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UCC and Nsf Checks L Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Here, it is important to note, that the damages rendered in this case, $20, need not indicate that damages in every similar case be equal to the same amount, even in the state of Connecticut. This is because, Article 2 of the UCC in the state of Connecticut states that if the buyer does not pay the price of a… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1959 words) Sources: 0

Legal Office That I Work Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The work I was asked to do consisted mainly of preparing briefs using the attorney's notes and also searching for assets of the client's prospective ex-spouses.

The level of work I performed would be considered entry level even though there was some mid level expectations involved as well. The preparation of briefs was mainly drafted using copies of old briefs… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (698 words) Sources: 0

Domestic Homicide in South Carolina Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] How can there be any consensus about either truth or justice - or the relationship between the two - in a place like El Salvador?

The answer to this depends almost entirely upon one's own beliefs about the nature of governance and of human rights. If one were fortunate to believe in the divine right of monarchs, then one argues… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (2374 words) Sources: 0

Thoreau Philosophy Applications Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Rather than seeing American laws and rights as principles that are ultimately fulfilled, as does Douglass, or imperfect instruments that are subordinate to the inner moral leanings of moral men and women, Jefferson puts forth the idea of a loose governing structure that is responsive to the fluctuating will of the people, but ultimately must always be enforced and obeyed… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (745 words) Sources: 1+

Defamation the Idea Behind Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] If you are suing or sued, if you don't have much money to spend, especially if you have a rich opponent, the chances of your winning the case is very little. Years may take for a final decision. Appeals against judgments are also likely. Enormous cost is involved. Only the rich can reach the end. And the net result is… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2813 words) Sources: 1+

Internet Personal Jurisdiction Normally Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] (Bender, 1997).

The most important United States Supreme Court case arguing the course of business theory of personal jurisdiction is Asahi Metal Industry Co.v.480. U.S.102 (1987). The Supreme Court was estranged over whether the position of a product in the course of business is enough to grant personal jurisdiction. The plurality led by Justice O'Connor, gave a more limiting outlook… read more

Term Paper 20 pages (7328 words) Sources: 1+

History of Habeas Corpus Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "

Taney refused to abide with request and ordered the general to appear in court, escorted by a marshal. The marshal, however, was not allowed entrance to the fort and was told "that there was no answer to my card (Kleinfeld, 24)," upon which an opinion was issued by Taney.

The suspension of habeas corpus was condemned by Taney.

Chief… read more

Term Paper 20 pages (6204 words) Sources: 1+

Thomas Jefferson Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] They say that the importance of the concept of justice is best understood and appreciated by people who have suffered at the hands of injustice. Not only can I personally avouch for the aforesaid statement, I can add to it by stating that such personal experience results in a desire to procure justice both for oneself as well as for… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (551 words) Sources: 0

Role of Media in Effecting Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Moreover, this essentially thought-provoking role by the media helps the world comprehend the loopholes in our legal system and the dire need to take remedial measures for the same. Thus from the above discussion, it is evident that media in all forms plays a vital role in determining our understanding of Juvenile Delinquency even when it contributes towards public hysteria… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1749 words) Sources: 1+

United States Is a Nation Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] That includes the ability to appeal convictions. To do this, they must have access to the courts, and our judicial system has specific procedures for appeal. Most prisoners knew that convictions could be appealed but were not lawyers and did not know how to navigate that part of the judicial system. Since they had already been convicted, they had to… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (333 words) Sources: 1+

Criminal Justice the Problem Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These offenders were held more accountable for their actions. The new and stricter legislation became popular and made it easier for repeat violent juvenile offenders to be tried as adults. When the use of a firearm was involved, penalties for crimes committed with a weapon increased. This decision would only be made after a juvenile court determined if the crime… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1234 words) Sources: 1

Personal Statement the Art Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] I felt, as a Student Ambassador at Purdue University, it had been my responsibility to create awareness and show them the path to community rights and so I worked to ensure that such awareness was reached.

Similarly, after graduation in June 2001, I worked as a volunteer for the American Civil Liberties Union where I was responsible for extracting pertinent… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (669 words) Sources: 0

Moral and Legal Questions Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In reverse order, the supporters of critical legal studies are most represented by the scientists, and those who financially back them. These men and women are pressing on into the work regardless of governmental regulation, or threats over financial assistance. Their view is that this research holds positive benefits for mankind, so it should progress to bring those benefits to… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3247 words) Sources: 1+

Double Jeopardy and Legislative Limitations Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Some tests, such as the "essence of offense" test, place limits on the legislature's ability to define a single criminal act as more than one crime, while other tests, such as the "same statutory elements" test, allow the legislature to authorize as many criminal trials for the same misconduct as creative draftsmanship will permit. Similarly, the Court has shifted back… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2644 words) Sources: 1+

Hernandez v. State of Texas Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Reasons: The fundamental principle upheld in the appellate court's decision was that citizens must be treated as being equal to each other unless the state has a compelling reason not to do so. No such compelling reason was found there. "No significant difference can be seen between ordering a witness to submit to an attorney's imposition of a "relic of… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (711 words) Sources: 0

Moose Horn Police Officers Admissible Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Part II

Using Supreme Court Decisions and evidence provided in class, critically analyze the idea that juries and jury pools must reflect a cross section of the community. Your analysis should focus on the functions that criminal juries are expected to perform, as described in Duncan. Does the Cross Section Guarantee a jury that can perform the Duncan functions.

In… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1178 words) Sources: 1+

Invasion of Privacy Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Kyllo vs. The United States:

In 2001, Kyllo was convicted for growing cannabis. The police had gone into his house and used infrared technology to trace out certain evidence that he was growing cannabis. On the basis of proving that he possessed certain technology that he used to grow the drug the police got a warrant for his arrest.

The… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1847 words) Sources: 1+

Militarization of Police with Drone Technology Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] Outline

I. Introduction

a. Drone technology is rapidly being adopted in society.

b. Although drones may represent a threat to government when used for nefarious purposes, some consideration must be given to how drones are used by law enforcement when policing the public.

c. What are the legal, ethical and procedural issues surrounding the adoption of… read more

Thesis 30 pages (9049 words) Sources: 15

Arbitration Rule involving The CFPB Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 11

The CFPB Arbitration Rule
This report will be on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Rule. This is a rule that bars financial companies from using arbitration clauses to preclude consumers from pursuing their legal rights in court. This report will scrutinize the legality of the Rule in consumer protection.
I. Introduction
A. Introduction of the Paper
The Consumer… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2299 words) Sources: 6

Societal Implications of the USA Patriot Act Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] USA PATRIOT Act

Social Impact of the USA Patriot Act and Related Legislation Limiting Daily Behaviors

The Act, especially section 215 of the law was the most controversial aspect as it authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to collect bulks of telephone metadata particular, who called by whom, and when the call was made. In addition, the Act gave the… read more

Essay 4 pages (1330 words) Sources: 4

Arbitration Panel: Construction Contract Complaint Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] A case study concerning a construction contract where the construction company is filing a claim

Gilbert Construction Co. Inc. (GCC) v. U.S. Government Bureau of Reclamation

The issue

GCC, the contractor on the contract with the Government to build the Las Lomas Canal as per the design provided by the government through their “contracting officer” Wellington Engineering… read more

Case Study 5 pages (1360 words) Sources: 4

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agent Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) AGENT

1. What are the minimum requirements for the job/position?

The mission of the FBI has seen some changes over the several years of its existence. Even though the Bureau’s long held role has been in counterintelligence, the attacks that occurred on September 11th suddenly brought counterterrorism and intelligence to the top back… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1821 words) Sources: 3

Role of Microaggression in Mass Incarceration Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Role of Microaggression in Mass Incarceration

A considerable portion of literature on the subject of conflict resolution generally considers crime within domestic “conflict- free” groups in the nation as an issue that lies, to a certain extent, beyond the scope of exploration or intervention. Researchers typically do not raise questions pertaining to normative suppositions surrounding victimhood and criminality; the… read more

Research Paper 12 pages (3450 words) Sources: 49

Corporate Fiduciary and Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Corporate Fiduciary Responsibility and Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance

Corporate Fiduciary Responsibility can be defined as the duty to perform corporate responsibilities with the best interest of other parties to the project at heart. For a corporation fiduciary responsibility involves taking care of the interest of the board. It is the responsibility of a corporate board to take care of shareholder interests… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1814 words) Sources: 8

does the united states have the right to use torture Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Does the United States have the right to torture suspected or known terrorists? Why or why not?

The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution specifically bans the use of cruel and unusual punishment, and torture is similarly prohibited in international law (Beehner, 2005). Yet whether or not the United States has the legal right to use torture depends on how torture… read more

Research Paper 1 pages (357 words) Sources: 1

margolin v novelty now funny Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Case Study One- Margolin v Novelty Now-Funny Face

Personal jurisdiction refers to the power or mandate that a court has to make certain decisions in regards to a case or to a party being sued in a given case. The US constitution requires that before a court can exercise the legal powers over a party, the court… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (853 words) Sources: 2

cellular phones and the fourth amendment Research Paper Paper Icon


Fourth Amendment Rights and Cell Phones

As ubiquitous as they are, mobile cellular phones continue to pose significant legal and ethical challenges. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution provides for privacy and particularly protects citizens from unlawful search, seizure, and surveillance. Legal precedent… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1662 words) Sources: 5

Understanding the Civil Court System Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] Understanding the Court System
Summarize the seminal facts of the case.
On 4th April, 2015, an African-American motorist, Walter L. Scott, aged 50, was asked to pull up the vehicle he was driving by a North Charleston (South Carolina) police officer, Michael T. Slager, who noticed a smashed taillight. According to the police vehicles dashcam video, the officer and Scott… read more

Case Study 6 pages (2143 words) Sources: 4

How Policing Has Changed Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 1
Critical Issues in Policing
The history of policing as it relates to communication with the public has evolved thanks to advances in communication technology. In the early days of policing, communication was limited to word-of-mouth with messages passed to the public from podiums at town halls or from authorities in their place of business. When radio communications and other… read more

Essay 3 pages (902 words) Sources: 3

Legal Issues and Contracts Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 1

Contracts and Legal Issues
Problem 9-1
Summary of the Facts: Ball is interested in a forty-acre tract of land Sullivan owns. He, therefore, writes to Sullivan inquiring how much he would accept for the said tract of land. Sullivan replies to Balls inquiry stating that he would only consider a price of $60,000 and above for the forty-acre tract.… read more

Essay 2 pages (767 words) Sources: 0

Have prisons seized to be the correctional rehabilitation facilities they are meant Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 4

Have prisons seized to be the correctional/rehabilitation facilities they are meant to be?
Mass imprisonment inflicts societal and individual harm in ways researchers have only just begun examining. In spite of the continued reduction in offending rates, America reports the worlds highest imprisonment rate (The Conversation, 2016-6). Figures for the year 2015, for instance, reveal that Chicago prisoners… read more

Essay 3 pages (984 words) Sources: 3

Baisc Understanding Procurement Contracts Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Running head: PROCUREMENT CONTRACTS 1

Understanding Procurement Contracts
Project procurement contracts are crucial elements in the procurement management process. A procurement contract basically defines the legally binding relationship between the client and the vendor of a given good or service. All the essential aspects must be included to ensure a smooth contract execution process (Project Management Institute… read more

Research Paper 7 pages (2208 words) Sources: 6

Legal Briefs of Cases Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In chapter 9, complete Assignment 6
Identify the key facts in the case listed in A,B,C and, E of assigment 10 in the exercise section of chapter 4
Chapter 4 assigment 10
Following the format presented in this chapter,read read and brief the following
A. United v. Leon(see appendix A)

This case was the genesis for the good faith rule… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (641 words) Sources: 3

Case Briefings Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Succinct and summarized outline of a court verdict is referred to as a case brief. It aims to enhance easy personal digestion, as it is more convenient compared to gaining knowledge of the details of a case via its full document. Also, the case brief helps others understand the case and saves them the stress of going through the full… read more

Research Paper 9 pages (2963 words) Sources: 2

Intellectual Property Case Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Briefing for Intellectual Property Case

CASE 2-5; the M/V Saiga Case (Merits)

Case Style: Saint Vincent and Grenadines v. Guinea

Special Agreement Notification: ITLOS on 4th Dec. Issued an order that asked Guinea to release a vessel and crew on board in its custody after SVG posted a letter of credit worth $400 000.

Interim measures: A trial court in… read more

Essay 10 pages (3389 words) Sources: 1

Assault in New York State Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Assault Defined

First Degree Assault

Class B Violent Felony

Aggravated Assault on Peace Officer

Class B Violent Felony

Second Degree Assault

Class D Felony

Aggravated Assault on a Minor under

Class E Felony

Third Degree Assault

Class A Misdemeanor

Defenses to Assault

Lack of Injury

Lack of Intent



Defense of others

Importance of prior record and details

Prior… read more

Essay 2 pages (325 words) Sources: 8

Sentencing and Punishment Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] federal objectives of punishment?

Punishment remains a dominant correctional means of both federal and state governments with regard to responses to legal offences. The aim of punishment is to guard the society, restore offenders and reduce recidivism. Punishment is used across the federal and state bodies to deter people from committing crimes. If punishment is to be effective, it must… read more

Essay 3 pages (1104 words) Sources: 3

laws for children with disabilities Literature Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] Accommodations for College Students With Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a common disability that affects a significant number of students in the general population. An individual who has this neurobiological disorder can experience difficulties in decoding the pronunciation of written words as well the encoding of words in which they are trying to spell. Given these challenges, the student can have difficulties… read more

Literature Review 3 pages (924 words) Sources: 3

Constitution amendments Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Constitution

There are different ways to amend the Constitution. The formal way is via Article V. With this, the proposed amendment must receive two-thirds of the votes from both houses in order to pass. When the occurs, the Constitution is then considered to be formally amended. The states must ratify the proposed amendment. Three-fourths of the states have to affirm… read more

Essay 2 pages (763 words) Sources: 2

Court Process for a Trial Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Letter to Friend Explaining Court Processes

Dear Friend,

I am very sorry to hear about your recent misfortunes. I will do my best to help you. In regards to your questions, let me go through them one by one and hopefully this will provide you with some solace.

As the police never read you your Miranda warnings, you may think… read more

Essay 3 pages (1126 words) Sources: 3

juvenile court case processing Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Colleen's processing begins with intake. At the time of Colleen's arrest, she was tired and repeatedly clicked her heels together as if she had a nervous tick. However, she was not argumentative. She agreed to a drug test administered by the State, and simply stated that she wanted to go home. When the test came up positive for opiates, Colleen… read more

Essay 3 pages (1010 words) Sources: 3

Terry Schiavo Case Chapter Paper Icon

[. . . .] Terry Schiavo Case

This is a re-examination of Terry Schiavo's Case

The Case

Today marks 10 years after Terry Schiavo died. She did so, shortly after her feeding tube was removed, following the request of her husband that she be allowed to die. Terry was 41 years by then. She had spent almost half of her life in an immobile… read more

Chapter 4 pages (1449 words) Sources: 4

Holding Public Meetings in Florida Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Public Meetings in Florida

What is a Public Meeting in Florida?

A public meeting in Florida is defined as "any collegial public body of the executive branch of state government or of any collegial public body of a county, municipality, school district, or special district" according to the Florida Constitution (art. I. s. 24(b)) (DMLP, 2015). A meeting is defined… read more

Essay 4 pages (1091 words) Sources: 4

Complaint Scenario about Vehicle Repairing Violation Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Complaint Scenario About Vehicle Repairing Violation

Goals in handling the Complaint

A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction related to the product and services offered to the customer. An effective strategy to handle the complaint is to provide an excellent service to identify a method to resolve problems and keep loyal to customers. The goal of complaint handling… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1200 words) Sources: 3

Lawsuit questions and answers Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] Terrible Tiger Case Below and Answer the Following

Does Joy have a case against the casino? What claims can she make? What defenses does the casino have?

Not really. Presumably, the tigers were trained and controlled by the two handlers. Unless it could be proven that the casino led to the conditions that led to the tiger doing what he… read more

Article Review 2 pages (784 words) Sources: 2

Search and Seizure Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Fourth Amendment: Protecting Your Privacy

The relationship between the Fourth Amendment and Technology

When the Fourth Amendment Doesn't Protect You

Did the person actually expect some degree of privacy?

Private Security Personnel

What Happens When a Search Violates the Fourth Amendment?

Rationale and justifications

Core Value of Integrity

Student Position

Search and Seizure

Constitution's Fourth Amendment gives citizens as well… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2602 words) Sources: 8

Second Amendment: Heller and McDonald Cases Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Right to Bear Arms: The Heller and McDonald Cases

The Second Amendment is one of the amendments of the Bill of Rights that was drafted in 1789. The creation of this amendment was fueled by pressure from the Anti-federalist to adopt certain rights and limitations within the constitution in attempts to safeguard the freedoms of the people.… read more

Term Paper 18 pages (5773 words) Sources: 8

Home Invasion Police and the Rights of Citizens Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Home Invasion and the Law of Search and Seizure

The Fourth Amendment is a critical piece within the Constitution that serves to protect individuals from unlawful searches and seizures. But what happens if a search/seizure falls within the gray zone -- namely, when police believe they have probable cause to make an arrest or perform a search but have no… read more

Essay 12 pages (3956 words) Sources: 12

Holder in Due Course Case Essay Paper Icon

In addition, supposing that an individual, Avery is HDC of a promissory note worth $5,000 due 31 stMay, 2009. He gives this note to Aaron, his nephew, on the latter's birthday on 1 stJune, 2009 (Twomey & Jennings, 2009). Aaron did not give value as the promissory note was gifted to him, and he becomes its holder after the note… read more

Essay 3 pages (732 words) Sources: 4

Legal Precedent for a Situation Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, case law[footnoteRef:6] does hold that battery is a statutory offence. The decision was highly criticized and, in addition, the Divisional court expressed the obiter opinion that battery should continue to be considered a common law offence[footnoteRef:7]. [3: R. v. Venna [1976] QB 421.] [4: R. v. Woollin [1998] 4 All ER 103.] [5: R. v. Cunningham [1957] 2 QB… read more

Essay 4 pages (1120 words) Sources: 8

Role of Judges in Human Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Further research shows that Lord Scott was the one that was highly critical of the method of what was going on in the Strasbourg court and held that that case was definite on a "mistaken accepting of the process in this nation" for possession records by local authorities.

More Criticism

Lord Irvine's criticism is above all forceful with favor to… read more

Essay 7 pages (1962 words) Sources: 10

European Convention on Human Rights Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Namely, does Y's right to be respected in his family life (i.e., not separated from his family) supersede the right of the State to deport an immigrant convicted of a violent crime. The dispute may be said to hinge on the eligibility of Y to invoke Article 8 in this circumstance: does he pose a considerable threat to the UK… read more

Essay 5 pages (1724 words) Sources: 6 Style: Harvard

Parliament Enacting Section 3 [Human Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In the same way as same-sex couples if they were his or her wife or husband (Puddephatt, 2010).

When it came to other cases such as the case Regina .v. A [2001] UKHL. 25 the House of Lord made the point that the understanding of duty under Section 3 was looked at as being a very strong Act. It was… read more

Essay 6 pages (2375 words) Sources: 5

United States Supreme Court: Federal Government Research Paper Paper Icon

The Supreme Court, as mentioned elsewhere in this text, established its judicial review power in the case of Mardbury vs. Madison (1803), under the leadership of Chief Justice John Marshall. The court, in this case, was supposed to decide what the Supreme law of the land is between the Constitution and the Act of Parliament (United States Court, 2015). The… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (2174 words) Sources: 6

Monique's Dilemma Essay Paper Icon

This would accomplish two things: (1) it would help her view her current work as a learning experience and give her more energy to both do as well as possible at work and to rise beyond her current status and (2) it could also help her to view her work as an opportunity to make contacts in the field and… read more

Essay 2 pages (711 words) Sources: 0

Museum the Artifact Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The Hammurabi Code is significant for a number of reasons. The first of these is that it was an early code of law. Rulers in these times were almost always absolute in their power, and in many cases this power was exercised arbitrarily. Hammurabi's approach was instead to have a code of law, so that all citizens would understand the… read more

Essay 2 pages (677 words) Sources: 2

Criminal Justice Agency Organization and Function Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] S. president appoints the state attorney. However, once appointed and approved by congress, the State Attorney enjoys a security of tenure. Not even the president can dismiss the attorney at will. The delegated powers of the State Attorney are distributed to government. There is also a provision for the State Attorney to appoint or create other small offices that may… read more

Essay 2 pages (608 words) Sources: 1

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