Essay on "War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky"

Essay 3 pages (1063 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

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War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky

War on Terror?

The flagrant use of the term "War on Terror" started after the September 11, 2001 attacks. These terrible events claimed thousands of American lives, disrupted their existence and even altered their sense of security. Measures were done to address these catastrophes, however, it changed the people's routines like, to name a few, they now underwent security checks in going inside establishments, they are reminded and warned in public locations about their vigilance and they became witnesses to a stricter immigration policy. These elicited cooperation from them as it gave them reassurance and promoted their feelings of safety. However, they also became supportive to a "war on terror" that is supposedly taking place.

On the other hand, Noam Chomsky, Professor and political activist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in his 2005 interview that, "There is no war on terror." He explained that:

"during the U.S. invasion to Iraq, the people were informed that there were no weapons of mass destruction. [However], weapons of mass destruction were found, [and these are those that] were sent to Saddam by the United States, Britain, and the others through the 1980s."

He also said that "[for the U.S.], invading Iraq and taking control of the world's energy resources was way more important than the threat of terror.

In one of his examples on the same interview, about "the American intelligence systems estimating a 50% likelihood of a dirty nuclear bomb attack in the United States," he said that:

"[the government] in
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creased the threat by increasing nuclear proliferation [and] by compelling potential adversaries to take very dangerous measures to try to counter [the] rising American threats."

On the issue of the United States not publicly giving a definition of "terrorism," he said that if "it will give any, it would be immediately obvious that the United States is the largest fundamentalist terrorist in the history."

And while the National media is describing the war on terror to the people, the government is not straightening things by actually presenting a real definition of what terrorism is.

On Zbigniew Brzezinski's article on the Washington Post last March 25, 2007, he said that

"the vagueness of the phrase was deliberately (or instinctively) calculated by its sponsors." He explained that the "constant reference to a "war on terror"…stimulated the emergence of a culture of fear...[which] obscures reason, intensifies emotions and makes it easier for demagogic politicians to mobilize the public on behalf of the policies they want to pursue."

Both Chomsky and Brzezinki think that the war on terror is actually just a government maneuvering to ensure and promote political and personal gains.

Conversely, in, a republican website for political and conservative issues, writer Linda Chavez suggested that,

"we have got to stop treating our own government as [an] enemy…we have to quit worrying about whether the rest of the world will love us when we take actions to protect ourselves. We have to give up the illusion that if we just retreat from the world or abandon Israel the Islamist fanatics will leave us alone."

Obviously, on Chavez' article, she is saying that the war the U.S. government… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky" Assignment:

I'm attaching the paper that I oreginaly wrot, the proplem with it is that it is not an argument, please use it as a base for this paper.

This is how I need this paper to be organized. ( please do not copy and past information, it cannot have any plagiarism)

1. Theasess of argument Essay (must be a complete sentence that states your topic and your opinion on the topic):

2. Body of the argument Essay

-Reason #1

Supporting evedence




-reason #2

Supporting evedence




-reason #3

Supporting evedence




3. Counter Argument


This is my original paper

War on Terror ?

According to Noam Chomsky, the reason that the United States has not given publicly a definition of *****terrorism,***** is that if any specific definition were given, it would be immediately obvious that the United States is the largest religiously fundamentalist terrorist state in the history of the planet. So, while the description of the war on terror is universally in the national media, no actual description of terrorism is ever offered. The American society doesn*****t seem to be too bothered by the issue, regardless of what the international community might think. In my opinion, the war on terror is irrational and the mainstream media is not playing an objective role in getting the average American involved in the matter.

If terrorism as defined in some strict sense doesn*****t exist, on what, exactly is the war?

The two main schools of thought seem to rally around, first faith and belief in the US government and its objectives, and second, in the searching for answers to these very pressing questions. The republican website for political and conservative issues, suggests in an article published in 2006 that *****we have got to stop treating our own government as the enemy.*****(Chavez). This is ironic, and goes to show the efficacy of the national media in convincing the American people that they are actually

the ones doing the fighting in this so-called *****war.***** How is questioning the validity of invading two sovereign nations, a treat to their own government? It is common

knowledge that the First Amendment of the US Constitution gives the population the right to freedom speech. Is it not a fundamental principle of the American way of life to question government? Isn*****t this what was meant by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence?

It is therefore highly ironic that an organization that calls itself *****Town Hall***** clearly disagrees with the very action of questioning, to say nothing of revising the methods and justifications the Federal Government uses to engage in a protracted war in the name of its citizens. In America, unlike governments that truly constitute totalitarian or otherwise oppressive regimes, it is the people who hold the power. At least this was the original concept. While a representative democracy makes sense due to the tremendous complexity and scope of the US, it is beyond comprehension as to why anyone would willingly give up their most fundamental rights to participate. But this is exactly what is happening in the US. Pieces of legislation like the US Patriot Act are diminishing individual rights.

In the last decades, the phenomena of *****the disappeared***** started arising. That is, people who have apparently been abducted by the US government, Spanish Inquisition style, flown to foreign nations, tortured, sometimes killed, and never returned. Those victims found a voice only at Amnesty International. One of the few organizations that try to make public the secret torture cases of American and European governments. The

underlying point to this madness, is that the popular media has fabricated an environment of fear, so complete that the ordinary citizen of the US, thousands of miles away from the

Middle East, who has never been subjected to any form of international terrorism, now believes that he, specifically, is a real target for the next *****terrorist attack.*****

Considering the numerous cases - based on accusation alone - of capture and torture published on Amnesty International website, there is an undeniable reason to fear. This exact type of behavior is easily recognizable in the history of conflict: *****Mass. was the center of Witch Hunts, where the accused were burned alive at the stake, and also in Nazi Germany, where millions of innocents were infamously slaughtered in the holocaust.

The American people should wake up. It is possible that the War on Terror, not merely an ill-defined war, but a war that unashamedly goes undefined, is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of this great country. As the Washington Post asserts, *****The atmosphere generated by the *****˜war on terror***** has encouraged legal and political harassment of Arab Americans for conduct that has not been unique to them.***** (Brzezinski) It is instructive to pose the question as to whether or not every individual born into the unfortunate circumstance of having an Irish or Italian surname would be targeted as readily, as brutally, if the so-called *****terrorist attack***** that occurred on 9/11/2001 had come from Ireland or Italy.

America is a nation of individuals who believe in individual freedoms. This is a luxury not enjoyed by much of the world, and yet, the people seem so distanced from the reality of their situations. The lack of concern with which the American citizens hand

over their rights to their government is a cause of terror in one*****s heart. Speaking on behalf of the American people, Zbigniew Brzezinski, ex national security advisor to

President Carter, closes his thoughts on the matter by urging that, *****Even in the face of future terrorist attacks, the likelihood of which cannot be denied, let us show some sense. Let us be true to our traditions.*****

Works cited

Zbigniew, Brzezinski. *****Terrorized by *****˜War on Terror*****, How a Three-

Word Mantra Has Undermined America*****. 25 March. The Washington Post. 2007 9 November 2008

Chavez, Linda. *****We are losing the war.***** 16 August 2006. *****Communications

Corporation. 9 November 2008.


Chomsky, Noam. *****On 9-11, Noam Chomsky debates with Bill Bennett.***** 30 May 2002.

Pablo Stafforini CNN. 9 November 2008

How to Reference "War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky" Essay in a Bibliography

War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky (2009). Retrieved from (2009). War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky” 2009.
”War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. War on Terror -- Noam Chomsky. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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