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Virginia's State Court System Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It also hears appeals of final decisions of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission. While appeals of criminal, traffic, concealed weapons permit, and certain preliminary rulings in felony cases are presented by a petition for appeal, all other appeals to the Court of Appeals are a matter of right" (State of Virginia, 2011). In addition, it has original jurisdiction over writs… read more

Essay 2 pages (782 words) Sources: 1+

Statute of Frauds Research Paper Paper Icon

Statutes of Fraud

Fraud and Statute of Frauds

Fraud is generally defined as an act of intentional deception for the purpose of gain and at the expense of another person.

The Statute of Frauds or SOF is a law, which requires certain contracts to be written and signed by all the parties involved in order to become binding.

The purpose… read more

Research Paper 7 pages (2186 words) Sources: 3

Land Use Terms Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Eminent domain is a concept that is used around the civilized world, although it tends to be called different things based on where it is exercised. In areas like South Africa and Canada, it is called expropriation. In the United States, it is called eminent domain. In the UK, New Zealand and Ireland, it is called compulsory purchase.

Regardless of… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (923 words) Sources: 0

Employee Privacy Torts Issues Relating Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] If they are unable to lawfully withhold the information asked for, the act allows a complaint to be lodged in federal court since the right to access is enforceable.

The exemptions to this act are documents that are classified as secret because of national defense or foreign policy, documents related to internal personnel rules and practices, documents exempted by other… read more

Research Paper 25 pages (7119 words) Sources: 20

Employee Privacy Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] The Spears challenged the court's finding of liability and admitted taping however stated their content that the facts in this case bring their actions "under two statutory exceptions to civil liability. Further, Juanita Spears alleges that she did not disclose information learned from the tapes, thus the statutory damages assessed against her on that ground was improper. For their part… read more

Case Study 4 pages (1267 words) Sources: 3

Rockville at the Outset Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] When the mediator began to suggest that certain groups (i.e. my coalition) accept a proposal not in their best interests, however, the problems with such a system became apparent. Whether or not the mediator feels a proposal is fair and just, the temptation to move beyond facilitation to decision-making is clear and the need to resist giving into the mediator's… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Constitutional Originalism a Living Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] For example the 1985 case in the Supreme court of Trop vs. Dulles. The words of the eight amendment are not definite and they do not have a static scope. The amendment ought to draw meaning from the standards of decency that are constantly under evolution which mark are an indication of a society that is maturing. The court reference… read more

Essay 3 pages (1059 words) Sources: 3

Arrests an Officer Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The individual who believes that the officer had no probable cause can refuse to cooperate, and the officer can make the arrest anyway. Whether or not the arrest will be viewed as valid in court is another matter.

The officer is permitted to frisk a person if there is probable cause to suspect that the individual might have a weapon.… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (663 words) Sources: 0

Sarah's Legal Adviser Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] To this end, the procurement of date-stamps and other signifiers from Sarah's voicemail service or cellular phone provider is crucial, because if it can be shown that she was unaware of Barry's tender of

9 Ex-parte Fealey (1897) 18 LR (NSW) L. 282.

acceptance to the purchase without a warranty, there can be no determination of contractual obligation on her… read more

Essay 6 pages (1904 words) Sources: 15

Big Time Toymaker and Chou Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, in Case 6.3 of the text (Stevens v. Publicis), the court focused on the name at the end of the e-mail messages. The exact words of the court being, "the e-mails constitute 'signed writings' within the meaning of the statute of frauds, since the name at the end of the e-mail signified the intent to authenticate the contents," (Stevens… read more

Essay 4 pages (1330 words) Sources: 3

Huber V Walmart Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] Part 2 -- The Court stated that "Wal-Mart reasonably accommodated Huber's disability by placing Huber in a maintenance associate position." Again, we must go back to the verbiage of the ADA rules. Wal-Mart was not required to give Huber a position that she wanted, but a reasonable position. The definition of reasonable, though, remains problematic. Reasonable does not mean subverting… read more

Case Study 4 pages (1263 words) Sources: 2

Federal Tort Claims Act Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] For the purposes of the FTCA, law enforcement officers are "anyone who can make arrests for violations of federal law, or seize evidence, or execute seizures" ( Solari, Unk.). Because it is frequently within the scope of employment for these people to engage in aggressive behavior, the government will pay "for intentional torts like assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest,… read more

Essay 4 pages (1335 words) Sources: 4

CAD Mex Globalism Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The impetus of trust would focus on Gentura being unable to actually market ProPrez in other countries, even under a different name, if the formulation was patented and the agreement enforceable in other countries that were signatories of major trade agreements.

Just as each sovereign nation has a set of rules and regulations that have arisen out of their particular… read more

Essay 3 pages (1231 words) Sources: 3

Acceptance Business Legal Case Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It is not noted the time lapse or the actual date of the initial ABC offer, but unless it was close to or more than a month, it is unlikely that a month would be considered "reasonable" in terms of contract enforcement (USLegal, 2013).

Again, as noted above, Mr. Jones was exceedingly foolish for not offering an offer expiration or… read more

Essay 2 pages (634 words) Sources: 1

Product Liability Today's Society Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Chavez' weapon and its relationship to his line of work requires that simple activation of the weapon be instituted as a feature. The Glock's quick trigger could be understood as a means to protect Chavez at work even though it may have caused his accident. Looking to blame other is commonplace in today's world and litigation is often used as… read more

Essay 6 pages (1808 words) Sources: 3

Default Dispute Termination of Contract Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This can be achieved by devising cost containment measures and testing them accordingly thereby identifying their weak areas and thus taking corrective measures. Secondly, I would recommend that, experts in the financial, procurement and contracting fields be used in the acquisition planning. This is because they have adverse knowledge in these areas and thus will always give better results.

In… read more

Essay 6 pages (1716 words) Sources: 5

Quality Assurance Section 46.703 Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] With these considerations, the warranty can be accorded with respect to the terms and conditions therein. Moreover, the imposition of the warranties is made in accordance to the complexity and functions of the warrants together with their degree of development (Judge Advocate general School & American Bar Association, 2007).

Chapter 8 of the "Government Contract Guidebook" and determination whether "express… read more

Essay 2 pages (698 words) Sources: 3

U.S. Court System in Texas Essay Paper Icon

U.S. court system

In Texas, officers of the court like the sitting judges and judicial candidates engage in lobbying to secure judicial jobs. They seek support from individuals they had, are, or will preside over their cases. This problem is not only unique to the State of Texas. It happens in more than 39 states in the United States (Cohen,… read more

Essay 3 pages (986 words) Sources: 2

Equitable Remedy Applications Equity Remedies Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] When a citizen helps a police officer contain a suspect for arrest and the suspect gets harmed, it could be deemed as battery, but would be justified because the citizen was aiding an authority in law.

More people are deciding to live together instead of marry due to stronger focus on career, economic reasons, living together is viewed as a… read more

Essay 2 pages (709 words) Sources: 6

Setting Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The accusations would have to be proven and convicted in a court of law, which would require time and resource consumption.

In the case of the civil law system applied to the business community, this is characterized by a lower degree of free contract, which means that the business contracts are more standardized and better regulated by the state. Subsequently,… read more

Essay 6 pages (1734 words) Sources: 3

Parens Patriae Four Alleged Juvenile Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] The Indiana Supreme Court agreed that juveniles have a constitutional right to have their competency determined before they are subjected to delinquency proceedings but disagreed that the juvenile code provides no procedure for determining the competency of children. Since the juvenile code "must be liberally construed" to "ensure that children within the juvenile justice system are treated as persons in… read more

Article Review 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 2

Belize Telecom Case Comment: Implied Terms Essay Paper Icon

Belize Telecom

Case Comment: Implied Terms and Real Meanings

It is law's living nature that gives it such a compelling fascination; when the most minute of details can lead to the most profound changes in perspective and practical action, and when problems that would seem to be age-old lead to new conclusions and solutions, one cannot help but marvel at… read more

Essay 4 pages (1183 words) Sources: 2

Franz Kafka "The Trial Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Indeed, even the two guards who staff the power structure are powerless to stop it when it turns on them, appealing to the authority of the heretofore downtrodden K. The two guards, being stripped of their uniforms for the flogging, metaphorically join K. As just another criminal that must be dealt with by the law.

The third guard, still on… read more

Essay 4 pages (1440 words) Sources: 0

Non-Compete Agreement Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Some states consider the offer of employment as something of value while other states require more, such as additional payment of money. The non-compete agreement must be for a reasonable amount of time and provide a date, usually two or three years from the date of termination. The agreement must contain a defined geographic location, usually the area that surrounds… read more

Essay 4 pages (1164 words) Sources: 4

Education Administration: Discrimination Against Teachers Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This allows the young to learn through apprenticeship, thereby maintaining the economic status quo developed.

Case 2

Promotion denial from religion discrimination

In 1995, Miss Bernadette Reynolds was denied promotion due to substantial racial claims of being white. The United States Court of Appeals granted her the lawsuit to proceed with the accusations. The Denver Public Schools in Colorado, a… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1385 words) Sources: 6

Court of Criminal Appeals Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It was stressed that the section was incorporated to maintain "honesty, integrity, and reliability of the justice system" and the agents of the government must not be allowed to resorting to forgeries, misrepresentations or tampering with evidence. The court observed that these practices will be about the "lessening of the public's confidence in our institutions; public cynicism, fear, and uncertainty;… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 2

CC: Dr. Thomas Furlow Statement Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The question comes down to whether a party exercised due diligence concerning the suit and answering the summons (Perry v. Central Bank & Trust). Moreover, the court may consider whether the factual scenario would support a finding in favor of the party against whom a default judgment was entered (Perry v. Central Bank & Trust).

In Green Seed Co., Inc.… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (649 words) Sources: 1+

Sir or Madam Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As a correction officer, I had to be detail oriented and have good managerial skills, which is one of the greatest assets I will bring with me to MSLAW. After years of wearing uniforms, I want to help people during their experience of the legal process and not during their experience of correctional penalization.

While I was at BSU, I… read more

Essay 2 pages (532 words) Sources: 0

Personal Statement Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] From observing the restaurant industry behind the scenes I have gained an understanding of the different legal requirements of operating a business and dealing with regulations and red tape. I know the importance of being a strong advocate for a cause, whether that cause is the restaurant's reputation or a customer's right to good service, depending on the circumstances.

I… read more

Essay 2 pages (516 words) Sources: 0

Legal Ethics Surrounding the Love Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] With respect to the Love Canal tragedy, it can be reasonably expected that chemists would be aware of the potential for harm and therefore had an obligation to dispose of the toxic chemicals responsibly. Under the common law definition of negligence, which is the basis for tort laws in the United States, Hooker Chemical was negligent even in the absence… read more

Essay 2 pages (685 words) Sources: 2

Juvenile Justice the Juvenile Criminal Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A juvenile court had ordered a 15-year-old youth, Gerald Gault, confined to the Arizona State Industrial School until he reached 21. The Supreme Court heard the case because he was not offered due process and was sentenced to six years confinement same offense that carried a maximum $50 fine for an adult (ABA, 2010). SCOTUS declared that juveniles should be… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1292 words) Sources: 4

Internet Governance by U.S. Government Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These governmental agencies are charged with defining the limits of Internet privacy and security for consumers -- and then working to establish regulations that are balanced and fair to both consumers and enterprises. But representatives of these agencies admit that they are years behind where they would like to be -- and where consumers think they should be. There has… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1763 words) Sources: 1+

International Shipping Oriental Manufacturing Ltd Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] International Shipping's contention that Oriental did not attempt to clean the outside of the aluminum bags in order to allow the use of the clean room to assess the computer chips is proven with Oriental's defense in the fact it would have been prohibitively expensive. Oriental could have spent the money to clean the bags in order to assess them… read more

Essay 2 pages (670 words) Sources: 4

Legal Transplants Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (p.10) According to Oguz this adoption should be held as a "continuing, living social process from the adoption point forward." (p.10-11) Oguz reports that soon following the Swiss Code being passed, "the law of obligations, commercial law, regulations, and laws of judgment and execution were passed and Turkey became a member of the western legal family." (2005, p.10) It… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1318 words) Sources: 10

Appellate Opinion Breach of Contract Research Paper Paper Icon

Appellate Opinion

In the case of Union Pacific Railroad Company v. The United States, the United States Court of Federal Claims ruled in favor of the defendant after determining that the relevant statute of limitations had expired, dismissing the plaintiff's claim that it was owed compensation for the installation of the wrong culverts beneath a train line. The case demonstrates… read more

Research Paper 12 pages (3783 words) Sources: 9

Snyder v. Phelps Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, however, reversed the Jury's verdict and held that the court had erred by instructing the jury to decide a question of law rather than fact. Then the Court ordered Snyder to pay court costs, the public ire and commentary became viral. A writ of certiorari was filed on March 8, 2010, and arguments began… read more

Essay 2 pages (801 words) Sources: 2

Civil Rights: The Ricci v Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] DeStefano case showed the challenges employers can encounter in attempts to achieve a diversified workforce while avoiding discrimination against the conventionally advantaged groups. The main issue surrounding the case is whether a municipality and its officials discriminate in infringement of the Equal Protection Clause when a civil service examination or race-neutral selection process produces accidentally racially unbalanced results.

In its… read more

Essay 2 pages (817 words) Sources: 2

Equality Efficiency Arthur Okun Argues Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This, in essence, is why the U.S. functions one way and other democracies like Canada or Germany function another way. Their citizens have chosen a different set of tradeoffs than Americans have.

Okun's view is clearly on the side that rights are superior to dollars, and that is a reasonable view for anyone to hold. However, it is just a… read more

Essay 3 pages (944 words) Sources: 1

Contract Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 3. According to the text, "offers, once made, do not last forever. At some point in time, they terminate," (p. 329). Lapse of time is one of the core instances an offer will terminate in law. A "reasonable amount of time" is determined and in this case clearly a reasonable amount of time is linked directly to the day the… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1246 words) Sources: 1

Supreme Court Case Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (Facts as explained in the N.H. Supreme Court Decision, In re Waterman, 910 A.2d 1175 (N.H. 2006), Id. At 1178 quoting Eshelman v. Blubaum, 560 P.2d 1283, 1285 (Ariz. 1977) cited in Webster, ) The Court is reported to have adopted the Arizona Supreme Court's reasoning in the case Eshelman v. Blubaum in which the court held that a… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1015 words) Sources: 3

Durable Power of Attorney Executed Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Should Jane not act in good faith in overseeing John's estate, then his heirs and predecessors would have a right to question the actions of Jane and have a court of law review her actions.

XI. Revocation of the Durable Power of Attorney

In the State of Alabama, the durable power of attorney may be revoked and must be done… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1828 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

U.S. Constitution the Effect Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In order to prosper, it is crucial to free human beings and states to achieve their potential under minimal restriction or guidance. The social value of freedom directs the interpretation of this tenth amendment of the constitution by the Supreme Court. Individuals have the right to some extent of freedom in relation to their existence within the society. Interpretation of… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1977 words) Sources: 4

International Legal Issues Cadmex Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As stated above, some practical considerations include the cost of trying the case because of the parties' and witnesses locations. For example, say a witness is in Japan. The case is against a Japanese company. Texas has jurisdiction due to the work done in Texas. The cost to the plaintiff of flying in witnesses, or perhaps not having access to… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

United States District Court Multiple Chapters Paper Icon

[. . . .] Grantham submitted to multiple blood tests that all came back negative id at 1081. There must be a basis in fact for her fear of developing a disease id. Porter like Grantham cannot show a basis in fact that would legitimize his claim for emotional distress.

The District court correctly ruled in granting partial summary judgment with regard to the… read more

Multiple Chapters 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Montejo v. Louisiana, 556 U.S Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This ruling leaves it up to the states to decide whether being advised of a Sixth Amendment right to counsel is sufficient to trigger Edwards.

However, the Court is aware that the Montejo majority opinion significantly changes the legal rules regarding the Sixth Amendment right to counsel and therefore views Montejo as having acted as though the Jackson rule was… read more

Essay 3 pages (1180 words) Sources: 2

Officer Accountability a Police Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] That removal constitutes his "punishment" for his recently discovered dishonesty. However, the officer will also be offered the opportunity to continue in the Department in an administrative role that never requires his testimony in court. Given the facts of this case, this appears to be a possible fair solution for all concerned.

Works Cited

Bernstein, C., & Woodward, B. (2012,… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1736 words) Sources: 5

Hotel Sent the Security Guard Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The court also found that the security staff had legal justification to detain the defendant for purposes of investigating the incident.

The presiding judge found that the plaintiff, Borgata, under the facts and circumstances of this case, owed no duty of care to the defendant. Moreover, the judge found a preponderance of the evidence clearly indicated that the plaintiff, Shannon… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1125 words) Sources: 0

Arises Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] By taking this action, the young man has committed another intentional assault tort. Similar to his attempt at running over his girlfriend's father, the mere act of firing shots in the direction of the gun brandishing man constitutes an assault. He does not have to have damaged the man in any way in order to be found liable for the… read more

Essay 3 pages (1052 words) Sources: 2

Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Company, 248 Term Paper Paper Icon

Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Company, 248 N.Y. 339, 162 N.E. 99 (1928)


The injured passenger was standing on a platform waiting for the train to stop.

Another passenger attempted to jump on the slowing train and in the process dropped an unmarked package containing fireworks, which exploded and indirectly injured the waiting passenger standing several feet away.

The… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (652 words) Sources: 1+

Hla Hart and Modern Legal Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] Austin said that the coincidence between the law that is and the law that ought to be happens so often that people get confused and believe that law and morality are connected. Austin also said that there is human law and there is divine law and that if a human law conflicts with divine law, then the human law is… read more

Case Study 4 pages (1385 words) Sources: 0

Supreme Court and Public Opinion Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] Drafts of the opinions, as well as concurring or dissenting opinions, circulate among the Justices until all voices are heard and the Court is prepared to release its official opinion (Tushnet, 2008, p. 256). In cases that are high profile or that have divergent state opinions, the Court's decisions tend to not only make the national news, but to also… read more

Thesis 4 pages (1479 words) Sources: 3

Edwards v. Pepsico Company Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Changes

There does not appear to be any information available on what changes were made either at Pepsico or at B.W. Sinclair, who was the manufacturer of the Bulk Bag Unloader. One would hope that both companies put rules into place to make sure that this piece of equipment was not manufactured or operated without the safety guards so that… read more

Essay 6 pages (2029 words) Sources: 6

1950s, Attempts to Integrate Fundamental Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] One year later in 1970, the ECJ quickly elaborated and expanded upon its Stauder decision in the case Internationale Handelsgesellschafi. In this case, a German court ruled that EU regulations breached the German constitution. The importance of the ECJ's decision was that though EU regulations and law could not remain consistent and in-line with member-state constitutions, it held that fundamental… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1296 words) Sources: 4

Contract Formalizes the Agreement Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Creditor may reluctantly agree o settle due to his need for the money and his lacking time and expense to bring a lawsuit.

Undue influence is where one party is induced to enter a contract against his will due to persuasion on part of the other rather than duress. Common examples of these follow the death of an individual, when… read more

Essay 5 pages (1697 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Product Liability Is an Area Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Grimm's causation testimony. The Court of Appeals reviewed the complete case and concluded that the Trial Judge erred when it excluded Dr. Grimm's opinion testimony about causation. The Appellate Court believed that it was up to the Jury to decide the relative merits of opinions and conclusions reached by acknowledged expert witnesses. The Decision of the Court of Appeals is… read more

Essay 2 pages (623 words) Sources: 4

Human Nature and Common Peace in Leviathan Essay Paper Icon


In his work on political philosophy, Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes outlines what he theorizes as the state of nature for man. In this state of nature, without any government or regulated society, each individual is essentially at war (or potentially at war) with every other man, as there is no higher rule of conduct that prevents this eternal and ongoing… read more

Essay 2 pages (582 words) Sources: 1

Troubled by a Large Number of Coaches Term Paper Paper Icon

Troubled by a Large Number of Coaches Breaking their Contracts

In collegiate sports one of the most controversial issues is the ability of coaches to switch from one team to another. This is troubling as many schools will claim that the best coaches are being lured to bigger programs (with more money). A good example of this can be seen… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (793 words) Sources: 1+

International Management the European Union Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] S., but American firms are supposed to adhere to American standards everywhere.

Managers are often faced with challenging decisions that are well within the laws of both countries, for example the decision to offshore work to another country. In such a situation, the ethical code would still apply even though there is no moral issue since both potential actions are… read more

Essay 5 pages (1385 words) Sources: 10

Habeas Corpus/Patriot Act Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] With that in mind, there exists a need to strike the right balance between the nation's security and individual liberties. One of the approaches that can be taken in this case includes ensuring that the prevention as well as investigation of terrorism is done in a way consistent with various constitutional provisions as pertains to individual rights and liberties. Further,… read more

Essay 2 pages (641 words) Sources: 0

U.S. Courts Until Bob Woodward Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Unfortunately, and not unexpectedly, not all the members of the Court at the time that the book was published cooperated in Toobin's effort.

In his book Toobin provides brief profiles of each of the Justices but the true value of his book is in his evaluation of the importance of maintaining a Court that is beyond the reach of public… read more

Essay 4 pages (1409 words) Sources: 9

Science Marches Forward, Reproductive Cloning Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] There are a range of various opinions about this practice, however in many jurisdictions judges are recognizing it as a best practice and the development is growing exponentially (Edwards, 2008). It has shown promise to also help in cases where there is either child abuse and/or neglect in an array of circumstances. It seems to be the best fit when… read more

Essay 4 pages (1138 words) Sources: 6

Personal Statement "Injustice Anywhere Is a Threat Application Essay Paper Icon

Personal Statement

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" -- Martin Luther King, 1963

I am a person who is driven to do what is right. I believe that the legal system exists to uphold everyone's rights, no matter the size of their paycheck or the status of their name. It is my intention to enter the legal profession… read more

Application Essay 2 pages (576 words) Sources: 0

Tresspas the Court of Appeal Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " As per this new designation of the land in discussion, there is no claim against them, since their actions do not conform to any of the clauses that have been mentioned as a must for being considered an act of trespassing.

Lord Farquaad however is of the opinion, that since the land is for the greater good of the… read more

Essay 5 pages (1493 words) Sources: 4

Copying the Quote Essay Paper Icon

copying the quote or paraphrase and the quote and outline how you will structure the essay, and add the thesis statement.

"IT and the Internet have provided stiff competition for the phone, the ledger, the library, and the filing cabinet, but the substantive work of lawyers has yet to be reconfigured" (R Susskind, the End of Lawyers? (OUP 2010, p… read more

Essay 8 pages (2991 words) Sources: 8

Fraud Is an Important Consideration Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] If a party has obvious reasons for doubting the validity of the statements made by fraudulent party or knows for a fact that the other party is lying then there is no justifiable reliance and there is no provable fraud.

Once a material misrepresentation is demonstrated and the reliance is shown to be justifiable the party alleging fraud must still… read more

Essay 2 pages (708 words) Sources: 3

Muscle Grow Case Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The only action described in this case by a state that could potentially be interpreted as a violation of this clause is California's rendering Xerxes (Muscle Grow) illegal, yet this does not actually impair any previous contractual obligations, assuming any sales of Muscle Grow to in-state retailers or consumers had already been fulfilled by the time the law was passed… read more

Essay 2 pages (556 words) Sources: 5

Resolution of Legal Dispute Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] BSI promised to ship the equipment that included a 1000-Kilo Watts FM stereo transmitter and a 50-meter RF cable as soon as it received payment from Touch FM. The agreed amount was 3500 Euros for the transmitter, 500 Euros for the RF cable and additional 1000 Euros for insurance and shipping from Nice, France to Nairobi Kenya; Touch FM made… read more

Essay 2 pages (680 words) Sources: 2

Code of Ethics and Professional Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Acting competently, diligently, being prompt and attentive, honest and communicative, are all part of zealous advocacy.

B. As a paralegal, I will strive to work hard and diligently, and I will be dedicated to advocating in the interest of the lawyer, who in turn represents the client. In Simmons, there are no issues pertaining to a lawyer's zealous advocacy presented.… read more

Essay 4 pages (1667 words) Sources: 1

Contract Have Been Well Established Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Full agreement on each and every term of the contract is not necessary for the contract to be enforceable but the essential terms must have agreed upon.

What constitutes essential terms and whether or not there are enough essential terms to constitute a contract is an issue for a court to determine. Under usual conditions the material terms of a… read more

Essay 2 pages (735 words) Sources: 3

Torts in the Civil Court Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A particularly contentious wave of tort litigation in the 1990's spawned a number of extravagant, multimillion dollar awards for damages, and the ambiguous catchall phrase "pain and suffering" began to be attached to any number of tort cases by parties seeking financial recompense. As no standard scale has been set with which to adjudicate an individual's personal sense of pain… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (613 words) Sources: 0

Search Internet Ratification Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Critical components of existing law we now take for granted were not in the original document, but evolved, such as the power to invalidate any state actions not commensurate with federal law in the decision of McCulloch v. Maryland.

Marbury v. Madison. (2012). Landmark cases of the Supreme Court. Retrieved:

Marbury v. Madison is a U.S. Supreme Court case… read more

Essay 1 pages (359 words) Sources: 3

Contracts: Offer and Acceptance Client Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] First party agrees to retain product within his supervision and vigilance throughout the period of trial. If any harm occurs to product that is not of First party's fault, First party is responsible for paying for replacement of product.

First Party may not make profit from product in any form or means. If second party discovers that such has been… read more

Essay 2 pages (528 words) Sources: 1

Confusion Hypothetical: Can the State Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The Southern Pacific Court held that the law was unconstitutional because it interfered with travel, and the right to unfettered travel is at the heart of the Commerce Clause.

Analysis: It is difficult to know which court would have jurisdiction because the factual scenario given does not provide sufficient details to answer the question. Obviously, the issue involved is a… read more

Essay 4 pages (1430 words) Sources: 3

Classification of Federal Agencies Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] d.). Notably, the agencies have the rulemaking power and function because of their specialization and experience in decision-making. Since these agencies deal with the rule-making processes or aspects, they have a huge impact on people's lives. There are various types of administrative agencies that have different roles and functions including

Local Police Department:

The local police department is one of… read more

Essay 4 pages (1256 words) Sources: 3

International Commercial Arbitration Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] International arbitration settlements might prove to be cheaper compared to litigation as well, particularly if several nationwide legal courts are providing their services and input. Generally, international arbitration expenses are a lot more than the local arbitration proceedings though. However, this structure of international arbitration will probably be more affordable compared to worldwide litigation structures (Philip, 1997).

International arbitration usually… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3434 words) Sources: 20 Style: Harvard

14th Amendment on the United States Judicial Term Paper Paper Icon

14th Amendment on the United States judicial system. It describes specific aspects of the law that are a direct result of due process being enforced at both the federal and state levels and discusses the importance of this tenet being applied at the state level.

The 14th Amendment

For such a succinct document (two pages), the 14th Amendment is a… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (725 words) Sources: 0

Selection Hiring Process Within the Criminal Justice System Research Paper Paper Icon

Hiring Process Within the Criminal Justice System

Hiring Process Within the Criminal Justice System

Selection/Hiring process within the Criminal Justice System


Summary of Progress of a Criminal Case through the Criminal Justice System

The Courts


Hiring Process within the Criminal Justice System

In whichever context the American Judicial System is considered, one thing is for certain that there… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1187 words) Sources: 4

Actions Lawsuits in Employment Sex-Discrimination Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In this specific case, it is important to note that Wal-Mart's employment policies are not facially discriminatory, and, while women may be underrepresented in management and there are significant allegations that many of the stores have discriminatory policies, there is also significant evidence of women in management. It may be that many women in the class experienced gender-based discrimination, but… read more

Essay 4 pages (1414 words) Sources: 4

Victor and Hugo Both Knowingly Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] "

Unfortunately for Victor, this probably won't work because the amount of the haul was not a "basic assumption on which the contract is made."

On the other hand, the situation with Kaboom Ltd. is much different. Kaboom Ltd., though remiss in not requiring Victor to show his license proving his right to purchase explosives, was an innocent party. Kaboom… read more

Case Study 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Mabo Case a Lesson Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Yet the essays does also show that the High Court was unsuccessful in tackling the problem head on, and that, as always, there is much more work to be done, especially in the foundations of native law in Australia.

In order to address the foundations of native law in Australia, and its ramifications in accordance with the Mabo case, the… read more

Essay 6 pages (2155 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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