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Healthcare Reform Models Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] , 2012). They suggest that workplace physicians are ideally situated to provide a variety of services for the 169 million American covered by employer health insurance plans. These services include a variety of screenings, preventive care, routine follow-ups, wellness coaching and health education.


Bao, Yuhua, Casalino, Lawrence P., and Pincus, Harold Alan. (2012). Behavioral health and health care reform… read more

Essay 2 pages (693 words) Sources: 1

Evidence-Based Practice: Systems Theory Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Systems theory was utilized by Hatcher and Heetebry (2004) "to draw attention to best practices in health care delivery. When a narrow view is reported to place limitations on the technological impact and may create "additional gaps and errors…unintentionally." (Martin, 2011). It is reported that there will be inevitable flaws and the technology as a whole system will be compromised.… read more

Essay 4 pages (1116 words) Sources: 4

Cut Down and Lay Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, in the today's time, the nursing care has exposed additional importance because in acuity of patients has increased; thus, they require more intensive nursing care. While the facts and figures of layoffs and reduced hours of health care professionals have led increased potential threat to the quality of patient care. This concern has been raised by various health care… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3249 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

Health Care -- Impact Evaluation Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Evaluation of a health-related government program can assist in determining accountability by pursuing one of two objectives, either process or outcome. Program accountability typically involves: measuring and documenting a program's effectiveness; calculating a program's outcomes; documenting a program's execution and cost effectiveness; and strengthening a program's impact. Evaluation for the purpose of accountability can assist in myriad ways, all of… read more

Essay 5 pages (1523 words) Sources: 5

Sociological Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] There is no doubt about the fact that some of the main concepts that are not being contributed in the society based on this one theory include altruism, democracy, and collective roles played by the individuals.

Symbolic Interactionism and Healthcare

Human interactions in a more symbolic form have been highlighted by theory of social interactionism. Details and symbols of everyday… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2331 words) Sources: 5

Milo's Framework Modern Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Change can occur at many levels of society -- from the micro to the macro. Some change happens because it is mandated; some happens based on a unique idea that then becomes disseminated outward and upward. Milo's model is important because it gives nurses the opportunity to move the bar upward by teaching about available health choices and assisting patients… read more

Essay 2 pages (673 words) Sources: 2

Merger and Acquisition Mergers Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 4: Confidentiality

4.1: To guide against competition, all physician shall keep confidential information about their services, personnel, sales strategy, research and development, finance, system, accounting and plan.

Plan to Appoint or Hire Specialists for the Clinic

The proposal will place an advert in the local newspaper or through the internet to advertise the intent to recruit physician specialized in surgery,… read more

Essay 6 pages (1932 words) Sources: 5

Organization Information Organizations Description Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

HIMSS is a non-profit firm whose main aim is the promotion of best usage of I.T management systems at the health care industry. It was founded in 1961, it provides a proper forum for the integration among various different stakeholders in the field of health care I.T, it uses education, advocacy and collaboration… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (977 words) Sources: 5

Trends Affecting the Nurse as a Patient Educator Research Paper Paper Icon

Nurse as a Patient Educator:

In the modern healthcare system, nursing student or staff education and patient education is an issue of significant interest to nurses in all their settings or practice. As a result, teaching or patient education is a major element of the nurse's professional role since it helps the clients to be prepared for self-care management. Moreover,… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1266 words) Sources: 4

Economic Pressures Do Employers Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] All of these insurance options have cost containment as their prime importance. In other words, if a plan seems great but it costs too much the employer will not be using it (Rosenbloom, 2011). Plans have to be affordable for the employers to use them, and if they are not affordable they will have to be changed or done away… read more

Essay 3 pages (877 words) Sources: 1

Universal Healthcare Obamacare Term Paper Paper Icon

Universal Health Care

On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (i.e. Obamacare). This regulation radically transformed the way health care solutions are provided to the public and the practices of insurance companies. A few of the most notable include: increasing competition, making it illegal to deny coverage for preexisting conditions and… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (767 words) Sources: 10

Role Development for Advanced Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] That fundamental role underscores the specialist nature of negotiation in nursing care. To this extent, the negotiation she undertakes is precisely called negotiated care (Keatinge).

Implementing these Roles in Professional Development -- A Master prepared nurse is an advanced practice nurse who plays all the above-mentioned roles (Swihart & Johnstone, 2010). She orients, precepts, teaches, encourages and guides. She possesses… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1620 words) Sources: 1+

Strategic Planning Present Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, if innovative approaches are used (such as: the home health model) these costs will dramatically decline. This is because there is a concentrated effort on offering different solutions by controlling the kinds of services everyone has access to. These groups can be able to seek out more specialized services only after their condition has worsened. Those who do not… read more

Essay 6 pages (1923 words) Sources: 6

Capital Budgeting Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Therefore, there is less and less chance of sending patients for wrong diagnostic tests.

To achieve economies of scale and economies of scope, hospital requires integration of all the functions such as finance, human resource, legal, risk, real estate and management. SAP Patient Management not only provides the management of patient data but also combines all the data systems of… read more

Essay 11 pages (3028 words) Sources: 7 Style: APA

Training Plan for the Implementation Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Information system manager will be in charge of overall coordination of the training program. The preparation and training will involve approximately 1500 hospital employees and physicians. Information system manager will inform the target audience about the importance of the training for the organization. The manager will use email circulars, and memos to inform the target audience about the training program.… read more

Essay 3 pages (1102 words) Sources: 3

Accounting Practices Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] By requesting that each of his medical supply vendors holds off on sending payment for outstanding invoices until the beginning of a new year, a family practitioner can easily reduce their net income for the past year, and thus reduce the impact of their eventual tax hit. This practice is nearly universal among small medical facilities, and is used particularly… read more

Essay 3 pages (865 words) Sources: 2

Sustainability of Democracy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The Mercer study found that "savings for those enrolled in the HAS plans came from reduced utilization and lower intensity of services. The study found no evidence that participants avoided care; to the contrary, migration was "virtually a one-way flow" from the PPO option to the HSA plans, and if participants were having adverse experiences this would not be the… read more

Essay 6 pages (1691 words) Sources: 5

Movement Toward Electronic Medical Records Chapter Paper Icon

Legal Barriers

Electronic Medical Records contain information that is private and confidential. The possibility of these records creating legal issues is high. This is one of the high barriers in the implementation of the EMRs. EMR gives flexibility of sharing information and this can lead to leaking of such information thereby raising privacy or security concerns. Medical practitioners are not… read more

Chapter 10 pages (2826 words) Sources: 12

Living With Chronic Illness Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Interpretive phenomenology is the main data analysis strategy used in the study. The explanation of the strategy in the section of data analysis explains an understanding of the author towards the strategy.


First, if the patients have links to health care providers, increased positive outcomes are seen in women with chronic illness. Secondly, if the health care providers were… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (2048 words) Sources: 8

Writergirl Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] They have learnt to exert influence on their workplace by trying to affect the development of policies for their institutions. They also exert influence on the community through participating in activities and running campaigns on local boards. They also influence professional organizations through their participation on committees. Lastly, they exert influence on the government by being involved in campaigns, writing… read more

Essay 3 pages (1088 words) Sources: 3

Risk Management Applications in Hospitals Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In identifying and minimizing such risks certain interventions besides a reporting system should also be introduced; these interventions are based on questionnaires filled by a focus group resulting in a manual of knowledge, education sessions, addressing individual concerns and recognition given to those who suggest improvements and participate well in such sessions. (Baram, 2000)

Risk can also be mitigated by… read more

Essay 4 pages (1322 words) Sources: 4

Internal Business Process Perspective Balanced Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The leadership strategies were aimed to create support and structure and the improvement methods included the training of the staff members and the implementation of the Six Sigma, the DMAIC model -- where DMAIC stands for the stages of the process, namely definition, measurement, analysis, improvement and control (Meliones, Alton, Mericle, Ballard, Cesari, Frush and Mistry).

The reaction of the… read more

Essay 3 pages (932 words) Sources: 3

Limit Two to a Page Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Q2.Find a current article on the role of the healthcare informaticist. Concisely speculate on the informaticist's role in the global healthcare information technology arena.

The senior clinical informatics nurse (CNIO) has an increasingly important position in healthcare organizations today. More so than ever before, according to Jennifer Prestigiacomo's article "The rise of the senior nurse informaticist" in Healthcare Informatics, nurses… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1291 words) Sources: 1+

Pandemic Flu Apart Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These views would then be considered by health authorities, without an obligation for them to implement it. (Silva et al., 2012)

Ever since the 2009 pandemic of the swine flu, many articles have been written about the prospect of another global pandemic. These articles have listed several other reference sources for more information and have been open to queries and… read more

Research Paper 10 pages (3534 words) Sources: 10

Organization Project Intermountain Was Started Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Intermountain healthcare follows a vertical structure because it can be efficient with ultimately only one point of authority to take decisions.

The Board of Directors at Intermountain healthcare helps make key decisions. They spend their valuable time and substantial expertise in providing service to others by directing and guiding the affairs at Intermountain and those which they hold in trust… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1667 words) Sources: 5

Financial Analysis Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Financial ratios can therefore be used in providing meaningful information for comparing companies that operate within similar industries.

The factors to consider when interpreting results of ratio analysis

There are several factors to consider when interpreting ratio analysis. Key among them includes inflation, the type of industry, the financial year and duration as well as the seasonality of the firm's… read more

Essay 3 pages (862 words) Sources: 3

Financial Impact Vulnerable Population Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Surveys show that those with salaries of lower than $40,000 per year usually stay out of the option to have health insurance coverage. Though this is a risk to them, it is one they are willing to bear as a result of the tight economic conditions under which they survive. The one way to resolve these challenges for the vulnerable… read more

Essay 6 pages (1941 words) Sources: 5

Training Education Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Once this happens, is the point that they can quickly deal with these challenges. In the future, this leads to a dramatic improvement in: quality, treatment options and efficiency. Moreover, the increased standards will lead to positive transformations inside a health care environment. (Kak, 2001)

Describe the process for tracking and evaluating training effectiveness.

The process for evaluating any kind… read more

Essay 4 pages (1191 words) Sources: 4

SWOT Analysis: Mercy Medical Center SWOT Paper Icon

[. . . .] Opportunities

Community partnerships of Mercy Medical Center offers more potential for expansion of its services and even infrastructure, with special focus on Oncology, specifically for children. This will strengthen the hospital's Foundation through more funding generated and used for the study and practice of Oncology within the hospital system.

Mercy RN remains a strong opportunity for the Medical Center, as… read more

SWOT 4 pages (1015 words) Sources: 4

Population the Accessibility and Affordability Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Such employers can also obtain competitive advantages originating from increased employee loyalty as a result of the benefits programs. Employers can provide the health and life insurance packages through implementing three major strategies. These strategies are assessing existing levels of coverage, reviewing the current benefits offering to provide extra coverage options, and promoting the value of the insurance programs through… read more

Essay 6 pages (1735 words) Sources: 5

Lost Medical Records Are Process Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Consequently, providers struggle to maintain the security, privacy and integrity of medical records, not only because those practices are mandated by Federal statutes but also because high quality patient care demands it. The summer practice provider uses a hybrid system that overlaps paper, electronic and microfiche systems in an effort to cover and double-cover records integrity. Unfortunately, the paper and… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2059 words) Sources: 6

America's Medical System Is Broken Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This would made American companies free enough to give attention to the development and competitiveness with no worries regarding the mounting health care costs. It would make health. We need an insurance system that is obligatory for all the citizens of the United States and one which would be offering munificent financial assistance and large risk pools to lend a… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1883 words) Sources: 5

Security Privacy in Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is when they are becoming more involved in: understanding these challenges and are working with everyone to deal with them. In many ways, one could argue that a sense of complacency from staff members is what has allowed the underlying situation to become worse. To address these problems requires: increased vigilance and cooperation (which will establish an effective system… read more

Essay 7 pages (2180 words) Sources: 6

Schneck Medical Center Capstone Project Paper Icon

[. . . .] The gross revenue results between 2008 and 2010 shows progress in the strategic focus areas of the company. These include cancer care, noninvasive cardiac care, women's health and joint replacement (Biller, 2008). The site of primary medical care goes beyond 60%, 70% of outpatient care, and 80% of ambulatory care. Moreover, the company controls the total cost of its work… read more

Capstone Project 10 pages (3208 words) Sources: 8

Future Reform Predict the Form Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Physician executives are the key to providing leadership energy in using built in tools to help guide healthcare organizations away from a knowledge information crisis. The best solution to reduce alerts so they are used effectively is by implementing alerts slowly over time rather than all at once and ensuring that those alerts are as meaningful and specific as possible.… read more

Essay 5 pages (1527 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Compliance Manager the Company Overseer Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] But it is also observed to move upward within the organization. His advantage is his large exposure to company operations and logistics. This opens him to upper management positions, such as chief operating officer if he is experienced. Legal Compliance is also becoming popular as a third-party advisory service with potentials for opening its own consulting agency (Ingram).

Compliance programs… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1981 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Patient Rights and Informed Consent Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Expressed in the act is a preference that is stated strongly for honoring the individual patient's instruction on their care. Under the Act the surrogate is required to honor individual instruction of the patient. The individual instruction of the patient can only be voided when the court rules that it be so voided. Because the courts do not have "particular… read more

Essay 4 pages (1302 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

Martin Army Medical Center Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Francis Hospital, 2012, para. 1).


Comparison to competitor. Like its competitor, St. Francis Medical in Columbus, Georgia, this Department of Defense facility is also a not-for-profit operation; this Department of Defense facility, though, limits patient services to eligible military beneficiaries (these may include family members). Although Martin Army Medical Center offers a wider range of healthcare services than St.… read more

Essay 3 pages (953 words) Sources: 4

Improving Customer Service Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] It is also evaluated to check its sense of fairness and that it is not a violation of any of the ethical principles. The last step is then to implement the chosen course of action.

The Team

The team which will lead this improvement in patient satisfaction rate will consist of 8 members. One will be the nurse manager who… read more

Research Paper 15 pages (4407 words) Sources: 15

Doctor's Fees Health Care Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The author mentions the example of the excellent doctor as opposed to a physician who is merely average. Both received the same amount of required training. There is nothing to distinguish them except patient experience. With this lack of indicator in terms of quality, it is difficult to monitor the effectiveness of the health care system or to determine areas… read more

Essay 2 pages (730 words) Sources: 3

Breach Notification the Confidentiality White Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] HIPAA Rule

In HIPAA rule, is therefore enacted by the government to regulate how health professionals handle information regarding the privacy of patients. The rule brought in away that victims can report any abuse, neglect or domestic violence to the relevant authority and that kind of information still remains trusted with them. It however creates a protocol in which patients… read more

White Paper 3 pages (769 words) Sources: 1+

Role Development for Advanced Nursing Essay Paper Icon

Advance Nursing Practices

In the last few decades, advance nursing has emerged as a healthcare system to provide better and expertise services in nursing fraternity. It has however, forced governments around the world to recognize nursing contributions to health care through expanding their role as an effective way to improve healthcare service delivery to patients in various health care facilities… read more

Essay 7 pages (2098 words) Sources: 7

Nursing Leadership, Management Theories, and Principles Research Paper Paper Icon

Nursing Leadership, Management Theories, And Principles

Over the last several years, health care has been going through a leadership crisis. This is because of the increasing demand from shifting demographics in the population (i.e. The Baby Boomer becoming older) and the shortage of staff. The combination of these factors, mean that the traditional role of health care professionals is continually… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1506 words) Sources: 5

Joint Commission Is a Self-Governing Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Considerable time and resources are dedicated by health care organizations ranging from medical equipment suppliers and staffing firms to tertiary care academic medical centers to get ready for and go through Joint Commission surveys. There is growing concern, though, over the lack of demonstrable progress towards meeting the organization's stated goals for many. Even though the Joint Commission more and… read more

Essay 3 pages (941 words) Sources: 5

Collaborative Communication and Therapeutic Interventions Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] When the health care professionals are not able to meet the demands of their duty, they suffer from stress which makes their every response negative.

This negative response creates lot of problems for the health care unit as the staff and nurses cannot satisfy the patients and lose their ability of listening complains from patients and their families. Indeed, they… read more

Essay 6 pages (1829 words) Sources: 3

Behaviors Allocation Cost Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Tracking what is being offered, done, or produced for the money being spent is one of the most vital areas of cost allocation, and highly significant for a hospital or other health care organization. Without careful tracking, it is far too easy to allow health care costs to get out of hand and become seriously problematic (Simmons, 2009).

There are… read more

Essay 2 pages (743 words) Sources: 3

Ethical Issues Surrounding the Adoption Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (Goldstein and Rein, 2010, p.27)

IV. Meaningful Use of EHR

The work of Gray, Bowden, Johansen, and Koch (2001) states that the U.S. has been slow as compared to other countries in adopting the use of EHRs in patient care however, with the enactment of the Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) of 2009, making provision of… read more

Essay 5 pages (1295 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

Hospitals Health Care Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] 90).

Explain the difference between inpatient and outpatient care.

"Inpatient Care" is health care provided to a patient who is admitted to a hospital, nursing home, or other extended care facility. Inpatient hospitalization, in particular, tends to involve major diagnostic, therapeutic and/or surgical services when a patient's condition and/or response to medication must be constantly monitored (Hays Companies, n.d.). "Outpatient… read more

Case Study 3 pages (1191 words) Sources: 3

Role and Application of Management Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Management of staff by these professionals includes effective planning, scheduling, and flexibility that enable the care givers to provide their services effectively.

Health Care Management:

With the rapid growth of the healthcare industry, healthcare management has developed to become a dynamic and complex field that provides several job opportunities in the field. Consequently, healthcare management professionals need to work as… read more

Essay 3 pages (978 words) Sources: 4

Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] e. via telephone, email, marketing, direct face-to-face communication, focus groups, interviews, etc. (Perko, Module 4).

Step 6/7: Create messages/Develop promotion programs

- The messages and development programs are created and implemented with the help of professional marketing or advertising companies (Perko, Module 4)

Step 8: Implement communication strategies

- This is done primarily following the internal organizational structure of the… read more

Term Paper 24 pages (7107 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

Clayton Christensen Teamed Up Article Critique Paper Icon

[. . . .] In looking forward, a product or a service that is the result of a disruption has the following of a whole new generation of patients, who may find the product or service to be more beneficial than the existing.

If there is anything right on point, or a "crystal ball" so to speak, this book may be it. It thoroughly… read more

Article Critique 6 pages (1580 words) Sources: 5

False Claims Act Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The provisions of the Privacy Rule apply to all forms of health information including, but not limited to, electronic, written, or oral information.

HIPAA privacy law

The Health Privacy Act of 1974 was enacted to prohibit the disclosure of a patient's medical records without the express written consent of the individual to whom the records pertain. Under the terms of… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (2400 words) Sources: 0

Management Nursing -- Preparing Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The distinction between the concept of leader and manager are important for this analysis. It is entirely possible to be a wonderful leader and not be a good manager, or to be an excellent manager yet not be a good leader. In the hospital environment, a manager will necessarily have delegated authority. A manager conducts his or her work within… read more

Essay 7 pages (2630 words) Sources: 20

Model Senator on the Issues Portrayal Term Paper Paper Icon

Rand Paul on Immigration

As a United States Senator from Kentucky, I, Rand Paul, might be asked how immigration affects my constituents. The fact is that immigration affects us all. But it is important to remember that there are two types of immigration: legal immigration and illegal immigration. While I support legal immigration, which welcomes citizens of other countries into… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1897 words) Sources: 4

Ne Functions the Joint Commissions Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In contrast to JCAHO, it stresses the clarity and accessibility of its quality audits, which it conducts for accreditation. For example, "HFAP standards have been 'cross-walked' to the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for each type of facility. This cross-walk approach means anyone reading the HFAP standards manual can clearly see how each standard ties directly to a Medicare Conditions"… read more

Essay 2 pages (739 words) Sources: 2

Social Justice System Inquiry Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] As Finn & Jacobson indicate, this "theoretical framework rests on understanding the effects of the larger political, social, and economic environment on families and 'the link between symptoms and chronic stress from lack of basic economic resources.'" (p. 293) The primary strength of this approach is that it helps to break down the array of challenges facing a family in… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1198 words) Sources: 4

Denial in the Death Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] All these are end of life concerns which can only be dealt with if the patient knows about his impending death.

In some cultures talking about death or planning things according to person's death are considered unethical and often regarded as welcoming death. Other end of life concerns are related to decisions about the treatment and care possibilities which cannot… read more

Research Paper 15 pages (4587 words) Sources: 10

Agrees That Ethics Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This principle is particularly problematic in today's society as evidenced by the debate over health insurance that is presently plaguing the country.

IV. Ethical Theories

Each of these principles is important and should be honored as much as possible. Unfortunately in the real world there are situations where one principle may have to be compromised in order to real the… read more

Research Paper 10 pages (3277 words) Sources: 10

Computerized Hospital Management Systems Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 1). Clinical system sophistication varies widely from hospital to hospital and has the strongest presence in tertiary care centers and teaching hospitals. Some hospitals have become nearly "paperless" due to the installation of leading edge clinical information systems. Whereas the typical hospital only has about 3 to 5 of its budget allocated toward information systems, these medical centers often have… read more

Essay 6 pages (2566 words) Sources: 6

Government Regulations and Hospice Capstone Project Paper Icon

[. . . .] 74 of the final rule.

Additionally the rules allow two hospices to collaborate to provide services to each other either core services or specialized services.

Impact of rules on Hospice services

The impact of these new regulations is bound to increase the pressure on hospice centers to bring their services up to par. However, according to a study, the changing… read more

Capstone Project 20 pages (6236 words) Sources: 1+

Religious Freedom Restoration Act Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Therefore, the 2012 Religious Freedom Restoration Act is important because it addresses the need for proper balance of religious beliefs and practices based on the principle of religious freedom.

Proponents and Opponents of the Bill:

Since its introduction, the bill has received massive support from leading Republicans, catholic bishops, and some social conservatives. These people have persisted in portraying the… read more

Essay 4 pages (1226 words) Sources: 3

Standards of Evaluation Health Care Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] , 2004).

Quality is a big issue between the two countries. Canadian health care is not quite as advanced in some areas as American health care, but the two countries are still very comparable in what they can offer (Kaul, et al., 2004). Additionally, because the Canadian health care system provides coverage for all citizens, everyone receives the same quality… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (817 words) Sources: 1+

Technology to Enhance Learning Distance and Online Applications Term Paper Paper Icon

Online Healthcare and Nursing Courses

Krames Patient Education Online of the Washington Hospital Education System.

Accessible online at:

This website consists of a voluminous database of information specifically intended for patients and other lay medical audiences. It is organized into two main sections: Health Sheets and Medications as depicted below. Each of those sections provides an alphabetized list of… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (839 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Quality Hospital Quality Measures Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare Quality

Hospital Quality Measures

In the modern day of business, any form of business must perform up the consumer standards to succeed. One area of business that has recently adopted this principle is the healthcare industry. Where once hospitals and medical centers were evaluated by word-of-mouth patient reviews, modern hospitals document and report quality measures for public review including… read more

Essay 2 pages (581 words) Sources: 2

Hypertension II Cost Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Smokers, or high risk patients, were thus more likely to benefit from hypertension treatment.

These results were based how effective treatment was in lowering the relative rates of adverse events. Nonfatal cardiovascular events and death were lowered by 132 and 115 per 1000 patients for male smokers, 112 and 107 for male nonsmokers, 119 and 111 for female smokers, and… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (809 words) Sources: 2

United States Has the Most Expensive Healthcare Literature Review Paper Icon

United States "has the most expensive healthcare system in the world, [yet] 47 million Americans have no health insurance. Healthcare is the country's largest economic sector…. Four times larger than national defense… yet millions cannot afford to take care of their health needs" (Farrell, 2009, 1). Despite being an international leader in science and technology, what has happened to the… read more

Literature Review 20 pages (6833 words) Sources: 30 Style: APA

Healthcare System the American Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare System

The American healthcare system has been considered the best in the world for both innovation and quality of care for the past 100 years (Field 2007). While greater government and private intervention has entered into the overall healthcare industry, the current level or regulation has succeeded in creating an environment of increased confidence and assurance in the quality… read more

Essay 2 pages (765 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Reform and Economic Implications the Importance Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare Reform and Economic Implications

The Importance of Controlling Costs in Healthcare

Controlling costs is one of the most important issues in American healthcare. Currently, approximately 50 million Americans cannot afford health insurance because of its cost, and that cost is largely a function of the ever-increasing price of healthcare services themselves (Reid, 2009). The government is also burdened by… read more

Essay 2 pages (514 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Disparity Health -- Cultural Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another behavior that would affect them is how he uses the supporting staff -- if he uses them a lot -- for example if he is doing a lot of work and needs assistance, or maybe he is adamant and does all the work himself, that could tell families how dedicated to his work he is. It is possible that… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Healthcare as an Institution Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] I referred these clients to other health care professionals, and worked with other specialists to provide an adequate treatment program, however, the DNP in a psychiatric specialty will allow me to provide not only a greater understanding of individual issues, but more important, the clinical knowledge and competence to actively help clients.

Based on my own personal view of lifelong… read more

Essay 3 pages (1070 words) Sources: 0

Functional Cardiology Department Within a Tertiary Healthcare Term Paper Paper Icon

Functional Cardiology Department Within a Tertiary Healthcare Institution

The provision of high-quality healthcare services in a tertiary health institution is a challenging enterprise that requires careful alignment of organizational resources with departmental goals. To achieve this level of alignment, most healthcare organizations use some type of master plan that provides general guidelines for the "who does what" aspects of administering… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1329 words) Sources: 3

Schlesinger Describes Four Main Themes Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] e. staff) and the health of individuals surrounding the individual. Health should be a popular 'people's movement'. Instead of health care being nested in bureaucratic and financial institutions, it should be nested in larger beneficial social groups with health care coming to the people, instead of the people seeking it, and with all (including hospital environment) designed around he needs… read more

Article Review 9 pages (2742 words) Sources: 1+

Healthcare Bill Ref Creative Writing Paper Icon

[. . . .] Where the person is dependent on the increasing demand for services, there will be a demand on the reserves of the family which causes the family then to be in a state of poverty. The problems mainly will centre on the medical needs of the autistic child, which is bound to increase with the advancement of age. (United States Government… read more

Creative Writing 2 pages (897 words) Sources: 2

Health Care Cost Containment Techniques Term Paper Paper Icon

equal access to a comprehensive package of health care has been the theoretical goal of the American health care system for some time (Epstein 2004). It has been debated extensively in many forums including the U.S. Congress but until very recently no such program has been enacted. One of the goals of the Obama administration upon entering office was to… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2462 words) Sources: 5

Developing the Evidence Matrix for Communication Quality Improvement Among Physician and Staff Research Paper Paper Icon

Evidence-Based Tools: Review Matix

Level of Evidence

Gazmararian, J.,

Health Literacy Among Medicare Enrollees in Managed Care Organizations

What is the level of functional health literacy among community dwelling Medicare enrollees.

Cross-sectional survey.

Four Prudential Healthcare plans; 3260 participants

Used short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults.

1/3 of English speaking and over 1/2 Spanish speaking enrollees over… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (429 words) Sources: 10

Healthcare Study Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] The symptoms would range from minimally stable to highly stable.

2. The nurse's competency will then be marked on another 8 point table so as to reach the level of expertise that would be required to handle a particular patient.

3. Upon matching of the two conclusions, can it be expected that we would get the best results (DuAnne Foster… read more

Case Study 6 pages (1972 words) Sources: 6

Health Care Communication Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] It is estimated that one-third of adults with chronic illnesses underused their prescription medication due to cost concerns, but later fail to communicate this information to their physician. (Piette, J.D., Heisler, M. & Wagner, T.H., 2004, p. 1785).

The relevancy of effective personal health care communication with other health care professional, clients, patients

Effective, timely communication between health care professionals… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1391 words) Sources: 5

Veteran Access to Healthcare Services Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 21). Reports from the field confirm these experiences across the country and these delays in access to healthcare will have inevitable long-term consequences for the veterans suffering from the profoundly debilitating effects of the "signature" injuries of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the VHA clinicians who are responsible for their care, and these issues are discussed… read more

Essay 8 pages (2338 words) Sources: 6

Wealthiest Nation That the World Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] The delay results in more expensive procedures being required that could have been avoided through earlier detection and treatment. As it is, most every situation being presented in the application of health care results in not only higher health care costs and, correspondingly, higher insurance premiums.

Solutions to the present health care crisis in the United States are floating around… read more

Case Study 2 pages (779 words) Sources: 1+

Health Care Advanced Quality Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Preventive health care has been prioritized in our health care system toward reduction of morbidity, mortality, and costs of health care services. Preventive care has served to reduce the rates of occurrence of life-threatening breast cancer and other conditions that previously were associated with a shorter than normal lifespan in the population who developed such diseases.

III. Contrasting the Definition… read more

Essay 3 pages (969 words) Sources: 3

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