Term Paper on "William Wordsworth and a Vindication"

Term Paper 4 pages (1363 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

William Wordsworth and "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" by Mary Wollstonecraft. Specifically, it will compare and contrast the works and discuss how they related to modern culture and society. Wollstonecraft and Wordsworth are both fairly contemporary writers who lived within fifty years of each other and wrote in the Romantic style. While their works seemed topical of the time they were written, it is startling to see how closely they mirror our modern world, especially considering they were written over 200 years ago. This indicates that society and culture will always decry "progress" and change, no matter when or how it occurs.

According to the text, Mary Wollstonecraft was the product of an abusive home, and her sister married an abusive man, as well. This background surely colored her thinking and her outlook on marriage and men, leading her to write her work, "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman." She knew first hand that women had few if any rights in pre-Victorian society, and that men subjugated and condescended to them, rather than treating them as equals or giving them any type of respect. She writes, "[T]he civilized women of the present century, with a few exceptions, are only anxious to inspire love, when they ought to cherish a noble ambition, and by their abilities and virtues exact respect" (Wollstonecraft 1459). Wollstonecraft knew that women had few rights or advantages in the 1700s, but she did not only blame this on society, she blamed it on women themselves, who allowed themselves to be subjugated and downtrodden, rather than demanding respect and nurturing their own ambitions. The text's editors note, Wollstonecraft's views were conspicuously radical at a time when wo
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men had no political rights" (Greenblatt & Abrams 1457). What is interesting is that Wollstonecraft's words (and ideals) could echo resoundingly in today's society with very little change in meaning or purpose.

For example, in today's society, women are valued most highly for their appearance and fashion, rather than their accomplishments or ideals. Think of Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, and others, who serve as poor role models because of their negative behaviors, but are popular simply because they are beautiful, they are popular, and they are wealthy enough to flaunt tradition and do exactly as they please. While they may have more opportunities in careers and other aspects of life, they are not that very different from the subjugated women Wollstonecraft is attempting to reach in her essay. In fact, she seems to be writing of these young women when she states, "Weak artificial beings, raised above the common wants and affections of their race, in a premature unnatural manner, undermine the very foundation of virtue" (Wollstonecraft 1460). She berates women for not commanding more respect or ambition. Her comments certainly apply to these young women, and many who emulate them, as they spend their lives worrying about how they look, what they wear, and who they are seen with, rather than dedicating their lives to any important project or cause.

Sadly, it seems that society values women most highly because of their beauty and not because of their brains or ambition, and so little has changed for women, even though great strides have been made in equal rights and empowerment of women. If women choose to be seen as sex objects and empty-headed rich girls who have no serious thoughts or actions, then how far have women actually come in the world, and where will they go in the future? These thoughts are frightening, and would probably distress Wollstonecraft if she discovered that such little progress has actually been made, especially in the very actions of women themselves.

Of course, not all women emulate the "values" of a Paris Hilton or Lindsey Lohan, and yet, society still keeps women on a level lower than men in many other ways, as well. For example, it is common knowledge there is still a "glass ceiling" when it comes to business and industry in the United States. Most women cannot break through this ceiling to reach upper management or leadership… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "William Wordsworth and a Vindication" Assignment:

To whom it may concern: I am interested in purchasing a paper which can accommodate these guidelines. I have included topics listed by the professor and I am open to the specific topic to be written, but my deadline is near. The actual digital copy is due online by midnight November 30, 2007. It is my responsibility to turn it in on time and accordingly. I would like to request status updates on the progress of the paper, in which I can answer any questions that may come up along the way. I would be able to fax copies of the text book pages that must be used a 1 source in the paper. Only 1 other outside source is required, if you find a 2nd, please use your judgment in quality. The paper must be MLA format and a works cited must be included.

Literary Analysis Paper

This paper will be a specific analysis of one or more pieces of literature. Focus on an argument with a definite thesis in mind. Use quotations and examples from the literature as support. If outside resources are used, you must submit copies of that research and/or specific web sites. You must include a Works Cited page at the end of the paper and use specific MLA style. Remember that TurnItIn.com will be used to prevent plagiarism. These papers must be 4-6 pages long and must be presented to the class and turned in on the date scheduled for discussion of the literature.

Directions: This paper is a critical analysis of the literature that we are studying. You may choose from any of the literature included in your textbook. Focus your argument on one aspect of the text.

Purpose: A critical analysis is an argument. Focus on a specific thesis and prove your point through examples and quotations from the literature as well as some research.

Length: The paper should be four to six pages double spaced.

Requirements: If outside sources are used, copies of those sources must be provided. The paper should follow proper MLA form including a Works Cited page. A copy of the paper must also be handed in on disk.

Reminders: This paper should not be a summary of the literature. Do not re-state the plot. Assume that your reader has read the material. Use present tense when writing about literature.

Support: Support your thesis with specific examples and quotes from the text. Use a good handbook or the MLA web site for proper form and mechanics. Use MLA form for all papers.

Research: The text must be quoted as support. One outside source is also required. Sparknotes, Classic Notes, or Wikipedia are not suitable resources.

Presentation: Each student will present a short (200 word) presentation of the ideas in your paper through Blackboard. Score: The paper will be graded using the following criteria: argument, literary analysis, organization, support, presentation, mechanics, and format. Pay close attention to MLA form for your in-text citations and your Works Cited page.

Note: A thesis is an original argument--something which you wish to prove through evidence. A thesis should not be accepted common knowledge. For instance, you would not argue that Edgar Allen Poe uses the raven as a symbol in *****The Raven.***** A good thesis might argue that Poe uses the raven to symbolize the speaker*****s death wish. A theme is a topic of discussion such as *****survival***** or *****isolation.*****


Literary Analysis Paper*****”Additional Information

Thesis: Focus on a specific thesis, an argument that you can write in one sentence. A thesis is not the same as a moral. You should not try to prove something for all humanity. Just argue a point about one or more selections from our readings. Some sample thesis statements are listed below.

*****¢ While both Beowulf and King Arthur are strong heroes, Arthur proves himself to be a better leader.

*****¢ Ben Jonson shows much more emotion about the death of his son in *****On My First Son***** than he does about his daughter in *****On My First Daughter.*****

*****¢ Shakespeare uses *****Sonnet 130***** not only to praise his love, but also to attack the stereotypes of beauty and sonnets.

Topics: Some possible topics are listed below, but you may develop a topic of your own. Review your notes and responses to look for a possible subject.

*****¢ Write about changes in heroes/villains over time.

*****¢ Develop an essay about differences in the portrayal of love.

*****¢ Show how authors use literature to advance political beliefs.

*****¢ Analyze an author*****s use of a particular literary device such as symbolism or satire.

*****¢ Write about the influence of nature in the writings of one of the Romantic poets.

*****¢ Compare and contrast two carpe diem poems.

*****¢ Explain how the structure of a poem affects its meaning.

*****¢ Compare and contrast the works of two women *****s.

*****¢ Write about the lessons learned by a character.

Support: You must support the essay with quotes from the literary work. You may also use research to help support your thesis. Use correct MLA form for all quotations. You must include a Works Cited page.

Submission Guidelines:

You will submit your paper in two locations when it is ready to turn in. Do not wait until the last minute to submit the paper. Save the paper in Microsoft Word. The file name should be your last name and paper 2. (For example: Smithpaper2)

1. Submit the paper through the Assignment section of Blackboard.

2. You will also submit your paper through Turnitin.com.



Week Five

Sept. 18, T Response #7*****”Spenser, The Faerie Queene*****”pp. 365-423 and Sonnets 67 and 75*****”p. 436-437

Sept. 20, Th Response #8*****”Raleigh, *****The Nymph*****s Reply to the Shepherd**********”pp. 447-448 and

Sidney, Astrophel and Stella, #1, 2, and 31*****”pp. 449-452, 453 and Marlowe,

*****The Passionate Shepherd to His Love**********”pp. 458-460 and

Shakespeare, Sonnets 18, 29, 30, 73, 116, 130*****”pp. 493-509

Week Six

Sept. 25, T Response #9*****” Donne, *****The Flea,***** *****The Good Morrow,***** *****Song,***** *****The Canonization,*****

*****A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning,***** *****Death, Be Not Proud,***** *****Batter My Heart,*****

*****Meditation 17**********”pp. 600-628 and Wroth, Pamphilia to Amphilanthus*****”pp. 650-654

Sept. 27, Th Response #10*****”Jonson, *****On My First Daughter,***** *****On My First Son,***** *****To the Memory of My Beloved, The Author, Mr. William Shakespeare**********”pp. 638-648 and Herbert,

*****Easter Wings**********”p. 661 and Philips, *****On the Death of My First and Dearest Child, Hector Philips**********”p. 675

Week Seven

Oct. 2, T Response #11*****”Herrick, *****Delight in Disorder,***** and *****To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time**********” pp.665-670 and Marvell, *****To His Coy Mistress**********”p. 677 and Lovelace,

*****To Lucasta, Going to the Wars**********”p. 670

Oct. 4, Th Response #12*****”Milton, *****When I Consider How My Light Is Spent,***** and

Paradise Lost, Book 1*****” p. 722, pp. 725-743; Review for Midterm Exam

Week Eight

Oct. 9, T Midterm Exam

Oct. 11, Th Response #13*****”Shakespeare, *****Twelfth Night*****

Week Nine

Oct. 16, T Response #14*****”Shakespeare, *****Twelfth Night*****

Oct. 18, Th Response #15*****”Montagu, *****The Lover: A Ballad**********”pp. 1197-1199 and

Behn, *****The Disappointment***** *****”922-927 and Johnson, *****The Preface to

Shakespeare**********”p. 1297-1306 and Dryden, *****A Song for St. Cecilia*****s Day**********”pp. 911-913

Week Ten

Oct. 23, T Response #16*****”Swift, *****A Modest Proposal***** *****”pp. 1114-1120; Gulliver*****s Travels,

Part 1*****”pp. 979-1016

Oct. 25, Th Response #17*****”Boswell, *****Fear of Death**********”p. 1327 and Gray, *****Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard**********”pp. 13332-1335 and Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano*****”pp. 1340-1349 and Burney, *****First Journal Entry**********”p. 1349-1352 Week Eleven

Oct. 30, T Response #18 *****”Blake, *****The Lamb***** and *****The Tyger**********”p. 1412 and p. 1420 and Burns,

*****To a Louse***** and *****A Red, Red Rose**********”p. 1447 and p. 1454 and Wollstonecraft,

*****A Vindication of the Rights of Woman**********”pp. 1459-1462 and Wordsworth, W.

*****Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey,***** *****I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,***** *****Composed upon Westminster Bridge,***** *****It Is a Beauteous Evening,***** *****London, 1802,***** *****The World Is Too Much With Us**********”pp. 1491-1495, 1537, 1548-1550 and

Wordsworth, D. *****Thoughts on My Sick-Bed**********”p. 1608

Nov. 1, Th Response #19*****”Coleridge, *****The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,***** *****Kubla Khan**********”1615-1634;

Quiz #2

Week Twelve

Nov. 6, T Response #20*****”Lord Byron, *****She Walks in Beauty,***** *****When We Two Parted,***** *****So, We*****ll Go No More a Roving**********”pp. 1676, 1678, 1680 and Shelley, *****Ozymandias,***** p. 1741 and Mary Shelley

Nov. 8, Th Response #21*****”Keats, *****When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be,***** *****La Belle Dame sans Merci,***** *****Sonnet to Sleep,***** *****Ode on a Grecian Urn**********”p. 1830, 1840, 1842, and 1847

Browning, E., *****How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways**********”p. 1927 and

Browning, R., *****Porphyria*****s Lover,***** *****My Last Duchess,***** *****Prospice**********”p. 2054 and 2058


I can fax/email source info anytime, you may call me if needed. Please help me choose the best, most accommodating topic within the time frame.


How to Reference "William Wordsworth and a Vindication" Term Paper in a Bibliography

William Wordsworth and a Vindication.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

William Wordsworth and a Vindication (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). William Wordsworth and a Vindication. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”William Wordsworth and a Vindication” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066.
”William Wordsworth and a Vindication” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066.
[1] ”William Wordsworth and a Vindication”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. William Wordsworth and a Vindication [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066
1. William Wordsworth and a Vindication. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/william-wordsworth-vindication/911066. Published 2007. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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