Essay on "Casual Argument"

Essay 4 pages (1236 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Youth and the Media: The Harmful Relationship

Imagine Christina Aguilera scantily dressed in a nurse's uniform, as a schoolgirl, or clad in leather and wielding handcuffs. No, this is not a scene from a male fantasy. Instead, it is a series of advertisements, not for Christina's newest album or some sort of provocative product, but for shoes, gym shoes. According to the pop culture blog, Air Massive, the advertisements were part of a Fall 2004 campaign called "Naughty and Nice," that featured Aguilera in a series of poses that "illustrate fetishistic male sex fantasies" (Kid). Through an exploration of this advertisement's negative portrayal of women, in addition to its inappropriateness as advocate for the product it is trying to sell, one can easily see how modern advertisements teach harmful lessons to today's youth.

Although feminists have been attempting to convince the world that women are not only just as capable as men of fulfilling a variety of roles, but also that they are not sex objects for men's pleasure, these advertisements clearly portray women in a negative manner. The use of Aguilera in these images solidifies a stereotype that has long played a role in the male sexual fantasy -- the tall, skinny, blond. Although advocacy groups have long attempted to debunk this particular image as the one of all men's desire and the only acceptable for women who want to believe themselves to be beautiful and sexy. The continued use of this stereotype to suggest sexiness, desirability, and beauty has many serious social and political connotations. First of all, the use of the stereotype sends messages to girls and young women with different colored skins and hair, in additi
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on to different body types, that they are not beautiful. According to the Media Awareness Network, women are pressured by images of the "perfect body" in the media for economic reasons, among others ("Beauty and Body Image"). Women who think that they are ugly are more likely to buy beauty products, thus the images of skinny, young, and blonde women circulate through the media, while the majority of the population is "naturally larger and more mature than any of the models" ("Beauty and Body Image"). In fact, the Media Awareness Network suggests that some models have even fainted during their shoots because they have not had enough food ("Beauty and Body Image"). Thus, images like those of Christina Aguilera above not only make women believe they are not beautiful by promoting a certain type of body type as the symbol of sexiness and beauty, but also they may actually cause irresponsible health and financial behavior by encouraging women to diet to the point that they faint, like some models, or spend countless dollars on beauty products.

In addition to the stereotypes advocated by the Christina Aguilera tennis shoe ad, and the politically incorrect and often dangerous consequences they may have, these images also establish women as a primarily sexual being. This and other attempts to use sex to sell bring incorrect ideas to today's youth. In fact, it suggests to youth that women are only useful for their sexual appeal. Christiana's advertisements are not alone in this campaign. The Media Awareness Network suggests that "women -- and their body parts -- sell everything from food to cars" ("Beauty and Body Image"). The extent of women's sexual roles in the media strengthens the image that many young men have of women, that they are simply objects to be enjoyed for their sexual pleasure. Additionally, this portrayal of women can be used to teach young girls that they should be promiscuous, dress in a provocative manner, and value themselves only by their sexual lives. The continued use of images… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Casual Argument" Assignment:

You have two prompts to choose from for writing this essay: one about television viewing and one about advertising images. Regardless which one you choose, your essay must conform to MLA style, use in-text citations, and contain at least 4 quotes, 1 summary and 1 paraphrase. Of course, you must have a Works Cited list containing any and all sources you cite in your paper, including images. You may use 1 or 2 images in your essay to support your argument, but each must not take up more than 1/3 of a page (with 1***** margins!) and they will not count in the total page count for the assignment.

Draft an approximately 1000 word (3-4-page) essay in which you argue a causal relationship between American advertising and youth using one of the following prompts:


Select an image(s) from an electronic source that you think exemplifies your position on the effect of advertising on American youth. Argue a causal relationship between American advertising and American youth. What do advertisements tell young people they should value?

Your essay must:

Be double spaced

Use Times New Roman 12 or Courier 10 font

Be formatted in MLA style (See the sample paper beginning on page 448 of Prentice Hall Reference Guide).

Include a cover page formatted in MLA style.

Include a Works Cited page (See item #8 on page 424 of of Prentice Hall Reference Guide).

Include signal phrases and at least 4 quotes, 1 summary and 1 paraphrase.

Christina (oops, we mean "Xtina") Aguilera has piled on another endorsement deal and will be heating up yet another series of print ads with her photogenic hotness, this time for the Skechers shoe brand. The advertising campaign is called "Naughty and Nice" and will roll out in August to support Skecher's Fall 2004 line of shoes. The ads feature Christina (er, Xtina) playing dual roles in scenes that illustrate fetishistic male sex fantasies.

Aguilera appears in one ad as a hospital patient and as a syringe-wielding nurse in tight hip-hugging white uniform that barely covers her panties and shows off legs sporting white stockings and garters. In another, the pop diva and her doppelganger play both mini-skirt clad student in pigtails and open-blouse teacher holding a long pointer like its a weapon. In a third, more overtly erotic scenario, Xtina is dressed in a leather mini-skirt police uniform, complete with dangling handcuffs, and she eyes her twin who washing a car, soapy sponge in hand.

ENGL 101 Outline Suggestions

One of the most common difficulties students experience while writing a paper is organization. After you have generated some ideas for your piece, you*****ll want to create an outline.

Outlines will vary depending on the exact goal of the piece, but every outline ought to contain the following elements:

I. Introduction

A. Interest-catcher that relates to your thesis

B. Sentence that connects your interest-catcher to your thesis

C. Your thesis, which identifies the topic and reveals the central claim you are making

about the issue

D. (optional) overview of your main points

II. Several Body Paragraphs with Main Supporting Points (Remember that these should support the claim you*****ve made in your thesis!)

A. Topic sentence introducing the focus of the paragraph in some clear way

B. Specific example(s), facts(s), story(ies) that support your point (When necessary, use

properly cited quotes, paraphrases, or summaries.)

C. Your explanation and analysis of example(s)

D. Summative sentence

*Remember to provide transitions for your reader!

III. Body Paragraph(s) Discussing Opposition (This could also be addressed before your supporting points. There are other possibilities for organization, but it takes great care to make the flow of thoughts understandable to the reader, so we will just start with these.)

A. Topic sentence identifying opposing viewpoint

B. Explanation as to why you disagree

C. Examples, facts, stories that support your reason for disagreement

D. Summative sentence

*Remember transition(s).

IV. Conclusion

A. Sums up what you talked about in your body paragraphs

B. Reiterates your thesis in different words

C. Drives home any final thoughts or call for action

Remember that this is just a rough guide, not a strict formula.

Essay 2 Proofreading Checklist

Argument Successful Needs Revision


1. Clearly shows my opinion

2. Analyzes an image or images making a causal relationship

3. Contains pathos (emotional) appeals

4. Contains ethos (values/belief) appeals

5. Contains logos (factual) appeals

6. Cover Page conforms to MLA style

7. Title reflects my issue and opinion

8. Contains a header with my name and page number

9. Double-spaced

10. Margins are 1 inch wide on all sides

11. Font is New Times Roman 12 or Courier 10

12. Works Cited page is accurate

13. Spellchecked

Remember, the essay must:

1. Include the following in this order:

*****¢ Essay

*****¢ Works Cited Page

*****¢ Thesis sentence and Outline Page

2. Be approximately 1000 words (3-4-pages) causal analysis argument about the media.

3. Include signal phrases and correct in-text citations of at least four (4) quotes, one (1) summary, and one (1) paraphrase.

4. Be double-spaced with 1***** margins. Font is New Times Roman 12 or Courier 10.

5. Use MLA format

How to Reference "Casual Argument" Essay in a Bibliography

Casual Argument.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Casual Argument (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Casual Argument. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Casual Argument” 2008.
”Casual Argument”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Casual Argument”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Casual Argument [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Casual Argument. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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