Term Paper on "World War II"

Term Paper 5 pages (1623 words) Sources: 4

[EXCERPT] . . . .

World War II or the Second World War turned out to be a war that was proceeding by 1939 and then finished up 1945. It had a lot to do with a huge mainstream of the world's states -- will involves all of the big powers -- ultimately starting two contrasting military associations: the Axis and the Allies. It was the most extensive war in history, with more than 100 million individuals that had served in any of the military units. In locations of "all out war," the main members put their entire financial, business, and scientific competences at the delivery of the war effort, eliminating the difference among civilian and military capitals. Marked by important proceedings linking the mass death of civilians, counting the Holocaust and the merely usage of nuclear weapons in fighting, it killed more than 50 million to over 70 million death toll. These deaths made World War II to be one of the most deadly conflicts throughout all of human history (Maddox, 1995).

Land Battles

Throughout the history of war being found on the ground, there may be no more significant combat than the one that happened on the shoreline of France in June of 1944, which turned out to be recognized as D-Day. However, there were other battles that happened on ground that were real turning points in the war. These battles were able to make a big difference when it came down to either winning or losing the war. Some of them turned out to be the most determined ground warfare efforts ever carried out.


In the history of ground warfare, this particular battle is probably the most recognized. This battle that happened on the coast of France in June of 1944, turned
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out to be called D-Day. Not merely was the Allied attack which turned out to be the biggest fight ever endeavored throughout World War II, it turned out to be the single most determined ground warfare effort that had ever been done. The 50,000 vehicles, 5,000 ships, 150,000 men, and 11,000 planes that took part in this huge military movement would positively carry out an attack so huge that it is almost incomprehensible even today (Maddox, 1995).

However, it was an assault that turned the tide of the war contrary to the Axis powers which finally brought conquest to the Allies in contradiction of Hitler and his supporters. This battle turned out to be the most important force that ever landed on the shores of France. The battle was a huge game changer and it really took Hitler by surprise because he did not see this surprise attack coming.

Battle of Okinawa

The Battle of Okinawa, which was actually codenamed Operation Iceberg, (Nicholas Balabkins, 2005) was battled on the Ryukyu Islands of Okinawa and turned out to be a turning point of the war. The battle was recognized as was the largest amphibious attack in the Pacific War of World War II (Leffler & Painter, 2006). This battle lasted about 82 days. It was a-long battle that begins around early April all the way up to mid-June 1945. After an extended movement of island springing, the Allies were impending on Japan, and scheduled to utilize Okinawa, a big isle merely 340 mi (550 km) away from inland Japan, as a dishonorable for air processes on the deliberate attack of Japanese inland (coded Operation Downfall) (Leffler & Painter, 2006). About four partitions of the U.S. 10th Army plus two Marine Divisions battled with them on the island whereas the 2nd Marine Division continued as an amphibious standby and was never brought aground. The attack was reinforced by naval, amphibious, and strategic air forces (Leffler & Painter, 2006).

The fight has been mentioned to as the "Typhoon of Steel" in English (Leffler & Painter, 2006). The handles are in reference to the fierceness of the aggressive battling, the concentration of kamikaze occurrences from the Japanese protectors, and to the pure amounts of Associated ships and reinforced cars that beaten the isle. The battle took place in the uppermost amount of fatalities in the Pacific Theater for the duration of World War II. Japan had something like 100,000 soldiers, who were either slayed, seized or committed suicide, and the Allies agonized with about 65,000 fatalities of every kinds. Concurrently, tens of thousands of native citizens had committed suicide, killed, or wounded. Hiroshima and Nagasaki awful fate caused by the atomic bombs caused Japan to capitulate just weeks after the end of the combat at Okinawa (Maddox, 1995).

The Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of the Bulge (likewise acknowledged as the Ardennes Offensive (16 December 1944 -- 25 January 1945) was a key German attack strategy hurled through the thickly woody Ardennes highland area of Wallonia in Belgium, and France and Luxembourg located on the Western Front in the direction of the conclusion of World War II (Maddox, 1995). This battle was a huge turning point in the war. Without this battle, World War II might have been extended.

There are numerous American names for this fight. The initial was the account was provided to the method the Allied front line expanded innermost on time of war news charts, which was stated in the modern press as the Battle of the Bulge (Evans, 2004). The battle was regimentally described as the Ardennes Counteroffensive, which encompassed the German drive and the American struggle to cover a defeat that would happen down the road. After the war, the U.S. Army distributed a crusade quote for its units that had been fighting in northwest Europe during that time. This was called the Ardennes-Alsace movement and comprised the Ardennes subdivision and units additional south in the Alsace subdivision (Maddox, 1995). The last components were not tangled excluding for rudiments sent northward as cavalries. Even though the Ardennes Counteroffensive is precise military idiom, for the reason that the authorized Ardennes-Alsace movement covers much in excess of the Ardennes fight region, the most general account remains merely the Battle of the Bulge (Evans, 2004).

Battles of the Sea

Pearl Harbor

When Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters (Operation Z. In planning) (Leffler & Painter, 2006) and the Battle of Pearl Harbor (Nicholas Balabkins, 2005) was an astonishment military strike led by the Majestic Japanese Navy in contradiction of the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the daybreak of December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). The outbreak was envisioned as a defensive deed in order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from snooping with armed movements the Empire of Japan was designing in Southeast Asia in contradiction of foreign lands of the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Battle of the Atlantic

With the French and the British coming into World War II on September 3, 1939, the German Krieg marine had moved to instrument plans comparable to those utilized in World War I (Evans, 2004). Not really able to test the Royal Navy in respect to principal ships, the Krieg marine instigated a movement contrary to Allied shipping with the objective of cutting off Britain from the provisions wanted to start a war. Supervised by Grand Admiral Erich Raeder, German naval militaries required to service a combination of superficial attackers and U-boats (Evans, 2004). Nevertheless he preferred the surface fleet, Raeder was dared by his U-boat chief, then-Commodore Karl Doenitz, concerning the usage of submarines.

Home fronts

The home front is what shields the actions of the citizens in a country at war. World War II was an entire war; homeland manufacture turned out to be even more priceless to each the Allied and Axis forces. Life that went on during the home front throughout World War II was an important part of the war exertion for all members… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "World War II" Assignment:

I need a paper written about the turning points of the war on land an sea, the fighting and facts of the Homefronts,Holocaut and new mehtods of warafre and Germany in the vice 1944 and tensions in Allance Wafare and Gotterdamerung of Hilters Germanys.

I am posting notes from my class in which they want us to touch base on please. The sources I need the writing from is *****"A World At Arms*****" Gerhard Weinberg, *****"Japan at War*****" Haruko Taya Cook and Theodore Cook and The World in Flams by Frans Coetzee and Shevin-Coetzee. I have also provided certain pages in which to find material. Thankyou for helping me so much.I overloaded my semester.

The World at War, 1943-1944. What as happening in those *****"secondary theatres*****"? We may also want to ask how the national leaders (and their respective publics?) were reexamining their situation in what we now know was mid-war?

Common Readings are: Weinberg 587-666; Cook & Cook, 267-292, and Coetzee & Shevin-Coetzee pp.159-197 aerial bombing, the Fall of Mussolini, reisistance & partisans in Poland and the Balkans, and a look inside the German-Soviet War in the European Theater and pp. 209-223 looking at the China-Burma-Indian Theater (CBI as the Allies came to call it).

We look this week at the Holocaust (a topic on which we have whole courses in it own right) and the Homefronts of some of the belligerents; onGermany and Japan, but suspect that some may wish to look at the USA, Britain, or the Soviet Union. Weinberg 471-586; Cook & Cook, 169-202, 221-227, 259-266. Coetzee & Shevin-Coetzee on the Home Fronts, Ch. 4, Ch. 8, Ch. 10. If you have Studds Terkel*****'s The *****"Good War,*****" dive in and see what you can find.

Can you also please give a deep look at the horrors of the Germany move toward creating the Holocaust so quickly.

In addition, the period in late 1942 and early 1943 that has often been seen as the *****"Turning Point*****" of the Second World War. There are battles that get the attention at times, early ones like the *****"Battle of Britain*****" in 1940-41, or Midway, or El Alamaein, or Stalingrad, but there are campaigns like the Solomons, centering on Guadalcanal, the Battle of the Atlantic in the U-Boat War, and possibly others of imprtance. Weinberg, A World at Arms, 364-470 and Cook & Cook, Japan at War: An Oral History121-127, 135-167. Weinberg, 364-470; Cook & Cook, 121-127, 135-167.

Listed above is all the specifics you can refer to in order to write thank you again.

How to Reference "World War II" Term Paper in a Bibliography

World War II.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

World War II (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). World War II. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”World War II” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603.
”World War II” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603.
[1] ”World War II”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. World War II [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603
1. World War II. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/world-war-ii/6051603. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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