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Internal and External Forces Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] An offshoot effect of the Great Recession was the 99% movement (among other societal and cultural arcs and movements) that focused on how businesses are supposedly turning the screws on their employees and society in general in the form of paying minimum wage (or at least lower wages than should be paid and the same goes for benefits) and this… read more

Essay 6 pages (1956 words) Sources: 3

SWOT Analysis of a Problem Hospital SWOT Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is designed to create greater continuity of patient care and also to reduce the time lag in transferring patients from the ER to other units which results in most of the burden of paperwork being borne by the night staff.

However, there is tremendous change resistance to this new proposal. Head nurses and assistant nurses are reluctant to leave… read more

SWOT 2 pages (574 words) Sources: 0

Fortis Healthcare Care: Company Analysis Case Study Paper Icon

Fortis Healthcare

History, expansion and development of Fortis limited

Fortis Healthcare Limited has been one of the largest healthcare companies operating in India having 28 hospitals, heart command centers, and satellite centers with a total capacity for 3,300 beds. Apart from that, these hospitals also have multi-surgery facilities along with tertiary and quaternary healthcare services available. They are capable of… read more

Case Study 12 pages (3026 words) Sources: 6

Cultural Diversity Healthcare Providers Deal Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Sometimes it can even be believed to be a sign of health and prosperity. Many health care organizations and community sites have integrated language expertise in their services besides employing experienced interpreters to foster language diversity in the workplace. Nevertheless, being linguistically competent is comparable to being culturally competent. For example, although a website may have interpreters available for patients,… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1295 words) Sources: 5

Healthcare Services Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In a HMO, the patient pays for a fixed insurance fee every month, not reflecting the type of service he or she refers. When the patient requires a medical service, he addresses the primary medical point of contact and is referred to one of the healthcare facilities that are part of the HMO network.

The PPO involves payment for services… read more

Essay 2 pages (678 words) Sources: 4

Congress Northwest Nazarene a Universal Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This health capability model previously discussed can help develop strategies that may foster socioeconomic policies that will focus on prevention and motivation to improve health and break through barriers.

To be most effective, it should begin when a child is very young. The focus should be on maternal and child health, clean drinking water and nutrition, and continuing education through… read more

Essay 4 pages (1682 words) Sources: 1+

Health Care Management (Strategic Operations Plan) Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The tool will allow the identification of the causes of a particular event. The causes that can be identified include people involved in the process, methods, machines, materials, measurement, and environmental factor that will influence the quality of the processes in the clinic (Perez, 2009).

I will also use Pareto Chart to improve the quality of processes in the clinic.… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1444 words) Sources: 4

Health Care Management Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] An example is whereby an individual working within the healthcare field uses the resources or assets of the organization for their own benefit or wrongfully they can be charged with a breech of contract and the court imposes a proprietary remedy upon them. Another example is when those who are working within the health care field misuse money for such… read more

Essay 2 pages (648 words) Sources: 1

Healthcare Management (Discussion Questions) Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This entails conducting orientation on evidence-based practices of new employees. It is also important to introduce evidence-based practices within an organization. This ensures that all employees are informed about all clinical and business best practices. I would also motivate my employees to embrace these practices and maintain as well as update their skills and knowledge on these practices.


Houser,… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1472 words) Sources: 5

Letter to a Congressional Representative Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It also limits the possibility of lost time on the job. Besides, it will ensure that maternity care is provided even before and after the baby is born. The bill will also facilitate the provision of inpatient care and treatments (Hitchcock, Schubert & Thomas, 2003).

The Health Insurance Bill will also cater for substance use disorders and mental health services.… read more

Essay 4 pages (1300 words) Sources: 5

Oral Presentation: The Individual Mandate Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Furthermore, many healthy young people may be exempt because of the 'hardship clause' of the ACA: "the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that Americans who have had their plans canceled will be exempt from enrolling in the exchanges, because some consumers were finding other coverage options to be more expensive than their cancelled plans or policies" (Roy, 2013,… read more

Essay 3 pages (1071 words) Sources: 2

Coffee Regional Medical Center, Inc SWOT Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, if the organization does not uphold high quality standards then they could see some of their clientele traveling for services. Therefore, even without direct competition, the organization must still strive for competitive excellence.


Medicare/Medicaid, Federal Government, and private insurance companies will represent the biggest regulatory challenges to the organization. It is expected that these factors will undergo major… read more

SWOT 3 pages (688 words) Sources: 3

Transformational Leadership Within the Healthcare Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] The purpose of the article is to show the essence of effective leadership within the nursing profession. It points out the importance of the changes in leadership required within the nursing profession and how they can be achieved. It also points out how top-level management within the healthcare systems can effectively bring out transformations for managerial and leadership tasks for… read more

Article Review 4 pages (1230 words) Sources: 0

Diversity in the Elderly Population Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Of course, any demographic shift brings with it social and economic challenges, not least for healthcare systems. The notion of a greying population is usually framed in terms of the added demands and pressures they will bring. But although there will be challenges in adjusting, the overall picture is far from bleak if policymakers enact sensible change. (The Economist Intelligence… read more

Essay 3 pages (1013 words) Sources: 3

Adaptive Systems Healthcare Term Paper Paper Icon

Both systems share these attributes.

In contrasting the two systems, the wide variations in how each has been architected to serve specific constituents is clear. The design of any compel adaptive system must be specific to the unique requirements and needs of a specific constituency or series of preferences and needs [1]. The U.S. healthcare system on the surface appears… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (606 words) Sources: 2

Cornerstone Beliefs of the American Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The actual amount of money paid is determined by the ranges of services that are provided, the number of patients involved, and the period of time during which the services are provided" (Alguire 2013). This is to ensure that physicians are not incentivized to provide more care that might be necessary simply to profit. The downside is that there is… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (678 words) Sources: 2

Appease the Allegation That Medical Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 's request for a temporary restraining order preventing U.S.Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius from implementing the second round of the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies Competitive Bidding Program, saying the plaintiffs failed to show that they would be irreparably harmed by the program expansion" (Teichert, 2013, p. xx-xx). The case sheds light to… read more

Essay 3 pages (1253 words) Sources: 3

Systems Theory vs. Diffusion Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Shanta, L.L., & Connolly, M. (2013). Using King's interacting systems theory to link emotional intelligence and nursing practice. Journal Of Professional Nursing, 29(3), 174-180.

Retrieved from CINAL at: doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.04.023

This article links Imogen King's interacting systems theory to the concept of emotional intelligence. It stresses that a high degree of EI in the nurse is required for the full realization… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1524 words) Sources: 1+

Nursing Communication Between Nurses Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Therefore, I had to verify and confirm the information from the nurse. Additionally, owing to the way the nurse translated my query, it is clear that he lacked an understanding of what the nursing profession entails. This was evident because he claimed I was shouting at him, which later led to communication difficulties.

It is apparent that when the nurse… read more

Essay 4 pages (1240 words) Sources: 6

System Design Considerations and Workarounds Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] References

Australian National Health Informatics Conference, Maeder, A., & Martin-Sanchez, F.J.

(2012). Health Informatics: Building a healthcare future through trusted information;

selected papers from the 20th Australian National Health Informatics Conference (HIC

2012). Amsterdam: IOS Press Inc.

Azad, B., & King, N. (2008). Enacting computer workaround practices within a medication dispensing system. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(3), 264-278.

doi:… read more

Essay 5 pages (1718 words) Sources: 8

Briefing Note the Recent Economic Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In the financial situation currently facing us, we need to focus not only on the way we have made budget allocations in the past; we should also focus on what we can learn from other countries faced with the same economy. Indeed, the current economic situation is global, which makes this a perfect platform for learning and greater future efficiency.… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (862 words) Sources: 3

Mayo Clinic Is a Healthcare Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] With regards to pricing, Mayo Clinic has established relatively fair prices for its medical services whereas promotion strategies involve creating awareness and providing more information about its services to customers. While Mayo Clinic has continued to experience a strong competitive advantage over its rivals, its marketing strategy has always had two major operating principles. The first operating principle is that… read more

Case Study 2 pages (746 words) Sources: 3

Playing Ground for Healthcare Organizations Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Because I have become culturally competent in patient care, I have gathered all resources. I am fully equipped as a nurse (Ferrell & Coyle, 2010). My enthusiasm has been gratified because I am genuinely interested in the course and share my experiences. After completing the course, I have gained examples of skills and knowledge in the practice. In the future,… read more

Essay 2 pages (644 words) Sources: 2

HITECH Act and Meaningful Use Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Because of the confluence of occasions, patient volumes are projected to expand drastically through the next decade (Hanson & Levin, 2013). With the extension of Medicaid and insurance prerequisites actualized as a component of the ACA, 20 to 40 million patients are anticipated to be added to the roles of insurance. These patterns will no doubt overwhelm participants of healthcare,… read more

Essay 4 pages (1337 words) Sources: 8

Regionalization Effective Regionalization Globalization Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The system was decentralized and control was handed over the provincial and local governments to design the ideal methods of care for their regions. This allows a tremendous amount of flexibility in the design on a local level. However, this design and the variability that has arisen as a result of the changes are difficult to effectively critic in regard… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1633 words) Sources: 8

Collaborative Leadership Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (p.11) Healthcare leadership must interact with the civic infrastructure as it has the capacity to serve "as the circuitry to transmit educational and awareness-raising information, to energize social trust between authorities and communities at-large and to coordinate the respective response and recovery roles of government, business, civic groups, and individuals." (Schoch-Spana, et al., 2007, p.11) The capacity of the… read more

Essay 3 pages (918 words) Sources: 5

Financial Management Discussion Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] American Medical Association (2013) argues that Bundle payments are a type of single payment that covers services delivered by two or more health providers and being delivered over a specific period. For example, a patient having cardiac bypass surgery will pay bundle payment rather than making one payment to surgeon, another payment to hospital and third payment to the anesthesiologist.… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1327 words) Sources: 5

Organizational Structure Bon Secours Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] With a staff of over 21,000 and well over 60 facilities in six states, creating change can be slow and hard-fought. However, the continued emphasis on "systemness" and the charge to reduce variation and conform to best practices is finally paying dividends. The best part of these changes is that, as they have gathered momentum, the drive for innovation and… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1141 words) Sources: 6

Financial Management Definition of Revenue Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The second activity in registration is related to the computation of deductible or copayment provisions that are applicable to patient. The third activity in registration is related to financial counseling. Patients that have no cover might be eligible to some discounts through the healthcare firm's charity care policy. Anything that is still due can be discussed before service delivery. The… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1012 words) Sources: 4

Nursing Values Personal Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] To be entrusted with this responsibility, one must have a strong sense of the overarching moral constructs that inform our society. Such morals, as the responsibility not to bring harm on others, are true in the healthcare context and beyond. But in healthcare especially, morals must be seen as the blueprint for all decisions and actions.

Ethics are typically defined… read more

Essay 3 pages (930 words) Sources: 2

Predict the Economic Impact Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Furthermore, with enhanced education, nurses and other clinicians can understand the benefits and the connections with advance directives which, if done early in the entire process, can save end of life care costs, but don't end up impacting care choices. When nurses are better educated in how to coordinate palliative care, clinical outcomes can generally improve and reap significant savings… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (540 words) Sources: 1+

Mobile Computing Research Shows Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another disadvantage, it can as well mean more technical importance which at times is a stress factor for patients in addition to medical staff. The contribution of data needs to be stored and secured. The substructure may perhaps not be able to provide the same values as with wired substructures. However, the issue of radiation needs to be clarified because… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1298 words) Sources: 3

Riverview Regional Medical Center Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Services that need to be strengthened and promoted to control out migration from the primary service area

The acute care area is characterized by high innovation, high throughput and lessening lengths of stay, accelerating pressure on post acute, convalescent and step down care. Resulting patterns towards shorter lessened hospital episodes of care, incorporating an expanding number of day surgery systems,… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1292 words) Sources: 4

Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Health Care Essay Paper Icon

Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Health Care


Data processing is part of the procurement of healthcare. Patients have data that they share with medical staff, and the healthcare professionals share information with patients, as well. A myriad of healthcare institutions share and generate data on the patients and medical employees with the end goal to administer the provision of… read more

Essay 3 pages (1055 words) Sources: 4

Spanish for Medical Personnel Folkloric Medicine Essay Paper Icon

Spanish for Medical Personnel (folkloric Medicine)

Research shows that the term folk medicine refers to healing practices and thoughts of health preservation and body physiology known to a limited section of the population in a culture, conveyed casually as general knowledge, and applied or practiced by anyone in the culture that has had some kind of prior experience. Sometimes Folk… read more

Essay 3 pages (1053 words) Sources: 1

Data Collection and Improving Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This means that the Mayo Clinic should take steps to determine the kinds of investments in the region that would be most likely to appeal to lawmakers and citizens as well as the kinds that it is likely to be able to attract by way of its continued presence in Minnesota.

On the second subject of replicating its successful model… read more

Essay 5 pages (1363 words) Sources: 5

Application Quality Improvement Models Organizations Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This way the hospital management could make adjustments and other recommendations in case the actions taken have not been effective.

Information gathering

As a team in case there is any missing information, the best method for gathering data would be to use questionnaires, interviews, or analysis of the patient records. Analyzing the patient records would allow the team to establish… read more

Essay 3 pages (1294 words) Sources: 5

Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Health Care Essay Paper Icon

Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Health Care


Autonomy is the patients' right to make informed decisions free from both regulating impedances by others and from individual limits that forestalls healthcare decision. Autonomous people act deliberately with comprehension and without regulating impacts. Concern for independence is one of the principal guidelines of clinical ethics. Autonomy in medication does not permit… read more

Essay 3 pages (1216 words) Sources: 5

Radiology Is at the Heart of Modern Admission Essay Paper Icon

Radiology is at the heart of modern healthcare. Almost everyone goes to the hospital at least once in a lifetime, and regardless of reason, the chances are that they will be acquainted with a radiographer who needs to produce an accurate image of the area of the body in question, which is an indispensable part of issuing a correct diagnosis,… read more

Admission Essay 3 pages (902 words) Sources: 3

Traditional Negligence and Res Ipsa Loquitur Essay Paper Icon

Traditional negligence and Res IPSA loquitur are present to serve the same purpose and inform about negligence that has occurred. It should be noted that both these terms differ from medical malpractice that is usually done on purpose and it causes a significant amount of harm to the patient. The first case of Res IPSA Loquitur occurred in California in… read more

Essay 3 pages (1018 words) Sources: 5

Alzheimer's: Healthcare Access in Saudia Arabia Methodology Chapter Paper Icon



The research questions this study is aiming to address are the following: (1) what are the barriers for the use of an Alzheimer Disease (AD) community day care center in Saudi Arabia and (2) what community service factors are associated with quality of life?

Alzheimer's disease (AD), together with other forms of dementia,… read more

Methodology Chapter 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Safety, Communication, and Placement Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] His health does not allow him to stay in a crowded room and this is the case with his house. Moreover, a cook and house assistant for assisting Mr. Trosack to manage the house need to be in place. This will ensure the safety of Mr. Trosack. These issues need addressing before Mr. Trosack goes back to the house.

A… read more

Essay 4 pages (1634 words) Sources: 1+

Portability vs. Privacy Electronic Medical Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The security of medical records

Various groups opposing electronic medical records have expressed worries over EMR security and privacy because of the threat of phishing. Their arguments are based on the issue that increased online data availability makes electronic medical records more prone to phishing attacks. However, in light of this matter, industry practitioners have erected several measures to curb… read more

Essay 3 pages (966 words) Sources: 3

Randolph County Community Vitality Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] There appeared many to be on the brink of some kind of medical trauma signified by rampant obesity and smoking demonstrating a disinterested view of health and healthy habits.

Initial Impressions

As a registered nurse, it appears that much could be done about the health of the people of this community. This county does little to promote healthy lifestyles and… read more

Essay 3 pages (770 words) Sources: 5

Managing an Effective Quality Assurance Program Research Paper Paper Icon

Managing an Effective Quality Assurance Program at a VA Medical Center

Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) operates a system of 167 medical centers across the country that provides tertiary healthcare services to eligible veteran patients. Each of these medical centers has a quality assurance service that is responsible for identifying opportunities for improving patient care through a rigorous… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1092 words) Sources: 4

United States' President Comparing Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In Canada the delay time is set according to the accessibility of services in the location and by the relative demand of the individual requiring treatment. Additionally, the doctor-to-patient percentage is inferior in Canada than in the United States. In accordance to a 2009 Commonwealth agreement, Veteran's healthcare facilities in Pennsylvania and New York city, respectively, have even more physicians… read more

Essay 8 pages (2928 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Ethical Aspects in Research Studies Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 2008).

Health care reforms are significant to the nursing practice in several ways including the ability to redesign nursing education to make nurses competent in the provision of health care. These reforms also employ nurse-led innovations since the nurses at in constant touch with patients. Therefore, they are better positioned to make policies that are customer oriented. The reforms also… read more

Essay 4 pages (1340 words) Sources: 7

Problems Principles and Potential Solutions Essay Paper Icon

health care denoted within Dr. Arthur Garson Jr.'s article entitled "The U.S. healthcare system: problems, principles and potential solutions." One of the most eminent of these which will be severely impacted by the 2014 completion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is alluded to in Garson Jr.'s "Problem 4: Administrative Nightmares for Patients and Physicians" (Garson Jr., 2000).… read more

Essay 2 pages (689 words) Sources: 2

Leadership Ethical Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] If indeed, there is a direct connection between the establishment of a positive healthcare environment and the ethical orientation of this environment, the change must be realized through the retention of caring and qualified nurses.

Source Analysis:

As to the ethical connection between healthcare outcomes and nursing orientation noted here above, the discussion refers to a pair of valuable sources.… read more

Essay 5 pages (1362 words) Sources: 4

Schneck Medical Center: The Baldrige Capstone Project Paper Icon

[. . . .] For this reason, they cannot disclose any information that could end up jeopardizing the privacy of patients. Ensuring that patient information is safe is not an easy task. But what exactly is information privacy from a health care services perspective? Privacy in the words of Lyer, Levin, and Shea (2006), is "the right of individuals to determine when, who and… read more

Capstone Project 10 pages (3190 words) Sources: 7

Ethical Self-Assessment the Role Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The continual pursuit of analytics, key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics of performance indicating relative level of ethical compliance are critically important across the healthcare profession (Ehlen, Sprenger, 1998). Only by aggregating these responses together will a healthcare provider gain a greater glimpse into how they can improve ethically and continually serve patients with a great deal of transparency, further… read more

Essay 4 pages (1195 words) Sources: 4

Hygiene in Medical Settings Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] An easy way to remember is to sing the ABC song or Happy Birthday. This will help you measure the correct length of time.

If soap and water is not an option, use an alcohol-based sanitizer or disposable hand wipe. The alcohol in these products helps kill germs, although this is not recommended if hands are visibly soiled.

If in… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1422 words) Sources: 1+

Relationship Risk Insurance Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Using this information management is able to determine how to charge for its services. The charges will put into consideration the different covers that individuals have and also provide different services based on the covers. From the empirical measurements, management can also establish the number of people who are taking up covers and their income levels. This information will assist… read more

Essay 8 pages (2350 words) Sources: 5

Ethical Decision 'Not to Resuscitate Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It should be remembered that there is not a single kind of consent but many. Therefore, the doctors must see what sort of consent is applicable in a specific situation and then act accordingly (J., 2005).

First of all, the doctors and nurses should remember that the consent should always be in form of a typed paper. However, most of… read more

Essay 8 pages (2702 words) Sources: 10

Workplace Demands Influences Patient Safety Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This can specify minimum efficiency levels for healthcare specialists. likewise it can assist to form the companies where they work, and the devices (medicines and gadgets) they make use of expectations for to look after their clients (Lee, 2013). The standards and norms set by the healthcare experts affect the practice, training, as well as education for service providers. Therefore,… read more

Essay 5 pages (2464 words) Sources: 8

Lobbyist and Government: San Diego Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (Cato Institute, 2013) The failure of mandates is stated to be evident in the state of Massachusetts and specifically reported is "Uninsured citizens earning more than 300% of the poverty level are expected to buy their own insurance. Here, the state hoped that 228,000 of its uninsured citizens would sign up. So far, just 15,000 have enrolled." (Cato Institute,… read more

Essay 5 pages (2197 words) Sources: 1+

Patient Falls and Nursing PICO Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Managerial commitment is vital to help keep staff motivated and to ensure a commitment to a common culture. Finally, rounding is a significant step to improving patient care and should be a hospital wide mandate, not simply used for critical or surgical care patients (Olrich, et al., 2012).

Evidence-Based Practice Analysis -- Research data clearly shows that if a hospital… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1049 words) Sources: 3

Patient Handoff Efficiency Term Paper Paper Icon

transferring vital records and responsibility of care from one healthcare provider to another is one of the most important parts of communication in health care. This important transfer point is known as a handoff. What makes a handoff effective is when a handoff supports the transition of important information and continuity of care and treatment. Sadly, there are many instances… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1862 words) Sources: 5

Physician-Patient and Hospital-Patient Relationships Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This board is supposed to conjunction with the leadership of hospitals and medical staff. In order to achieve successful qualities in management, commitment of the board is vital to support the organization's quality mission clearly. The transformation begins with board education. The members of the board should be first introduced to the principles, techniques, and tools of quality improvement continuously.… read more

Essay 3 pages (1160 words) Sources: 4

Health Care Industry Consists of the Sector Essay Paper Icon

health care industry consists of the sector that provides services including: healing, treatment, and medicine through its facilities that include hospitals, clinics and urgent care. These services are provided by all personnel working in health industries, like physicians, nurses, technicians, and other medical services providers.

Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS, Inc.) is one of the largest hospital management companies in… read more

Essay 2 pages (594 words) Sources: 0

Healthcare Finance Term Paper Paper Icon

Medicare Diabetes Prevention Act of 2013

Healthcare Finance

Senator Franken (D-MN) introduced a bill (S. 452) into the Senate on March 5, 2013 that provides a mechanism through which Medicare and Medicaid recipients, who are at risk for developing diabetes, can receive preventive care services (Medicare Diabetes Prevention Act, 2013; Civic Impulse, 2013). The Senate version of the Medicare Diabetes… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1429 words) Sources: 4

Paramedics the Problematic Autonomy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As 'ambulance workers' have evolved into paramedics, there is a considerable need for the medical field to evolve in its regard of these skilled workers.


Ultimately, this demand is not simply important because of the critical need for paramedics and the ambition to improve their working experience and commitment to the job. Perhaps more importantly, this demand underscores the… read more

Essay 6 pages (1783 words) Sources: 10

Health Care the Overall Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Recommendation

To remedy many of the negatives occurrences described above regarding per diem associates, reform must occur within the industry overall. My recommendation would be to help streamline processes within organizations to make a seamless transition for per diem nurses. This transition will mitigate many of the negative aspects mentioned above. Technology should be used that is simple and intuitive… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2041 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

Communication How Does Effective Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This in turn, individual the parent to create reasonable tasks and objectives for themselves. As a result, Health Care employees are better able to accomplishing the overall objectives for themselves (Hicks, 2012).

Another basic principle besides goal setting and feedback is more individual based. Health care professionals when communicating can not let emotions deter the message in which they are… read more

Essay 3 pages (981 words) Sources: 3

Financial Management for Nurses Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Working together, a more proactive and congenial model can work wonders in a hospital unit, it simply takes cooperation from all sides (Productivity Measures, 2008).


Productivity Measures in Need of an Image Overhaul. (July-August 2008). The Business of Caring. 4 (7): 1-15.

Anderson, S. (2007). Deadly Consequences: The Hidden Impact of Nursing Shortages. National Foundation for American Policy. Retrieved… read more

Essay 4 pages (1504 words) Sources: 5

Reimbursement and Pay-For-Performance Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] When properly administered, the program happens to benefit both the service providers and the customers who enjoy the rendered services delivered. The health care system also experience stiff competition from other private health care systems in terms of service delivery, therefore, the need to introduce reimbursement and pay-for- performance programs to act as a motivation factor in delivering of services.… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1806 words) Sources: 6

Economics of Medical Errors Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The fines and penalties that hospitals will begin to incur under ACA provisions may shift this balance sheet to favor patient safety over the goals of past cost-cutting measures. Up to 1% of the operating margin for the worst performing hospitals could be lost under ACA, which may be sufficient for causing poor performing hospitals to close their doors.

Andel… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1317 words) Sources: 4

Vitality and Aging Essay Paper Icon

Death and Natural Life

Since the age of modern medical intervention and surgery, healthcare in general, sanitation, and nutrition, human longevity nearly doubled in the Western Hemisphere during the 20th century (Yates, Djousse, Kurth, Buring and Gaziano, 2008). In most respects, that is a good thing, but there is also a dark cloud to the silver lining. Specifically, larger numbers… read more

Essay 3 pages (974 words) Sources: 1+

Healthcare Standards Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Part B: Practice implication of not having a Standard HL7

"HL7 standards are among the most widely used technology specifications in healthcare. HL7 standards help the healthcare industry increase efficiency, reduce cost and improve quality of care. HL7 also offers tools, training and support for standards implementation" (Health Level 7 International, 2013, HL7). Universal standards of coding enable researchers to… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (712 words) Sources: 1+

Health Care -- Risk Management A-Level Coursework Paper Icon

[. . . .] In order to receive these benefits, the injured employee and/or dependents must accept workers' compensation as an "exclusive remedy," waiving his/her right to sue the employer for the tort of negligence, and must convince an administrative agency -- rather than a federal or state court -- of the viability of his/her claim (Larson, 2005). At least one object of the… read more

A-Level Coursework 3 pages (863 words) Sources: 1+

Pending Legislation Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Adam Searing, a health policy expert at the N.C. Justice Center, an organization which actively advocates for the poor and opposes the Republican-driven legislation, has expressed his professional appraisal that low-income citizens who fail to meet the qualification standards for Medicaid coverage will be among those who are most negatively affected. According to Searing, this already vulnerable segment of the… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2266 words) Sources: 8

Communication Modalities Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Therefore, this method proves to be effective and efficient to the patients at all times (Nelson et al., 2013).

How this mode of communication differs from others

A web-based forum is a different mode of communication when compared to others being used in health centres and other places of human interaction in the society. First, this mode of communication is… read more

Essay 4 pages (1306 words) Sources: 3

Experienced a Significant Increase Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another difference between private insurance and government insurance is that the cost of insurance keeps mounting making insurance even more intimidating for those who can barely afford it. Third party payers (such as Medicare and Medicaid) do little to hold down the costs, and new technology and prescription drugs as well as labor costs just increase it.

Private insurance too… read more

Essay 6 pages (2164 words) Sources: 4

Quality of Life and Functioning Research Paper Paper Icon

Quality of Life and Functioning

In a variety of health care settings, the community nurse is playing a vital role in helping to address the needs of patients and improve quality. In the case of Mrs. Thomas, her situation is complicated with: the malignant cancer continuing to spread, a husband who suffers from depression and two sons who do not… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1569 words) Sources: 5

Treatment for Emergency Medical Conditions Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] [Doug Laube, MD, Former President, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists], (American College of Nurse-Midwives, 2012, p.1) It is reported as well that average costs for "…vaginal birth are approximately 50% lower than those for cesarean birth." (American College of Nurse-Midwives, 2012, p.1)) It is reported that the Office o technology Assessment analyzed nurse practitioner and nurse midwife practice at… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1137 words) Sources: 3

S.W.O.T. for Community South Medical Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] EMR is a part of healthcare information technology that is used to make paperless computerized patient data in order to increase efficiency of hospital systems and reduce chances of errors in medical records." (Markets and Markets, 2012)

It is reported that a large growth rate, stated at more than 16% of healthcare IT spending in the United States and the… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1116 words) Sources: 4

Cultural Assessment Research Paper Paper Icon

Cultural practices and religious beliefs of various communities have significant effects on the health services provision to the group. This is particularly so for those people who are strongly and deeply conservative of their traditions. The African-American community is such group that is affected by the culture in the pursuit to better health care services (in Shaw-Taylor & in Tuch,… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (882 words) Sources: 5

Health Care -- Philosophy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The NP's education must, therefore, foster and empower this social ability and sense of responsibility in the student, so he/she can readily meet not only the patient's needs but also the needs of the patient's family and community.

In an effort to provide the highest standard of care for total well-being, the NP also willingly faces several challenges regarding his/her… read more

Essay 2 pages (516 words) Sources: 0

Health Care -- Regulatory Scheme A-Level Coursework Paper Icon

[. . . .] California's licensing process is straightforward, at least in its basic components. The clinic wishing to be licensed by the State of California must start the process by submitting various documents to the centralized applications unit of California's State Department of Public Health, Division of Licensing and Certification (California State Legislature, 2003). Those documents include a ten-page application packet and checklist… read more

A-Level Coursework 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 2

Role of Family Physician in Improving Healthcare Equality Research Proposal Paper Icon

Family Physician in Improving Healthcare Equality

A lack of equality is a sad reality in all societies today. This is particularly sad in Western society, where the general consensus is that equality should be at the order of the day, but practical reality suggests a different ideal than is in fact offered by word of mouth. This is particularly dire… read more

Research Proposal 2 pages (818 words) Sources: 5

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