Research Paper on "William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway"

Research Paper 5 pages (1872 words) Sources: 2

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William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway was a member of what Gertrude Stein termed "the lost generation" -- disillusioned, young men returning from World War I. Pulled out of a 1900s United States populated with patriotic, naive families and young men and women with delusions of heroism, American soldiers came back to the United States haunted by visions of war and unable to reassemble with their contemporaries. Hemingway was no different. Although he was unable to join the United States Army because of vision problems, the young author served in the Red Cross Ambulance core after leaving a short newspaper career. (He served as a journalist again before pursuing fiction after the war.) but the ambulance core was not much milder than active combat. The shocks Hemingway received from seeing the wounds and remains of fallen soldiers never left him. Paired with the own wound he received, these traumas left the young author scarred at the end of the war. In fact, Hemingway became an expatriate, living in Paris for much of his life. The disillusionment that Hemingway experienced ran from the confines of his own mind onto the page. Although this is best articulated in his short story "Soldier's Home," the theme of disillusionment in and after war can be traced through Hemingway's other works, most notably his novels a Farewell to Arms and the Sun Also Rises.

While Hemingway's other novels and short stories use symbolism and tone to suggest the hopelessness and suspension of life after the war, "A Soldier's Home" brilliantly and directly discusses these sentiments. A symbol of the lost generation, Krebs returns to neither fanfare nor scrutiny, but simply business as usual. His desire to talk
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about the atrocities of war is muted by the townspeople who had "heart too many atrocity stories to be thrilled by actualities." In order to be accepted or even acknowledged, he must lie, and the lying causes him to "have a reaction against the war and against lying about it." Immediately upon his return to the small Kansas town, Krebs is established as an outsider, one who must change his own behavior, impulses, and desires in order to be accepted by others. This image of Krebs as a lost outsider continues through his interactions with his own family members and his observation of women. Lost even within his own family, Krebs is seen as an object of worry by his mother, an object of concern by his father, and a hero by his sister. In each relationship, Krebs is viewed as a stereotype, not an individual. As a member of the lost generation, an outcast among those who did not experience the war, Krebs is seen as lazy, rude, and a symbol of the world of adulthood. Similarly, from afar, he "like[s] the girls that were walking along the other side of the street," but has no desire to seek out female companionship, expresses that he would not know how to talk to a girl, and is unimpressed when his mother suggests that he date. The girls, with their short haircuts and group mingling, seem foreign to him when he returns. Thus, his hometown, his family, and the social requirements of courtship and friendship are al strange and confusing to Krebs when he returns from the war. The disillusionment Krebs experiences causes him to lie again at the end of the story; he decides to pursue a normal life, hope that it will "go smoothly," regardless of his disillusionment.

Though it may be the work of fiction in which Hemingway wrote most directly about the disillusionment of young soldiers returning from the war and the lost generation, "A Soldier's Home" was not the author's only work dealing with the theme. A second work primarily about war, a Farewell to Arms, also presents the theme, this time from the perspective of a soldier who is still serving in the war. Unlike "A Soldier's Home," however, a Farewell to Arms allows the reader to experience Frederick Henry's disillusionment with the main character.

Like Hemingway, Henry is an expatriate American serving as an ambulance driver in the Italian Army. The novel opens with several contradictory images that set the stage for a world of disillusionment where nothing matters: the vulgar joking of his Italian comrades, pious words of the friendly priest, beauty of the Italian countryside, devastation of the war, whorehouses, and constant reminders of his status as a foreigner. In order to survive the boredom of winter, Henry travels across Italy, and returns to more disillusionment, this time the disillusionment of Romance.

Perhaps based on Hemingway's own love interest during the war, Henry meets the nurse Catherine Barkley, a woman his friend Rinaldi is infatuated with. The two begin a delusional war romance almost immediately. Though there is nothing but a physical attraction between them, Catherine, suffering from the loss of her fiance who was killed in the war effort, quickly decides to operate under the delusion that they are madly in love. Only a few days after their initial meeting, Catherine demands that he notify her of absences, stay with her forever, and declare his love for her. Though he at first thinks "she is a little crazy," Henry, because of his own displacement and delusions, soon decides to cooperate with her charade, admitting that "it was all right if she was," crazy because he "did not care what [he] was getting into" since "this was a game, like bridge, in which you said things instead of playing cards." He had to "pretend [he] was playing for money or playing for some stakes." Even Catherine admits that the love is a delusion when she says, "this is a rotten game we play."

Both Catherine and Frederick Henry are affected by war, and both are so disillusioned by the war and its effects -- Catherine's dead fiance and Henry's displacement -- that they enter into a disillusioned war romance in which there is no real love or affection. By establishing this relationship, Hemingway repeats the theme of "A Soldier's Home" by allowing the reader to see the disillusionment of soldiers even as they fight the war. Even normal practices, like courtship, cannot be attained by men and women who cannot help but view everything else as pale in comparison to devastation of the war.

But Hemingway takes this theme even further as he continues to follow Catherine and Henry's relationship. Though they enter the romance under the disillusion of love, real love eventually blooms between them. After Henry is injured, Catherine requests a transfer to the hospital where he is being housed. There, they spend months together, sleep together almost every night, and grow in their affection. Though Henry offers marriage, Catherine declines saying she "couldn't be any more married." Soon, Catherine becomes pregnant, and for the first time in the novel, both feel a sense of belonging with each other and their new family, even planning to have a home together when Henry returns from the front, where he is being sent. Though Henry removes to the warfront, a series of horrific scenes and near death moments cause him to defect, disillusioned by the war. He returns to Catherine and, for a few more months, the two live happily together, but both Catherine and the baby are eventually killed in childbirth. The final scene of the novel leaves Henry walking without purpose in the rain.

In what could have been an uplifting story of a man leaving the devastation of war to live with his true love, Hemingway weaves themes of soldiers' disillusionment with war together to suggest that the devastation of war trumps all other happiness. Catherine and Henry are thrown together in a disillusioned romance because of the war. Even when the romance becomes legitimate, horrors of the war keep them from marrying. In the end, Henry is left just a disillusioned, if not more so, than he was at the beginning of the book -- a foreigner without position, family, or acceptance in a foreign country. By allowing the reader to painfully experience one soldier's disillusionment, Hemingway establishes his theme of the disillusionment caused by war.

Though it is not a novel primarily about war, this theme continues to be paramount in a third Hemingway work of fiction, the Sun Also Rises. In the novel, World War I veteran Jake Barns, now a Parisian journalist, suffers both emotional and physical effects of the war. Unlike a traditional plot-driven novel, the book merely recounts the exploits of Jake and his friends. Through these exploits, Hemingway establishes the theme of disillusionment after war through the character of Jake and his inability to return to normalcy after the war.

Both physically and mentally, Jake's experience in the war left him wounded. Throughout the Sun Also Rises, Jake's physical wound, which left him impotent, has inspired further mental wounds, specifically his inability to become involved romantically with Lady Brett Ashley, who remains his friend, but refuses to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway" Assignment:

I selected a story from the book (literature AN INTRODUCTION TO READING AND WRITING BY EDGAR V. ROBERTS /HENRY E .JACOBS) and use it as a jumping-off point for further literary research.I CHOSE THE "SOLDIER'S HOME" BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY. For instance, you can read other stories or novels outside this textbook by the same autur and perform a literary analysis on each of them. How do the stories treat certain common themes? Do some stories seem to have more longevity and resonance than others? Do certain authors seem to have recurring themes in their work? You'll need a minimum of TWO sources (including the textbook) so make sure one of the refrences are from this text book that i mentioned above and the paper will be at least 1,500 words (about five double-spaced pages*****”if we were using paper.). please make sure our jumping off point starts with "soldier'home. this is an sample paper:

Themes in Susan Glaspell*****s Work

Each of these stories highlights Glaspell*****s feelings about men, women, and society. Glaspell writes about the characters who have been subjugated throughout their lives. She writes of real men, women, and real situations and makes them stand out to effect change in a society that often mistreats the people who are not able to fight back for themselves. The theme in all these stories revolves around morality and moral decisions. Each character makes an extremely personal decision somewhere in the story, a decision that will change their lives.

In *****The Plea,***** the main characters are the boy, Alfred Williams and Senator Harrison. Senator Harrison is a man who wants to serve his constituents but wants to serve his own conscience as well. He knows the right thing to do is to give the boy a chance, and he finally does it in a courageous manner. Throughout the story, Glaspell portrays her own ideas about society and human nature. For example, *****Then he was wondering why it was the philosophers had not more to say about the incongruity of people who had never had any trouble of their own sitting in judgment upon people who had known nothing but trouble.***** (The Plea) Clearly, Glaspell feels people judge each other far too much and too harshly. She shows a clear description of Harrison*****s personality with these thoughts, and indicates he is a man with a conscience and a sense of right and wrong.

In addition she continues, *****He wondered how high the percentage of children*****s crimes would go were it not for countermanding influences. It seemed the great difference between Alfred Williams and a number of other children of eleven had been the absence of the countermanding influence.***** (The Plea) He desperately wants to serve his constituents, but he wants to be able to live with himself at the same time. In his heart, he knows the right thing to do, and he does it even though it may affect his political career. He is a decent man who answers to his own conscience, and he knows right from wrong.

Most all of Glaspell*****s characters know right from wrong, and have a moral and sense about them. In fact, their moral choice at the end of each story is the recurring theme in all these stories. Each main character makes a moral choice to change something they know is wrong. Glaspell tries to portray with her stories that people know right from wrong, and there is always someone good in the world even if there are many who are not. Therefore, the Senator knows his moral decision will change his life forever, and that his constituents may not support him any longer, but he makes the right decision. Thus, Glaspell describes that it is more important to make the right choice in the end even if it can have disturbing consequences.

In *****The Last Sixty Minutes,***** the governor of a state is facing his last hour in office. He remembers the job he has done for the people of his state, and he is not happy about the results. He thinks to himself, *****It did not make for placidity of ***** to be told at the end of things that he had, as a matter of fact, never been anybody at all.***** (The Last Sixty Minutes) In fact, the governor is the leader of the same state Glaspell wrote about in *****The Plea.***** Glaspell mentions Senator Dorman, the impassioned speaker who pleads for Alfred William*****s second chance at life. She ties her stories together like this to give them more meaning and depth to the reader and make them seem as if they fit together like parts of a novel rather than unconnected short stories. Finally, the governor makes the right decision at the last moment by signing the contracts. The governor has not made the right choices throughout his term in office, but Glaspell again shows a man who would be unable to live with himself unless he made the right choice at the end. He knows he will pay, but he chooses the right decision because he is essentially a good man who has been led down the wrong path.

In *****A Jury of Her Peers,***** the two women stand up for Mrs. Wright as they clean up her home and look for some clothing to take to her in jail. While men stomp around and look for evidence, women quietly uncover the motivation for murder and decide to hide and save it. Mrs. Wright, like many of the other characters in Glaspell*****s work, has led a life of quiet desperation. Her husband is cruel, and he has abused her mentally as long as they have been married. Mr. Wright kills Mrs. Wright*****s bird who has been her only companion, and it is clear Mrs. Wright murdered him because of his cruel action. All the men in this story are full of themselves, and they belittle the women. Glaspell writes, *****Oh, well, *****˜said Mrs. Hale*****s husband, with good-natured superiority,***** women are used to worrying over trifles.***** (A Jury of Her Peers) Throughout the story, the men are condescending to the women, and Glaspell seems to be saying that Mr. Wright was even more so, and that is why his wife ended up killing him. The women in the story allow their husbands to subjugate them because that is how it is supposed to be. The men are strong and the women are weak, or at least that is what the men think.

However, women do not complain, and they are clearly wiser than the men are. They find the evidence the men overlook, and they hide it to save Mrs. Wright. Without the evidence, they have no motive for the murder, but with it, it would be clear why she killed him. Glaspell makes it clear when she writes, *****And then again the eyes of the two women met--this time clung together in a look of dawning comprehension, of growing horror. Mrs. Peters looked from the dead bird to the broken door of the cage. Again their eyes met.***** (A Jury of Her Peers) Like the other characters, the women have a conscience and know when there is something wrong. They want to make it right. They are moral, which is important to the story, but they are also fair even if it means doing something that might seem wrong in the eyes of the law. They are decent women, but they are much more complicated and aware than their husbands are. They are wiser than the men are, and moral at the same time.

*****A Jury of Her Peers***** seems to be compelling because the men are so terribly sure of their superiority, and yet it is the insignificant women who ultimate solve the case. The men would coldly try Mrs. Wright if they know and send her away for life. This way, there is doubt as who committed the crime, so she may even walk away. By hiding the bird, they are hiding crucial evidence, but they are standing up to the men, as well. By sticking together, they show just how ignorant the men really are, and how wise they are. This also ties into morality theme present throughout these stories. The men literally act immorally toward the women, humiliating them mentally or abusing them physically, and Mrs. Wright*****s penalty illustrates this fact.

If there is one theme that ties these three stories together, it is the sense of right and wrong and characters living up to their potential in the end even if they have not lived up to it before. The women recognize they have let Mrs. Wright down by not visiting her or supporting her, so they do the right thing by hiding the evidence and saving Mrs. Wright. The governor recognizes he will be remembered only as the puppet of Francis; therefore, he signs the contracts in his final minutes as governor to do the right thing and allow the new governor an equal chance to prove himself. The senator does the right thing and calls for another vote because he knows Alfred deserves a chance to live a real life and gain trust in the goodness of people. Each of these characters understands what they need to do even though it may have ongoing ramifications for them. Therefore, the common theme is goodness in the hearts of people even if there is evil all around them.

In conclusion, all of these stories seem simple at first. The plots are simple; it is the complex characters who give the stories meaning and a strong sense of morality. Each of these stories poses a moral dilemma and then solves it. Each story also has the character reflect on their lives and how they could have done things differently. They all react to the moral dilemmas facing them. Each character makes the right choice, which means they understand the morality of their actions, and they are consciously choosing the right thing. Therefore, Glaspell*****s work is more complicated than it might appear. Her situations are complex, and so are her characters***** reactions to them and these stories all illustrate that.

How to Reference "William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway" Research Paper in a Bibliography

William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway.”, 2008, Accessed 29 Sep 2024.

William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway (2008). Retrieved from (2008). William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep, 2024].
”William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway” 2008.
”William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Sep-2024].
1. William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway [Internet]. 2008 [cited 29 September 2024]. Available from:
1. William Faulkner and John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway. Published 2008. Accessed September 29, 2024.

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