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Gilbert's Summaries Contracts the Law Essay Paper Icon

Gilbert's Summaries


The law of contracts represents society's attempt to formalize promises between parties. Promises are agreements between parties that are supported by consideration. Historically, consideration was described as a benefit received by one promisor or as detriment incurred by the opposing promisor. Modern legal theorists, however, describe consideration as being equivalent to a bargain, that is, an exchange… read more

Essay 18 pages (5347 words) Sources: 0

Wills Outline of Gilbert Law Summaries Essay Paper Icon


Outline of Gilbert Law Summaries -- Wills

Intestate Succession

Patterns of intestate distribution. Rules vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but generally in those cases where the decedent did not leave a will or the will does not provide for complete distribution, the pattern of distribution is typically the spouse (who receives one-half or one-third if there are descendents, and… read more

Essay 10 pages (3832 words) Sources: 0

Civil Law Tort Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Corporation Law

This form of civil law does not apply in a significant way to the everyday workings of a private security officer. While knowledge about how corporations operate may be helpful for individual investing, the practical applications are obviously limited.

Inheritance Law

This is another branch of law where a private security officer's examination of it does not significantly… read more

Essay 1 pages (390 words) Sources: 2

Arizona's New Immigration Law Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The law explicitly requires that police officers, "when practicable," to "detain people they reasonably suspect are in the country without authorization and to verify their status with federal officials, unless doing so would hinder an investigation or emergency medical treatment" and "makes it a state crime -- a misdemeanor -- to not carry immigration papers" (Archibald 2010).

Instead of a… read more

Essay 2 pages (715 words) Sources: 5

Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The U.S. Chamber of Congress is reported to have sued the state because its "Legal Arizona Workers Act (LAWA) violated the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which prohibits states from enforcing federal immigration laws with civil or criminal penalties. The Supreme Court upheld several minor court decisions that found LAWA, which was passed in 2007, did not violate… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2391 words) Sources: 8

Is Breaking the Law Acceptable Under Certain Circumstances? Essay Paper Icon

Breaking the Law

In his 1963 letter from a Birmingham jail, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. expressed to his fellow clergymen his reasons for breaking the law. King declared that he could not "sit idly by" and watch injustice take place. He argued "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Dr. King was willing to go to jail for… read more

Essay 3 pages (1112 words) Sources: 3

To What Extent Does International Law Affect State Behavior Methodology Chapter Paper Icon

international law affect state behaviour?

International Law

The hypothesis of this thesis deals with the effects that the international law has on states' behavior on the international arena. It aims to contribute to the academic debate by trying to prove that strong and weak countries will have the tendency to break or go around the international law, as a global… read more

Methodology Chapter 5 pages (1435 words) Sources: 0

Successful Law Client Interview Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The less the other side knows about our legal strategy, the better.

Next, we connect the law to the client's issue. This stage is the crux of our profession and the reason the client is paying us for our services. Here, we go through the case with the client point by point and relate to relevant law. If the case… read more

Essay 2 pages (655 words) Sources: 1

Is International Law Really Law? Term Paper Paper Icon

Enforcement of International Law

The argument against international law

International law that is defined as the body of law that is used to effectively govern the legal relationship among or between sovereign states and nations has attracted a protracted debate on whether it is really law. International law has also been noted to consist of rules as well as general… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1902 words) Sources: 5

Contexts Law Should Karl Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Bill also for personal benefits supported Charles and Muriel in hiding the incident of murder of Gabrielle. He was talking undue advantage of this incident and hence was involved in activities which were against the legal duty of care and also moral obligations.


When is it legally fair to dismiss an employee (answer by reference to Bill)?… read more

Essay 10 pages (2662 words) Sources: 10

Law of Torts Assessment Paper Icon

Reform of Tort Laws in Australia

Efforts have been underway in recent years to reform the tort laws in Australia in order to ensure that legal mechanisms are in place that will restore plaintiffs to their original condition prior to the tort to the maximum extent possible as well as to ensure that their future condition is equally balanced by… read more

Assessment 2 pages (697 words) Sources: 15

Paralegal Specialties International Law: Paralegals Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Labor and employment: For private agencies, labor and employment law may involve dealing with complaints of unfair treatment, discrimination and harassment. For companies, labor and employment law may encompass creating employment contracts and dealing with in-house complaints regarding fair treatment and civil rights violations (Paralegals, 2009, BLS).

Ethics and professional responsibility: As well as working for government agencies monitoring law… read more

Essay 2 pages (810 words) Sources: 1

Compare and Contrast Two Law Cases Essay Paper Icon

rules of law established in the following cases: The Slaughterhouse Cases and the Civil Rights Cases. What legal rights did the United States Supreme Court recognize in these cases? In your analysis be sure to include the relevant facts, issues, arguments, and reasons discussed in each case. Do you agree or disagree with the outcome of these cases?

The Slaughterhouse… read more

Essay 2 pages (828 words) Sources: 2

Business Law Products Liability and Negligence Research Paper Paper Icon

Business Law

Products Liability and Negligence: With the evidence that Vioxx leads to an increased heart risk of heart attack and stroke, Merck is facing the issue of product liability. Product liability, a tort of negligence, holds manufacturers liable for negligently made goods that harm consumers. Manufacturers must meet the standard of care for reasonable manufacturers in the design, manufacture,… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1000 words) Sources: 0

Business Knowledge of the Law Term Paper Paper Icon


Knowledge of the Law Is a Business Asset

Relationship between Ethics and the Law in Business

Why is knowledge of the law considered to be a business asset?

Whatever the power and influence of the lawyers prior to the client's arrival at court, it becomes overwhelming once the parties are on court premises. The powerlessness of clients in the… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2325 words) Sources: 2

Canadian Business and the Law Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Financial ethics is Canada advocate for ethical behaviors in trading practices, sales practices, tax payment, consultancy services, trading conditions, financial contracting, auditing and executive compensation among others.

Ethics of human resource management advocate for ethical practices by employers in Canada during the recruitment or selection process of new employees, during orientation, performance appraisal, training and development. The industrial relations, health… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2218 words) Sources: 1

Law of Contract Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Consequently if one party to the contract has performed his obligations under the contract and other has yet to then in such a case a unilateral discharge is necessary and since there is no release by the non-performing party then such a discharge to be effective it must be under seal.

Upon the breach of contract by one party then… read more

Essay 12 pages (3399 words) Sources: 7

Constitutional Law -- Confusion Term Paper Paper Icon

Constitutional Law Case Study -- Confusion vs Denial

Facts and Constitutional Issues Raised

The State of Confusion statute places a significant burden on all trucking originating outside of Confusion because it requires them either to avoid passing through Confusion or to endure the inconvenience and expense of having a particular piece of equipment installed on their trucks to comply with… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (933 words) Sources: 3

International Law Assess the Legality Seminar Paper Paper Icon

International Law

Assess the legality of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq in the context of the United Nations Charter provisions governing the use of force. Does the legal position adopted by the United States on the Iraq war a signal the emergence of new norms governing the use of force under International treaty or customary law? Make sure to… read more

Seminar Paper 7 pages (2295 words) Sources: 1+

Competition Laws in Hong Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Businesses in the latter part of the nineteenth century were able to completely dominate and industry and set prices wherever they wanted. Standard Oil and certain railroad cooperatives were the main targets of early law, but they were also applied as recently as the 1970's to the breakup of American Telegraph and Telephone (AT&T). Such high profile cases did benefit… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2157 words) Sources: 5

Business Law and Manufacturer Responsibility Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] On the other hand, large out-of-court settlements encourage others to file suit, some often under frivolous circumstances. If company successfully defends against a failure-to-warn lawsuit, similar claims are often deterred (Mallor, etal. 377).

According to Legal Match's Law Library Presiding Editor and Lawyer, Ken LaMance, "The seller of any product has a legal duty to warn consumers of any dangers… read more

Case Study 8 pages (2414 words) Sources: 5

Health Care Law Relating to Psychiatry Article Critique Paper Icon

Health Care Law Relating to Psychiatry

Drug-Associated Psychoses and Criminal Responsibility

Andrew Carroll and Bernadette McSherry

Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Sep/Oct2008, Vol. 26 Issue 5,

The insanity defense exists in a variety of forms across Anglo-American jurisdictions.

Many jurisdictions follow a version of the established M'Naghten Rules (M'Naghten's Case, 1843), which refers to a fault of cause coming from… read more

Article Critique 3 pages (917 words) Sources: 1

Acquisition Law on the Motorways Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The use of consideration within modern UCC law vs. The earlier common law provision has advanced the idea that "good faith" is constituent to the rule where the arbitrary will of the Offeror or seller may be in question by the Buyer, and "quantity" in goods and their requested price is the point of complaint (Perillo and Bender, 2007). In… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (667 words) Sources: 1

Natural Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Natural law theory is one of the main significant theories in the viewpoint of Classical Realism. It is also extensively mistaken by many whom both have not taken the time to examine it or have heard of it and put it aside as a medieval relic. The notion of natural law has appeared in numerous structures. The design started with… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1386 words) Sources: 4

Trace the Development of Law Essay Paper Icon

Trace the development of law from the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi to the Romans. Include in your discussion the Judaic concept of law and how it differed from both Babylon and Rome.

Although legal codes apparently date from the third millennium B.C., the code of Hammurabi, written during his reign in the 1792-1750 B.C. time period, is the most notable… read more

Essay 5 pages (1643 words) Sources: 3

Contract Law / Australia Essay Paper Icon

Contract Law / Australia

The term "Contract Law" has the ability to almost immediately make someone thing of lawsuits and litigation. For the most part, contracts are thought of as being very formal documents written up with language that is difficult for the average person to read and much less understand. However we may feel about contracts, we must not… read more

Essay 10 pages (3019 words) Sources: 4

Employment Law Case Study Paper Icon


Employment Law

Hernandez v. Hillsides Inc., 47 Cal.4th 272 (2009)

Facts: In September 2003, the plaintiffs Hernandez and Lopez filed a suit against defendants Hillsides and Hitchcock over the use of video surveillance equipment in plaintiffs' office. The complaint consisted of three related causes of action, and sought compensatory and punitive damages. The first cause of action claimed an… read more

Case Study 5 pages (1882 words) Sources: 0

Mediation Qualification Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Mediation Law and North Carolina

Mediation Law

Mediation Qualification Law and North Carolina

The state of North Carolina has defined mediation in its legislation as an unofficial process facilitated by a mediator whose goal it is to help all parties voluntarily reach a mutually acceptable resolution to their dispute (Clark, Ellen, McCormick, 1996). Mediators are intended to play the role… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1749 words) Sources: 3

Organizational Law Essay Paper Icon

Organizational Law

The first source of law is the House of Representatives. Bills are written by congresspersons or senators and then after debate these bills may be passed into law, after being signed by the President. Similar processes exist at the state and civic levels as well. The other source of law is through court rulings. The judicial system is… read more

Essay 2 pages (540 words) Sources: 0

Personal Statement for Law School Professional Writing Paper Icon

Personal Statement for Law School

In life there are a variety of paths that someone can choose to go down. Where, the decisions that we make will determine ultimately who we will become. This is why law school is so important in my case, as I believe that it will provide me with the opportunity to grow as a person… read more

Professional Writing 2 pages (808 words) Sources: 0

Food and Drug Law Biotechnology Term Paper Paper Icon

Food and Drug Law Biotechnology

Food and drug laws

What will be the likely outcome of this case and why?

According to the law, a corporation is a fictional 'person.' Shareholders and corporate officials are not responsible for the actions of such a fictional entity, under most circumstances, as they are officially employees of the company. An employer is legally… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1015 words) Sources: 3

International Law V Torture in Post-War Iraq Thesis Paper Icon

International Law v Torture in Post-War Iraq and U.S.' Liability

International and U.S. Law Against Torture and Other Ill-treatment

International and U.S. law expressly forbids torture and other forms of ill-treatment of any person in custody and in all circumstances (Human Rights Watch 2004). This law is applies to the United States' territory and anywhere else it has control. It… read more

Thesis 25 pages (7379 words) Sources: 6

Sustainable Development All International Law Deals Thesis Paper Icon

Sustainable Development

All international law deals with relations between two or more different nations. There are two main components of international law -- the laws of nations and agreements between nations. Laws of nations are comprised of those laws accepted by virtually all world nations. These include the Geneva Convention, laws banning slavery and honoring international boundaries. Agreements between nations… read more

Thesis 2 pages (606 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

Gilbert Law's "Legal Writing, Research, and Analysis Thesis Paper Icon

Gilbert Law's "Legal Writing, Research, and Analysis"

Each profession has its own set of rules and language, and the field of law is no exception. In order to effectively research, analyze, and write about any legal topic, it is imperative to have not only the correct tools, but also the knowledge of how to best use them. One such resource… read more

Thesis 5 pages (1593 words) Sources: 1

Problem of International Law and Its Enforcement Essay Paper Icon


Law And Its Enforcement



Customary International Law (Kontorovich 2006, ¶ 1).


Contracts for International Sale of Goods (Cuniberti 2006, ¶ 1).


Foreign Direct Investment (Thomas 2006, ¶ 1).


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Reed 2006, ¶ 1).


International law (Kontorovich 2006, Introduction section, ¶ 2).


United Nations (Cuniberti 2006, Introduction section,… read more

Essay 8 pages (3184 words) Sources: 9 Style: Harvard

Law School Personal Statement Research Proposal Paper Icon

Law School Personal Statement

I have gone through enormous challenges in my lifetime, some brought about by external factors and numerous by my own indecisions and bad decisions in life. However, every time I have managed to come out on top and focusing on work seems to have always been the right instrument to pull my through a personal crisis.… read more

Research Proposal 3 pages (835 words) Sources: 0

Contract Law Research Proposal Paper Icon

Contract Law Principles and Definitions

The Elements of Contract:

Under American law, contracts must satisfy certain specific criteria in order to be enforceable at law. They must represent a genuine meeting of the minds in which the parties to the contract all understand their respective rights, benefits, and obligations under the contract (Freidman, 2005; Halbert & Ingulli, 2007). Valid contracts… read more

Research Proposal 5 pages (1543 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Environmental Crime Tort Laws Are Designed Essay Paper Icon

Environmental Crime

Tort laws are designed to protect individuals, groups or organizations against undue harm as a result of malice, negligence of willful recklessness. The key characteristics of tort concern the nature of the relationship between plaintiff and defendant, the degree of injury definable in the plaintiff and the liability of the defendant in the provocation or affliction of this… read more

Essay 6 pages (1825 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

Philosophy of Law Essay Paper Icon

Philosophy of Law

Given the information in this case, the lawyer should reveal the information, minus the name of his client, to the District Attorney. It really should not matter whether the D.A. would be willing to agree to forego prosecution for the other rape cases or not, and that should not be a condition of providing the D.A. with… read more

Essay 6 pages (2102 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Business Law - 6 Case Briefs Buckeye Research Proposal Paper Icon

Business Law - 6 Case Briefs


Procedural History:

Buckeye v. Cardegna was a decision issued by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2006 based on a Florida Fourth District Court of Appeals decision that had been reversed on appeal by the Florida State Supreme Court before being heard by the Supreme Court.… read more

Research Proposal 6 pages (1743 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Law School? I Was Born in India Research Proposal Paper Icon

law school?

I was born in India although I moved to New York with my step-mother when I was twelve. My father is a high ranking police officer in India. He is an honest and hardworking law enforcer in a country which, like most developing countries, is known for poverty and corrupt government officials. It was through him that I… read more

Research Proposal 3 pages (950 words) Sources: 0

Legal Traditions in American Law. Common Essay Paper Icon

legal traditions in American law. Common law. Roman law, etc.... compare and contrast the 4 legal traditions

Early influences on American law: English, common, civil, and Roman law traditions

America was originally a British colony, so it should come as little surprise that the predominant influence upon American law is that of English law, with its system of Parliament and… read more

Essay 2 pages (852 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Case in International Business Law Research Proposal Paper Icon

International Business Law

EnergyTech, Sonatrach, and others wish to enter into a joint venture (Sonaventure) for the construction of a pipeline that will transport liquefied natural gas from Sonatrach's refineries in Algeria through Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Jordan into Syria. Sonaventure will contract with local construction firms to assemble the sections of the pipeline.

EnergyTech's contribution will be a license… read more

Research Proposal 3 pages (1110 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Civil Law the Right to File Term Paper Paper Icon

Civil Law

The right to file a lawsuit protects people because it gives them a forum for redress of wrongs that do not rise to the level of crimes. Without the right to file a civil lawsuit, victims would have to depend upon other forms of social coercion to seek redress. However, many wrongdoers do not respond to social pressures,… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (417 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

Antitrust Laws Term Paper Paper Icon

Antitrust Laws in the United States

United States can be considered unique in its formulation and enforcement of antitrust laws. This is because no other country has equivalent body of laws dealing specifically with monopolies and restrictive business practices with the possible exception of Canada. The reason lies in the fact that America has a very dominant, influential and vibrant… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3159 words) Sources: 7 Style: APA

Criminal Law Civil Liberties & Issues Term Paper Paper Icon

Criminal Law

Civil Liberties & Issues of National / Legal Interest

The three Websites that were selected for this paper are: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) (;LegalInformation Institute (LII) / Cornell University Law School (;andFriends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) (

Answer (a): The Friends Committee on National Legislation site was found by typing "Civil Liberties" into Google; the… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1322 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Business - Law Business Law Issues Term Paper Paper Icon

Business - Law


The Commerce Clause of Article One reserves to Congress the power to "regulate commerce...among the several states." The proposed rule cannot survive the exercise of Congressional authority opposing it. The Necessary and Proper Clause of Article One provides for congressional authority to "make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (309 words) Sources: 0

Personal Statement for Law School the Lawyer Term Paper Paper Icon

Personal Statement for Law School

The lawyer career has always represented a great interest for me, both from the point-of-view of the professional life, as well as from a personal perspective. Despite the fact that I do not consider determination to be the most important aspect of a motivation I think that I have sufficient personal commitment to this career… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (669 words) Sources: 0

International Law Traditionally Term Paper Paper Icon

International Law

Traditionally, International Law was defined as "the body of law that governs the legal relations between or among states or nations." ("The Free Dictionary"). In this definition, the state or a nation is assumed to be sovereign, have its distinct territory, a population, and a government. Hence, if we strictly follow this definition, international law would only apply… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1475 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

International Law Consists of Customs, Principles Term Paper Paper Icon

International Law consists of customs, principles and rules legally binding upon sovereign states and other participating international entities (Joyner 2002). It derives from treaties and international conventions, customs and customary use, and generally accepted principles of law and equity as the three main sources. Judicial decisions made by international tribunals and domestic courts form part of the law-making process. Examples… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1486 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

Business Law Which Type of Contract Term Paper Paper Icon

Business Law

Which type of contract, bilateral or unilateral, is more common in business? Why? Under what circumstance would someone prefer one or the other? What are the advantages of each type for the offeror? For the offeree?

A bilateral contract is one wherein each party who has promised something has a duty to perform the same. For instance, in… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2338 words) Sources: 1+

Natural Law Legal Jurisprudence Term Paper Paper Icon

Natural Law is the law that exists outside of a politically ordered society. As a legal genre, it is fundamentally the law of nature, holding essentially that things are the way they are simply because, by nature, it is how they are. Philosophically, natural law expresses the basic, natural rights of all human beings. These rights are outlined and declared… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (583 words) Sources: 0

School Law: Dawson v. East Side Union Term Paper Paper Icon

School Law: Dawson v. East Side Union High School District

Could the court reasonably have construed the authority of the state board more liberally to arrive at a contrary result?

The issue of the case revolved around the question of Channel One (produced by Whittle Communications), a for-profit student educational television network production that contained advertising as well as informative… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (715 words) Sources: 0

Criminal Justice System: How Laws Term Paper Paper Icon

Criminal Justice System: How Laws Are Made and Changed


The objective of this work is to describe the factors that have influence upon the conceptualization and development of new criminal law and the alteration of existing criminal law. Included will be the specific roles of the political lobbyist, the media, citizen groups and the individual citizens and… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (772 words) Sources: 5

Administrative Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Administrative law is a very important topic today, and courses such as this one teach individuals a great deal of information regarding different types of laws. Discussed here as a course reflection will be some of the issues that were learned about in this course. The ideas of fairness and due process have long been considered to be highly important… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (769 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Good Samaritan Law: Its Concept and Implications Term Paper Paper Icon

Good Samaritan Law: Its Concept and Implications to Health Care

The Good Samaritan Law stipulates that Any person who, in good faith, renders emergency medical care or assistance to an injured person at the scene of an accident or other emergency without the expectation of receiving or intending to receive compensation from such injured person for such service, shall not… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1168 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Roman Civil Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Roman Law

The Praetor is commonly described as the gatekeeper of common sense in the Roman legal system. Discuss. Was he effectively a legislator?

The position of praetor was developed to create a new, more flexible system of law that could be more responsive to the needs of a dynamic and increasingly complex Roman society. The praetor was a magistrate… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2532 words) Sources: 1+

Influence Natural Law Has Had on the American Legal System Term Paper Paper Icon

Natural Law and America's Legal System

This paper presents an examination of how natural law impacts the America legal system. The writer explores natural law and how it applies to the current legal system and argues that the natural law helps to drive the current system. There were four sources used to complete this paper.

The American legal system is… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1283 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Morality and the Need to Disobey the Law Term Paper Paper Icon

DISOBEYING the LAW have always been against nuclear empowerment of countries. After what happened to people in variety of nuclear-related incidents, I feel that countries have an obligation toward their people to abandon further plans in this connection. We can imagine the horrors and the havoc that nuclear devices would create if a war breaks out between two nuclear powers.… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1405 words) Sources: 1+

Crossing Borders: Agency Law and the Global Term Paper Paper Icon

Crossing Borders: Agency Law and the Global Economy

The Internet has an effect on almost any aspect of business. It affects marketing, cash flow, and legal issues. The advent of e-business has caused many businesses to re-examine many legal issues regarding international trade, particularly in the area of dispute resolution. The following will briefly examine how e-business and the global… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (940 words) Sources: 1+

Law Movie Analysis and Research Silkwood Term Paper Paper Icon

Law Movie Analysis and Research

Silkwood like many other movies, e.g. The Insider, Erin Brockovich, Norma Rae, deals with the problems of corporate America, a greedy, corrupt, criminal corporate America that exists only for the quick profit and would do anything and everything to make more and more money. The employees, consumers and people living next to the industries are… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1566 words) Sources: 1+

Autonomy of the Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Autonomy of the Law

The executive, legislature and judiciary are the three branches of the national government in United States. Speaking on the occasion of 2003 Law-Day, President Bush highlighted the independence of the judiciary as an important pillar of the administrative system. He said, "Our constitutional system of separation of powers places careful limits on the powers of judges… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2727 words) Sources: 1

Zipf's Law and Benford Term Paper Paper Icon

Zipf's Law and Benford's Law, in order for the reader to clearly understand both of the laws and their significance to mathematics. "Zipf's law, named after the Harvard linguistic professor George Kingsley Zipf (1902-1950), is the observation that frequency of occurrence of some event (P), as a function of the rank (i) when the rank is determined by the above… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1366 words) Sources: 1+

Hispanics to Study Law Essay Paper Icon

Hispanics to Study Law

One of the most remarkable things about law is that law has the ability to create social change. When one changes a society's laws, one does not merely change written word, but a living, breathing entity, which reflects the values and mores of a society at large. Indeed, one of the most important and noble goals… read more

Essay 2 pages (673 words) Sources: 0

Workers Compensation Law Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] While strict liability includes vulnerability of using ultra dangerous machines or indulging in risky activities. Negligence, as the term suggests is failure to employ reasonable or required care and precaution for the prevention of undesirable accident.

But under the tort system, workers often did not recover damages. Those who did had to endure delays and high costs in the process.… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1136 words) Sources: 1+

Contract Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Contract Law in Norway

Norwegian contract law is considered a part of the Scandinavian legal family, a legal family that incorporates elements of both Anglo-American and continental legal theory. Unified codes regarding contracts have been enacted in Scandinavia since the end of the last century, such as the "Law of Contracts of 1918," although legal stipulations regarding contractual elements are… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (354 words) Sources: 1+

Search and Seizure Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Search and Seizure Law, known currently in the United States as law under the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, has been in existence in one form or another since biblical times. Those wishing to protect their property and privacy against unreasonable search and seizure have often battled governments, courts, employers, secular groups, and even one another in a struggle between… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3475 words) Sources: 1+

International Criminal Law Term Paper Paper Icon

International Crime Law

The objective of this work is to Interpret Article 41 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations as it relates to the United States and other countries. Included will be a brief history of Article 41 of the VCCR and the courts ruling prior to Article 41. Also inclusive will be coverage of issues that have arisen… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1557 words) Sources: 1+

International Trade Law Term Paper Paper Icon

International Trade Law

In the case of Owusu vs. Jackson, of 1 March 2005, case number C-281/02, trading as 'Villa Holidays Bal Inn Villas', the judgment of the Court was that the English Courts must pay the costs. The decision, made in this particular case, leaves the English courts vulnerable to try any case, even though the Court may believe… read more

Term Paper 14 pages (6183 words) Sources: 1+

Rule of Law Legitimate? Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] (Hart, 105) Therefore, this means that the fundamental provisions of a Constitution are really law. (Hart, 111) However, because the assertion that a legal system does exist is cloaked in mystery and complexity, it can be seen that at one stage it may be considered as unborn, at another, as yet unseparated from its mother, and at another, independent, and… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (2254 words) Sources: 1+

Rule of Law Legitimate? Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These types of questions are being referred to as 'jurisprudential', and the issue or matter of whether it is advisable to waste considerable time on resolving them is debatable. (Dworkin, 1)

There are two types of jurisprudence, one being 'ethical' and the other which is 'analytical'. When compared to English jurisprudence, American jurisprudence is essentially more complicated, and it is… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2531 words) Sources: 1+

Aquinas' Natural Law Implies Divine Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Human law can be defined as the mundane and specific interpretations of Natural Law. Human law and human reason should therefore be as servants to the Natural Law; when there is a dispute in human law, the dispute may be resolved by returning to the source of that law in Nature.

Part Two: Bowers v. Hardwick and Lawrence v. Texas… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (380 words) Sources: 0

Law and Philosophy Holmes' "Bad Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The United States constitution is the embodiment of higher law because it reflects the almost religious nature of respect for legal authority.

According to Levi, legal reasoning is a three-step process: first, recognizing similarity between a current and prior case; second, discovering and formally announcing the rule of law inherent in the prior case; and third, applying the rule of… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (322 words) Sources: 0

Rule of Law and Extra-Legal Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Laws may also simply mandate what procedures are to be followed in a given context; for example, the United States (U.S.) Constitution mandates how Congress, along with the President, may create laws. A more specific example might be the Securities and Exchange Act, which, along with the SEC, a regulatory body, mandates how public companies must go about making periodic… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1160 words) Sources: 0

Law Versus Justice Term Paper Paper Icon

Law vs. Justice

Justice is defined ( 2005) as conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude, the upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward. Law, on the other hand, is a body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community, the condition of social order and justice, created by adherence to a fixed… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2191 words) Sources: 1+

Employment Law John Doe, a Senior Vice Term Paper Paper Icon

Employment Law

John Doe, a Senior Vice President with ABC Science, was traveling in a cab in Washington, D.C. when the cab was involved in a major accident. Mr. Doe was severely injured in the accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. His injury makes him unable to work at his present job, but when he requested the company… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (2029 words) Sources: 1+

Adoption (Family Law) by Kansas Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Statute 59-2121(a)

The traditional costs for the legal and professional services executed inside United States should be equivalent to the costs for legal and professional services executed outside United States.

Acceptable expenses for coordinating the adoption implementation (Kansas Adoption Statute, 2005).

Statute 59-2121(c)

Consciously and deliberately taking evidently undue costs is an offense.

Permissible expenditure for Abandoning Child (Kansas Adoption… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2286 words) Sources: 1+

Tort / Business Law Questions Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 10. Zogarts defense, that the statements were merely matters of opinion, is not a valid defense. Under the law, failure to warn or give adequate directions regarding an unreasonably dangerous product may provide grounds for strict liability even where the product is not defective. Although the device may have been completely safe, Hauter could argue that the statement that a… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (870 words) Sources: 0

Constitutional Law Cross Burning or Right Not to Associate Constitutional Issues Term Paper Paper Icon

Constitutional Law: Virginia v. Black

The First Amendment of the United States constitution provides "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." U.S.… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1939 words) Sources: 1+

Business Law Ethics Special Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Unfortunately, in the facts of the actual case, the whistle-blowing plaintiff was let go from the firm. The defendants discharged him as a result of his insistence that L.L.'s misconduct be reported, although this reporting was required by DR 1-103(A). According to the cast that resulted, "in the fourth cause of action, he [Wieder] alleges that the firm's termination constituted… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (870 words) Sources: 0

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