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Microeconomics Term Paper Paper Icon

8 units.

b) To determine if we should recommend a price increase to $500 or not, we simply need to know the elasticity of demand. The key output is revenue, but we know that if elasticity is below 1.0, the revenue will increase with the price increase. So in this case it is recommended that the price is increased to… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (351 words) Sources: 0

Accuracy on Semiboost Are Noticeably Higher Discussion Chapter Paper Icon

accuracy on SemiBoost are noticeably higher than any other method with more than one value being above 96 including two values over 97 and a third that was over 98. There was a range of about 2 for the accuracy overall on SemiBoost.

SemTra has nothing above 96 while PGM has nothing above 95. BGCM and ORTSC are all 92's… read more

Discussion Chapter 2 pages (438 words) Sources: 0

Une Histoire Franaise Creative Writing Paper Icon

Une Histoire Francaise

Je me presente. Je suis une americaine qui an immigre a Paris. Je suis ici depuis deux mois parce que j'ai decide de faire un semestre d'etudes a l'universite ici. J'ai etudie francais au lycee et aussi a l'universite, mais je vois maintenant que je n'etais pas preparee pour la vie en France. Je vais vous expliquer… read more

Creative Writing 2 pages (515 words) Sources: 0

Calculated F-Measures, All of the Transformation Methods Discussion Chapter Paper Icon

calculated f-measures, all of the transformation methods improved the performance of most classification methods, though in many cases performance did not vary considerably between untransformed (i.e. original) and transformed data or between the varied transformations and classification methods that were applied to the various data sets. There are certain notable exceptions, in particular data sets for which specific classification systems… read more

Discussion Chapter 2 pages (460 words) Sources: 0

Frog Boiling Attack Limitations of Secure Network Coordinate Systems Term Paper Paper Icon

frog-boiling attack studied and carried out by Chan-Tin, et al. (2011). The goal of the attack is to infiltrate a network coordinate system without knowledge of the system and without disrupting the system to the point that the attack will fail. The "frog-boiling" attack is named after a theory that a frog placed in cold water will not jump out… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3923 words) Sources: 10

Solve the Following Quadratic Equation Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Also, P represents the monthly profit in dollars of the small business where x is the number of awards designed in that month.

a) If is charged $60 for a design fee, and the monthly studio rent is $1,500; write an equation for the profit, P, in terms of x. Type x-squared as x^2

P (x) = -.4x2 + 60x-… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (604 words) Sources: 0

Introductory Algebra Discussion Chapter Paper Icon


Many times when purchasing a service there are choices to make. This man is totally confused and frustrated about his options.

One example is phone service:

A telephone company has a choice of two plans. Plan A - $30 per month and $.05 per phone call and Plan B - $20 per month and $.10 per phone call. Which… read more

Discussion Chapter 1 pages (370 words) Sources: 0

Time Series Analysis Stationarity Chapter Paper Icon

Malicious network intrusion is typically associated with specific data trends and data alerts through which network attacks can be detected and mitigated. The evaluation of those data to illuminate identifiable trends relies on sequential observation at regular time intervals. This time-series-process approach to data analysis can apply either to single-series (i.e. univariate) observations or to multiple-series (i.e. multivariate) observations.

Stationery… read more

Chapter 1 pages (340 words) Sources: 7 Style: Harvard

Survey of Mos-Gated Thyristors Term Paper Paper Icon

MOS-Gated Thyristors

Power semiconductor switches have been widely applied in power electronics. However their low usage in pulse power circuitry is due the apprehension that small scale pulse operations might lead to early breakdown. Thyristors have proven to be advantageous in this regard due to their high blocking voltage coupled with an elevated potential to carry steady state current. This… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1190 words) Sources: 10

Moi, Tituba SORCIERE - NOIRE De Salem; Resume Et Book Review Paper Icon

Moi, Tituba Sorciere…Noire de Salem; Resume et Analyse

La nouvelle francaise intitulee "Moi, Tituba Sorciere…Noire de Salem" est une histoire comme il y en a deja beaucoup trop. L'action se deroule a une epoque ou les personnes de couleur etaient percues de maniere negative et, plus souvent qu'autrement, utilises en esclavage. Cette epoque du passee a vu beaucoup d'horreur et… read more

Book Review 3 pages (850 words) Sources: 1

Theory Case Study Paper Icon


A set can be defined as a collection of distinct objects. A subset is a smaller set that lies at least partially within the larger set. Thus if Set a = { 1, 2, 3 } then a subset would be { 2, 3 }.

A proper subset is one that is entirely contained within the set. The above… read more

Case Study 1 pages (323 words) Sources: 0

Project Management the First Activity Scheduled Case Study Paper Icon

Project Management

The first activity scheduled is activity 2, because it has the minimum slack. Then activity 1 is scheduled. Activity 3 is delayed one period, which reduces slack to zero. From this, activity 5 will also be delayed one period, reducing slack to zero. The remainder of the activities will be scheduled in order, subject to delays.

Therefore, the… read more

Case Study 2 pages (464 words) Sources: 2

Limiting a Researcher's View Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Contrast this with the quasi-experimental design, which has significant difficulties with internal validity. A quasi-experimental design "is one that looks a bit like an experimental design but lacks the key ingredient -- random assignment" (Trochim, 2008, 210).

Why would a researcher, who values internal validity, then choose a quasi-experimental design, that specifically lacks in internal validity? The reason is that… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Measures -- Central Tendency & Variability Decision-Making Research Proposal Paper Icon

Measures -- Central Tendency & Variability

Decision-making using measures of central tendency and variability

In order to determine which group of workers would have higher levels of manual dexterity, and would therefore have a lower chance of breaking significant inventory, measures of central tendency and variability would help the decision-maker come up with the most efficient solution to this problem.… read more

Research Proposal 2 pages (445 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Temperance Dr. Stockmann Faces a Series Essay Paper Icon


Dr. Stockmann faces a series of dilemmas in the play An Enemy of the People. He discovers that the tannery is polluting the baths on which the townspeople have built their hopes. There is little equivocation on his part as to whether or not reveal this, demonstrating that he has little sense of dilemma with respect to this truth.… read more

Essay 1 pages (394 words) Sources: 0

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Essay Paper Icon

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

To make the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you will need one jar of peanut butter -- creamy or crunchy, depending on your preference (as a snack, I prefer the creamy, but for meals the crunchy gives the sandwich a more substantial feel), as well as one jar of strawberry (yes, strawberry only) jelly,… read more

Essay 1 pages (331 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

Philosophy First of All, Because Knaves Essay Paper Icon


First of all, because knaves always lie, the words of the always-truthful oracle must be consulted first. It says that if there is one knight, there are at least two knights, and if Sam is a knight, then Alice is a knave or Bob is a knight. The oracle states that if there is one knight, at least one… read more

Essay 2 pages (531 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

Appearance and Reality in Shakespeare's Hamlet Essay Paper Icon

Appearance and Reality in Shakespeare's Hamlet

One example we see of reality vs. The imagined is when Hamlet first encounters the ghost. This scene is powerful because it sets the mood for the rest of the play. He cannot decide if the ghost is really the ghost of his father or something worse. He calls the ghost a "goblin damned"… read more

Essay 1 pages (342 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Lady Macbeth William Shakespeare's Play Term Paper Paper Icon

Lady Macbeth

William Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, illustrates how we all need somebody to help us along the way to becoming who we are. Macbeth was no doubt a successful man but he would never have become the man he did without Lady Macbeth. Whether or not he ever knew it, Macbeth needed Lady Macbeth to accomplish the things he did.… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (901 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Smoke Detector Educational Program Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Fire Safety Education Project

Older adults with special needs are at high risk of being injured or not surviving a fire incident in their home or the community. This is primarily because their special needs affect their ability to respond effectively to a fire incident. In essence, the population is at high risk of being injured or not surviving… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1682 words) Sources: 5

Water Pollution by Homeless in SF Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .]

Abstract on Homeless People Water Pollution in San Francisco

Public policies are governmental actions implemented to help address issues facing the public. San Francisco is currently facing water pollution brought by homeless population, which has increased in the city in the recent past. Rational-comprehensive approach for policy analysis is utilized to examine this public problem and help in constructing policy… read more

Research Paper 30 pages (8911 words) Sources: 16

City Attorney & Mayor Investigate Ethics Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .]

Ethics Case Study

Leadership in a public sector organization can be a complex process because of the myriad of competing obligations and duties. As a result, public administrators are faced with different kinds of internal and external conflicts. For instance, a conflict can arise when a public administrator is required to carry out mutually exclusive acts by stakeholders with legitimate… read more

Case Study 6 pages (1932 words) Sources: 2

HUD: Rationale, Functions, & Impact Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .]

Rationale and Analysis for U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is one of the critical governmental departments in the country. This department was established in 1965 to help deal with issues relating to housing and urban development in the United States. The establishment of this department was influenced by the significance… read more

Essay 4 pages (1236 words) Sources: 4

History of Gays in Islam Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Gay History in Islam

Homosexual behaviors are perceived differently in different societies and religions across the globe. According to anthropologists, homosexuality is a cultural construct that is shaped by local conceptions of gender rather than an issue of sexual identity.[footnoteRef:1] Islam is one of the religions where homosexuality is viewed differently based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and… read more

Research Paper 7 pages (1951 words) Sources: 7

Somalis in the workplace Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Country and Background
The country chosen for this study is Somalia, a country in the horn of Africa. Somalia has faced a significant amount of strife in the past few decades, which has led to significant emigration. Somalis have ended up in many countries, the United States included. They face substantial challenges when they arrive. Most Somalis are Muslim, which… read more

Essay 7 pages (2018 words) Sources: 5

Fraud detection and latest techniques Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] Fraud Detection
1. What additional information and documentation do you need from Jack before a second meeting? Be specific.
There is additional information as well as documentation that I would necessitate from Jack prior to a second meeting. Specifically, I would necessitate minutes of the board of trustees, inquiries from personnel and an assessment of subsequent transactions. It is imperative… read more

Case Study 3 pages (924 words) Sources: 3

academic journal article Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] Analyze Literature

The Problem
The authors tackle a few different issues pertaining to the idea of the business model. They note that research on business models has been heterogeneous in the past, from a number of different perspectives. As a result, there has been no clear consensus view in academia as to what exactly a business model is, whether any… read more

Article Review 6 pages (2001 words) Sources: 5

writing word processing technology changes Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Technology has changed the process, form, and function of writing. Before the advent of word processors and writing software, writing would have been done longhand using pen and paper or with a typewriter. These forms of writing were both more time consuming than using software or word processors. More importantly, word processing makes editing and error correction easier and quicker.… read more

Essay 1 pages (299 words) Sources: 0

threat and risk assessment for a high profile client Term Paper Paper Icon


Security: Threat Assessment
Student Name

The client has restricted mobility and relies on a wheelchair. Chronic respiratory and other health conditions also require the client to have daily nursing care. Because the client is an outspoken white supremacist, he has enemies, including those from rival white supremacist groups. Moreover, he… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1386 words) Sources: 4

description of something to a blind person Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Description

An ocean view is one just as spectacular to the eyes as it is to the other senses. If youve ever sat by the shore and heard the waves crashing, youll know that this is a powerful, moving phenomenon, and Ill try to describe what that looks like to you.

The ocean is a vast body of water. It… read more

Essay 2 pages (660 words) Sources: 0

Why you shouldn t buy the iPhone X Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] iPhone X

Evaluation discussion: why you should avoid purchasing Apples iPhone X
Apple\'s Tenth anniversary iPhone X holds the news headlines nowadays. Given that iPhone X happens to be a major advancement of iPhone 7 and 8, stepping up to iPhone X is claimed to produce numerous advantages and a lot of the discussion centers around the lack of… read more

Essay 4 pages (1024 words) Sources: 7

Modern finance structures in piblic trade corporations Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Financial Decisions in Publicly Traded Corporations
Impact of an Increasing Debt Ratio on ROE and on Risk
Financing a firm through debt instead of retailing the firms stock in order to attract capital evades the dilution of the shareholders percentage ownership of the firm. Nonetheless, if there is a major capital position delivered by stakeholder investment, the firm has a… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1938 words) Sources: 5

learning how to fail in the classroom Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Contrary to popular belief, failure is an option. Lax teaching practices have caused many Americans to believe they are entitled to success. A sense of entitlement results in a rude awakening upon entering a competitive job market in which those who have learned through trials and tribulations are far more prepared to meet the challenges of daily life. Likewise, a… read more

Essay 3 pages (963 words) Sources: 1

Comparison of Two UK Ambulance Services GCSE Coursework Paper Icon

[. . . .] National WBQ
Individual Project
Whitchurch High School 68751

Name: Kai Mcilquham
WBQ Teacher: Mrs. Gambold
Word Count: 3273

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction 4
Section 2: Aims and Objectives 5
Aim 1 5
To explore what services the Welsh Ambulance service provide. 5
Aim 2 5
To discover what services St John ambulance, provide. 5
Aim 3… read more

GCSE Coursework 2 pages (1939 words) Sources: 0

Wentville's Economic Strength and Structure Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Economic Development Analysis and Proposal for Wentzville, Missouri


Wentzville is a small city that is situated in the east expanses of St. Charles County within the state of Missouri. The city has been in existence for more than 160 years with a total area of just over 51 square kilometers. Wentzville is situated at the juncture of… read more

Research Paper 16 pages (4818 words) Sources: 10

Feigin and intergenerational wealth transfer Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth

1. Joe Feagin argues that there have been many acts of unjust enrichment and unjust impoverishment over the course of history. He elaborates his argument in the context of African-Americans as follows, that unjust enrichment of whites and unjust impoverishment of African-Americans \\\"lies in the stolen labor and lives of millions enslaved until 1865, the stolen… read more

Essay 5 pages (1633 words) Sources: 5

Two perceptions of homoerotic love Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] EROS
Question One
Sapphos poetry together with the speeches contained in Platos Symposium encompass homoerotic love. In particular, the work by Plato lays emphasis on the nature of love between men whereas Sappho lays emphasis on love between women. Platos discussion of eros in Symposium demonstrates the qualities of hierarchy and domination. This can be perceived in the speeches of… read more

Essay 5 pages (1592 words) Sources: 5

Addiction and how to deal Chapter Paper Icon

[. . . .] Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 1 - 10/09
Smoking a cigar after two weeks feels like heaven to me. It\'s like I was missing a limb from my body. As I leave the school and heads to the parking lot, I smoke a cigar to pass the time and once in the car. I feel in control of my urge… read more

Chapter 14 pages (4156 words) Sources: 0

SSA Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] Introduction
The case study follows Vince Rogov and Mike Lawrence. Vince is a veteran that was denied disability benefits several times back to back. Therefore, he sought the help of a disabilities advocate by the name of Mike Lawrence. These advocates help someone like Vince because they are knowledge in the various regulations of the SSA. Without sufficient evidence proving… read more

Case Study 5 pages (1634 words) Sources: 5

EndNote ReadCube and RefWorks Literature Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] 9

The reference management process involves the use of reference management software that allows users to record and utilize bibliographic citations otherwise known as references. Citation and reference management tools are combination of reference and citation management. Reference management tools create bibliographies and maintain a database to references whereas, citation management tools create bibliographical libraries in various formats (Kaur &… read more

Literature Review 7 pages (2214 words) Sources: 4

Counseling Bahamian Americans Community Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Bahamian Americans

Cultural competence has emerged as one of the most important components in today's counseling practice given that the modern society comprises a multicultural population with different needs. The development of cultural competence helps professionals in the counseling field to develop a suitable understanding of the worldviews of culturally diverse clients (Sue & Sue, 2015). Culture not only shapes… read more

Research Paper 10 pages (3134 words) Sources: 10

Analysis of Journey to the West Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Xintong JI


MONKEY: The Relationship between Hsuan-tsung (Xuanzang) and Monkey.

The Four Great Classical Novels were four most famous novels in China include "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", and "Dream of the Red Chamber". "Journey to the West", which is attributed to Cheng En Wu, was the most popular novel that was loved… read more

Essay 4 pages (1437 words) Sources: 0

Financial Stress Among Middle Aged Adults Article Critique Paper Icon

[. . . .] Social Issues During Adulthood With Disabilities

Sturgeon, Zautra & Okun (2014) conducted a study to examine the link between financial stress and interpersonal events among middle-aged adults and their conditions in life. This research was carried out on the premise that financial resources are crucial towards stability in an individual's home, provision of basic needs like food and healthcare, and… read more

Article Critique 2 pages (620 words) Sources: 1

Gender Equality in the Workplace Chapter Paper Icon

[. . . .] Equality in the Workplace -- Have Women Achieved Equality in the Workplace?

Gender equality continues to dominate workforce policies and practices in the modern business environment, especially as the role of women in the society continues to change. This report examines the issue on whether women have achieved equality in the workplace given the increased participation of women in the… read more

Chapter 7 pages (1877 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

old school letter formatting Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Lucid Collective

Sgt. Jose Rodriguez

489 Paradise Blvd,

Pasadena CA 91108

Dear Sgt. Rodriguez,

I am writing because my company, the Lucid Collective, is interested in participating in the Toys for Tots campaign this holiday season. We are a young company, and have been founded with the mission to make our community a better place and to show strength through… read more

Essay 2 pages (353 words) Sources: 3

Using the APA Manual for Research Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Lessons Learned About Writing Style

This research was conducted for -- class.

Correspondence concerning this article can be sent to (your name, email).

Proper Formatting for a Printed Book

Formatting for a printed book can be found in chapter 8 "The Publication Process" of the APA Publication Guide. A properly formatted example would be Crawford's (2016) Introduction to research: Less… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (521 words) Sources: 2

Quantitative critique of article Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] dry versus moist heat on peripheral IV catheter insertion in a hematology-oncology outpatient population.

Fink, Regina M, RN, Phd, A.O.C.N., F.A.A.N., Hjort, Ellen, R.N., N.D., Wenger, Barbara, RN, M.S., O.C.N., Cook, P. F., Phd., Cunningham, Mary, RN, B.S.N., O.C.N., Orf, Aimee, RN, B.S.N., O.C.N.,... Zwink, Jennifer, RN, B.S.N., O.C.N. (2009).

Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(4), E198-204. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/223114041?accountid=35812

You must… read more

Essay 6 pages (3926 words) Sources: 6

Editing Veterans With Stress Thesis Paper Icon

(2015, August 14). Treatment of PTSD. Retrieved from http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/treatment/therapy-med/treatment-ptsd.asp

The social culture perspective of psychology can be used to approach the problem of veterans struggling with PTSD and its stigma. By using social networking we can help spread awareness about PTSD and educate people about it (American Public Health Association, YEAR). One fundamental theory of psychology that can be used… read more

Thesis 6 pages (1253 words) Sources: 1+

Analyzing Col Billy Jack Carter Award Resume Paper Icon

He was stationed at Niger for four months in the capacity of Course Director, when he mentored a total of 142 members of the FAN on fighting the constant threat of violent extremism and terrorism by insurgent organizations in the North African region. He assumed the vacant post of First Sergeant, besides a post as Air Advisor Mission Superintendent. It… read more

Resume 3 pages (886 words) Sources: 0

Middle East Economy and Politics Essay Paper Icon

(ICG)[footnoteRef:3] [3: ICG,. "Exploiting Disorder." Atavist. N.p., 2016. Web. 16 June 2016.]

They are representative of the radicalization of countries, villages, and individuals. The group is a bi-product of the many social injustices suffered and experienced in the 2011 Arab revolutions. The other groups seek to create unity for one specific population whereas IS seeks to create unity across the… read more

Essay 12 pages (3880 words) Sources: 10

Discussion About Codes of Ethics Essay Paper Icon

This code of ethics would be improved with more detail. Examples and context are important in some cases just to understand what the guideline means for daily practice, because it is daily practice that ethics are violated, not in this general sense.

4. Working with this policy, there is no need for actionable goals because there are literally no targets… read more

Essay 4 pages (1384 words) Sources: 0

Value of Organizational Culture in the Military Essay Paper Icon

The vision of solidarity and integrity that the brigade should represent then needs to be communicated and obstacles to the goal of embodying accountability and integrity need to be removed. To this end, stress needs to be alleviated (as it can lead to bad morale) and the brigade's negative rituals need to en as they do not foster camaraderie. Short-term… read more

Essay 4 pages (1407 words) Sources: 4

Army Culture and Hr Essay Paper Icon

It is also the role of the army's professional leaders to create a balance between the culture and the climate of the army and the institutional practices that it follows. The commitment, the mindset and the well-being of the army professionals would depend on how these factors are aligned. The attitude of the strategic leaders is often critical in having… read more

Essay 2 pages (794 words) Sources: 0

Analyzing Key Concepts of Leadeship in the Military Research Paper Paper Icon

1. Accountability: A military job means that one is trained to instinctively endeavor towards ideal results. The accountability level, which stems out of military experience, equips organizations with the capacity of preserving time as well as resources.

1. System- oriented: When there is no system, in a military setting, one has to develop it. The common aim is coming up… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2792 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

How Military Logic Is Translated Into Policy Research Paper Paper Icon

In terms of security, its purpose is to show how to defeat the terror network through the use of force, how to stop the spread of nuclear and biological weapons and how to secure peace through international partnerships and alliances, through wise investment of taxpayers' money, the promotion of democracy and the support of the dignity of life.

The NMS… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1782 words) Sources: 3

Women Should Be in Combat Roles Research Paper Paper Icon

More soldiers means more talent -- more people trained to handle technical jobs, and more infantry on the ground. Fighting is done with weapons and training these days, and technology is more important that brute force. At the end of the day, anybody capable of combat, be they male, female or sasquatch, should have access to combat positions within the… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1279 words) Sources: 1+

Annual Income My Name Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] out.println ("The total sale of the item is $" + total_sale_of_item);


/ / Imports the class needed to read input import java.util.Scanner;

/ / Declare your class name class milesPerGallon {

/ / Main method

public static void main (String args[]){

/ / Declare your variables double mpg = 0;

int miles = 0;

int gallons = 0;… read more

Essay 1 pages (412 words) Sources: 0

Structural Analysis Scenario Objective Professional Writing Paper Icon

Structural Analysis


Objective of this project is to design an internal working structure a-B-C-D-E-F to support extractor fans as well as other equipment. The structure inside the building is a brickwork at 10 miles south of Derbyshire and Derbyshire. The proposed design is to extend beam AB and CD into the substantial bricks… read more

Professional Writing 6 pages (1618 words) Sources: 5


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