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Nursing Roles in Primary Health Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Only qualified nurses, with relevant skills in various elements of health care, should be considered for recruitment by the hospital management. The innovation brought about by the nurses in the team will ensure attainment of transformation of the health facility to a new level. The looming changes projected by this innovation include an increase in the number of patients handled… read more

Essay 3 pages (1350 words) Sources: 12 Style: Harvard

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] While federal government has the capability of maintaining deficits, states do not have this luxury. They have to balance out their budgets, so the PPACA is likely to present Since states are required to balance their budgets and not maintain deficits like the federal government, this will present an untenable affliction on spending costs (Owcharenko, 2005).

For a little over… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1170 words) Sources: 5

Consumer Driven Health Movement Impacted Health Care Essay Paper Icon

consumer driven health movement impacted health care service delivery?

The concept of 'consumer driven health care' emphasizes on allowing the health care consumers the authority to chose, regulate and be informed on the health care services. Regulation of the consumers will fetch the insurers to innovate for creating the higher quality, and lower cost services for demand. In this manner… read more

Essay 3 pages (894 words) Sources: 1+

Health Care Law Unconstitutional Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Four court cases that are currently being debated by the judicial system include: Florida v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Commonwealth of Virginia v. Kathleen Sieblus, Seven Sky v. Holder and Thomas Moore Law Center v. Obama. In Florida v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 26 states are challenging the right of the federal government to… read more

Essay 3 pages (1001 words) Sources: 4

Africans Had Poor Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Single mothers of the Black community are the hardest hits, as Shi and Stevens (2010) note, "an unfortunate truism in the United States and in nearly every other developed and developing country is that individuals with the greatest financial resources have the best health" (Brooking Institute, 2008, 49) whilst those who most need medical care often go without. Third party… read more

Essay 5 pages (1577 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Competitive Advantage Health Care Term Paper Paper Icon

A health care company is delivering a service, so its ability to deliver that service is going to affect how it is perceived in the marketplace. The best companies will be able to reap the advantages of better service, which include lower costs, higher patient and physician satisfaction and better patient outcomes, all of which can contribute to competitive advantage… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1241 words) Sources: 5

Health Care Future Term Paper Paper Icon

Health care providers must weigh their options with respect to the insurance companies that they deal with, as well as the government, because of these changes. There may be facilities that need to adjust their strategies in order to accommodate the new reality where more payers are seeking to pay less for health care, but still get the top quality… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1374 words) Sources: 5

Healthcare System's Survey Data Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The Medicare is a federal government program that delivers social and health insurance to older people aged above 65. Thus, the in income that the hospital will earn from the federal government on Medicare will depend on the number of Medicare patients seeking for the medical services from the University of Alabama Hospital. If the number of patients declines based… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2050 words) Sources: 1+

Personal Values Spiritual Beliefs and Health Care Policy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Although most people support the immediate health care models, they share some dissatisfaction with the policies and the demands for change. The system forms the base for public opinion (Soroka & Lim, 2003). Surveys reveal the paradox in people's attitudes to the health care system. Some tend to shoe dissatisfaction with levels of care received while others are supportive of… read more

Essay 3 pages (1004 words) Sources: 4

Healthcare and Drug Costs Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Ultimately, Americans are spending too much on drug costs, which limit their ability to save, invest, and spend such funds in other areas that would be more beneficial for the economy. Many Americans do not price shop for medications, which leads to "unnecessary spending" that drains their wallets (Johnson, 2009). This wasteful spending includes federal government spending in Medicare and… read more

Essay 2 pages (695 words) Sources: 3

Health Care Quality and Costs Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (American Nurses Association, nd, p. 1)

These Advanced Practice Registered Nurses will be able to fill a need for the large population of individuals requiring health care and will be able to do so under the supervision of a physician including the ability to perform check-ups, write prescriptions and develop plan of care for patients in need of these… read more

Essay 3 pages (826 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Assessment of Healthcare Providers Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Strategic plan to improve Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital HCAHPS Scores

There are many tools and tactics Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital can use to improve their communication with patients. Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital should use multiple modes of communication to emphasize important information and help their patients remember key instructions. "To strengthen significant information to patients, staff should both write instructions… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (978 words) Sources: 1+

Mental Health With Health Care Article Critique Paper Icon

[. . . .] (Cawthorpe, Guyn, Li and Lu, 2011, paraphrased)


The study utilized a quantitative methodology which is a viable methodology to utilize in the area of health care costs and one that renders results that are serviceable and that inform the health care process. The work of Curry, Nembhard and Bradley (2009) reports "Qualitative methods should be considered when the research… read more

Article Critique 2 pages (440 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Plan Review Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Regarding the types of evaluation plans that exist, there are actually a decent number of them. The types include context evaluation, formative evaluation, process evaluation, impact evaluation, outcome evaluation and performance/program monitoring. One of those styles, which would be the formative evaluation, is one of the more pivotal and important types of evaluation. This is true because the style entails… read more

Essay 2 pages (573 words) Sources: 2

Health Care Finance Assets Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Examples, in this case, include accounts payables and short-term debt.

Essentially, with regard to the impact of assets and liabilities on a health care organization's finance, current assets are representative of the resources an organization has available for patient care services within a single financial year. Questions that should, therefore, arise herein are: does the organization have sufficient funds to… read more

Essay 2 pages (428 words) Sources: 2

Federal Role in Healthcare Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The recent and Veteran's Administration debacles proved that government is too lumbering and inept to get the job done, and in fact both of those services should be farmed out to the private sector so that people, especially veterans, get the healthcare that they need. The recent VA reform bill did this in part but it should be done… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (880 words) Sources: 5

Healthcare Reform and Electronic Medical Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] "Planes and tanks and guns are a cost of war. So is taking care of the men and women who fight our battles (AP, 2014)."

What are your constituents most concerned about regarding health care reform?

The constituents in Vermont are definitely appalled at the lack of healthcare that has been given to our Veterans. Not providing this population with… read more

Essay 3 pages (943 words) Sources: 6

Using Technology to Lessen Health Care Costs Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] One of the significant challenges in lessening the rising costs of health care is the high costs of developing or producing new medical products. Generally, a huge portion of innovative products in medical markets are characterized by huge up-front costs of development and relatively less marginal costs of production (Jessup, 2012).

Policymakers have attempted to deal with this challenge through… read more

Essay 2 pages (833 words) Sources: 4

COPD Teaching Plan and Its Impact on Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Patients and their families will also be encouraged to make necessary changes to the program in ways that improve its effectiveness in dealing with the disease and improving patient outcomes. To ensure that this program will still around in years to come, research findings will be documented and improved upon based on changes that occur in practice.


Chronic Obstructive… read more

Essay 5 pages (1872 words) Sources: 3

Reforming Healthcare in the U.S. Against the Conservative Current Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In this regard, it is understandable that the medical and healthcare systems charge with implementing the new policy would be invested in patient education about the use of emergency rooms and willing to dedicate some resources to ensuring that this pattern changed radically as new enrollees moved into established healthcare systems and medical institutions.

It is important to recognize that… read more

Essay 3 pages (1386 words) Sources: 4

Healthcare Access Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Without access to healthcare people can suffer from anxiety, depression, sickness, and stress, and other symptoms that affect not only individuals, but families and communities of that individual as well (ProCon, 2014). Many of the conditions that afflict people are easily treated through primary care and a health person is not only a more successful member of a family, but… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1423 words) Sources: 5

Health Care Reform Efforts Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Health coverage is one of the means of health care financing in the United States that has evolved through a series of social interventions (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2012, p.5). Each of these social interventions solved a problem but ended up creating its own problems requiring more intervention. While health care financing has evolved in the history of the U.S. health… read more

Essay 3 pages (1100 words) Sources: 4

Innovative Informatics in Healthcare Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Baystate Health (2014) has a formal policy that adheres to patient privacy protections mandated by the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA). Protected health information (PHI) can only be obtained with the permission of the patient or anyone who has a valid healthcare power-of-attorney for the patient. Any request for PHI must identify the patient, authorized recipient, purpose of… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (645 words) Sources: 2

Health Care Systems of Alabama and Colorado Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Cardiovascular and cancer linked deaths in Alabama are among the highest in all U.S. states and the air pollution reported at "15.4 micrograms of fine particulate per cubic meter" is very high compared to the U.S. average. ((, 2014, p. 1)

II. Colorado

It is reported that approximately "84 of every 100 Colorado residents have some sort of Health Insurance… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1412 words) Sources: 2

Analyzing a Health Care Organization Case Study Paper Icon

Fortis Healthcare

Case Study on Fortis Healthcare Ltd. Information Systems

Fortis healthcare is among the fastest growing healthcare organization, with a state-of -- the art facilities and extreme commitment to quality and safe patient care. The supporters of Ranbaxy Laboratories, which are among the top ten world's generic firms, and India's largest pharmaceutical firms, established the facility in the year… read more

Case Study 12 pages (3540 words) Sources: 6

Healthcare System Built Dominant European-American Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Therefore, within my organization I would attempt to actively promote many of the negative conditions that can result from alcohol abuse such as fetal alcohol syndrome and all of the different ways that alcoholism can make a family dysfunctional. Additionally, I would also work with a public health service agency to issues these same sorts of promotions in the communities… read more

Essay 2 pages (753 words) Sources: 3

Healthcare on Budget Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Hui & Ma (2014) have showed that the quality of care and survival rates are not affected. Therefore, it is a quite sensible approach to spend on creating nurse led wards instead of creating acute patients beds in the hospital.

We are basically trying to promote the idea of a nurse led ward in order to reduce the problems… read more

Essay 10 pages (3442 words) Sources: 16

Society and Health Care Journal Paper Icon

Health Care

To answer this question effectively, I will start with the general notion that all human lives are created equal. If one subscribes to this notion, which I do, then the obvious choice would be that of the first. Currently, America is the world's wealthiest nation with nearly $16 trillion dollars of GDP projected for 2014 alone. The nation… read more

Journal 2 pages (657 words) Sources: 2

Insurance Contracting Strategy in Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare Insurance Contracting Strategy:

First Student's Response:

The process of negotiating a health insurance is usually time-consuming and labor intensive to an extent that physicians are always left frustrated and uniformed. In each contract negotiation for health insurance, the health plan organization usually enjoys several advantages that guarantee the organization success. In the past few years, health insurance has emerged… read more

Essay 3 pages (1077 words) Sources: 4

Healthcare Education Journal Paper Icon

[. . . .] Therefore, it is important to undertake effective reforms in health care education in order to encourage more people to enter the profession and increase the number of health workers as well as improve the quality of health care delivery. One of the major ways to reform health care education is to continue subsidizing it in order to expand academic opportunities… read more

Journal 2 pages (700 words) Sources: 2

Why Is Healthcare in Germany so Much Better Than in the US? Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Standard prices for medical services are negotiated ahead of time (cutting administrative costs to 6%, "a quarter of what they are in the U.S."), and healthcare providers must stick to those prices.

In the UK, just 2 or 3% of citizens skip doctor's visits when ill but in the U.S. "…a full 25%…didn't visit the doctor when sick because we… read more

Essay 2 pages (791 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Crisis Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Therefore these two programs are truly a step in advancement of healthcare in the U.S. since they target the vulnerable in the society; low income earners, elderly and disabled (Sharfstein, Fontanarosa & Bauchner, 2010).

All people who work in healthcare delivery systems have to understand how the healthcare e organizations are governed, managed and held accountable. Decisions and behaviors of… read more

Essay 2 pages (902 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Management (Strategic Operations Plan) Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] He or she (the fertilization applies to couples as well) is the type of busy individual who spends a lot of time working, the dedicated professional who finds himself/herself with no time for personal life. Usually, the customer is in the 30 to 40 age group.

A smaller category of potential customers are couples who cannot have children, who have… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1155 words) Sources: 4

Health Care Management: In Light Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The corporate leadership team is responsible for serving in other roles of influence, mentoring young leaders, and assisting in the improvement of health care throughout the country.

According to its operating philosophy, the organizational structure of Capella Healthcare is made of the hospital level and corporation level. The hospital level basically implements and executes strategies developed by the corporate leadership… read more

Essay 2 pages (578 words) Sources: 2

Poor Leadership in Healthcare Obstacles Capstone Project Paper Icon

[. . . .] They ignore the problem and confront it only when the evidence can no longer be denied and has created significant harm. A fourth consists of informal and escapist mechanisms of getting rid of the failure without fussing over it or acting on it formally. The problem simply goes around rather than solved. A fifth is the settling civil actions for… read more

Capstone Project 2 pages (637 words) Sources: 2

Leaders in Healthcare Facilities Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The lack of effective leaders always creates ethical dilemmas, according to a recent systematic review of 21 select and authoritative articles on the subject (Zydziunaite et al., 2010). These dilemmas often occur in three levels, namely, institutional or a given organization; political and local or local governments; and national or professional expertise and system. These may involve resource allocation, the… read more

Essay 2 pages (660 words) Sources: 3

Overwhelming Connections Between Healthcare Costs Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is largely due to the change in incentives and compulsions to get insurance. Approximately 800000 fewer people will join the workforce (compared to the baseline scenario of no healthcare reforms) by 2021.

There were three broad mandates introduced through Obamacare healthcare reforms. These were that employers are now mandated to offer health insurance to their employees or face a… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (2607 words) Sources: 4

U.S. Healthcare Delivery Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Many of the provisions of the law directly affect health care providers. What are the most important elements of the Affordable Care Act in relation to community and public health? What is the role of the nurse in implementing this law?

The most important elements of the Affordable Care Act include: free preventive medicine, discounts on prescription drugs for seniors,… read more

Essay 2 pages (705 words) Sources: 6

Majec Health Care Marketing Plan Business Plan Paper Icon

Sales will also go through Amazon and other trusted vendors. To assist with marketing, information packets will go to physicians, so that they can help inform both patients and adult children about the benefits of the MAJECare service.

The rollout will take place over the course of six months. The pace will be high for the entire time, as there… read more

Business Plan 5 pages (1501 words) Sources: 1

Healthcare System Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As such, the cost of the healthcare services is not necessarily something that the system will need to support on its own.

The nature of the service is also worth an analysis. The fact that this is mostly a preventive service (at least while the baby boomers are still young) may decrease the costs over a longer period of time:… read more

Essay 2 pages (615 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Has Been Moving Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] If we simply looked at qualitative "feelings," though, we would have a similar, rather myopic viewpoint of the situation. Nurses might "feel" more empowered, but that might be a condition of their own personalities, etc. -- patient hours might be relevant to care based on the number of nurses assigned to the ward. Neither study would fully answer the questions… read more

Essay 3 pages (980 words) Sources: 3

Quality Indicator Healthcare Quality Indicators Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] For many hospitals, a key step to be taken is the improvement of staffing conditions. A great many hospitals and nursing homes struggle with staff shortages, especially in the area of registered nurses. The direct correlation between adequate staffing and positive healthcare outcomes is especially relevant to a discussion on the readmissions indicator. Here, we project that more adequate nurse… read more

Essay 3 pages (853 words) Sources: 4

Healthcare Spending Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] From the villages in which information can be found, in excess of 90% spend all their employees' premiums.

Curiously, White Plains, which happens to be just about comparable to Albany in spending budget size as well as quantity of workers, is currently a downstate exemption, needing benefits from nonunionized workers starting July 1, 2010 (Westchester County Board of Legislators, 2010).… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3674 words) Sources: 5

Health Care Provider Changes Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Far more pertinent, I believe, is the changing dynamic among general society; those who make use of healthcare services. It is a fact that, thanks to healthier lifestyles and better medical care, people today are living longer than ever before. The increasing median age of the society physicians serve has resulted in a disconnect between available and necessary healthcare services.… read more

Essay 2 pages (758 words) Sources: 3

Objective Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (Christensen, 2013, p. 1) However, as noted by Christensen not everyone purchasing insurance through the exchanges will be on the receiving end of a government subsidy. The result reported is that "people will be forced to see the doctors who agreed to the treat people for a low price rather than their favorite doctor or a specialist across town.… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1911 words) Sources: 4

Right to Healthcare Management Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] There were also some forms of gender discrimination when it comes to the application and receiving of insurance. This has also been eliminated and therefore anyone in America regardless of their gender can easily access healthcare. The law has also let young adults stay on their parents plans until they attain the age of 26.this has been very helpful since… read more

Essay 2 pages (724 words) Sources: 4

Sick: The Untold Story Book Report Paper Icon

[. . . .] There will be many benefits.

Conclusions that impact or healthcare system and/or the pharmaceutical industry

Indeed, recent years have revealed an overall detrimental decline in many areas of the health care system. Most organizations and state legislatures have been challenged to support health programs at the required level while contending with declining revenues (Goodman, 1991). There are tough questions about… read more

Book Report 5 pages (1597 words) Sources: 1

IRS Off Your Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As a result, the refundable share of an individual's claim will be cut all the way back by 10%. The confiscation reduction rate will be affected up until the end of the economic year (Sept. 30, 2013) or superseding Congressional action, at which time the requisitioning amount can possibly be changed.

Supportive Players of the Proposal

One of the supporters… read more

Essay 5 pages (2283 words) Sources: 6

PACS Synthesizing Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Valuable time is saved in not having to go to the Imaging Department to retrieve the image or having to wait for it to be returned to the ward." As many people in this industry know time is can be a very precious commodity when trying to save lives and heal the sick.

PACS also has some disadvantages as well.… read more

Essay 2 pages (671 words) Sources: 4

Social, Cultural, and Political Influence Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] S. (Crinson, 2009).

An alternate factor in the health care access issue is recognized in instances of urban poor. Information from urban slums shows that newborn and under-five death rates for the poorest forty percent of the urban populace are as high as the remote ranges (Crinson, 2009). Urban inhabitants are extremely powerless to macroeconomic stuns that undermine their earning… read more

Research Paper 13 pages (4282 words) Sources: 12

Leadership and Management in Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] For instance, a medical facility's goal can be "to offer access to optimum health care in our neighborhood." The vision is that the wellness system "be primary in the area's efforts to be healthy, by producing caring environments for clients and clinicians using innovation and reliable operations." An example of an essential care department's vision is "interdisciplinary collaboration to advertise… read more

Essay 7 pages (1987 words) Sources: 16

Universal Access to Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] (Cato Institute, 2009, paraphrased) Stated as the reason for success in national health care systems in countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland and France is "the degree that they incorporate market mechanisms such as competition, cost-consciousness, market prices, and consumer choice." (Cato Institute, 2009, p.1)

Summary and Conclusion

Universal access to health care is an ideology that no one can… read more

Essay 2 pages (652 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Healthcare Leadership & Prejudices Article Paper Icon


Healthcare Leadership Prejudices

Healthcare leadership has become a more and more important topic over the recent years and decades, and for a number of major reasons. There are unfortunately a number of prejudices that exist even in the upper echelons of leadership of healthcare organizations and not all of them are as simple or as obvious… read more

Article 5 pages (1543 words) Sources: 5

Health Care Provider and Faith Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The writer's ideas are flowing well and hence there is absolutely no form of confusion that can arise when one is reading the paper. The sentences are properly constructed and hence it is very easy for anyone reading the paper to understand the points the writer wanted to put across. Therefore the paper makes a lot of sense and anyone… read more

Essay 2 pages (678 words) Sources: 3

Open vs. Closed Healthcare Compare Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] A reason to NOT do this is that nurses are the backbone of care and cannot be separated from the cost equation nor the measurement of quality of care vs. The overall cost, thus parsing out the nurse cost separately may be informative but to suggest it can be removed from the cost/reimbursement calculus is silly. Similarly, it's a bad… read more

Essay 2 pages (862 words) Sources: 4

US Health Care System Letter to the Senate Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare Reform Letter

To Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid;

First, allow me to offer my most sincere and respectful gratitude for your service to the country. As a public office holder on one of the highest and most visible stages in the world, your job and its attendant responsibilities are considerable and quite challenging. Certainly, we have all seen the… read more

Essay 2 pages (606 words) Sources: 0

Health Reform Health Care in a Free Essay Paper Icon

Health Reform

Health Care in a Free Market System

Who influences whom? Where is the U.S. going with "reform"? What would you recommend?

For many decades, the primary influences driving the U.S. healthcare system have been private interests such as insurance companies, commercial healthcare systems and medical supply distributors. Their financial imperatives have driven priorities, which has resulted in a… read more

Essay 2 pages (574 words) Sources: 1

Politics and Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

Affordable Healthcare Act

Recommendations to the President: The Affordable Healthcare Act

I know, Mr. President, how much of a conflict Congress is in right now regarding the Affordable Healthcare Act that was passed in 2010 and is set to fully go into action next year in 2014. There are such strong voices against it, with understandable arguments, but at the… read more

Essay 2 pages (649 words) Sources: 1

Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Health Care Essay Paper Icon

Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Health Care

False Claims Act (FCA) was enacted during the Civil War to arrest frequent fraud against the United States government. An individual or a corporation that knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, a false claim of payment to the Federal Government can be prosecuted under this Act (WilmerHale, 2013). The FCA has a… read more

Essay 3 pages (1296 words) Sources: 5

Health Care Information Technology Changes Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, even though there might be enough incentives for such groups in use to add efficiency and quality of care, there might be no or little incentive to make sure the information become available beyond their network or foreign network. Moreover, the definite Health information technology benefits and standards to the public will be realized when information across providers have… read more

Essay 4 pages (1394 words) Sources: 5

Quality Improvement in Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The concern for patient to receive good quality treatment, appropriate medication, timely diagnosis and reasonable fees for the service is one that health care providers face as a challenge. Health care regulatory bodies have laid down standards to measure quality and guide health care providers. The regulatory focus is the concern is to protect the community against improper practices among… read more

Essay 4 pages (1214 words) Sources: 4

Healthcare Administration and Governance Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] There are also measures of human resources output and productivity that must be accounted for as well as the quality provided by these resources. The patient satisfaction may be among the most important of all the metrics and should stand as a cornerstone of an effective management plan. However, the employee and physician satisfaction level should also be monitored and… read more

Essay 2 pages (614 words) Sources: 2

Minorities in Healthcare Services Essay Paper Icon

Minorities and Healthcare

Healthcare is not the same for everyone here in the United States. Many minority groups, like Hispanic or Latin American individuals have greater trouble accessing quality healthcare, primarily because of the high costs of insurance today. As a result, the quality of the care they receive suffers dramatically. Still, all Americans pay for healthcare to one extent… read more

Essay 2 pages (615 words) Sources: 2

Need for Healthcare Reform a State Perspective Term Paper Paper Icon

Healthcare Meeting

In a recent hearing held by the Energy and Commerce committee in the House of Representatives, a dour and political atmosphere dominated a conversation about Medicare, Medicare and the future healthcare system of this country. Although many specific facts and figures were quoted throughout this meeting, I learned very little from these exchanges from a certain perspective. From… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (418 words) Sources: 0

Healthcare in 21st Century Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare in the 21st Century:" Analyzing The Triple Aim Initiative

The United States has one of the most flawed healthcare systems in the industrialized world. Thousands of Americans do not have any healthcare coverage, and costs associated with haphazard care are sky rocketing. Recently, there have been a number of reform efforts to help improve the situation for everyday Americans.… read more

Essay 2 pages (757 words) Sources: 1

American Health Care After Leading Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Meanwhile, Democrats have been more concerned with reducing the influence of the private health care sector. Instead of outright intervention, all the government would have to do to promote meaningful health care reform would be to pursue the private option and eliminate the lobbying process that perpetuates fundamental conflicts of interest in Washington. At the operational level, the fee-for-services model… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (621 words) Sources: 3

Access to Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This plan was adopted to promote health insurance coverage for many individuals within the region because a larger network provides a participant base that enables them to effectively absorb losses. This in turn contributes to sustainability of the health insurance systems even without subsidies in some cases.

North Carolina's community program is akin to the collaborative problem solving at the… read more

Essay 2 pages (626 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Access Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Access to healthcare should therefore not always seen as a benefit in all cases. As professional medicine kills more people each year than murder it is time to find a new approach to this problem. Lowes (2012) remarked that thousands and thousands of new cases are introduced each year denoting the very poor success rate that this industry is experiencing… read more

Essay 2 pages (564 words) Sources: 3

Systems Theory Discuss Relationship Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] By seeking to alter these systems (for example, urging the client to seek more support from friends and altering his or her routine as well as eating different foods), the nurse can help enact more proactive changes. Systems theory can be helpful to nurses in highlighting what different patient 'systems' must be changed to improve health in a holistic fashion,… read more

Essay 4 pages (1238 words) Sources: 4

Information Technology (IT) Overview of Health Care Systems Research Paper Paper Icon

Health Care Systems

Based upon your employment experience working for the DOD in the medical Field, identify 2 or 3 examples of the competencies NON-it specialists should have in relation to health care it. How much expertise do physicians require?

The integration of automated processes within the field of healthcare delivery has resulted in a rapid evolution of the medical… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (663 words) Sources: 2

Health Care Access Ethical Dilemma Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] They must endeavor to do good and minimize harm. Of great importance to accessing health care in rural setting is the issue of confidentiality. The health care providers in the rural setting should never disclose a patient's personal information in order to safeguard their privacy. This can largely help in stemming stigmatization. It is very difficult to uphold these ethical… read more

Essay 2 pages (672 words) Sources: 2

Security of Health Care Records Essay Paper Icon

Security of Health Care Records

The objective of this study is to review the learning resources dealing with the security of digital health care information and to reflect on the organization and think about how health information is stored electronically and protected. This work will consider the responsibility of the nurse to ensure the protection of patient information and identify… read more

Essay 2 pages (620 words) Sources: 2

Access to Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Having money is only one problem. Access to Health Care identifies that there is a global shortage of physicians, and that this shortage is acute in the developing world. Training physicians is a long, complex process and the job requires a high level of intelligence and ability to learn. Moreover, where physicians are responsible for their own training, the costs… read more

Essay 2 pages (687 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Why Access Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] What are its negative consequences?

The negative consequences of impeded access to health care services include higher eventual cost of health care, as many Americans are not seeking treatment at the early stages of a problem or disease. Moreover, the issue is a public health concern that is also linked to quality of life. There are also ethical parameters to… read more

Essay 2 pages (685 words) Sources: 3

Communication in the Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In the health care sector, effective communication is crucial in the delivery of care since these processes involve the transmission of millions of messages among various practitioners. Consequently, communication skills have become essential in every sector to an extent that they important elements of every training and education process.

An example of a good communicator in my personal life is… read more

Essay 2 pages (601 words) Sources: 2

Disaster Management the Role Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The NRF also serves as a blanket informant for important sub-agencies such as the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), which sets standards and grants accreditations for healthcare organizations. The JCAHO calls for six critical capabilities in the face of a disaster; Communication, Supplies, Security, Staff, Roles and Responsibilities and Utilities.

The support resources provided by the… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (824 words) Sources: 3

Quality and Safety Issues Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] com). Preventing adverse drug events is also one of the six aims promoted by the institute of medicine for improving health. "Over 770,000 people are injured or die each year in hospitals from adverse drug events (ADEs),1-3 which may cost up to $5.6 million each year per hospital4,5 depending on hospital size. This estimate does not include ADEs causing admissions,… read more

Essay 4 pages (1363 words) Sources: 8

Healthcare Spending and GDP Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It can also be attributed to the fact that many people have lost their jobs and the fact that the economy is poor.

Rise in healthcare spending can also be attributed to the use of improved technology, vaccine improvement, antibiotics, introduction of disease care as well as advances in surgery. There have also been improved medical devices like CT scanners,… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 2

Health Care -- SLP -- Anti-Trust Term Paper Paper Icon

Health Care -- SLP -- Anti-Trust

The organization has enjoyed recent success but policies of the presidential administration have caused some apprehension on the part of many competing organizations. The present thought is to enter into a joint venture or some sort of partnership arrangement with other health care organizations in the community in order to improve the organization's market… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1091 words) Sources: 3

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