Term Paper on "Wireless LAN and Wireless Man"

Term Paper 10 pages (3663 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

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Wireless LAN and Wireless MAN

Wireless LAN:

Wireless solution enhances connectivity of Local Area Network to reach unlimited area. The benefits of a wireless Local Area Network are many. The cost included to lay and purchase cable to reach a computer or server in any corner of the office or location where LAN is necessary, the installations required in various rooms of a workstation or the connectivity of a network with another device. Cost included for all the above can be minimized or cut using a WLAN. For example, a doctor can enter details directly when he is with the patient instead of going back to a workstation and recollect the details for report. Accuracy of a profession increases with WLAN. Some other areas where WLAN has an edge over other systems are public spots inside a building and outside, warehouse, hospitals, and conference halls. Restriction free access is provided by WLAN irrespective of the actual location or distance between users of a LAN. WLAN abolishes the primitive method of cabling which consume space. Wireless Local Area Network does not have the limitation of constraining to various parameters. Radio Frequency -- RF signals are used to exchange information in a WLAN. These signals enable LAN to operate approximately in any place. (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 2)

One of the most advantageous features of WLAN is the connectivity required in a conference hall. The expense incurred to wire a room, maintain the device and the necessity to install several data jacks can be avoided by using WLAN. An access point can be created in a conference hall where connectivity is established using an antenna to enable multiple users. The movement
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of stock in a warehouse and the software that tracks the goods stored in a warehouse can be fitted with WLAN for better monitoring of goods on a particular day. The application of WLAN in a hospital is an advantageous feature. The developments and details of a patient can be directly reported into the computer by the medical personnel at the hospital. There will be instant inspection into the past records of a patient and give appropriate medication. Network access is now extended by educational institutions and companies in indoor and outdoor common area for the public to access. This service is extended for additional productivity from the user. WLAN provides connectivity to professionals who are on the move. (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 2)

Local area network is considered to be a series of nodes that are being linked towards each other by making use of properly described areas. Each node is attributed to a computer application or a device to locate the route of the connected path. Some of the commonly used Local Area Network technologies are "Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Token Ring and Fiber Distributed Data Interface." (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 3) Networking can be divided into "Wide Area Network -- WAN, Metropolitan Area Network -- MAN and the Local Area Network - LAN." (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 3) These networks differ from each other depending on the area covered. LAN covers a comparatively less space. The path defined for communication in LAN differ in the method it is implemented. Four different topologies used to define the path are mesh, ring, star and bus which have its own advantages and disadvantages. (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 3)

Networking of a workstation can be implemented by considering the effect of topology on the network administration. A network with mesh as the topology connects every device or workstation is connected to all device or workstation within a network. It is an expensive method of topology which is also difficult to manage due to its vastness of network and connection points. A connection in a mesh topology is calculated as: [n x (n-1)]/2 where n stands for the number of device connected in the network and the division by 2 avoids duplication of counting the connections. Ethernet deployed in a LAN enable multiple accesses -- MA. "Multiple Accesses" is made possible in a network where many device or stations are connected to a cable but get a chance to communicate. (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 5)

Ethernet provides equal opportunity to all users thereby restricting priority and monopoly over the network. Each user takes turn to avail facility according to the algorithm settings in the network. The attempt made by each user in a network is recorded by carrier sense -- CS. When a point in the cable is in use, another user will be in queue for its turn. The CS in an Ethernet records the delay caused to the user and the frame is discarded after fifteen unproductive attempts. Collision Detect -- CD in an Ethernet is the ability of the device or workstation to sense collision in the network. Collision takes place when two users communicate concurrently on the network. This phenomenon may also take place due to the longer distance of the workstation, a faulty device or a badly installed drive which does not qualify Ethernet standards. An enforcement signal is created among all workstations in the event of a collision to prevent further transmission of data into the wire. (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 6)

Once the enforcement signal completes the process, the network resumes transmission of data as per the protocol. In a token ring or FDDI network, deterministic access controls the network medium to ensure equal chance for transmission. The quality of physical infrastructure of a network is very important. Good quality switches, routers, servers and gear may be fitted but if the network systems do not transmit efficiently it would be a failure. Networks may be connected using cable or fiber. The quality of cable may be further divided into copper, twisted, untwisted, shielded, unshielded, braided core or solid core. The quality of networking cable is essential in a Wireless LAN, which counts for the quality if connected to the prevailing local area network. Copper is a widely used networking cable. Twisted pair cables intertwined with copper cabling gives high speed in a network. (Ouellet; Padjen; Pfund, 6)

After installation of network as per prevailing policies, a client is authorized to use a wireless LAN in different ways. WLAN in enterprises enable them to use WLAN with full freedom though there will be restriction in terms of Internet accessibility extended to visitors in common area. WLAN accessibility in public area may be restricted through payment or by checking their account with WSP or by providing access considering the nature of service provided by a person. Authorization to use WLAN would also depend on the allowed duration to use a network and its expiration. WLAN provided to a conference room may be just an internet connectivity or connection to the network using a server to access information that would assist in a conference. This is sometimes a temporary set up to utilize only during conference. Security for a WLAN is basically based on confidentiality maintained among the users in a network. It is technically preserved through encryption and integrity of information transmitted is maintained through digital signatures by using methods for key refresh, key exchange and bootstrapping. (Sankar, 10) fundamental knowledge about LAN would assist to learn more about the functioning of a WLAN. Various components that constitute the connection of a computer to a LAN are NIC -- Network Interface Card, a switch or a hub that enable connectivity to other systems, a routers or a bridge that enable connection to Internet. These components are interconnected using a cable. The only constituent that does not form a part of WLAN is the cable. WLAN put the cables aside that run throughout the workstation at all possible lengths and breadths. WLAN gives the same efficiency and speed in connection similar to a LAN. The parts that comprise a WLAN are W-NIC, AP -- Access point or wireless hub and, the antenna and the cable if required. WLAN signals travel directly to the access point without touching the curves and turns as in a LAN. Line of sight mechanism is deployed in a WLAN. The knowledge of this mechanism is vital for the successful installation and operation of a WLAN. (Trulove, 18-19)

An understanding of the difference between LAN and WLAN is also essential to install WLAN. W-NIC in a WLAN should be put in the prescribed channel to get connected to the access point. WNIC can locate an access point by sensing through the signals though access point and WNIC are located in the same channel. There are many aspects of concern while installing a WLAN. Signal used in a WLAN to transmit information between various points in a network is similar to signals used in transmission of information in a radio. The frequency band of transmission stands between 2.4 GHz to 5.2 GHz. This level of signals in a WLAN can pass through walls and roof of a building but it will be restricted to pass through metal bodies like doors or air ducts. Signal may be transmitted freely in outdoor areas or… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Wireless LAN and Wireless Man" Assignment:

Wireless LAN 5 pages and Wireless MAN 5 pages. Break them up into separate topics.

How to Reference "Wireless LAN and Wireless Man" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Wireless LAN and Wireless Man.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Wireless LAN and Wireless Man (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Wireless LAN and Wireless Man. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Wireless LAN and Wireless Man” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035.
”Wireless LAN and Wireless Man” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035.
[1] ”Wireless LAN and Wireless Man”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Wireless LAN and Wireless Man [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035
1. Wireless LAN and Wireless Man. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/wireless-lan-man/6765035. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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