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Fingerprint Evidence Are Fingerprint Identifications Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] (Leo, 2005, p.3)

In the United Kingdom, the ACE-V technique for fingerprint identification is used and the English courts "are not bound by Rule 702." (Sombat, 2002, p.1)

V. New Research and Future Trends in Fingerprint Identification

Sources reviewed in this study believe that there should be restoration of the use of the Henry 10 Finger Classification System as this… read more

Essay 6 pages (1580 words) Sources: 15

Florida Negligence Analysis Legal Claims Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] It is foreseeable that car collisions cause injuries to drivers and passengers. Thus, Ann was the proximate cause of his leg injury.


The final necessary element is damages. The plaintiff must have suffered an injury. The injury can be physical, financial, or damage to property. Here, Cal suffered serious injury to his legs that resulted in both legs being… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1203 words) Sources: 5

Liability the Case With Virginia Pollard Case Study Paper Icon


The case with Virginia Pollard is showing how Teddy's Supplies is facing major legal challenges from the sexual harassment lawsuit. This is in spite of the New Jersey Supreme Court overturning the award. To fully understand the firm's legal options requires examining the company's liabilities. This will be accomplished by looking at: the different laws / case precedent (with… read more

Case Study 3 pages (1331 words) Sources: 3

Joe Lee Simmons Statement Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Applying the strict standard that the trial court and Appeals Court applied to the evidence was highly prejudicial to the Defendant and is an issue that is ripe for determination by the Supreme Court.


Date: March 30, 2012

Re: Simmons v. Texas, 288 S.W.3d 72 (1st Dist. 2009)

Objectives of the Parties

The defendant in this case is our… read more

Essay 9 pages (2663 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Law and Evidence Essay Paper Icon

Federal Rules of Evidence

The issue here is whether the suspension of the license should be overturned because the police report was inadmissible. The second issue is whether the finding that Walker was drunk should be overturned because there was not enough evidence to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt ("BARD"), that Walker was drunk.

Rule: Hearsay is an out-of-court statement… read more

Essay 8 pages (2542 words) Sources: 0

Blm - Bureau of Land Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] O. No. 13,175. The interlocutors, in my opinion, failed in their responsibility to find a better and more amicable solution, which would have prevented the courts from having a dilemma on the judgment.

2) It is a travesty of life that, these lands, which originally, belonged to the Indian tribes, are now categorized as the property of the Federal Government.… read more

Case Study 5 pages (1766 words) Sources: 3

Women Strike Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The current push by the conservative party, including its leader David Cameron, have actually been pushing for anti-striking legislation in recent months, a move that would significantly limit the bargaining power of workers and curtail many of their rights in a direct manner (Zirin, 2012). It would also indirectly curtail many other basic rights currently assumed to be natural and… read more

Essay 4 pages (1075 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Law and Legal Significance of Brad Meltzer's the Tenth Justice Book Report Paper Icon

Tenth Justice

Influence of the Law in the Tenth Justice

Brad Melzer's debut novel the Tenth Justice is a fast-paced legal thriller that follows the misadventures of recent Yale Law School graduate Ben Addison during his year -- or part of a year, ultimately -- as a United States Supreme Court law clerk. As Addison and the reader learns right… read more

Book Report 3 pages (960 words) Sources: 1

Negligent Tort Under the Law Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] ("Elements of Tort Negligence," 2010)

The breach of duty is when the other party fails to practice reasonable standards of care to protect others. This means that the actions of this individual were such that: they resulted in or posed a threat of possible injury / damage occurring. Once this has been demonstrated, is the point that it will be… read more

Essay 2 pages (613 words) Sources: 3

Closed Memo Term Paper Paper Icon

Recipient Names]

Request for Discovery under 28 U.S.C.S. § 1782

Does a party's request for discovery documents meet the statutory requirements of 28 U.S.C.S. § 1782, so that it can be entertained by the Court?


-Wal-Co, a U.S. company headquartered and incorporated in New York, is a manufacturer of a synthetic material, SyntheWal, that is commonly used in building… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2532 words) Sources: 8

British Bill of Rights to Replace Essay Paper Icon

British Bill of Rights to replace the Human Rights Act of 1998. It is the opinion of this author that without formally enshrining many of our traditional British liberties formally in such a document permanent document, it is too tempting for politicians to overlook those rights. The real issue seems to be making sure that our most precious liberties are… read more

Essay 7 pages (2236 words) Sources: 10

Math Concept Used in Law Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Weinman, Esq., and is available for review online (Weinman, 2010).

4. Spreadsheet Use for Court Cases

Trial lawyers must collect, examine and present evidence in a convincing manner, though evidence -- financial or otherwise -- often comes to them in a disorganized fashion. Consequently, trial lawyers use spreadsheets during trial preparation to insert evidence logically, examine the evidence in an… read more

Essay 2 pages (781 words) Sources: 4

Damages the Law Term Paper Paper Icon


The law of damages is an attempt to establish a standard for measuring any potential monetary award for awarding those meriting compensation for their loss or injuries. There are essentially two primary classifications of damages under the law: tort and contract.

The purpose of contract damages is to place the injured party in substantially the same position as he… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (2998 words) Sources: 0

Law and Social Justice Term Paper Paper Icon

Social Justice -- Kantian Paradigm

The United States Supreme Court made a judgment in 1976 to allow the fifty states to reinstate capital punishment if they wish to. The state that has put the most convicted criminals to death is Texas. A New York Times article in October, 2011, points out that in his 11 years as Texas Governor, Rick… read more

Term Paper 11 pages (3891 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

Theory & Context: Public Administration Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (p.808) Law is reported to govern the "very rights and privileges of public employment." (Lynn, 2009, p.808) It is reported that law governs "the very rights and privileges of public employment." (p.808-09) Where the individual has the inherent right of freedom of speech the U.S. Supreme Court is reported to have "distinguished between 'citizen speech' and 'employee speech' and… read more

Essay 6 pages (1572 words) Sources: 11 Style: APA

Health Service Managers and the Law Discussion Chapter Paper Icon

starting point of this analysis is a determination as to whether or not the advertisement in the "Trading Post" by the seller of the cabinet constituted a legitimate and enforceable offer. As the beginning point of any contractual relationship is the offer, the integrity of the negotiating process between Steven (the potential purchaser) and Susan (the seller) is paramount to… read more

Discussion Chapter 2 pages (753 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Tort Law Vicarious Liability Essay Paper Icon

Tort Law -- Vicarious Liability

The legal concept of tort -- the basic bottom line idea -- is a wrongful act, an illegal act, according to It is a "wrongful act other than a breach of contract that injures another" and it is an act for which the law enforces a "civil liability" ( Another aspect of tort is… read more

Essay 3 pages (1002 words) Sources: 3

Contract Law -- Detrimental Reliance Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, in a situation where, as in this case, the other party relies on that promise to his or her detriment, the promise becomes enforceable. Because Kids Care took a specific course of action in reliance, on Gerard's promise, an enforceable contract was formed (Friedman, 2005; Halbert & Ingulli, 2008

The other potential issue pertains only to the reasonableness of… read more

Essay 2 pages (457 words) Sources: 2

Family Law -- Adoption and Parental Rights Discussion Chapter Paper Icon

Family Law -- Adoption and Parental Rights Issues

Case # 1 -- the Rights of Putative Fathers

Children born to a married couple should not necessarily be conclusively presumed to be fathered by the mother's husband. However, the fundamental problem here is not that such a presumption is not better than no presumption at all; the problem is that the… read more

Discussion Chapter 2 pages (588 words) Sources: 2

Meas and the WTO Article Critique Paper Icon

[. . . .] But while the authors seem to support the idea that the WTO has a better system in place to settle disputes of an environmental concern, they do not limit themselves by claiming that the WTO has the "perfect" mechanism. The authors conclude their study by making some interesting suggestions to improve the mechanism of the WTO for settling disputes of… read more

Article Critique 2 pages (650 words) Sources: 2

Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility of Lawyers for Organization Essay Paper Icon

Right to Practice Law

The law is a profession that closely guards its standards for admission, much like the professions of medicine and accounting. The creation of professional admission standards for practicing law is designed to reduce the likelihood of so-called 'professional failures' to meet client needs. Today, discrimination by state bar associations against protected categories of individuals is not… read more

Essay 3 pages (1043 words) Sources: 5

UCC Contract Law Case Study Paper Icon

UCC Contract Law

Transamerica Oil Corporation v. Lynes

Case Brief

Procedural History:

Transamerica Oil Corporation v. Laynes is a part of a larger case involving Baker International. They are the parent company of Laynes. In the lower court ruling, Transamerica prevailed. Where, the court determined that the Kansas Universal Commercial Code (UCC) was breached when it came to an expressed… read more

Case Study 6 pages (1775 words) Sources: 1

Under What Circumstances if Any Is it Appropriate to Depart From the Rule of Law Essay Paper Icon

depart from the rule of law?

Rule of Law

As Waldron (2009) emphasizes, the rule of law is considered to be "… one of the most important political ideals of our time."

He provides the following example of the rule of law in an international setting.

As a November 2007 New York Times editorial states, when President Musharaff of Pakistan… read more

Essay 10 pages (3689 words) Sources: 15 Style: Harvard

Law of Purchasing Supply Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] As far as the incident at the computer supplier, Michael is entitled to receive compensation for injuries that he may have received and any damages to his personal property. This is because he was injured by an employee of Bytes 4 Bucks'. Under the company's own code of liability that they have posted, they state that they are responsible for… read more

Case Study 2 pages (758 words) Sources: 10

Gilbert Law: Evidence Gilbert Law Summaries Essay Paper Icon

Gilbert Law: Evidence

Gilbert Law Summaries: Evidence

Introduction to Evidence

The Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) is a code of evidence law governing the admission of facts by which parties in the United States Federal Court system may present their cases, both criminal and civil. In 1965, Chief Justice Earl Warren appointed an advisory committee of fifteen lawyers and legal… read more

Essay 8 pages (3911 words) Sources: 1

Philosophy of Law Essay Paper Icon

Philosophy of Law

B (a) -- in law, a trial is the event in which two or more parties meet to present evidence to an authority regarding a dispute. In the contemporary world, this is most often a meeting of opposing sides before a Judge or Judge and Jury who will hear the merits of the case and then form… read more

Essay 3 pages (1040 words) Sources: 2

Custom, Equity and Books Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] (1890). Commentaries on the laws of England. San Francisco: Bancroft

Whitney Company.

Dicey, A.V. (1905). Lectures on the Relation between Law & Public Opinion in England:

During the Nineteenth Century. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited.

Loux, A.C. (1997). 'The persistence of the ancient regime: Custom, utility and the common law in the nineteenth century.' Cornell Journal of Law and Public… read more

Essay 5 pages (1808 words) Sources: 15 Style: Harvard

Changes Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is a change from s 70 (1) (g) and was made with the idea that it is often very difficult for buyers to discover the existence of an intermediate landlord simply from an inspection of the property.

The new law maintains the exception that a beneficiary under a settlement under the Settled Land Act 1925 is excluded from overriding… read more

Essay 8 pages (2320 words) Sources: 8

Procurement and Contract Law Essay Paper Icon

Procurement and Contract Law

In your opinion, does Stone qualify as an original source for purposes of the FCA? Why or why not? Which side is most convincing: the majority of the court or the dissenters? If this case was heard by the current Supreme Court of the United States, do you think the outcome would be the same or… read more

Essay 3 pages (1046 words) Sources: 0

Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Essay Paper Icon

Jungle Book

Ten laws of the jungle:

Wash daily from nose to tail and drink deeply but never too deep

the night is for hunting and the day is for sleep

the wolf is a hunter

Keep peace with the Lords of the jungle

If you kill before midnight, be silent, and don't wake the woods with your bay

Do… read more

Essay 2 pages (495 words) Sources: 1

Australian Law on Torts and Defamation Assessment Paper Icon

Australian Law on Torts and Defamation

Tort Law in Australia

Tort law has assumed increasing relevance and importance in recent years in Australia and the country has gained the reputation for being a highly litigious society based on a growing number of tort cases. In this regard, Clark notes that, "A great deal has been written of the emergence of… read more

Assessment 17 pages (5206 words) Sources: 15

Business Law and Ethics Term Paper Paper Icon

liability on the part of the manufacturer. There is no evidence that the product failed to operate in the manner in which it was designed to do. The cause of the accident was purely the negligence of the two boys. The fact one of the boys failed to be wearing a helmet has no relevance on the issue of liability… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1436 words) Sources: 8

Origins and Characteristics Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] That's why today America has a federalist system of government. Power is divided. The federal government has three branches: the Executive, the Judicial and the Legislative. The federal legislature is further divided into two parts -- the House and the Senate. State governments are modeled along the same lines. There are state courts, state legislatures (most have two houses as… read more

Essay 9 pages (2347 words) Sources: 10

International Law Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (Hathaway, 2005)


This work has examined the issue of the legitimacy of international law and the enforcement authority of international law and has found that the state is ultimately the political power and actor that determines whether international law is enforceable and as well is the authority with the power to actually enforce international law. However, the political… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1866 words) Sources: 10

Countermeasures Under the Law of State Responsibility Essay Paper Icon

Countermeasures Under the Law of State Responsibility

Who is entitled to adopt countermeasures under the law of state responsibility? Discuss with reference to recent state practice.

Throughout history, the responsibility of the state over its citizens and foreign nationals has been continually brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because the treatment of the minority population… read more

Essay 8 pages (2852 words) Sources: 20

Law and Business When Glenn Assessment Paper Icon

Law and Business

When Glenn says that a legal tradition is information, he is referring to the way that the legal process helps form the basis of historical tradition, of the way societies decided to form a code of morality and ethics in order to retain a positive and cooperative (e.g. social) state of affairs. Since humanity is all part… read more

Assessment 20 pages (5286 words) Sources: 0

Dog Bite Florida Law Only Representing Person Bitten Essay Paper Icon

starting point for this legal analysis is Florida Revised Code section 767.04. The statute has three essential elements. First, it imposes strict liability on the dog owner.

This means that the Plaintiff will not have to demonstrate that the dog was either vicious or had a prior history of biting. Secondly, the statute also establishes the doctrine of comparative negligence… read more

Essay 3 pages (836 words) Sources: 12

Under Arkansas Law Did a Fraud Occur Research Paper Paper Icon

Arkansas Fraud Case

Schnur, Tarpley & Taylor, P.A.


Lindsay Tarpley, Partner


Howard v. Chastain, File # 2010-325

Under the Arkansas law does a seller commit fraudulent inducement when that seller represents that she is selling an authentic item, in response to a solicitation specifically seeking to purchase said authentic item, and the item turns out… read more

Research Paper 7 pages (2083 words) Sources: 7

Foundations of Business Law Australia Essay Paper Icon


Foundations of Business Law in Australia

(a) In that case, the plaintiff and defendant were engaged to be married but the engagement had come to an end. Both parties asserted to be entitled to the diamond engagement ring given by the defendant, Mr. Sellar, to the plaintiff, Miss Cohen. No express condition came with the delivery of the ring.… read more

Essay 4 pages (1502 words) Sources: 6

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The court pointed out that "[t]he result would have been different if the call at Hull had caused any appreciable harm to the cargo."

Here, we lack information about the nature and extent of the stay in Baltimore and how it contributed to the week-long delay in reaching Cadiz. It is hard to imagine how discharging a stowaway takes a… read more

Essay 12 pages (3519 words) Sources: 10

Dworkin on Legal Construction the Law-As-Integrity Approach Essay Paper Icon

Dworkin on Legal Construction

The Law-as-Integrity Approach to Jurisprudence

Ronald Dworkin presents a view of legal constructivism predicated on the notion of congruence between laws and moral justice to which he refers as law as integrity. In the legal context, integrity means that laws are more appropriately driven by objective principle and not by policy implications; stated another way, the… read more

Essay 3 pages (1056 words) Sources: 0

International Commercial Law Research Paper Paper Icon

International Commercial Law

The objective of this work in writing is to address the following: 'Under the CISG, avoidance is the one-sided right of a party to terminate the contract by its mere declaration. Such termination of a contract is the hardest sword that a party to a sales contract can draw if the other party has breached the contract.… read more

Research Paper 13 pages (3353 words) Sources: 1+

Business LawCorporation Case Study Paper Icon

Business Law

a) Robert sold his shares to Susan, who had insider knowledge of the transaction. This transaction, being between two parties and not conducted through the stock exchange, is subject to contract law. Under contract law, a contract is enforceable even if the consideration is of poor value, which in this case it is at $2 per share for… read more

Case Study 2 pages (586 words) Sources: 0

Statutory Interpretation and Statute Law Research Peer-Reviewed Journal Paper Icon

Statutory Interpretation and Statute Law Research

The study of the law is based on interpretation of the various acts and amendments that have been passed. This is because the process of enforcing the law often involves: law enforcement, attorney's and judges interpreting how a law would be relevant under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution. To determine how such interpretations can… read more

Peer-Reviewed Journal 11 pages (3185 words) Sources: 1+

Business Law Essay Paper Icon

Business Law

The situation described refers to contract law. For a contract to be valid, there are several elements that must be present. The contract must have mutual consent, offer and acceptance, mutual consideration, performance, good faith and it must be legal (Larson, 2003). Most of those elements are present in this situation.

In this situation, there was no legal… read more

Essay 2 pages (646 words) Sources: 2

Business Law There Is a Fundamental Difference Essay Paper Icon

Business Law

There is a fundamental difference between a void contract and a voidable contract. A void contract is a contract that has been declared void by a court. The law must declare a contract void for it to be so (Ebersole, 2009). A void contract no longer exists, so there is no change in the legal position of the… read more

Essay 1 pages (390 words) Sources: 2

Business Law in the Case of Arthur Essay Paper Icon

Business Law

In the case of Arthur Andersen v. United States, the Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling that the company had obstructed justice. The case centered on the allegation that as Enron's financial difficulties became public, the company's auditor Arthur Andersen "instructed its employees to destroy documents pursuant to its document retention policy." The initial ruling was held… read more

Essay 2 pages (662 words) Sources: 2

Case Law Connecticut General Statues Research Paper Paper Icon

Connecticut General Statutes CFEPA

The plaintiff, Donald Beason, brought a case against his employer, United Technologies Corporation. Beason is appealing from a judgment of a federal district court, the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, that found in favor of his employer. The action is alleging a violation of the Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act, which is appears… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (818 words) Sources: 1

Business International Business Law Essay Paper Icon


International Business Law

In the case of Lucy v. Zehmer 196 Va. 493, 84 S.E.2d 516 (1954), the Supreme Court of Virginia had to figure out the enforceability of a writing, which the defendants, a seller and his wife, claimed was not enforceable because it had been written by the seller when he was intoxicated. The writing presented that… read more

Essay 4 pages (1268 words) Sources: 0

Case Note and CAE Law Case Study Paper Icon

international business law, there are a number of different issues that are constantly being wrestled with. To spell out the different terms and agreements that are made during the course of business, requires the use of various contracts. This has given rise to the study of contractual law, where various legal scholars, attorneys and judges will determine how as well… read more

Case Study 12 pages (3545 words) Sources: 1+

Does Ethical Views Affect the Practice of Law? Term Paper Paper Icon

Ethical Views Affect the Practice of Law?

Over the last several years the role of the attorney has been an evolving one, as various court decisions and ethical standards determine how the law is practiced. Yet, beneath the surface their duties and responsibilities will vary. To determine how the role of the attorney is changing requires that you examine: the… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1747 words) Sources: 5

Analysis of Procedural Law Case Study Paper Icon


Case study of the Louise Woodward Trial

In the case of the Commonwealth v. Louise Woodward 427 Mass. 659; 694 N.E.2d 1277; 1998 Mass, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts tried Louise Woodward for the death of eight-month-old Matthew Eappen. The eight-month-old infant died after a severe head injury. The infant was in the lone care of defendant who worked as… read more

Case Study 4 pages (1321 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

Communication Law Invasion of Privacy and Libel Case Study Paper Icon


Which of the four privacy torts do you think are specifically involved with regard to this case? Is this Libel?

The privacy tort that is involved in this case is public disclosure of private facts. It is an evasion of privacy to publicize private information about a person's life if the publication of this information would be embarrassing to… read more

Case Study 5 pages (1676 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Law Legal System Contracts Essay Paper Icon

Business Law and Enforcing Contracts

Grace v. Wiley

The valid contract for the sale of the stereo system for $6,000 is enforceable depending on circumstances, such as which party is seeking to enforce it, because it falls within the UCC Statute of Frauds (Freidman, 2005). According to Article II of the UCC, contracts for sale of goods for $5,000 or… read more

Essay 3 pages (1016 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

English Legal System the Sources of Law Essay Paper Icon

English Legal System

The Sources of Law and the Development of Equity

The phrase "the source of law" can mean both the reason that laws are necessary in a society, as well as the specific and direct procedural influences that have shaped the laws in any given civil society (Slapper & Kelly 2006, pp. 1). The English legal system has… read more

Essay 5 pages (1401 words) Sources: 3 Style: Harvard

Contract Law Principles and Concepts Term Paper Paper Icon

Contract Law Principles and Concepts

The Elements of Contract:

Don and Estelle never formed a valid contract. A valid contract must satisfy all of the individual elements of a legally binding agreement: it must represent a "meeting of the minds" and it must be specific with respect to certain terms. A valid contract must specify a price and other terms… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1453 words) Sources: 1+

Legal Encounters Involving a Fictional Company Newcorp Research Proposal Paper Icon

Legal Employment Scenario

Employment Law Scenarios:

Legal Encounter

The scenario described in the first Legal Encounter suggests an inconsistency on the part of Newcorp. To the defense of Newcorp, its general policy of maintaining employees at will was designed to afford it greater latitude in maintaining, advancing or dismissing personnel where deemed necessary. And according to the legal premise of… read more

Research Proposal 4 pages (1318 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Criminal Law Reasonable Person Essay Paper Icon

Reasonable Person?

Anyone who is familiar with the criminal law is familiar with the idea of the reasonable person. This fictitious person is the standard against which other behavior is judged. If a person has behaved like a reasonable person would have in the same situation, then that person's behavior is not going to be considered criminal behavior, even if… read more

Essay 4 pages (1347 words) Sources: 1

Rules Rights and Justice Research Proposal Paper Icon

English legal system:."... The law is never static, it is always changing, being reinterpreted or redefined, as regulators and judges strive with varying degrees of success to ensure that the law constantly reflects changes in society itself..." (Harris, 2007). While analyzing the above-mentioned quotation, I shall also outline in the paper the nature of UK law and its main sources,… read more

Research Proposal 6 pages (2141 words) Sources: 2

Right to Life the Law and the Terri Schiavo Case Thesis Paper Icon

Right to Life - Terri Schiavo and the Law

The Terri Schiavo case represents one of the most widely publicized legal battles regarding the right to life. CBC News explains the catalysts of the situation (Indepth: Terri Schiavo, 2005). In 1990, Terri suffered severe brain damage after her heart stopped, interfering with oxygen flow to her brain. Although doctors said… read more

Thesis 5 pages (1634 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

Real Estate Eminent Domain Thesis Paper Icon

Constitutional Law: Real Estate Eminent Domain in Los Angeles, California

The objective of this work is to find one legal case from which an eminent domain event occurred in Los Angeles, California, within the past five years. Furthermore, this work will locate two articles that are no more than one-year-old that directly relate to this topic. This work will critically… read more

Thesis 9 pages (2921 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

Business Contract Law Term Paper Paper Icon

contracts have existed to help maintain order in our society. The contract terms that will be discussed in this writing are: 1.

Escalation Clause - this particular clause is described as a provision of a contract which calls for an increase in price in the event of an increase in certain costs. For example, an escalation clause may specify that… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (993 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Laws of Moses and Hammurabi Term Paper Paper Icon

Law in Ancient Times:

Comparison of the Laws of Moses and Hammurabi

From earliest times, societies have struggled with questions of law and order. At first decisions as to the permissibility or illegality of this or that act relied almost wholly on notions of custom or tradition. It was only with the dawn of civilization that rulers first attempted to… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2944 words) Sources: 9 Style: Chicago

Arbitration and Its Relation to Family Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Arbitration and Its Relation to Family Law

Arbitration "Wait 'til court and see what the judge decides." Two increasingly popular, alternative dispute resolution methods to the often tension tainted threat, "wait 'til court and see what the judge decides," arbitration and mediation, can currently serve as a remedy to some conflicts in family law, as well as help resolve some… read more

Term Paper 17 pages (4559 words) Sources: 30

International Law in the Modern World Term Paper Paper Icon

International Law in the Modern World

The role of international law has become more imperative and important in our world than ever before. Possibly one of the most prominent issues and the greatest threat to world peace today is the problem of nuclear proliferation. This is one of the areas of particular concern for International law and international legal institutions.… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1388 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Fireman's Rule Term Paper Paper Icon

Emergency and disaster management law is an extremely important aspect of the legal system. The purpose of this discussion is to describe the history, present status, and future of the "Fireman's Rule." The research will explore how it applies to modern day law, and how this "rule" applies. The discussion will also focus on lawsuits that have been filed.

History… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2924 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

Idaho Common Law and Current Statutes on Murder Term Paper Paper Icon

Murder has been considered a crime since the beginning of written law. Through the years, common laws regarding murder have been adapted as the needs of society, and state statutes to clarify common law principles have been the result. This paper will examine the history of elements of murder under historical common law, as well as examine current statutes for… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1850 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

Running Successful Business Term Paper Paper Icon

Business Law - Issues in Contract Law and Agency Law

Business Law - Analyses of Issues

Jose always admired successful entrepreneurs who have started their own businesses and then expanded them successfully. Among those ventures that he most wanted to emulate is Starbucks Coffee; it seemed to Jose that a new Starbucks opened up every week in the community where… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1620 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Environmental Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Nissan v. Maryland Shipbuilding

In the last several decades as industry has increased throughout the United States, there have been several court cases regarding industrial chemicals, their use, and the liability of those using potentially hazardous materials. From personal property cases to cases between industries, the court systems have struggled to determine criteria for negligence, trespassing, liability, and other aspects… read more

Term Paper 15 pages (4405 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

Legal Positivism Term Paper Paper Icon

Law Theory

Legal Positivism

My recent trip to Pango-Pango, a remote island, was literally a treasure hunt in terms of the law. Admittedly, my first reaction upon finding human beings living on Pango-Pango was that there would be no semblance of an organized society, let alone any legal conventions, but I was mistaken.

The task that I faced in regard… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (610 words) Sources: 0

Principles Policies and Rules in Legislation and Police Power Term Paper Paper Icon

Law and Police Powers

Recent changes to the law in Queensland, and to the powers of police there, mean that citizens need to think twice next time they stroll home after a night at the pub, climb a tree in a local park or question why a police officer has asked him or her to do something. Citizens' right to… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (3246 words) Sources: 8

Application of Justification Defense Under Art 35 of NY Penal Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Legal Briefs


For the purposes of providing a hypothetical case against which to apply the standards of Articles 35 and 20 of New York's Penal Law, the following scenario is presented, in short summary: Popeye, in defending the honor of Olive Oyl, and after being encouraged by her to take physical action against Bluto, finds himself being beaten to… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1316 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Business Law in the Annals Term Paper Paper Icon

Business Law

In the annals of business law, and the areas where it often overlaps criminal law, one of the landmark cases in recent history, without a doubt, is the Speluncean Society Murder Case, which was ultimately argued in the Supreme Court of Newgarth, dividing the Justices involved and discussing several key areas of the law. In this paper, these… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (783 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Law and the Legal System Term Paper Paper Icon

lex fori approach, the state law of Ohio would govern, but the court would be free to introduce aspects of laws from Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, New York, or Delaware if doing so would be in the interests of justice. Under the lex loci contractus approach, the court would have two choices of state law. First, it could choose Illinois, because… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (596 words) Sources: 0

Labor Law and the Railway Labor Act Term Paper Paper Icon

Collective Bargaining

Labor relations in America have undergone many changes, with the development of unions giving the workers a voice and a degree of power so as to use their solidarity as a bargaining tool. The union movement came into being after a long and difficult series of battles both with business and with the government.

In the nineteenth century,… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2669 words) Sources: 1+

Employment Law Hypothetical Case: John Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In case EEOC decides not to sue, it will issue a notice closing the case and give the charging party 90 days to file a lawsuit. (Ibid)

Lawsuit for Employment Discrimination

After receiving a notice of a "right to sue" from EEOC, the complainant may file a lawsuit in a federal court within 90 days. Under Title VII of the… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1380 words) Sources: 1+

Inherent Limitations on Its Effectiveness Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] That is, laws are made to improve the behavior and values of the society (Evans, 1965).

It is a fact in today's society that laws, especially the new ones, will be resisted by some. More specifically, the question like "Is it important and necessary?" will be thrown on enactment of a new law. To Evans, this behavior is constant to… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (629 words) Sources: 1+

Human Rights Sadurski. Wojciech. (1986) Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] (68) Often to justify such 'color blind' applications of the law generates a system of categorization of the individual's protected status of having involuntary or immutable (such as race or gender) and voluntary (such as wealth or intelligence) characteristics that are likely to generate discriminatory policies. The latter characteristics are theoretically controllable, the former uncontrollable. But Sadurski calls the idea… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (360 words) Sources: 0

Hammurabi's Code of Laws Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This aspect of the code reflects the hierarchical nature of the society in which the "amelu" (patricians) occupied the highest rung of the ladder and enjoyed greater privileges as well as responsibilities, followed by the "muskinu" (plebian), people who were freemen but probably landless, and the "ardu" (slaves), who formed the bulk of the population. However, in many ways, the… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2060 words) Sources: 1+

Law Cases Term Paper Paper Icon

Freakonomics claimed in an interview on the Today Show that the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, which paved to the way for legal abortions, also helped the crime rate to drop. That was not the first time that point had been made. That author, Steven Levitt, had been quoted in an article in the American Prospect in 2001, when… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1292 words) Sources: 1+

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