Research Paper on "Wireless Electricity"

Research Paper 10 pages (3032 words) Sources: 10

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Wireless Electricity

Wireless Transmission of Electricity

The Nature of wireless Transmission

The dynamic and evolving world presents humanity with the increasing need to modify the environment and resources in order to adapt to these emerging situations. Electricity is part and parcel of human life and its transmission is normally one of the most important factors in question. While electricity has always been transmitted through wires since its discovery, a new technology is emerging which can effectively eliminate the need to use wires in the transmission of electricity. Indeed, Wireless Energy Transmission is becoming a much interesting area of study for most researchers in the field. It is basically a method of delivering electric power from the source to the end-use product without the use of wires or any other contacts as presently realized Aldrich, 2005()

Wireless data applications have become a common day affair in the technology industry. Similarly, the increase in portable electronic devices has greatly created a huge potential for wireless power transmission technology. As such, the technology is under much research as scientists are working on the best ways and means to improve its efficiency and ensure its effectiveness as much as possible.

Most industries are already evaluating the existing wireless transmission technology in order to adopt. This is basically done with an objective of enhancing efficiency and reducing the cost of power. Such technology also offers a good opportunity for replacing batteries which are normally associated with a lot of inconveniences. However, like in any technol
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ogical feat, challenges and shortcomings certainly abound. It is nevertheless hoped that these challenges will be effectively addressed in order to make the technology reliable and widely adopted.

Development of the Technology

Indeed, the development of this technology has often been necessitated by its growing need. Presently, much success has surely been realized. Several companies are already in the market showcasing their wireless electricity products to would-be buyers. The basic concept of this technology is the need to create a wireless energy zone in a particular area after which electric devices can effectively draw their power wirelessly from the source. This effectively eliminates the need to use wires and other connecting devices or to worry about electric devices like laptops losing their battery charge. It must however be remembered that the use of wireless electricity transmission technology must always be geared towards solving a particular problem. In this regard, the major challenge realized with the present transmission mechanism is the use of wires which are normally associated with many inconveniences. It is therefore important that the wireless technology does not in any way create further inconveniences for the end user.

The designers of wireless power transmission have always been targeting particular industry segments which face the greatest challenges with the present wire transmission mechanism. The existing products in the market that utilize this technology are mostly those that use inductive coupling in which case the recipient device and the power source have to be in close proximity to one another. The technology in use presently does not however allow the use of high-power application devices. While many advantages ad efficiencies might be associated with the use of wireless, transmission, technologic constraints still make the method much more expensive that the conventional technique in use presently "Wireless Electricity, Smart Phones, Bargain Hardware," 2009()

The use of microwave power transmission is also used in the transfer of power wirelessly through the use of electromagnetic waves. In this method, the advantages and disadvantages associated with electromagnetic waves are normally realized. The waves are emitted in all directions from the source and this could create a major challenge in public areas. In the same way, the transmission of power through laser has its own set of safety implications that makes the whole process a risky affair. It is therefore clearly realized that the major milestone that has to be covered in the use of wireless transmission basically concerns the aspects of human safety. The health implications associated with some of these transmission technologies coupled with electrical interference realized in others are some of the main issues that researchers are still battling with before the wireless transmission process becomes a major success. However, the ability to transmit electric power wirelessly albeit the challenges is certainly a great leap in the technological front GoAnen, 1999()

After the successful elimination of all the major challenges realized in this transmission, several industries will certainly be eager to adopt the use of this technology as a way of enhancing their efficiency and reducing certain challenges. More importantly, the portable electronics industry will be the major end-user of this technology and is indeed the major driving force behind this research process. For instance, portable devices such as iPods, mobile phones computers are some of the major products that can greatly benefit from this technology.

Wireless data communication has gained much prominence courtesy of several technologies at play. If that technology is combined with the wireless electricity transmission, the electronic devices will therefore become purely wireless Padiyar, 2011.

Another major application of this technology would be in transducers and sensors. Similarly a great market potential for this technology lies in the medical field through medical sensor devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators.

Wireless power transmission will have a wide application in areas where power cables have always proven to be quite inconvenient. It would also eliminate most of the batteries, power cells and fuel cells that are presently used in several applications. Inductive charging stations will soon appear as a replacement to some of the many wires seen in several places. The power stations act as the transmission bases where electric power is transmitted to the receivers which have been connected to the electric devices such as mobile phones. Sony has already unveiled new LCD television sets that use inductive charging as their sources for power. Such televisions are completely wireless and should always be placed at a given distance from the power source in order to function wirelessly.

While wireless power transmission technology might appears a relatively new phenomenon in the technological industry, the use of microwave power beaming is not certainly a new concept. Microwave power beaming has been in use for the past 50 years as a way of transmitting power. However, the challenges associated with this transmission often made the whole process delicate and inefficient to use on a global scale Wikle, 2002.

However, most of these challenges have effectively been addressed and the whole process can now be used.

Much research in the wireless transmission technology is focused on increasing the transmission distances of this means and the efficiency of the transmission. For instance, microwave transmission has only realized a maximum transmission efficiency of 85% which is deemed to be a bit low. Such an efficiency level leads to the wastage of a great amount of power if used on a larger scale. Much of the ongoing studies are therefore geared towards limiting most of the wastage that can be realized courtesy of transmitting electric power over long distances at the minimal wastage possible.

Economic and Political Implications

While the technology might soon become widely adopted courtesy of its efficiencies, a worthwhile investment in the whole process must be economically feasible before being undertaken. The implementation of the whole technology can only be carried out in the event that it is certainly proven that it can cut the costs realized in the present scenario. The United States Army spends a lot of money on fuel in order to power some of its bases abroad. In the same way, most combats in modern wars are targeted at the enemy's fuel sources in order to cripple them. Considering some of these losses and the challenges that the army has to face courtesy of conventional fuel, a successful application of the wireless power transmission would become very appropriate in limiting some of these challenges and reducing some of the great expenses realized in the process.

The greatest applications of the wireless energy transmission will mostly be realized in the military. This is basically because the initial venture will require a high capital outlay which might not be raised by most sectors. Presently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that use wireless energy transmission have already been experimented by the military Hochman, 2009.

Such aircraft rely on power that is transmitted through surface to air power beaming. The technology will therefore soon be used in powering even manned aircraft like helicopters and even civilian aircraft if the technology allows. However, the whole application process is not a one-day affair but requires much research and time in order to be successfully undertaken Wilson, 2005()

The initial stage involves the military developing and creating the necessary infrastructure and equipment that can allow for power beaming technology. This will surely involve a high capital outlay hence the need for the military to spearhead the undertaking. The power beaming technology can then be used in a wide range of applications after the necessary infrastructure has been put into… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Wireless Electricity" Assignment:

All teams will be assigned at the start of the first week. The first deliverable is due on the Sunday of Week 1, so students must get organized and into the project immediately. Each team will select a team leader who will be responsible for the coordination of the research and the submission of assignments. Team members will remain on the assigned team throughout the duration of the class (in the project world, project managers seldom have the opportunity to select their own team members). It is highly recommended that each team develop its own team contract to clearly define expectations, strategies, and timelines.

Emphasis is placed on both individual contributions and the team*****'s final product. You will communicate with your team through team meetings (online) and team discussion threads. Team members who fail to participate in an assignment will not get points for that assignment.

With the parts of the Team Project where a group grade will be assigned, all team members must submit a copy of the team*****s work. When an assignment is completed, the team leader will distribute the finished product to all team members, and each team member must submit this copy to the Dropbox.

The Task

The primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology. The team will produce a formal research paper in APA format, with each team member contributing 10 pages of text. The paper will provide the basis for a 20-minute Team Presentation.

The following required elements must be researched and included in the Final Project:

A brief description of the technology and an explanation of the associated science

The historical development and context of the technology

Political and legal influences

Economic questions and considerations

Psychological considerations and sociological effects

The technology in its cultural context, media influence

Implications for the environment

Moral and ethical implications

To properly analyze the various elements of the project, research will cut across disciplines and include academic, scientific, and industry sources. Complete project guidelines and suggestions can be found in Doc Sharing.


All students submit the project individually, not just the Team Leader. With respect to graded group work, the Team Leader must distribute the finished project to the team, so that each member may submit it individually to the Dropbox. With respect to individually graded segments of the project, each team member is responsible for compiling his or her own assignment and submitting it to the Dropbox.

Week 1

Research topic and outline (possible 50 points, group grade). Guidelines for this assignment can be found in Doc Sharing.

Each team will select a topic for research and a team leader. Using the list of required elements for the project, each member of the team will take responsibility for researching specific aspects of the technology. The team will then produce a detailed outline for the project, noting each team member*****s research sections. Please note, the list of required elements is just that��*****"a list��*****"and does not constitute an outline.

Although this assignment will result in a group grade, each person is required to submit a copy to the Dropbox by the due date. The team leader will distribute the finished product to each team member, whereupon each team member will submit the same assignment to the Dropbox.

Week 2

Resource review (90 possible points, individual grade). Guidelines for this assignment can be found in Doc Sharing.

Each member of the team will assemble at least five scholarly academic references that will be used to write the paper (refer to Week 1*****s tutorial on Scholarly References). Each student will list his or her references using APA format, and provide a brief explanation of each resource indicating how that resource will be used. The focus should be upon the student*****s specific research assignment. An approximate length of this bibliography is between two to three pages.

Each student will submit his or her assignment to the Dropbox by the due date and provide a copy to the team leader.

Week 6

Submit rough draft to TurnItIn (no points, but required).

Each team leader will submit a single Team Paper to TurnItIn this week, leaving enough time for instructor review and team corrections. This is mandatory, and no papers will be accepted without having been submitted to TurnItIn. After the instructor reviews the paper through TurnItIn, general comments and suggestions for the paper will be directed back to the team.

Week 7

Final draft of the paper (200 possible points, individual grade). Guidelines for this assignment can be found in Doc Sharing.

All written sections will be compiled into one cohesive Team Paper. All students should review the paper to ensure that the transitions are smooth, that the sections fit together, and that the bibliographies are compiled correctly.

The table of contents should clearly indicate each student*****s assigned sections. An introduction should clearly state the paper*****s thesis, outline the scope of the investigation, and comment on any challenges the team faced with respect to research sources. Report sections should be clearly identified using level-1 and level-2 headings. The paper should conclude with recommendations for further research or possible solutions that could be evaluated. A complete list of references, in APA format, should follow along with any appendices.

Although this assignment will result in one cohesive Team Paper, each person is required to submit a copy to the Dropbox by the due date. The team leader will distribute the finished product to each team member, whereupon each team member will submit the same assignment to the Dropbox.

Week 8

Team oral presentations (150 possible points, group grade). Guidelines for this assignment can be found in Doc Sharing. Each team will conduct a live Team Presentation with all classmates present.

Important note about attendance: If you fail to attend, you will not receive credit for the presentation. Exceptions to this policy will be made only for the following unique emergency situations:

In the event that the area in which a student resides experiences an extended power outage due to a natural disaster (hurricane, flood, storm, etc.)

A student is on active military duty and cannot complete coursework

A student has a verifiable (documented) medical or other personal emergency

One hour before the presentation, the team will post their PowerPoint slides and test their microphones.


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How to Reference "Wireless Electricity" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Wireless Electricity.”, 2012, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Wireless Electricity (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Wireless Electricity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Wireless Electricity” 2012.
”Wireless Electricity”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Wireless Electricity”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Wireless Electricity [Internet]. 2012 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Wireless Electricity. Published 2012. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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