Term Paper on "Yangpin's Noodle"

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Yangpin's Noodle

I am the Consultant hired by the person to take the key decision of the case. Here in this paper I shall present the key issues, list of alternatives available, the analysis of the alternatives, and the recommendations provided.

Key Issues:

Lack or absence of clear-cut identity as well as positioning of the Chinese-American restaurant regarding what its name should be so that it could inspire a suitable level of confidence among the potential clients. (2) Absence of a unique product quality which reveals any particular factor as to why customers must ought to visit the restaurant. Besides, there is a lack of competitive advantage of the Chinese-American restaurant through using market differentiators. These market differentiators could be (i) some particular methods to satisfy the requirements of the niche market (ii) brand acceptance in the market (iii) propriety or trade secrets for running of the company (iv) Patents as well as trademarks (v) particular method of combining products/services (vi) need for highly skilled as well as creative employees (vii) a level for improvement of quality. (Fast Trac Growth Venture, 2006)

List of alternatives:

i) Developing or formulating a core brand image with regard to the restaurant that would be considered as a visible element for the clients to identify with that of the brand (ii) Formulate a targeted advertisement showcasing the unique advantages which a Chinese-American restaurant could tent to offer (iii) Bring about a brand redesign by means of a brand redesign and this could be done by raising about $4.5 million during the next couple of years.
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Analysis of the alternatives:

i) the core competency of the Chinese-American restaurant can be applied to formulate a competitive edge through provision of products or services which the customer's value compared to products or services which the competitors are offering. (Fast Trac Growth Venture, 2006) the competitors of the Chinese-American restaurant are considered to be the pure-play Chinese restaurants. Further there are fast-food outlets such as McDonald's and the Japanese food outlets. The conventional Chinese eat-outs cater to an extensive wide level of choice available with excellent levels of ambience and the rates are affordable when compared to the high quality food being offered. However in comparison to this, fast food outlets such as McDonald's provide less scope to make choices with considerably poor ambience. The rates are less and this goes the same with the food quality as well. The Japanese food on the other hand which is being available is considered to be providing average selection along with average ambience, average rates with comparatively good quality food. The core competencies are the strengths of the brand that facilitate in fulfilling the customer requirements. It has to be kept in mind that the core competencies are subject to change and definitely change in the course of time, based on the requirements of the market and the significant status one desires to have over competitors. (Fast Trac Growth Venture, 2006) ii) Reputation for best products/services - Providing the superior products or services in the industry or market is essential. The attention has to be on quality that will lend a reputation for expertise in particular arenas. To illustrate, the Chinese-American restaurant shall have to concentrate on providing clients the maximum amount of service which is possible, value, choice and quality. (Fast Trac Growth Venture, 2006) iii) Niche market - One more offering that can be made is offering products or services to cater to the unique requirements of the targeted market(s). A niche market is a distinctive category of clients prevalent inside a larger market or a small group of a product line. To illustrate, a particular category of dishes for the Chinese-American restaurant could be made which meet a particular niche group of products. (Fast Trac Growth Venture, 2006) iv) Special distribution channels or that of the delivery methods- Making use of a selling technique that is particular to the industry or being problematic for competitors to make use of them efficiently. Offer several multiple products or that of services to the similar type of markets by means of an efficient distribution system. (Fast Trac Growth Venture, 2006) v) Organizational efficacy- the Chinese-American restaurant has to look for less expensive items and more effective items. Process is required to be streamlined your processes and discover means to make products or deliver services more efficiently. Outsourcing to efficient and highly skilled suppliers is needed. Staff is required to be hired with expertise which is able to enhance operations as well as efficacy standards. (Fast Trac Growth Venture, 2006)


It is a sort of an anchor when one positions for growth. The Chinese-American restaurant is preparing for that development from the food aspect of its business. At the first thought such type of strategy seems to be a no-brainer considering the treat industry has flattened out in current years and food sales have developed to now represent over half of the company's revenue. So as to develop its food business immensely, the company must make basic reformations, one that would leave no doubt in one's minds regarding what it was doing. From the view of the new building that has a stone fireplace along with earth tones color palette to that of the high-value menu board and reformed table service wherein clients tend to order at the counter, take a number from the counter and their food is served at their seats. All this brings forth a very strong response as this is not considered to be the usual QSR -- quick service restaurant -- or that if the 'treat center'. (Kirbyson, 2004)

During the next 10-15 years, all of the Chinese-American restaurants happen to be in food business are going to perform better and be placed under the Grill & Chill division. It is important to note that treats are still considered to be a part of the new concept's menu. Grill & Chill locations, some of which are presently 2 years old, some just a mere few weeks, are functioning really well. Following conducting online surveys, the Chinese-American restaurant found out that the two brands are actually interchangeable and has increased food credibility than the competition without having to lose treat credibility. The Chinese-American restaurant is working on a remodeling for its 1,000 centers that only offer treats called 'Project Cornerstone.' with a considerably modernized look, a bigger menu and an enlarged experiential component of what customers view, smell and watch in the restaurant. For a new brand that has made huge investment the company has to have a great deal of effort to modernize the nature of the brands and unite the system regarding the manner in which the clients and competitors virtually view and note the distinction. (Kirbyson, 2004)

Using state-of-the-art technology: The issue of handling multi-unit functions in the foodservice has never been easy. Presently, information on time intends real time. Chinese -American has to take assistance of software solutions which has the mandate to utilize the new communication technologies of wireless and the internet to better the data flow in multi-unit functions. Connections has been used in case of prevailing store-systems like POS, door sensors, time clocks, temperature as well as humidity sensors to acquire important data regarding the functioning of the effort. The software system is able to inform wrongly operating appliance which affects food quality. ("Fast food and faster data with Sangoma," n. d.)

The Product Differentiator: Most of the fast food restaurants across the world supply food which is not considered to be healthy. In contrast, Chinese-American food, having its focus on fresh as well as high quality ingredients, is being considered as one of the healthiest of the popular cuisines of the world. Chinese-American restaurant provides a solution regarding a menu which has been formulated to cater the requirements of today's consumers which are health conscious without providing any compromise with regard to its authenticity, quality or that of its taste. The final product is a varied combination of fresh, nutritious as well as delicious meals being provided with the speed, convenience along with competitive rates which modern clients require. Over the last few years, Chinese-American restaurant has invested widely in research as well as development of its food. An important constituent of the concept is the menu. This is balanced to fulfil the criterion of health, authenticity and convenience with regard to logistics. Along with all of the nutritional values and detailed guidelines for preparation of food, this is really a unique as well as important asset of Chinese-American restaurant. With regard to other presently established arenas of function are those of website design, a multi-lingual Point of Sales system - POS, it systems, legal as well as international compliance guidelines and so on. ("Tasty Thai: A Healthy Business Opportunity," 2007)

Already the company has attained through its website and by means of other contacts a regular flow of interest. Further a management team has been set up which has a deep knowledge as well as understanding of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Yangpin's Noodle" Assignment:

You are to write a 4-page paper. Your report should be typed in font size 12, double-spaced. You should take the perspective of either being the person who has to make the key decisions in the case, or of a consultant who has been hired by this person to provide expert recommendations. Either way, you should identify the key issues (problems), list relevant alternative actions that can be used to deal with these issues, analyze them, and finally select the best one as your recommendation.

Start your report by writing the case title *****Yangpin's Noodle*****. Then, follow the pattern of the following example:

Key Issues:

1. Sales have declined by 10 percent over the last 12 months

List of alternatives:

1. Increase advertising by $5 million annually

2. Drop the brand

3. Redesign the brand by increasing R&D expenses by $3 million over the next 18 months

Analysis of the alternatives:

1.(here you will list the advantages and disadvantages of alternative #1, i.e. the increase in advertising)

2. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative #2, i.e. dropping the brand

3. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative #3


Recommend alternative #1, because*****¦ (you need to explain why you think that based on your previous analysis alternative #1 is superior to the others due to its more favorable ratio of advantages to disadvantages.

Keep in mind that sometimes you may decide to combine more than one alternative in your recommendations, as long as they are not mutually incompatible. In the above example, one cannot combine alternatives #1 and #2, but one could combine alternatives #1 and #3. In case you decide to combine more than one alternative in your recommendation, you will still need to prioritize them, i.e. explain which alternative should be implemented first, and which one should be implemented second.

Keep in mind that when you list your alternatives, they should be specific actions. Avoid generalities such as *****improve quality*****, *****rethink strategy*****, etc. You need to explain exactly what to do to achieve the objective. Do not confuse the goal with the means to achieve it. The goal is dealing with the issue, and the means are the alternatives.

Case: Yangpin*****s Noodle


Phenomenal economic growth, coupled with almost 20% of the world*****s population, has made china our contemporary gold rush. China is an economic juggernaut that has attracted people throughout the world seeking instant wealth to compete with a highly literate and motivated indigenous workforce. And, as the gold rush*****s of bygone years have shown, both winners and losers are produced, a lot more of the latter, although stories usually focused on the former. Into this frenetic opportunity, this case examines one person's quest for riches. It also shows how the global economy cross-pollinates countries. In a nation enamored with the Western ways, can a Chinese restaurant serving Chinese-American cuisine survive?


The cacophony of the construction sounds outside Yangpin*****s apartment usually begins before the alarm rings. It is a measure of China*****s constant march toward modernization in the country's embracing of a new form of capitalization, one that is transforming a billion people into an economic powerhouse. Yangpin grew up in the Shandong province but migrated to the city for work. Today, she will not be a participant at the productivity march. Today she is meeting with *****e, a college friend, whose business acumen consists of nepotism. Long before Yangpin achieved professional success, she and *****e met in college in South Carolina (in the United States), where she tutored him in Chinese. It was the only reason she is offering to help him. When she arrives at *****e*****s apartment, he is huddled over a box of papers. What is this? Yangpin says in both befuddlement and amusement. Well, *****e and sheepishly, it's what I need to be successful. My cousin*****s more of a pack rat than an accountant. But, hey, his business has been successful in its first year. These are all his receipts for the first year. He opened an Italian restaurant in another the Chinese coastal province. Yangpin opens the shoebox slowly. She half expects a rat to leap out. Inside are receipts from *****e cousin*****s restaurant. Having not visited the restaurant, she hopes his food is better than his record-keeping. *****e had told her he planned to open a restaurant, a Chinese restaurant that served American-Chinese food. It's on his mind again today. Remember when I took you to that Chinese restaurant at school, and when you didn't like it, not that you would tell me. Well they get me thinking whether Americans like their Chinese food instead of yours, and Americans are flocking here, and that Chinese love American products. So, it's a can't miss from both perspectives.

Yangpin*****s confidence in *****e*****s restaurant project drops every time he attempts to explain it, since the first time he mentioned it over the telephone. What other research have you done? Not much, he replies. Yangpin interprets this as meaning, none. Yangpin starts to sort through the morass and record information in her computer spreadsheet. She tries to organize it by amount and whether they were ongoing (variable or fixed) or one-time (Table 1). It appears that all of the outgoing expenses are monthly. Yangpin shows *****e her results. His hopes of opening a restaurant are slowly deflating, as he examines the totals and break even. He hopes the revenue side will overcome his despondence. Here, thankfully, the receipts are aggregated. The average customer spent 45 yuan on a meal and 18 yuan one drinks. This had been calculated over a six-month period. The restaurant had served an average about 49 customers daily. Before *****e tends can speak, Yangpin begins detailing what will be needed before a decision on the restaurant can be made. She rattles off concepts *****e remembers vaguely studying in school. When she says they will need more information before continuing, *****e is relieved. His sense of safety is violated, *****e, what will the name of your restaurant be? With less conviction that when he first decided upon, it, he says, my name? She cringes; your business name needs to inspire potential customers. It has to provide a benefit or detail a product attribute, something to convey why customers should come there. Which is another thing: why should people come to your store, what*****s its competitive advantage? Yangpin knows this will be a long day. Ass the afternoon progresses, Yangpin get *****e focus.

We do not have any hard data to support any decisions, but we can at least start formulating a plan, Yangpin says earnestly. Most of the afternoon is spent on what the restaurant*****s competitive advantage will be and, as well as, how to and what to promote to a target market. *****e still believes ex-pats are the target, and the competitive advantage is bringing a portion of home to China while still trying to assimilate into Chinese culture. The food is different and you want to cater only to foreigners. How does that help them assimilate? She hopes logic will enter his analysis. The dialogue begins to show death spiral. Yangpin takes the opportunity to probe *****e*****s commitment. Once we*****ve identified the segments, benefits, costs, competitive advantage, and general location, we need to think in terms of commonalities. What does our target market or markets have in common? I see, like what stores they frequent, where they live, and what they do for fun, right? Yes, if we can establish that, we can identify where to advertise and what to say. If you are serious about this, I am willing to assist, for a fee of 1,500, in dollars. If the restaurant does open, I relinquish the fee for a stake in the project, 15%. What do you say? *****e feels more secure with Yangpin*****s assistance, and dad*****s money will provide adequate start-up capital and research funding. He might be able to provide, he thinks, his father a nice return. Done.

Yangpin is not. Before you agree, to need to know that to research this project will probable take about 27,000yuan. That money is nothing but insurance for us to ratchet up the probability of success. We will need a review of secondary data, traffic pattern study, some focus groups, a pricing study, promotion study, not including spending any money on actual promotions, and an economic study on the area*****s future. *****e is dumbfounded, By that time, I*****ll be dead. We can probably turn it all around in six months to a year. I already know some firms we can line up for the research. Six months later, the research was complete (Tables 2, 3, and 4), sans the economic study, which Yangpin was decided on whether to commission (cost 3,000 yuan). The company has identified three major competitors: a traditional Chinese restaurant, a Japan restaurant, and McDonalds.

Table 1: Expenses per Month

Ongoing (fixed per month): 25,000 yuan





Waiter (two)


Chef (two) and Chef*****s assistance (two)

Ongoing (variable): 25 yuan per person








Cooking lard



Paper and pens/pencils

Uniforms cleaning

One-time: 84, 000 yuan

Tables, chairs, legal expenses, paint, molding, china, utensils, cups, refrigerator, freezer, stove, cooking table, dishwasher, cooking vats, marketing expenditures(incl. grad opening expenses), uniforms, pots/pans, art work. Flower (fake), computer/printer, telephone equipment, coffee machine, cappuccino, alarm system, rack for dirt clothes, broom/mop/dust pan, garbage can, blinds and table clothes.

Table 2: Target Market

Food Selection

extensive 1-limited 7 (importance = 5) (ideal point = 3)


Good 1-poor 7 (importance = 5) (ideal point = 5)


expensive 1-inexpensive 7 (importance = 3) (ideal point = 3)

Food Quality

High 1-low 7 (importance = 1) (ideal point = 2)


High 1-low 7 (importance = 1) (ideal point = 2)

Very important 1 to very unimportant 7. The Chinese restaurant has a 30% market share, while the Japanese restaurant and McDonalds has 27% and 28%, respectively (the remaining 15% divided among very small competitors). The market is growing at about 5% annually. Seventy-four percent of respondents indicated they would eat at a restaurant that served Chinese-American food, at least twice a month.

Table 3: Laddering

Financial freedom>Successful>Part of a team>More productive>Get back to work quickly (Speed)>Enjoy (brief respite from work)>Food quality

Table 4 Perceptual Map

*Traditional Chinese restaurant: extensive selection, good atmosphere, moderately price, low speed high quality food, (time consuming meals)

*Fast-food restaurant (McDonalds): limited food selection, poor atmosphere, inexpensive price, low quality food, high speed(meal consumption)

*Japanese restaurant: ok selection, ok atmosphere, moderately priced, good quality food, low-speed(time *****“consuming meals

There are four boxes McDonalds sits bottom left corner and Japanes and Chinese are located at top-right corner

Note: * asterisk depicts actual location.

How to Reference "Yangpin's Noodle" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Yangpin's Noodle.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Yangpin's Noodle (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Yangpin's Noodle. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Yangpin's Noodle” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757.
”Yangpin's Noodle” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757.
[1] ”Yangpin's Noodle”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Yangpin's Noodle [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757
1. Yangpin's Noodle. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/yangpin-noodle/575757. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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