Research Paper on "Walt Disney"

Research Paper 9 pages (2902 words) Sources: 10

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Walt Disney

Disney is a hallmark for successful corporations built through aggressive, innovative, and mostly ethical business techniques. Walt Disney managed to promote and sell his products even in difficult times, when the odds (particularly economic resources) were against him. With respect to its stakeholders, the Walt Disney Company acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Company stakeholders include stockholders, customers, debt holders, and employees.

The Walt Disney Company's core mission is that of providing high quality entertainment for the people around the globe. Several things have changed within the company through its existence, but the belief in this core principle has remained the same. And all efforts made along the years have been concentrated in the direction of improving the satisfaction felt by the customers. On numerous occasions, the company's employees themselves argued that it was imperative to possess skills, abilities and desires in the direction of customer satisfaction in order to be considered as an eligible candidate.

The Walt Disney Company has been devoted to keeping strict rules based on organizational behavior. To a certain degree, one can attribute the corporation's success to the fact that it focused on its stakeholders and it generated constructive conflicts, even with the fact that it was at times on the verge of bankruptcy.

The organizational culture at the Walt Disney Company is constructed on a set of six distinct philosophies:

1. The organization is following a long standing tradition of innovation

2. The company maintains high
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quality of all the products it offers and generally strives to achieve quality excellence

3. The products and services offered by the company aim at the well being and well development of the communities by providing healthy ideas about families and entertainment products for all generations

4. The Walt Disney Company implements a long standing tradition of storytelling in the meaning that each individual product has its own story, and this inspires and delights the various stakeholder categories

5. In all of their actions, as well as in their products and services, the firm maintains an unbeatable sense of optimism and focuses on "hope, aspiration and positive resolutions"

6. Finally, the company promises to cherish and respect those who put their trust in the company (The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies Corporate Information Website, 2010).

It is not necessarily surprising that an individual who had not finished high school managed to build one of the largest corporations in the world, given that he chose to employ an essential factor in his line of work-common sense. In spite of the fact that he was not one of the most complex individuals ever, Walt Disney was distinguished through his nature, given that he was devoted to expressing innovative convictions in regard to virtually anything he came across. Disney did not want to give up his principles when concerning his business, but he was aware that one could not achieve success through only being the dreamer that he was and that a company would require a large deal of ethics in addition to that.

Walt Disney was accompanied by his brother, Roy Disney, in building the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio (presently known as The Walt Disney Company). All through the course of Walt's life, Roy struggled to bring order into the corporation, often being reluctant to support his brother's ideas.

Capitalist concepts are commonly found in The Walt Disney Company, as its institutions and the way they are governed can be considered to be true examples of capitalism.

When regarding the corporation's relationship to its stakeholders, one can easily understand that it is based on essential moral values. Considering that The Walt Disney Company took the first place "in the Boston College-Reputation Institute 2009 CSR Index which captures public perceptions about companies in the areas of ethics, corporate citizenship, governance and workplace practices" (The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies Corporate Information Website, 2010), it becomes even clearer that it pays special attention to all the people who are connected to it in some way. Because of the relationship The Walt Disney Company has kept with its stakeholders throughout its existence, most of these individuals have come to enjoy their dependence on the corporation.

The standards The Walt Disney Company uses are particular because of their "high-quality entertainment of all kinds, including films, television shows, attractions, consumer products, stores and resorts" (The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies Corporate Information Website, 2010). The corporation requires superior conduct from its employees, so as for them to be able to maintain its values. Also, the employees have to be aware of their statute and of the fact that they have to act in accordance to it. This is principally meant to guarantee that the customers will receive the services the company is accustomed to providing. The Walt Disney Company convey professionalism through the services they make available and their employees are doing their best to comply with the condition imposed by all the groups that constitute the corporation. Every single individual working for the company can virtually be identified as being the corporation itself, as he or she puts across the essence of Disney, making it pleasant for the customers to connect to it.

In spite of the fact that The Walt Disney Company wants to be seen as a responsible corporation imposing strict conduct rules on its employees, numerous critics have been skeptical in regard to this topic, believing that it is merely a marketing technique.

The Walt Disney Company emphasizes the fact that its customers are the key element for the corporation, since it is them who pay for its services. While others might consider that an ethical dilemma arises when the financial costs to provide a certain service are exaggerate, this corporation does not hesitate to invest into the comfort of its customers and compromises are not present in The Walt Disney Company. The employees at Disney's are also dedicated to invest their complete ability to work into the interests of the company's clients. The Walt Disney Company is practically determined to "designing, building, operating and maintaining" (The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies Corporate Information Website, 2010) services that are expected to generate satisfaction into customers and profits for the company on the whole. Disney lobbied that responsibility does not have to be considered less important when it belongs to an employee who is less qualified than the others. The Walt Disney Company advises everyone, ranging from tour operators to film directors to be actively engaged in promoting the company and oversee its benefit with the purpose of keeping customers happy.

Even with the fact that the employees at The Walt Disney Company excel through their work, it does not mean that the corporation stresses them to the point where they no longer feel contented. According the Walt Disney Website, Cast Members and employees are treated in agreement to values such as "fairness, dignity and respect" (The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies Corporate Information Website, 2010). The surroundings present at the corporation concomitantly serve as a stimulant through its rewarding character and as something that is challenging (so as for them to be sorted on behalf of their aptitudes) to the employees. People either advance, stagnate, or decrease in statue during their time at the company in accordance to their qualities.

While it might be difficult for some to deal with problems in their endeavor to employ, review, penalize, or dismiss Cast Members or employees, the company expects all of the people working with it to be reasonable and use empathy for the individuals they take in hand. At the same time that it requires its employees to respect its requirements, The Walt Disney Company presents them with a pleasant and secure working atmosphere. Because of the benefits they come across at the company, it is almost impossible for its employees not to be devoted to doing their jobs without committing any errors.

Given that it is an international corporation and that it did not express a biased approach on selecting its employees, one can easily deduct that The Walt Disney Company is not discriminatory. Not only does the corporation want to attract strong employees to be interested in joining its ranks, but it is determined to appeal to any person, not considering of their backgrounds or of the group they belong to, with the rationale of raising the best teams to work for it. In spite of the fact that it is obvious that the company's main motive is that of gaining profits by hiring the best people available, it is also supportive toward the theory that a diverse working environment would influence people in providing better services. In addition to the company employing fairness in regard to the people working for it, it also recommends that its employees should be open-minded toward each-other.

Communication between the people working at The Walt Disney Company is facilitated communication channels that are free and effective, contributing to create superior teamwork and a working setting… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Walt Disney" Assignment:

In programmed writing, you are given a required thesis statement and a specific argument that must be used to *****prove***** the thesis. All topics that comprise the argument must be mirrored in your Research Paper in a pre-determined order. Your score on this assignment is based on how completely you have *****proven***** your argument in the required order, how well you have complied with MLA format, and the quality and quantity of your research.

***********THESIS:*********** company is Walt Disney

Required verbatim thesis statement: *****"With respect to its stakeholders, ___(your assigned company)___ acts (or *****"does not act*****") in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Company stakeholders include __(stockholders, consumers, communities and employees MUST be listed; any others are optional)____.*****"

1. Research the background, history and application, over the years, of the concepts of business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and global corporate citizenry (Chapters 3-6 in your textbooks, plus external sources). Begin by providing current definitions for, and then a chronology of how those three concepts in general have evolved over time. Augment the chronology as needed with specific examples, both positive and negative, of various companies having applied those concepts.

2. Evaluate your assigned company*****s CURRENT and/or HISTORICAL commitment to the three concepts IN TERMS OF THE SPECIFIC INTERESTS OF EACH of the following four stakeholders: stockholders (Chapter 15), consumers (Chapter 16), communities (Chapter 17), and employees (Chapter 18). Points will be deducted from your *****CONTENT***** score whenever you ignore the interests of one or more of the required four stakeholders in support of your thesis.

3. Document for the reader all research and analysis done in support of your thesis statement.

Total Points - 200 Points Possible. Overall Criteria: Readability, Quality of Information and Content

Readability - 30 Points Possible. Spelling, grammar, well written and interest-generating topic sentences, transitions between key ideas, clarity, conciseness, compliance with MLA format, an absolute minimum of EIGHT double-spaced pages in total length ��*****" not counting the Works Cited page, title pages, tables of contents, graphs, statistics, maps or illustrations. Within the body of the Research Paper, you must INFORMALLY establish for the reader the credibility and/or bias of each and every source of information that appears on the Works Cited page. For example, you could begin a paragraph with the phrase, *****According to a Harvard professor who often contributes to peer-reviewed professional journals*****¦.***** Such would succinctly and generically establish the author*****s credentials. *****According to an editorial published on an advocacy website*****¦.***** at the beginning of a paragraph would no doubt inform the reader that the source of information may be biased. Both example paragraphs must end with in-text citations. All paraphrasing, direct quotes, indirect quotes, summaries and statistics REQUIRE IN-TEXT CITATIONS.

Alternatively, you may use footnotes to FORMALLY present information about your credibility determinations. This more formal alternative is recommended ��*****" especially for sources with lengthy credentials ��*****" but is not required for the Research Paper. Such footnotes should not be used for:

ï‚· Textbook material, or information of a purely factual nature;

ï‚· Information about a company*****s history, goals, policies, etc. obtained from the company website, where informally noting it as such is preferred;

ï‚· Editorial or advocacy opinion, where informally noting it as such is preferred.

BE CAREFUL WHEN COUNTING YOUR SOURCES OF INFORMATION! At least a total of ten sources MUST be credible! Be sure that each and every source listed on the Works Cited Page, credible or not, is linked to an in-text citation! Non-objective but credible sources of information, such as editorials written by scholars or professionals, can be used as long as their bias is informally noted for the reader. Each will count as one source.

It must be stressed that the Works Cited page of your Research Paper will include sources other than peer-reviewed professional journals. You will, for example, depend on your textbook for some information, as well as newspaper and magazine accounts. Additionally, much of the material about your company will have been obtained from the company*****s website. Here are some important guidelines:

�-� Make sure that all your bibliographic entries conform to MLA format. The content of a Works Cited entry for your textbook differs from that for a newspaper article, as well as from that for a company website. For guidelines and examples of Works Cited content, see HPU*****s Guide to MLA Format.

�-� Your assigned company*****s website will be counted ONLY ONCE towards the required minimum number of credible sources of information, no matter how many articles it contributes to your Research Paper.

�-� Your textbook, textbooks from other courses, all dictionaries and all encyclopedias (including Wikopedia) will NOT count towards the required total of ten credible sources.

�-� Non-authoritative sources of information ��*****" including newspaper and magazine accounts that do not specifically name their sources ��*****" may to be used to provide *****background material***** or *****pertinent facts,***** but will NOT count towards the total of ten sources.

You will not receive a maximum score for a paper based on an absolute minimum number of sources of information!

An Outline that MUST be Used for Your Research Paper

130 of 200 points possible are related to content! The topics required for inclusion in your paper MUST be in the following order:

�-� 5 Points -Brief introduction that generates interest in the concept of ethics, social responsibility, and global corporate citizenship.

�-� 5 Points - Assigned-company named, its product, background and history.

�-� 10 Points - Required thesis statement; all required and optional stakeholders to be considered in terms of the thesis statement are identified.

�-� 20 Points - Definition, background and history of the concept of business ethics; chronology of how this concept has evolved over time.

�-� 20 Points - Definition, background and history of the concept of corporate social responsibility; chronology of how this concept has evolved over time.

�-� 20 Points - Definition, background and history of the concept of global corporate citizenry; chronology of how this concept has evolved over time.

�-� 40 Points - Stakeholder Management at your assigned company, documenting potential or actual impacts resulting from implementation ��*****" or lack thereof - of the three concepts on the interests of ALL FOUR of the following REQUIRED stakeholders:

- (10 points) Stockholders

- (10 points) Consumers

- (10 points) Communities

- (10 points) Employees

- (0 points) Other, optional stakeholders, such as suppliers and the environment.

�-� 10 Points - Summary of arguments and restatement of the thesis.

Any other stakeholders considered other than the required four, such as the environment, are optional. Remember, stakeholders***** interests often conflict! For example, increasing costs associated with a generous employee benefit program may have adversely affected stockholder returns on investment, at least in the short term. No company is *****all bad***** or *****all good!***** Include specifics contrary to your thesis!

Grading Rubric


Points Possible



30 points

Spelling, grammar, well written and interest generating topic sentences, transitions between key ideas, clarity, conciseness, and compliance with MLA format - especially in Works Cited. There is an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of eight double-spaced pages in total length ��*****" not counting the Works Cited page, graphs, statistics, maps, or illustrations (you will NOT receive a maximum score for a paper of minimum length).

Information Quality and Citation

40 points

Paraphrasing, direct and indirect quotes, summaries, restatements and statistics all require IN-TEXT CITATIONS. Works Cited must contain an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of ten credible sources of information. Your textbook, all dictionaries, and all encyclopedias (including WIKOPEDIA), WILL NOT count towards the minimum number of sources of information. Within the appropriate paragraphs, briefly establish the credibility of each of your sources for your readers (According to*****¦..[summarize credentials]). You will not receive a maximum score for a paper based on a minimum number of sources of information.

The topics required for inclusion in the research paper are, UIN ORDERU:


5 points

Generates interest in the concept of ethics, social responsibility, and global corporate citizenry (negative examples serve well for this purpose!)

Company Background

5 points

Company is named; its product(s), background and history are provided.

Thesis Statement

10 points

*****With respect to its stakeholders, ___(pre-approved company)___ acts (or *****does not act*****) in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Company stakeholders include ___(stockholders, consumers, communities, and employees are REQUIRED to be included in the thesis statement; others are optional)___.*****

Business Ethics

20 points

Definition, background and history of the concept of business ethics; chronology of how this concept has evolved over time and how one or more stakeholders have been affected in general. Specific examples from companies other than the one assigned may be used.

Corporate Social Responsibility

20 points

Definition, background and history of the concept of corporate social responsibility; chronology of how this concept has evolved over time and how one or more stakeholders have been affected in general. Specific examples from companies other than the one assigned may be used.

Global Corporate Citizenship

20 points

Definition, background and history of the concept of global corporate citizenship; chronology of how this concept has evolved over time and how one or more stakeholders have been affected in general. Specific examples from companies other than the one assigned may be used.

Applicability of concepts to assigned company

40 points

Assigned company-specific information ��*****" analysis and documentation of potential or actual impacts resulting from implementation of all three concepts ��*****" or lack thereof - on interests of stakeholders listed in the thesis statement:

- (10 points) Stockholders

- (10 points) Consumers

- (10 points) Communities

- (10 points) Employees

- (0 points) Other stakeholders


10 points

Summarize and restate your thesis.

Total Points 200 points

Warning! A grade of not HIGHER than 100 points is mandated for research papers that:

ï‚· In my opinion, fail to prove their theses, or dwell overly much on the assigned company*****s background and history;

ï‚· Are missing a *****Works Cited***** page;

ï‚· Lack in-text citations for two or more entries on the *****Works Cited***** page;

ï‚· List less than ten CREDIBLE information sources on the *****Works Cited***** page, not counting the textbook, dictionaries and encyclopedias (including Wikopedia);

ï‚· Over-rely on any one specific URL for information, no matter how authoritative (especially the assigned company*****s website!);

ï‚· Are less than eight pages long, NOT counting cover sheets, tables of contents, charts, and the Works Cited page;

ï‚· Substantially disregard MLA format, including page headers and page formatting;

ï‚· Substantially ignore two or more of the required stakeholders;

 Are plagiarized to ANY extent (Even when paraphrasing what you have learned from your textbook ��*****" prefer to cite the source!).

How to Reference "Walt Disney" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Walt Disney.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Walt Disney (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Walt Disney. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Walt Disney” 2010.
”Walt Disney”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Walt Disney”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Walt Disney [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Walt Disney. Published 2010. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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