Term Paper on "Weltanschauung of My Country Korea"

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Weltanschauung of my Country (Korea)

Etymologically, the German word Weltanschauung is elementary to the German philosophy and epistemology implying a wide world perception. It normally indicates the structure which facilitates individual interpretation of the world and interaction. The adoption of concept of Weltanschauung in cognitive philosophy and generative science indicates the wide worldview or wide world perception of a people that they come across over several millennia. Its application in sphere of the language of the people implies the Weltanschauung of that people in the form of its syntactic structures and untranslatable connotations and their denotations. Application of the concept in depicting the map of the world surpasses political borders since Weltanschauung results from both political borders and common experiences of a people from a particular geographical area, the prevailing environmental-climatic conditions, socio-cultural systems and the linguistic family and the available economic resources. (Weltanschauung: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Weltanschauung narrates a steady and essential sense of survival and entails a structure for generating, sustaining and adopting knowledge. Benjamin Lee Whorf propounded his linguistic relative hypothesis that narrates the way the syntactic-semantic structures of a language forms an inherent framework for the weltanschauung of a people by means of the organization of the causal view of the world and the categorization of entities in linguistic terms. While the linguistic categorization comes out as an indication of the worldview and causality, it again refines the social perception and thereby gives rise to a
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persistent interaction between language and perception. The hypothesis much acclaimed during 1940s, have lost its prominence in the following decade.

A new refinement and structure has been provided to the linguistic relative theory in the works of Stephin Levinson in terms of his research for psycholinguistics at Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The research made by the Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies revealed that the creation of integrating worldviews is initiated from fragments of worldviews made available from different scientific disciplines and the varied frameworks of knowledge and contributed in varied perspectives that prevail in the various cultures of the world. While the natural language grows to be a manifestation of world perception, the literature of a people having general weltanschauung comes out as holistic interpretation of the wide world view in relation to the people. In this manner the degree of generality between world folk epics is the result of the commonality and degree of the worldview. (Weltanschauung: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The epic poems are sometimes spread across the political borders and across generations. To illustrate, the Nibelungenlied of German-Scandinavian people, The Silappadhikaram of South Indian people, the Gilgamesh of the Mesopotamian-Sumerian civilization, the Arabian Nights of the Arab world and the Sundiata of the African people have spread world wide. The term Weltanschauung is considered as a complete set of opinions, visualized as an organic unity on the world as a mode and practice of human survival. Weltanschauung forms the basic structure for generating varied dimensions of human perception and experiences in the fields of knowledge, economics, politics, culture, religion, science, and ethics. The Weltanschauung of causality as uni-directional, cyclic, or spiral fetches a structure of the world that indicates these systems of causality. A uni-directional opinion of causality produces a monotheistic view of world with a starting and a conclusion and a great single force with a single objective like the Christianity and Islam and at the same the cyclic worldview of causality fetches a religious convention that is viewed as cyclic and seasonal in which the events and experiences recur in a systematic model as in case of Zorastrianism and Mithraism and Hinduism. (Weltanschauung: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Weltanschauung of causality also incorporate other dimensions of thought in the fields of history, political and economic theories and systems to generate the ideologies such as democracy, capitalism, socialism and Marxism. The Linear and Non-linear causality also produces varied related/conflicting disciplines and approaches in scientific thinking. The world view of ephemeral contiguity of action and incidents results in inherent diversifications like determinism v/s free will. A weltanschauung of freewill generates a field that is administered by the simple rules that remain the same and are called static and quantifiable in scientific methods. The worldview of determinism on the other hand fetches the disciplines that are administered with generative systems and rationalistic in scientific methods. Evolutionarily the weltanschauung has varied a little and also quite slowly, acclaiming widespread support. The Post modernism and globalization have strengthened a perpetuation of dynamic weltanschauung. (Weltanschauung: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Weltanschauung is a German notation and has the error of defining it in terms of a foreign language. Weltanschauung, however, has been interpreted as intellectual construction that fetches unified solution of all the problems of the existence in virtue of a comprehensive hypothesis, a construction where in no question is said to be left open the subjects of interest are dealt in more considerably. The acquisition of such a weltanschauung is considered to be the ideal wishes of human life. The belief in such aspects entails one to feel secured in life. (Sigmund Freud (1932): Lecture XXXV-Philosophy of Life)

Juche, the political philosophy has become the official autarkic state ideology of the Republic of Korea during the year 1972. Irrespective of the fact that the foreign scholars sometimes indicate Juche as 'self-reliance' the real meaning of the term has been much refined. The Juche ideology is being regarded as the Weltanschauung or world view that indicates or brings about the penultimate value of the goals of mankind. As per the juche ideology, man has the final regulation or control over the world and also in relation to his own destiny. This is particularly because it is only he who himself possess the chajusong, that is which upholds creativity or consciousness. Such a viewpoint is being claimed by its advocators as dominating and reshaping the world as contributing in a great way to the juche ideology to the body of philosophical knowledge. Korea proclaims that juche is the creative adoption of Marxist-Leninist principles to the modern realities. The key component of the application of juche philosophy has been envisioned as political and ideological independence, particularly from Soviet Union and China, economic self-reliance and self sufficiency and a viable national defense system. (The Political Philosophy of Juche)

Irrespective of the falls and rises the South Korean economy is normally regarded as a miracle economy. The tremendous success of South Korean economy is attributed to its market, state, culture, and international system. The strategic interference of state in terms of a series of industrial policy has become determinant for generating new artificial comparative advantage increasing its international competitiveness along with its in time movement towards an outward-looking development approach by means of a market conforming macro and micro-economic policies and an export-led industrialization making easier the private sector to look for new market avenues. This is mixed with the Confucian culture, solid social networks, and a shared feeling of trust have been known to be liable for superb economic performance in East Asia by not only decreasing the transaction charges but also enhancing the movement of information. (Between Learning and Policy Innovation: Japanese Economic Institutions and South Korea's Economic Policy in the 1960s)

The South Korean economy is also widely benefited by the Cold War confrontation and American security commitment that not only entailed its wide economic and military assistance to the South but also permitted the indefinite approach to American markets. The economic prosperity of South Korea has also been affected favorably by Japanese influences like legacies of colonial modernity; intra-regional division of labor which is led by Japan, normalization of diplomatic relations and bilateral economic cooperation in terms of economic assistance, foreign direct investment and transfer of technology. The legacy colonial expansion, the regional division of labor and bilateral cooperation all… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Weltanschauung of My Country Korea" Assignment:

Topic : Weltanschauung of my country(South korea)

format in 2 parts

part1: definition , meaing of weltanschuung

part2: world view of my country(south korea)

any reference can use.

How to Reference "Weltanschauung of My Country Korea" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Weltanschauung of My Country Korea.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Weltanschauung of My Country Korea (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Weltanschauung of My Country Korea. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Weltanschauung of My Country Korea” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007.
”Weltanschauung of My Country Korea” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007.
[1] ”Weltanschauung of My Country Korea”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Weltanschauung of My Country Korea [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007
1. Weltanschauung of My Country Korea. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weltanschauung-country-korea/122007. Published 2005. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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