Essay on "What Are the Costs of War?"

Essay 4 pages (1243 words) Sources: 3

[EXCERPT] . . . .


An Analysis of Ishmael Beah's Experience as a Child Soldier

In January of 2007, the New York Times ran an excerpt of Ishmael Beah's memoir of life as a child soldier in Sierra Leone. The excerpt is a shocking, heart-wrenching account of a boy's journey from carefree child to cold-blooded killer, and the difficult path to redemption that followed. It shows in chilling detail how war dismantles the spirit and distorts the mind, how it shows no mercy even to the most innocent victims, and how, even after years of rehabilitation, it continues to haunt those who participated in it.

Ishmael Beah was only 10 years old when the civil war in Sierra Leone started, a conflict that would rob him of his most fundamental possessions. His first loss was his family. After fleeing his village on foot when rebels attacked his village, he learned that his parents and two brothers had been killed. The violent loss of family members is a common experience among child soldiers. A Human Rights Watch study of child soldiers in Liberia reports that 77% of children in that country had lost relatives in that country's civil war; among child soldiers, the percentage is higher, and often the family members are killed in front them (Fleischman and Whitman 13).

This loss of family takes root in the child soldier in two ways. First, it provokes a limitless need for revenge against the killers. Beah recounts the feelings of rage he felt at the sight of the enemy: "Whenever I looked at the rebels during raids, my entire body shook with fury; they were the people who had shot my friends and family" (5). Of course, it is unlikely that the rebels that Beah was fa
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cing at that moment were in fact the people who had shot his friends and family, but the recruiters of child soldiers are skilled connecting traumatic events from the past to the concrete enemy of the present, forging a link in the minds of the child soldiers that serves as an unending motive to kill.

The second effect that the loss of family has on child soldiers is that it creates a vacuum that is soon filled by their comrades-in-arms. Since Beah had no family left anymore, his fellow soldiers filled the void: "My squad was my family, my gun was my provider and protector and my rule was to kill or be killed" (6). This deep connection to the fighting unit can pose a problem when trying to reintroduce former child soldiers back into society. As Michael Wessells points out, "romantic ideas about going home are meaningless for them, because their home has been wherever the armed group is" (181-182).

After the loss of his family, Beah faced a second loss that threatened his very nature as a human being: the loss of conscience. This transformation happened in the course of a single battle, in which Beah experienced his first moments as a killer. At the beginning of the battle, Beah exhibited all of the signs of a conscientious human being: he was terrified of killing and of being killed, and was concerned for the safety of his friends. This changed in an instant, when his wounded friend's scream made him feel that "[his] brain had shaken loose from its anchor" (3). As he watched his friend's eyes fill with blood, something snapped inside of him: "I shot everything that moved…After that first killing, my mind stopped making remorseful records, or so it seemed" (4-5).

This mental break as a result of a traumatic experience lies at the heart of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a condition that plagues many who experience the horrors of war or other forms of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "What Are the Costs of War?" Assignment:

Here are the web links for the Essay:

*****"Revolving Door of Multiple Tours Linked to PTSD*****" ptsd&st=cse

*****"The Making, and Unmaking, of a Child Soldier*****"

Description: Analysis essay on Ishmael Beah*****'s article for the New York Times: *****" The Making, and Unmaking, of a Child Soldier*****" .

Background/Introduction: In the article *****" The Making, and Unmaking, of a Child Soldier*****" excerpted from his book, A Long Way Gone, author Ishmael Beah recounts his experience as an adolescent in his war torn home country of Sierra Leone. At age twelve, he left on his own after he loses his family to war. Soon after, he is recruited to become a soldier. The narrative concludes with the protagonist*****'s struggle to heal the scars left by his traumatic wartime experience.


I half to research at least 2-3 additional sources to support my thesis, utimately citing 3-4 creditable sources on your *****"Works Cited pg. You must use the CCBC database or library to locate these sources. Use a minimum of one parenthetical citation per supporting paragraph. Write a 4 pg. essay, formatted properly according to MLA standards, responding to the following question:

What are the *****"costs*****" of war? How do the protagonists (fictional or real) in the works you*****'ve selected cope with war? How are they affected by war? What challenges do they face, and how are any of these challenges universal to the experience of people (soldiers and or civilians) caught up within any war? Consider the effect upon the human *****; resultant coping mechanisms;PSTD;fear of appearing cowardly; anger; physical or emotional violence; displacement and immigration; feelings of guilt; and/or anything else you*****'ve noticed. Be sure to include a minimum of three seperate topics to support your thesis.

Look for web sites related to war recovery

talk about what you three sources have in common

you can write a paper on any one of the topics

how did they heal after war

I will half to retreive my CCBC libary code tomorrow morning, so I will email it to you then.

I would like for one of my topics in the essay to be PTSD please


How to Reference "What Are the Costs of War?" Essay in a Bibliography

What Are the Costs of War?.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

What Are the Costs of War? (2010). Retrieved from (2010). What Are the Costs of War?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”What Are the Costs of War?” 2010.
”What Are the Costs of War?”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”What Are the Costs of War?”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. What Are the Costs of War? [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. What Are the Costs of War?. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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