Term Paper on "Weight Loss Restaurant"

Term Paper 7 pages (2701 words) Sources: 17

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Weight Loss Restaurant

When one decides to invest in setting up a business, some people choose to create a restaurant. However, even from the beginning, if they do not have a clear view of what they really want, and just decide to create it and see how it is going, one might realize that it is a highly risky decision. For once, you do not know what profile your restaurant works better for a certain location. So, what should you do? How should you choose? Should one pick the location and then decide on the profile? Or maybe it should be the other way around?

The best alternative would be to choose the profile of the restaurant before choosing its location. The logic behind this argument would be that people tend to choose or to do better the things they like or for which they have an affiliation. However, the smartest alternative would be to conduct a market survey and see which type of restaurant lacks on the market or, which the trends are in for the season. Thus, although one might want an Italian restaurant, one might find out at one point that there are about other hundreds around the same location or in the same city, or that the market is oversaturated with Italian food and wants to discover the African delicatessen.

Moreover, if the decision stands for "let's follow the trends" one will or should notice that the most important trend of the past years and most likely for the following ones too, is going after green/organic food. Therefore, in helping you create your restaurant we will tackle the following subjects: Restaurant Management, Weight loss programs and Statistics in America, Obesity, Organic Foods trends, Fast Food Industry, "Green" and
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sustainable restaurants.

In this short analysis we will try to come up with the best alternative, providing options and leaving you with only the responsibility of finding the perfect location for your new restaurant.

Restaurant Management

Depending on the size of the restaurant you might consider from one up to five managers. Restaurant management usually means the team in charge of the management of the place. Thus, if the restaurant is really small, a start-up business let's say, you could be your own manager, and be in charge of everything. This however, might be a too skillful and time-consuming job to be done only by one person. Average restaurants have basically three managers: the general manager, the front door manager and the back door manager. Large restaurants might have up to five managers: two front door managers (the bar manager and the floor manager), two back door manager (two kitchens' managers) and a general manager to supervise the entire activity and to run shifts. "Scheduling of managers will over lap covering the busiest times of the day. For example, one manager will open, from 7 to 5 as the mid manager will work an 11 to 9 and the closing manager will work a 5 to close. This ensures that every area is well covered at the busiest time of operation."

There are several ways by which you can choose your personnel. Either you place and add and decide for yourself whom person suits best for the available jobs, or you hire a recruiting company to find the best personnel for your restaurant. There are advantages and disadvantages for each selection method but we strongly suggest using a Recruiting and Placement Company. The reasons, we believe, are quite obvious: they have access to a larger number of curriculum vite, and are properly trained in that direction thus, they can offer reliable and experienced personnel baked up by certified and verified references.

Obesity in America

America is currently and most likely in the near future as well, facing one big problem. A problem of extreme importance and containing a highly degree of risk mostly because nobody realizes that there is a problem in the first place. Here are some statistics for the year 2006: 58 million people are overweight; 40 million people are obese; 3 million people are morbidly obese; Eight out of 10 over 25's people are overweight; 78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations; 25% people are completely sedentary.

Moreover, when bearing in mind obesity we should know that it is responsible for 88-97% of cases of type II diabetes, 57-70% of cases of coronary heart disease, 70% of gallstone attacks, and 35% of cases of hypertension, 11% of breast cancers and 10% of colon cancers.

Therefore, in view of the type of restaurant we would like to open, we should take into account these sociological factors as well as all national statistics and global trends. People want to eat good food. But if they were to choose between a place with good food and a place with good and healthy food, it is commons sense they would choose the second option.

Americans are becoming more aware with the passing of time that the quality of the food is prior to its taste and its looks. However, if we want to attract customers we have to combine those three ingredients: quality, taste, looks with an excellent service, meaning friendly waiters and servable personnel, and an excellent beverage facility. If we can offer these services then we might as well have higher prices than the other restaurants around, people will come to the place where they know they can trust the food and its service.

Organic Food Trends

Speaking of trends, organic food is the trend. Everywhere you go, you will see that people spend even double the amount of money for the same type of product if it says "organic" on it. Statistics show that "Consumers in the United States and the European Union (EU) make up 95% of the world's retail sales of organic food products, which is estimated at more than $25 billion worldwide (USDA ERS)."

Even more, the chart below presents the types of organic food appreciated by the U.S. consumers but we strongly believe that organic food is substantially healthier than any other type of food. According to CNN, future meals will include: Nutraceuticals, genetically engineered food, organic food, dining out or eating in instead of cooking, wine etc. However, the same source informs us that there are 5 trends in the world of healthy food that are worth following: flexitarianism, locally grown foods, functional foods, organic food, and slow food.

Flexitarianism is the diet of those people who eat a primarily plant-based diet composed of grains, vegetables, and fruits, but they occasionally obtain protein from lean meat, fish, poultry, or dairy." Locally grown food is based on the Community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs and farmers' markets which "give consumers direct access to produce, meats, cheeses, breads, honey, and other foods that are produced in nearby communities." Functional foods are "enriched with nutrients that may not be inherent to a given food," such as orange juiced enriched with calcium. Organic food are those aliments "produced following a government-regulated practice of growing and processing that minimizes exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals used in traditional farming." Finally, slow food consists mainly in "choosing locally grown and produced items, preparing them in traditional ways, and eating with friends and family - celebrating a relaxed approach to living."

So, with all these concepts clarified one must accept the fact that they are common-sense procedures that are meant to make our lives better. However, when applying them to a kitchen restaurant things might become more complex. You need fresh organic fruits and vegetables? Make sure your supplier can get them for you. Make sure your supplier is trustworthy. Make sure your prices are directly proportional with the work invested and the ingredients needed in the dish preparations. You want to make a profit, which means healthy food at accessible prices. You want your customers to come back to your restaurant? Make sure they are not hurried to leave or that the atmosphere is quite pleasant, so that they can enjoy their meals. This way everybody will be delighted.

Fast Food Industry

If you think that a restaurant is too much of a business for you, you might consider opening a fast food restaurant, maybe in a franchise manner. There are some advantages that come with making this choice: The trend is that most Americans dine out, and fast food restaurants being usually cheaper than the regular ones, are more likely to become their destination for a family dinner. For clients the food tastes good; the portions are large and extra large. Plus, you do not wait an exaggerated amount of time for the food to be served and you can eat it there or somewhere else. Moreover, they serve alcohol but also toys and sweets for children, the atmosphere is friendly and there are always people smiling back at you.

Fast foods are usually crowded with people, and the noise is at its peak if there are several families with children. But this seems to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Weight Loss Restaurant" Assignment:

The topic is to create a restaurant that will enable one to sustain a healthy lifestyle, and lose weight. Please research the following areas: Restaurant Management, Weight loss programs and Statistics in America, Obesity, Organic Foods trends, Fast Food Industry, "Green" and sustainable restaurants.

How to Reference "Weight Loss Restaurant" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Weight Loss Restaurant.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Weight Loss Restaurant (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Weight Loss Restaurant. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Weight Loss Restaurant” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687.
”Weight Loss Restaurant” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687.
[1] ”Weight Loss Restaurant”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Weight Loss Restaurant [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687
1. Weight Loss Restaurant. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/weight-loss-restaurant-one/6755687. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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