Term Paper on "Privacy in the Workplace"

Term Paper 11 pages (3058 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

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Workplace Privacy

In recent years different work place dynamics have gained importance. Among these issues work place privacy has also gained a lot of attention. Actions like drug and alcohol testing, soliciting criminal records checks, background checks, and electronic performance monitoring became a common practice in the corporate world. Most employers consider these different activities necessary in maintaining the organizational effectiveness while employees have different concerns about their privacy.

Employers are of the perspective that while conducting business they have to ensure the effectiveness of the workplace and for that they have to keep a check on employees. The employers use different methods of quality control and cost effectiveness. Since, employees make an integral part of the business, so employee monitoring also becomes a part of their routine to ensure that their business goals are met. Also, when they spend so much time, effort and money on recruitment and selection of best possible employees, organizations are looking for a return. Similarly, employees also have certain expectations from their employer. Most employees in today's age look for empowerment and freedom to make decisions. Employees consider too many controls, checks and balance a curb on their freedom and privacy.

Technology & Employee Monitoring

Employers today make extensive use of technology to check and monitor employee behavior. New, improved and advanced technologies are hitting the market everyday making privacy an important issue. In the presence of such technologies extensively used by the employers nowadays, it is hard for emplo
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yees to keep everything in secret and to completely protect their privacy. "Nine out of ten employers observe your electronic behavior, according to the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley College. A study by the American Management Association and the e-policy Institute found 76% of employers watch you surf the Web and 36% track content, keystrokes and time spent at the keyboard. If that isn't creepy enough, 38% hire staff to sift through your email. And they act on that knowledge. A June survey by Forrester Research and Proofpoint found that 32% of employers fired workers over the previous twelve months for violating e-mail policies by sending content that posed legal, financial, and regulatory or p.r. risks" (Dell & Cullen, 2006).

Cell Phones Monitoring:

Technology now offers employers new and different ways of monitoring their employee performance, activities, and even movement. Some organizations explicitly inform their employees that are being monitored while others keep it a secret. Organizations like Monument Security in California informed all of their employees including security guards and patrol drivers about their software 'Xora'. Using this software on employees' company cell phones Monument Security can track their movement with the help of GPS technology. In the event of employees going else where or driving too fast the bosses at Monument Security would get alerts. This technology according to the management helps company in maintaining employee efficiency while they are at work. However, using the same technology management can also track employees' whereabouts when they report sick.

Web Monitoring:

There are other new softwares like 'Surf Control' with the help of which employers can keep a watch on employees' activities on the Web. According to companies that employ software like 'Surf Control', they only are concerned with what employees do while they are on work and if their productivity gets hampered. With myriad softwares and computer programs managers now get to know their employees with the help of devices like cell phones and computer.

Most people today have become habitual Web surfers. Their Web surfing habits continue in the office. Organizations that allow Web surfing generally monitor employees time spent on work related surfing. Some employees are addicted to sites like Myspace.com or other social networking sites. Some are even addicted to pornography. Employers think that employees addictive Web surfing behavior sometimes disturb their work routine and so check on Web surfing needs to be made. A complete ban on Web surfing would not be an answer to the problem as it would stifle the creativity and hurt the employee morale. Some companies' work is such that they have to allow Web surfing anyways. In such a scenario employers can monitor employee behavior and react only when there is an unusual situation.

Emails Monitoring:

Many employees think that the plethora of emails that they receive and send is hard to monitor. Among the official mails one or two mails to the colleague or friend with joke about other colleague or boss would not be detected. Many a times these smart softwares have detected sexist emails. Emails that contained content of harassment have also been caught and similarly trade secrets sharing were also apprehended. The softwares like 'Surf Control', 'MessageGate' etc. can block exchange of work files or emails that contain company name or bosses' manes or expletives or explicit and foul language. Well-known companies like Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Wall Street firms etc. employ such policies. Some companies even restrict any access to personal emails or chatting software like Yahoo or MSN in the office.

Monitoring Blogs:

Recent addition to web activities is blog. Now people can say whatever they want on different blogs. There are today thousands of blogs available where people can give vent to their feelings. In this scenario it would be really hard for employers to monitor all of these thousands of blogs. Also it would be hard to keep the younger lot away from such activities. In this scenario the ideal situation for companies is to talk to employees about Internet etiquettes.

Monitoring Phones:

Employers also monitor employees' activities on phone. In order to keep a check on their activities on phones different softwares are used. Names like 'Nice System' are well-known for the purpose of monitoring employees call tracking when they start shouting or use expletive or use the name of some competitor. The companies whose business heavily depends on customer service use call monitoring to automatically route calls to free operators. This also gives employers a good accounting tool to gauge customer service quality by obtaining information about the length of phone calls, time between calls, and the number of calls in a certain period. Such systems are also operative in companies not in any kind of customer service and some argue that such system curb the freedom of employee and they feel bound in the organizations. Employers on the other hand argue that such systems help in controlling excess phone activities of the employees. In reality there are numerous examples that suggest that there employers must gauge the outcomes after implementing such policies. "Federal Express, Bell Canada, USAA, and Northwest Airlines have all found that too much monitoring to keep work rates high "spoils service" (Bernstein, 1991). For example, when Federal Express decided it could cut costs by reducing the average time customer-service agents spent on each call, productivity, quality and morale suffered. The company made keeping calls less than 140 seconds 50% of an agent's performance review. However, this decision backfired when not only did the stress of employees increase but agents cut off customers before all their questions were answered in order to meet the time quota (Bernstein, 1991). Thus, it is important to recognize the trade-offs between productivity goals and those of rule compliance" (Crampton & Mishra, 1998).

Off -Duty Hours Monitoring:

There are many checks and balances placed on employees within the office premises and during the duty hours but some employers cross the line and become real intruders of privacy. There are programs and technology available now that can even trace the Internet activity of the employee at home. There have been some incidences in which employees posted pictures of the employees having a good time after company's training session without the consent of the company and other colleagues. Employers are now using programs like 'Verified Person' that keep track of employees even outside the office premises. Here a line has to be drawn with respect to checks and balances. Employers offer employment in return of certain work and duties by the employee. They do not hire them for life. Employers have no right over the personal and private lives of employees. They can only keep checks and balances to the point of safeguarding their business. Prying into the lives of employees 24/7 is totally unethical. These practices should be discouraged. Some legislation should also be made in this regard. If this practice is not checked then it could create difficulties.

Medical Conditions

Most would agree that employers definitely have the right to have expectations but the extent to which employers could go is debatable. For example, in order to deal with menace of smoking and its harmful effects on people many organizations ban smoking within office premises. Can organization go further and place a ban on smoking during working hours even outside the office premises? Some organizations have also attempted to have difference in insurance policies of those who smoke.

If such medical conditions are imposed than some fear that soon other medical conditions like level of cholesterol could… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Privacy in the Workplace" Assignment:

This research paper is based on a "leading edge" issue in public personnel administration. Privacy in the workplace is a very important public personnel issue. References are need from 4 scholarly articles. Present an introduction on the topic and then compare and/or contrast the themes of the articles in relation to privacy in the workplace and conclude with a critical review of how public adminstrators can achieve organizational effectiveness in the public personnel policy area. This research paper should have quality content and research as being consistent with all APA guidelines. All sources must be cited.

How to Reference "Privacy in the Workplace" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Privacy in the Workplace.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Privacy in the Workplace (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Privacy in the Workplace. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Privacy in the Workplace” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610.
”Privacy in the Workplace” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610.
[1] ”Privacy in the Workplace”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Privacy in the Workplace [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610
1. Privacy in the Workplace. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/workplace-privacy-recent-years/50610. Published 2006. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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