Movie Review on "Time to Kill Movie Review"

Movie Review 3 pages (1179 words) Sources: 0

[EXCERPT] . . . .

watch "A Time to Kill"

Everyone should go to see a Time to Kill. This movie has a powerful message for today's society about justice and overcoming racial and legal barriers to justice. In the film, which is based on a Grisham novel, two redneck men rape a black child. When it appears that they are going to be found innocent, the girl's father Carl Lee (played by Samuel L. Jackson) guns down the two men in the courtroom. His young white lawyer, Jake, must try to defend him, which is hardly an easy task in the heart of Mississippi. The case becomes much more difficult when the K.K.K. begins to harass Jake in a vain attempt to convince him to give up the case. The plant burning crosses on his lawn and even try shooting at him. Before the end Jake has to send his wife and young daughter out of town to protect them from the racist riots that overwhelm Canton Mississippi. In the end, Jake gives a moving speech to the jury which truly makes the movie worth watching. The film is tightly plotted and strongly acted. This is probably one of the best Grisham films ever produced. There are five important reasons why everyone should see this film: because it is emotionally powerful and a deeply moving film, because ethically it is important to see films which challenge social norms, because the film is so intelligently thought out that it will be educational in addition to entertaining, and because it is a blockbuster hit which many other people have seen and therefore must be worthwhile, and because if one doesn't watch this film one is likely to be stuck with out films in the same genre and rating category which are far less good.

This movie is very deeply moving, and not just because o
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f the technology by which film gives the illusion of motion. It is an emotionally powerful movie, geared to make people cry and fear for the lives of their loved ones. Who could resist being moved to tears and fears by the idea of a little ten-year-old girl being raped by sadistic rednecks? The emotion and sweat laden speeches given by Carl Lee and Jake will make the trip out to the video store well worth the mileage, despite the recent high costs of gas. As if the emotional charge of the story weren't high enough, it also stars Sandra Bullock in the role of a fragile and feisty young lawyer who helps take on the case, and between her jurisprudent moments spends her time cavorting like a pin-up. If Carl Lee's palpable grief at the treatment of his daughter doesn't make one emotionally vulnerable, then the flamboyant Sandra Bullock's legs and her lips will certainly move at least the men in the audience to emotional outbursts.

Time to Kill is also worth seeing because -- in additional to being a hot story of thwarted love affairs and successful revenge -- it is also so intelligently thought out that it might be quite educational. Logically, one should wish to see this movie because of its sophisticated critique of the way the American justice system may be inefficient in some cases and prejudicial in others, will being generally insufficient to create true justice in all cases. Of course, the ending restores some sense of justice to the world which the beginning wants to erase. Even in one were to leave aside the ethical and emotional aspects of these lessons, it… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Time to Kill Movie Review" Assignment:

Write an argument papers why the movie worth to see? And give three reasons.

Use pathos, logos, and ethos and fallacies as some of the tactic.

Be creativity, Thoughtful, thorough

How to Reference "Time to Kill Movie Review" Movie Review in a Bibliography

Time to Kill Movie Review.”, 2005, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Time to Kill Movie Review (2005). Retrieved from (2005). Time to Kill Movie Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Time to Kill Movie Review” 2005.
”Time to Kill Movie Review”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Time to Kill Movie Review”,, 2005. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Time to Kill Movie Review [Internet]. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Time to Kill Movie Review. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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