Term Paper on "Winston Churchill"

Term Paper 12 pages (4640 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

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Winston Churchill

These were the words of Winston Churchill when he entered the Buckingham Palace one day, "But whether it be peace or war... we must strive to frame some system of human relations in the future which will put an end to this prolonged hideous uncertainty, which will let the working and creative forces of the world get on with their job, and which will no longer leave the whole life of mankind dependent upon the virtues, the caprice, or the wickedness of a single man." (DeAngelo, 1995) at about this same time, thousands of people almost worshipped this man, n enigmatic personality and a charismatic leader, who rose to power because of his charisma and his leadership qualities. At this point of time, this great leader was concerned more with the essentials of balancing the harmony and the eternity of his beloved country, England, and he seemed to be quite completely weary and tired of politics. However, this did not mean that the events and happenings taking place all around him did not affect him at all; in fact, it was quite the contrary. He was frankly horrified and appalled at the Fascist rabble in Italy, at the Reichweir rumored to be creating secret aerodromes in Russia, and at the haranguing of Hitler in Germany. (Kraus, 2005)

Churchill felt that all these incidents could not be considered to be independent; they were all the frank expressions of nations that were demonstrating a certain will power and self command. This was probably the primary reason why Winston Churchill decided that he would come out of retirement from his country house and stand as an independent candidate for the by-election of 1924. Although it is true that this leader lost in this
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election, as he had in the past two others, it did not deter him in the least, and on the other hand, he became aware that he was an individual who had managed to gather enough support from several factions during the elections. Mr. Baldwin, at this time, offered Winston Churchill a Conservative seat at Epping, and this meant that this leader could return to Epping as a full fledged Conservative leader. (Kraus, 2005)

It would help to get an idea about the man, and his life, before one can assess his leadership qualities. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born in the year 1874 in Oxfordshire, to prominent Tory politician Lord Randolph Churchill. The young boy grew up under his father's tutelage, and when he was old enough, he saw action both at India and at Sudan. He was captured during the Boer War when he was working as a journalist, and he managed to escape from prison later. In 1900, Winston Churchill was appointed the Conservative Member of Parliament for Oxfordshire, but he was apparently disillusioned by his party's activities, and he therefore joined the Liberal Party in 1904. When in 1905 the Liberal Party won the elections, Churchill was appointed as the Under Secretary, after which he entered the Cabinet as the president of the Board of Trade. In 1910, he was appointed the Home Secretary, after which he became the Lord of Admiralty, a post that he held during the First World War. However, after the disastrous Dardanelles campaign, for which Churchill became the scapegoat, he resigned and joined the Army. ("Historic Figures: Winston Churchill (1874 to 1965)," 2007)

From the year 1917 onwards, Winston Churchill was appointed leader of several governmental posts, until the year 1940 when the Prime Minster of England Neville Chamberlain resigned, and Winston Churchill took his place. It must be remembered that Churchill had been opposing Nazi developments in Germany for a long while now, and he took this opportunity to oppose the Nazis officially, while at the same time refusing to surrender to Germany. This act in itself served as an inspiration for the people of England at the time, and this leader worked tirelessly through the war, and built up close ties with the President of the United States of America, Roosevelt, while at the same time trying his best to maintain cordial relations with the Soviet Union. In 1945 during the elections, Churchill lost power, but he remained the leader of the opposition. At the time, he warned his people of the Cold War and tried his best to encourage European and also trans-Atlantic unity. In 1951, the charismatic Winston Churchill became the Prime Minster again, but in 1955 he resigned his post, but he remained a working and accomplished and capable Member of Parliament until his death in the year 1965. ("Historic Figures: Winston Churchill (1874 to 1965)," 2007)

Winston Churchill has been known for his early accomplishments in life, in much the same way as other leaders like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler, but there is an intrinsic difference between him and other leaders. While the others mentioned above tried to use their victories in order to create dictatorships in their country, Winston Churchill was an individual who was affected by war, and who grabbed any opportunity he could to make use of the war to lead his own country towards an inevitable victory. Perhaps, the fact that Churchill belonged to a military family helped him a great deal in his endeavors, and when he was sent to India and Sudan on various assignments, the young man, barely twenty four at the time, wrote to his mother back in England, "I never felt the slightest nervousness, I felt as cool as I do now." (Keegan, 1998) What was even more surprising was that Winston Churchill had been posted both as a war correspondent as well as a serving soldier in India and in Sudan, and it was here that the young man revealed two other aspects of his character: he had a literary bent of mind, and he also had a keen interest in public affairs. (Keegan, 1998)

As a matter of fact, although Churchill wrote all his life, politics and public affairs almost seemed to consume him; perhaps the fact that his father Randolph Churchill had been a public failure as a politician spurred the young man on, and perhaps to, this was the reason why he was determined to succeed where his own father had failed before him. It is important to note that Randolph Churchill had despised and detested his son, and he probably saw him as a show off and a good for nothing individual. In his own words, writing to his mother the Duchess of Marlborough, he criticized his son heavily, and said that his son lacked "cleverness, knowledge and any capacity for settled work. He has a great talent for show-off, exaggeration and make-believe..." (Keegan, 1998) However, although his father's comments must have hurt the young Churchill, he sought to react by trying to venerate his father's memory. This in itself shows his strength of character, wherein the young man, instead of falling prey to petty vindictiveness and nastiness and spite, sought to restore his father's lost honor in the British parliament. In the year 1935 Winston Churchill knew enough of world affairs to warn the House of Commons of the importance of "self-preservation and also of the human and the world cause of the preservation of free governments and of Western civilization against the ever advancing sources of authority and despotism." (Keegan, 1998)

It must be stated that Winston Churchill was a natural born leader, who managed to accomplish a great many things during his lifetime. Take for example the time when he managed to escape imprisonment immediately after he was captured during the Boer War: he became an acknowledged and accepted national hero in his country after this fact, and at the time when Edward III was abdicated, Winston Churchill opted to show his deep support for the deposed leader, despite the government's complete disapproval, and against popular advice. The great man chose to believe in what he felt must be done, and he bravely managed to carry this out, despite all odds. Another accomplishment was that Winston Churchill managed to lead his beloved country through the Second World War, and he also made sure that he made his opposition to Hitler and his atrocities publicly known. This was the reason why Churchill refused to make peace with Germany while Hitler was in power, and instead, he chose to consult with American President Roosevelt and with Soviet Stalin, to create and plan a victory over Germany in the immediate future. This great leader was not an individual who would bow to anyone; he would follow his instincts and act accordingly. Using his insight and intuition, he warned his country of the expansive tendencies being exhibited by the Soviet Union, and he even coined a specific term for this phenomenon: 'Iron Curtain'. (Kelly, 2007)

As mentioned earlier, Winston Churchill proved to be an excellent and charismatic leader when he led his country during the Second World War. Experts often state that almost the whole of Churchill's career had been… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Winston Churchill" Assignment:

This paper should be on the LEADERSHIP STYLE and accomplishments of Winston Churchill throughout his life. LEADERSHIP IS THE MAIN FOCUS OF THIS PAPER! I would like a description of how he came to power and some early accomplishments of signifigant importance. Also, I need specifically his leadership during World War II (the most important point in this paper). I would like his relations with Roseevelt discussed and how his was able to bridge the gaps between leaders of countries all while keeping his own country believing in their cause. Finally, this paper should follow his leadership after WWII until he eventually passed away. Must be - APA style format. All references should be easily researched but absolutly no plagerism whatsoever.

How to Reference "Winston Churchill" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Winston Churchill.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Winston Churchill (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Winston Churchill. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Winston Churchill” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149.
”Winston Churchill” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149.
[1] ”Winston Churchill”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Winston Churchill [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149
1. Winston Churchill. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/winston-churchill/6628149. Published 2007. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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