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White Walls Crept Up Poem Paper Icon

[. . . .] She made soup. He didn't even write me back.

I checked. At the top there, it says "messages," and I checked again and again. Nothing there, like my walls. Bare and bland, I hate them so I envision what I would do if they were not as white as they are.

Would I prefer that they were bare but red,… read more

Poem 2 pages (504 words) Sources: 1

Mat Meth Materials & Methods Further Elucidation Lab Report Paper Icon

Mat Meth

Materials & Methods

Further Elucidation of Lipids and Their Chemical Properties

A test tube was labeled "L+" and filled halfway with water. Ten drops of vegetable oil were added to the tube. A test tube labeled "L-" was similarly filled halfway with water, and ten additional drops of water were added. Both test tubes were shaken so as… read more

Lab Report 2 pages (659 words) Sources: 0

Scores Generally Speaking Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As this is a higher order of measurement, more meaningful analysis can be made regarding the distribution of the data. An examination of the accompanying chart and graph make certain basic elements of this data set clear.

For such a small data set, there is a fair amount of central tendency, with the mean, median, and mode all relatively tightly… read more

Essay 1 pages (342 words) Sources: 2

Mango Poem Harvest Abroad Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] "

He'd often explained

Pounding his chest

I being younger

And adventurous as well

Would follow my father

Wherever they'd sell

But even the Alphonso

He always explained

Was not the same thing

His expression was pained

The taste is just different

It just isn't as good

There was only one mango

That our family should

Let into its home… read more

Essay 1 pages (313 words) Sources: 0

Reasoning Determine Whether the Lines Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Solve the system of equations by the substitution method

x + 3y = 32

-3x + 2y = 3

x + 3y = 32

x= 32-3y

-3x + 2y = 3

-3(32-3y) + 2y = 3

-96 + 9y + 2y = 3

-96 + 11y=3

11y= 96 + 3

11y= 99

y= 9

x = 32-3y

x= 32-(3*9)

x=… read more

Essay 1 pages (314 words) Sources: 0

Othello Iago Chapter Paper Icon

[. . . .] Shakespeare implies possible reasons: one certainly being the fact that Cassio is more likeable, agreeable, and easier to get along with than Iago. After the first scene of the play, it is hard to imagine anyone wanting to serve with Iago, or have him as a right-hand man. After all, he is not only disagreeable and egotistical in character, but… read more

Chapter 3 pages (1024 words) Sources: 1

Stress and the Body in Patients With Non-Healing Wounds Essay Paper Icon


Stress and the Body in Patients with Non-Healing Wounds

Walburn, J., Vedhara, K., Hankins, M., Rixon, L., & Weinman, J. (2009). Psychological

stress and wound healing in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 67(3), 253-271.

This article is a review of existing research that has been done in relation to psychological stress and wound healing.… read more

Essay 2 pages (616 words) Sources: 1

User's Manual Darwin Meeting Timer Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Function: Sets the average hourly rate for people in attendance at the meeting and displays that rate.

Usage: Rotate the knob to the left until average hourly rate is accurately reflected in the display window

WARNING: Do not change the Average Hourly Rate while timer is in use. Doing so may cause damage to the mechanism.

Meeting Cost Knob and… read more

Essay 2 pages (664 words) Sources: 1

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] It is because of the difficulties of creating and conducting perfect experimental research, that true cases of this type of investigation are relatively rare. Perhaps it is almost impossible to have true experimental research in most real-world situations because of all the necessary components of the investigation.

Trochim & Donnelly then describe quasi-experimental research. This type can be very similar… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (587 words) Sources: 2

Lie of the Mind Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] (To demand) How come that is? (To inform) My brother- I've got a brother with a real short fuse. He gets weird ideas in his head. It doesn't take much to tip him over the edge. (To complain) Now I've been here way too long. (To explain) Way, way past the time I was supposed to get back. (To speculate)… read more

Essay 2 pages (517 words) Sources: 0

Transplanting a Potted Plant Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Next, dig the hole. First, lightly turn the soil where the plant will go, to a depth of about 6 inches. When it has been turned, dig a hole that is deep enough to cover the entire roots of the plant, that is, all the dirt attached to the plant. Set aside dirt dug out of the hole to re-fill… read more

Essay 2 pages (568 words) Sources: 0

College Algebra Graphing Transformations Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] b) g (x)= (x+5)^2

Answer: The domain of the function g (x) = (x + 5)^2 is all real numbers.

Show Work or Explain in Words:

Like a), the domain of g (x) is defined for every value of x, therefore the domain of g (x) is all real numbers.

c) f (x)= 16x / x^2 +9

Answer: The domain… read more

Essay 3 pages (777 words) Sources: 0

Corresponding Table A1 Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] A18.) The number of post-its I write on.

A19.) The number of mistakes I make while typing on the computer.

Representative Data Coordinates




Aug. 10


Aug. 10


Aug. 11


Aug. 11


Aug. 12


Aug. 12


Aug. 13


Aug. 13


Aug. 14


Aug. 14


Aug. 15


Aug.… read more

Essay 1 pages (327 words) Sources: 0

Individual Project Use the Graph Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] d) g (x) = 2x / (x-3)

Answer: x for all values except 3

Show Work or Explain in Words: The function g (x) becomes undefined when x -- 3 = 0. Consequently, x -- 3 = 0 when x = 3. Therefore, the function is continuous for all values of x except x = 3. The domain then stands… read more

Essay 2 pages (751 words) Sources: 2

Ibsen's a Doll's House Henrik Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] Yet this makes things awkward when we realize that Mrs. Linde has not come for Nora's breathless personal confessions, although Nora misunderstands this. I suggest Ibsen means us to interpret Mrs. Linde's revelations about the lovelessness of her marital life, and the utter lack of emotion with which she faced widowhood, with "not even any sorrow or grief" over Mr.… read more

Thesis 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 2

Hamlet Is by Far Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] With Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" soliloquy, we truly see a man who is contemplating his own death for he believes truly that there is nothing left of goodness in the world. He has given up, a sign of depression. If Hamlet could simply "melt away without any act of his own, he would at once escape his… read more

Essay 5 pages (1677 words) Sources: 4

Irrationality of Man in "The Tell-Tale Heart Essay Paper Icon

Irrationality of Man in "The Tell-Tale Heart"

Edgar Allen Poe is one of the most creative writers when it comes to expressing the irrationality of man. He does this by creating colorful narrators that pull us in with interesting dialogue and questionable actions. He emphasizes the irrational by placing readers into the mind of a man that thinks he is… read more

Essay 3 pages (888 words) Sources: 1

Machines & Marble Drop Essay Paper Icon

Machines & Marble Drop

The Simple Machines and Their Use in an Inclusive Marble Drop Toy

A force is required to move an object. The force applied in and through the distance moved is the work done. Machines are generally used to change the force necessary to move an object, though the overall work is the same neglecting wasted friction.… read more

Essay 2 pages (695 words) Sources: 0

Memoir I Never Want to Forget Essay Paper Icon


I never want to forget that day. I was on my stomach, hiding under my mom's bed, barely breathing, so I didn't make a sound. I felt my shirt getting wet. I peed without knowing it, I was so scared. And it was spreading under me. My body was also shivering, not from being wet, but from this fear.… read more

Essay 4 pages (1420 words) Sources: 0

How About a Kiss Exercise Research Proposal Paper Icon


Jennifer was very confused about John's reaction. Wasn't it he who suggested that they should consider seeing other people? Wasn't it he who said things were moving too fast? Now, he seemed genuinely hurt, even angry, that she made plans to go out with someone else; and it was just a casual drink. The fact that John was obviously… read more

Research Proposal 1 pages (309 words) Sources: 0

Efficient Portfolio Thesis Paper Icon

Efficient Portfolio

The weighted average expected return under the new scenario will be 14%. This is calculated as follows:

The standard deviation of returns under the new scenario is 24.5. We calculate the difference between each potential return and the mean. Thus,

(44-14) = 30; (14-14) = 0, and (14+16) = 30.

Each is squared, and then the squares are… read more

Thesis 1 pages (349 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Exercise on the Use of Significant Detail Research Proposal Paper Icon


The harsh rays of the sun hit my skin with its indictment. The wind whispered harsh and hot non-words to my tortured skull. "You did this," it seemed to say. "And you will pay." The pavement under my feet was harsh as I tried to but could not run. If I run everyone will see and guess terrible things.… read more

Research Proposal 1 pages (401 words) Sources: 0

Native American Tricksters Tales Essay Paper Icon

American Literature

Native American Tricksters Tales

The "Bungling Host" contains a couple of good lessons about how people should not behave. The firs lesson is about how one should not always want to be just like everyone else. The rabbit watched the bear prepare his meal and when the bear came to his house for dinner he wanted to prepare… read more

Essay 1 pages (363 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Reiteration it Is Raining Outside Essay Paper Icon


It is raining outside. But a week ago it was not raining. But now it is raining. Outside my window I see the rain. As if it was the sprinkler turned on and left turned on. But it is not the sprinkler in the yard left turned on. It is the rain. Because it had been raining since the… read more

Essay 1 pages (455 words) Sources: 0

Validity & Reliability in Research Thesis Paper Icon

Validity & Reliability in Research

Validity and reliability are two concepts considered critical in every research study, be this study under the qualitative or quantitative research design. These concepts must be disclosed and discussed in detail in every study, since they serve as the foundation of the credibility and 'strength' of the data -- that is, how strong the study's… read more

Thesis 2 pages (585 words) Sources: 2

Operate a Cappuccino Maker. Unscrew the Lid Thesis Paper Icon

Operate a cappuccino maker.

Unscrew the lid on the top of the cappuccino maker. Add the desired amount of water. The carafe is marked with two lines, indicating the amount of water needed for 2 shots or 4 shots of espresso. If you intend to foam milk, fill 2 centimeters above the fill line.

Ensure that the lid is screwed… read more

Thesis 2 pages (531 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Iago in Shakespeare's Othello Term Paper Paper Icon


Iago in Othello

William Shakespeare's Othello is essentially a play about human passions, which, when unleashed, can be blind and destructive. Iago can be considered the most important character in the text, as it is him who manages to manipulate all the characters in the play by making use of their own weaknesses, so as to make them serve… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (562 words) Sources: 1

Technical Writing - Results Technical Instructions Term Paper Paper Icon

Technical Writing - Results



The design of the instructions was fundamentally sound, enabling most of the test subjects to achieve the objective of salvaging the cassette tapes so that it was capable of being played after repair. Those test subjects who… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (832 words) Sources: 0

Calculate the Mean, Median, and Mode Term Paper Paper Icon

Calculate the mean, median, and mode for the data.

Mean = Sum of X values / N (Number of values)

Mean = 885 /

Mean = 68.0769

Median = 62 found by arranging the numbers in ascending order and selecting the value in the (n + 1) / 2 position which is the 7th position or

56, 56, 62, 62,… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (312 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Appreciating the Value of Ordinary Objects Essay Paper Icon

My Watch: Why I Appreciate the Value of Common Things

Ordinary objects are strange beyond measure or explanation. Language, which is so useful to communicate, sometimes struggles to communicate deeply felt feelings and intuitions. What is stranger still is that ordinary mundane objects in one's life sometimes assume a new reality on examination. I found this out… read more

Essay 5 pages (1551 words) Sources: 0

Informal Poem Exercise Term Paper Paper Icon

Flames of my Father

The object that I have in mind burns brightly when you light it, emits a warm and comforting glow, can be colorful, is traditionally designed as slim, can possibly give off a pleasant scent when lit (aromatherapy). It is multi-faceted with different layers, and has a flame.

I wanted to compare a candle with my father,… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (324 words) Sources: 0

Personal Quality, Talent, Accomplishment, Contribution or Experience Term Paper Paper Icon

personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

Not Heartbreak Hill of the Boston Marathon, maybe, but it's broken the willpower of many runners.

the Junior Varsity National cross-country championship. SAC invitational. Famous for being one of… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (391 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

Percentages Can Often Be a Difficult Concept Term Paper Paper Icon

Percentages can often be a difficult concept to grasp for students, particularly if they have only recently learned proportions. Fortunately, there is a very easy way to conceive of percentages, which makes use of a basic understanding of ratios. Essentially, students must be told that percentages are simply a special kind of proportion; one in which the denominator is always… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (462 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Mediating Organizational Disputes Term Paper Paper Icon

Organizational Disputes

Mediating Organizational Disputes

This paper reviews J.A. Murray's (1986) list of disadvantages of collaborative negotiation, arguing that Murray's list is subjective in nature and inaccurate given ample evidence of the advantages associated with mediation and negotiation as evidenced by Wilmot & Hocker's (2001) observations of negotiation.

Analysis of Murray's Arguments

Murray suggests that collaborative negotiation is disadvantageous for… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (538 words) Sources: 1+

Hamlet How Do You React Term Paper Paper Icon


How do you react to Hamlet's treatment of Ophelia in Act 3, Scene 1? What evidence suggests that he knows he is being watched by Claudius and Polonius?

Hamlet shouts that there will be no more marriages, which is a direct threat to Claudius rather than to Ophelia. He also calls Ophelia false, and seems to believe that she… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (402 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

Hamlet and Horatio the Relationship Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Hamlet: No, you will reveal it.

Horatio: Not I, my Lord, by Heaven.

Act I, scene 5)

The importance of this scene and other such requests lies in the fact that here we see a sane person completely respecting an insane man without judging or doubting him. Hamlet is often acting like a lunatic, responding to auditory hallucinations but to… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1492 words) Sources: 9 Style: MLA

Movie Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl Term Paper Paper Icon

Movie "Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl"

Xiu-Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl

Joan Chen's Xiu-Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl is a moving love story that takes place during China's cultural revolution. Wen Xiu, or Xiu is sent to the countryside in a cultural movement to learn from Lao Jin to care for horses, and though she is told that she will only be there… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (791 words) Sources: 0

My Roommate Term Paper Paper Icon


Since moving to a new college, new area, meeting new people, adapting to a new lifestyle are stressful enough, the last thing you need then is to find yourself with a roommate from hell. Roommates should be understanding and cooperative who respect your privacy and allow you enough space. I would like to become the kind of roommate I… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (403 words) Sources: 0

Organizational Goals Root Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] How much attention should be given to long-term vs. short-term goals? Which should be given priority?

In terms of which should be prioritized, both long-term and short-term goals have their advantages and disadvantages. Focusing more on long-term goals may leave the company to have a slow success. This is because success can only be totally apparent once the long-term goal… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (361 words) Sources: 1+

Organizational Optimization in the Times of Cut-Throat Term Paper Paper Icon

Organizational Optimization

In the times of cut-throat competition, it is not just the quality of your products and services that can give you an edge over your rivals. There is something else required to run organizational functions properly and with minimum friction. In other words, organizational optimization is needed which allows a firm to run more effectively, efficiently- the result… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (311 words) Sources: 1+

Julius Caesar - Hero or Tyrant? Term Paper Paper Icon

Julius Caesar - Hero or Tyrant?

Julius Caesar is a tyrant because he is self-important and thinks he is beyond death and above reproach. He ignores warnings about his well being, and he is cruel - he leads captives from Pompeii through the streets of Rome. He says he does not want the crown or to be a dictator, but… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (442 words) Sources: 1

Sir Gawain Comparing Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, what differentiated Sir Gawain from the archetypal knight is that he also maintained a human side in him, a characteristic that showed that despite his honorable stature, he is also susceptible to other threats to his honor. This threat includes temptations in committing adultery or unmanly conduct towards a woman. This has been shown in his unwise decision to… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (343 words) Sources: 0

Systems of Equations Solve Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 4


Substituting x = 2.4,y = 6.4 in (2) we get

2(2.4) + 3(6.4) = 24

4.8 + 19.2 = 24

L.H.S = R.H.S

d. 12X + Y = 25, 8X - 2Y = 14

12X + Y = 25 -- ((1)

8X - 2Y = 14 -- ((2)

Multiplying (1) by 2, we get

24x + 2y =… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (680 words) Sources: 1+

Macbeth the Title Character Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Malcolm, who is already in England, has shown little initiative to do the same; without Macduff's assistance, Malcolm probably would have remained impotent. By Act III, scene six, Macduff is clearly established as the play's hero because of his willingness to intercede on behalf of Malcolm. During their conversation in that scene, Lennox and the Lord both express their heartfelt… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (640 words) Sources: 0

Philosophy His Arms Opened Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In tandem with the desert tonal vibration, the talons of a crow darted past. He had lost his way, acted mischievously, visited a former lover while the rest of the murder went home to roost. I respected the crow; his sheer blackness suggested he knew something of the Other World, could shift between them effortlessly, simply by willing it so.… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (383 words) Sources: 0

Othello the Audience Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In Act III, scene 3, Iago leaps at the opportunity to frame Desdemonda and Cassio. His machinations in Act II scene 3, including the added bonus of the stray handkerchief, cause the naturally passionate Othello to believe that his wife is cheating on him.

Othello does overreact and to his discredit, believes Iago without properly confronting Desdemonda or Cassio first.… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (692 words) Sources: 1

Reliablism & Bonjour's Objections Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, although it goes contrary to the theory of process reliabilism, our non-sensory common sense indicates to the balanced mind, this coincidence does not mean that he is not crazy -- even if the senses prove him right, in this one instance, this does not mean that Norman is clairvoyant.

The only possible way to refute Norman's clairvoyance within a… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (426 words) Sources: 0

Contracts Scenario on June 15 Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The two could have entered into an agreement whereby the buyer had a certain amount of time to change his or her mind, but this was not the case in the aforementioned offer.

"Be mindful that you can take back or withdraw an offer at any time before the other side has agreed to the deal. This is called retraction… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (408 words) Sources: 1

Othello Shakespeare Uses the Soliloquy Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This ability is not fundamentally a bad or evil trait, it is Iago's use of this ability that makes him a character with poor moral fiber.

Iago's use of allusion to manipulate other characters based on assumption also shows how short minded and possibly stupid he is. In this passage, we are told of the immediate plan but he does… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1647 words) Sources: 0

Video Tape Physical Features Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Here also a sticker can be placed to reveal the contents of the tape. Next to the indentation appears a letter and number value, such as "E-180" to indicate the length of the tape. Beneath these letters there is a square hole. Inside this hole is a square, the same color as the rest of the casing. This is attached… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (648 words) Sources: 0

Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlow Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Faustus takes the audience through his agonizing last hour with him, noting when his last hour on Earth is half up, and then tries a new interpretation of time, redefining eternity to something more in his favor. He wants to negotiate with God to shorten his sentence to a thousand, or a hundred thousands years. He realizes far to late… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (607 words) Sources: 0

Inferno, Canto 12 by Alighieri Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Just as Theseus managed to outwit the beast with a clue to the labyrinth, Dante outwits the beast with his own wits, and learns that violence is not always solved by more violence. This knowledge will also guide him along the rest of his journey. Just as Lucifer represents the ultimate evil in the story, and Beatrice represents the ultimate… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1076 words) Sources: 0

Madam Knight Well, Mr. John Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] John return'd and ask'd mee about mee travills. His eyes were coal in color and when he smil'd he look'd to be like ye drunken guests at ye Lodg. He told mee I had Courage to seek out on a Journy such as ye one that lay beefore mee, and we discuss'd ye Details of ye Journy. He impress'd to… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (597 words) Sources: 0

IQ Scores. Consult Relevant Information Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] However this has nor been proven to be an accurate measure, i.e. By factor analysis on a variety of high range tests. So this type of reliability scoring is flawed mathematically.

Therefore if we take two measures that are correlated with each other, both of which have reliabilities in the.80s, the corrected correlation after assuming the reliabilities are 1.25 which… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (306 words) Sources: 0

Blood Pressure High Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The cuff may be a little tight and uncomfortable at first, but this should quickly subside. Once the cuff has inflated, it will start to slowly deflate. You will hear beeps as it is deflating, so don't be concerned. Once the cuff is completely deflated, the monitor will show what your blood pressure an pulse are. It is important to… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (382 words) Sources: 0

Bee-Keeper and the Bees/Paraphrased Term Paper Paper Icon


There was once a beekeeper that looked after a number of beehives together. We call such a collection of hives an apiary.

The beekeeper kept his bees for their honey, but like all good beekeepers he never took all the honey from the hives, but always left some for the bees.

One day a thief… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (515 words) Sources: 0


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