Term Paper on "What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice"

Term Paper 4 pages (1200 words) Sources: 1+

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Women with Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know: Implication for Nursing Practice

The purpose of this project is to identify those aspects typically associated with infertility that adversely affect women, and to a lesser extent men, as they attempt to resolve the economic, physical, social, and psychological effects that are frequently a part of the response to the condition. Both men and women have reported that their experience with infertility healthcare practitioners was almost entirely negative, considering the experience as being impersonal and insensitive, focusing on the "cure" of conceiving a child, rather than a holistic approach of dealing with all the emotional, as well as physical, issues that confront a couple experiencing infertility.


Current Statistics on Infertility in U.S. population. The current statistics on infertility in the United States vary, with some authorities placing the incidence at approximately 3.5 million couple (Daniluk, 2001) and others reporting that infertility is currently experienced by approximately 2.1 million married couples in the United States (Gibson & Myers, 2002). A common definition exists, though, that states that infertility is a condition that is commonly defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after one year of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception (Daniluk, 2001). The incidence of infertile couples is expected to increase in the future as a result of a growing population of childbearing age, postponement of pregnancy, and a "silent" epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases (Men and Women React Differently, 1993).

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of problem to nurses. Because childbearing is a major, normative transition for both men and women, the experience of infertility constitutes a nonevent transition and has been conceptualized as a "crisis" (Atwood & Dobkin, 1992). While the inability to conceive children is frequently devastating to both partners, studies have shown that men and women have different reactions to infertility (Men and Women React Differently, 1993). The crisis associated with infertility is regarded as highly complex and is comprised of multiple physical, financial, social, and psychological stressors (Gibson & Myers, 2002). According to Donna M. Gibson and Jane E. Myers (2002), "The experience of infertility creates negative economic, physical, social, and psychological effects, especially for women. This often results in multiple stresses and needs for coping in these women" (p. 68). The manner in which women cope with these experiences are perhaps better described than understood in the literature; consequently, these authors suggest that existing counseling interventions do not adequately meet the needs of women who may be experiencing infertility. The authors report that the results of a study of 83 women who received varied services at assisted reproduction clinics participated in a study of the relationship between the use of social coping resources, growth-fostering relationships, and infertility stress support the use of social coping resources for coping with infertility stress. In addition, Gibson and Myers point out that these results also reinforce the usefulness of understanding the types of growth-fostering relationships that can be an additional resource for helping nurses conceptualize women's experiences and design effective interventions to help women cope with infertility stress (Gibson & Myers, 2002).

Types of Needs associated with Infertility.

1. Psychosocial needs. Generally speaking, and not surprisingly, women experience more negative effects than men throughout the entire infertility diagnostic and treatment process. Some of the common effects experienced include a greater sense of loss of control than men have and a greater tendency to blame themselves for the couple's infertility. Furthermore, a number of studies have shown that women are more likely to perceive childlessness as simply unacceptable and these authors note that there has been numerous gender differences… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice" Assignment:

Literature Review

A professional paper that comprises a literature review must be original in its content and must be closely related to nursing. The review may focus upon a nursing intervention, nursing education, and issue in nursing research, or nursing theory. The document must represent an exhaustive effort in establishing the extent work in a selected area. The survey of resources will require attention to nursing publications primarily but most likely will require examination of literature in related professions and disciplines such as psychology, sociology, the biological sciences, medicine, etc. Not only must the end product be exhaustive but it must be well focused and purposeful. Sources should include current journals and texts, but should also include the “classic” works related to the topic.

Title Page


Introduce the document that is presented. Elaborate upon the reason and need for the review of literature. This section should briefly clarify the relevance to nursing, significance, and merit of the project. Demonstrate the relationship of the project to one or more of the areas of nursing. Delineate the specific audience that would profit most by the paper and show how it will be of benefit.

Evaluation criteria

1. An introduction for the project is provided.

2. Relevance and appropriateness for nursing is established.

Statement of the project

This portion of the professional paper must contain a clear, concise statement of the purpose of the literature review. It will also be a description of what is to follow in the body of the document and how the project was conducted. The specific goal must be delineated.

Evaluation criteria

1. the project clearly delineated in a concise manner

2. the statement shows the purpose of the paper

3. the process of implementing the project is shown clearly

Background and significance

This section needs to identify and elaborate upon the theory or conceptual framework for the undertaking. Demonstrate how the conceptual knowledge provides the basis for the organization of the presentation. The value and need for the project is presented with possible applications for nursing. The author must delineate with documentation the significance of the project for an identified group of nurses. Discuss the importance for the profession as a whole as well. Show the specific use that will be made of the literature by the author.

Evaluation criteria

1. a conceptual basis for the project is established

2. evidence is presented that justifies undertaking the project

3. concrete documentation for significance is presented


This is the major focus and portion of the literature review. The content must reflect assimilation and organization. Ideas must flow rationally and logically. The body may need several divisions and subdivisions for clarity.

Evaluation criteria

1. appropriate format must be evident

2. logic is clear

3. the document is well organized

Summary and conclusions

The ***** provides a succinct overview of the entire presentation. Again show the value and use for the project. Draw conclusions regarding the findings. Relate findings to pertinent literature and to the guiding theoretical framework. Make recommendations as indicated by literature review.

Evaluation criteria

1. overview is clearly and briefly presented

2. conclusions are demonstrated

3. recommendations as appropriate are clearly stated


List all citations utilized in the body of the paper.

Use APA guidelines. The above are the guidelines from school.

These are title and source of literature that I have reviewed and would like included in the paper. I can fax some of the copies to you if you are unable to locate them however I have marked with a pink highlighter on some of them. I can also send a copy from the direct web page I retrieved the articles from.

Title: Toward Greater Understanding of the Psychological Effects of Infertility on Women

Source: Psychotherapy in Private Practice, Vol.16 (3), 1997. pp. 7-26

Title: Understanding the Emotional Aspects of Infertility: Implications for Nursing Practice

Source: Journal of Psychological Nursing &Mental Health Services

Title: Physicians and Nurses: Counseling the infertile patient

Source: Infertility counseling: A comprehensive handbook for clinicians

Title: Strategies for Counseling Infertile Couples

Source: Journal of Counseling & Development March/April 1991 Vol. 69

Title: beyond the Mechanics of Infertility: Perspectives on the Social Psychology of Infertility and Involuntary Childlessness

Source: Family Relations, October 1986, 35, pp.479-487

Title: Infertility: Towards an Awareness of a need among Family Life Practitioners

Source: Family Relations, April 1984, 33, pp. 309-315

Title: Characteristics of the Biopsychosocial Crisis of Infertility

Source: Journal of Counseling and Development, May 1987, Vol. 65, pp. 465-470

Title: Reconstructing Their lives: A Longitudinal, Qualitative analysis of the Transition to Biological Childlessness for Infertile Couples

Source: Journal of Counseling & Development, Fall 2001, Vol.79 Issue4. p439, 11p

Title: Counseling and Couple Therapy for Infertile Couples

Source: Family Process, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2002 pp.111-122

Title: The Infertility Experience: Biopsychosocial Effects and Suggestions for Counselors

Source: Journal of Counseling and Development, Fall 2004, Volume 82, pp. 394-402

Title: Infertility and the Role of Psychotherapy

Source: Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Vol. 23: pp. 31-42, 2002

Title: A ‘good enough’ nurse: supporting patients in a fertility unit

Source: Nursing Inquiry 2001, Vol. 8: pp. 51-60

Title: Infertility as a Transformational process: A framework for psychotherapeutic support of infertile women

Source: Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Vol.21: pp.619-633, 2000

Title: Thinking of something to say: Public and private narratives of infertility

Source: Health Care for Women International, Vol. 22: pp. 523-535, 2001

Here is an outline of what the paper should include given to me my instructor.

The title of my review is What Women with Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know: Implication For Nursing Practice.

I. Project Purpose

1. Type of Project

II. Introduction

1. Current Statistics on Infertility in US population.

2. Importance of problem to nurses.

III. Emotional Needs

1. Psychosocial needs

2. Sociocultural needs

3. Biological needs

IV. Implication For Nursing Practice

1. Advance Practice Role

2. Primary Prevention Nursing Interventions

3. Secondary Prevention Nursing Interventions

4. Tertiary Prevention Nursing Interventions

V. Conclusion

VI. References


How to Reference "What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice" Term Paper in a Bibliography

What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645.
”What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645.
[1] ”What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645
1. What Women With Infertility Want Registered Nurses to Know Implication for Nursing Practice. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/women-infertility-registered/844645. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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