world. Each time a tsunami occurs, a great wave of devastation and destruction is found in the affected areas.

Below is the listing of the highly noted and most damaging tsunami that has occurred around the world. It should be noted that the latest… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1639 words) Sources: 7

What Impact Has European Colonialism Had on the Culture of Torres Strait Term Paper Paper Icon

European Colonialism & Torres Strait

European Colonialism and the Peoples of Torres Strait

The impact that European colonialism has had on indigenous cultures in the Torres Strait region is momentous; and, fortunately for those interested in factual history, it has been well documented. This paper will review important materials that have been published regarding the effect - much of it… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2101 words) Sources: 1+

Endangered Coral Reef Ecosystem Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Unfortunately coral disease is just one of many facets affecting coral reefs.

Humans are affecting reefs far more rapidly than natural diseases. Some reefs are destroyed due to costal development. Others are overfished, removing one of the vital links in the ecosystem, and so, with the fish gone, the coral reefs change, die, and return to the sea. This is… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (707 words) Sources: 1+

Coasts Are the Dynamic Junction Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In most places where they exist, these features are increasingly being lost to human development. (ENS, 2004)

The natural process of coastline involves a complex dynamics of many different forces of nature working collectively to create any coastline. What is eroded from one area is generally deposited in another. Longshore currents for example are primarily responsible for moving large volumes… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1204 words) Sources: 1+

Devil's Triangle Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Croix. Rivers was an experienced pilot and had completed the trip many times before. However, after checking in, he soon loses sight of where he is scheduled to land. Suddenly, the plane disappears from the tower radar, never to be seen again. Another disappearance happened in October of 1980. The cargo ship known as the S.S. Poet never checked in… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1362 words) Sources: 1+

Flags of Convenience Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The oil spill was so dramatic that it immediately began to destroy and paralyze fishing in the local area while Portugal waited to find out how badly their immediate eco system was going to be affected by the spill.

The spill blacked out almost 300 kilometers of Spanish coastline. It was filled with dying sea birds and washed up fish… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2900 words) Sources: 0

Political / Environmental Economics Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] We have a groundfishing industry, and shellfish, lobster

QUESTION: And you won't have to sell out to developers?

ANSWER: Gloucester has a 380-year history of being closely joined at the hip to the sea. And I don't see that tradition being interrupted.

QUESTION: I take it the delay on Amendment 13 was due to the flawed methodology used in surveying… read more

Term Paper 12 pages (3874 words) Sources: 1+

Blue Whale Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The whales suck in big gulps of ocean water, and the tiny shrimp and plankton (microscopic sea animals) are filtered out, and the whale swallows them. Blue whales can eat anywhere from 2,000 to 9,000 pounds of food a day! But they don't eat all the time. They only eat in the summertime after they have migrated to the cold… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Requirement for Container Cranes at Ports Container Crane Safety Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 1

Requirement for Container Cranes at Ports
One of the most significant activities of the maritime industry is shipping. The world has become a global village, with water being one of the most preferred modes of transport for assorted cargo from across the world. Container terminals handle the loading and unloading of cargo and operation is often on a… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (713 words) Sources: 3


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