Essay on "Walmart: Visionary Company"

Essay 3 pages (1103 words) Sources: 3

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Wal-Mart's mission and vision take the needs and concerns of most of its major stakeholders into account, but fails to meet the needs of many other stakeholders. While the company will always have its critics as the result of its size, its mission is straightforward and has proven valuable to the majority of its stakeholders. The mission is encapsulated on the Wal-Mart website as "saving people money so they can live better" (, 2010).

The Wal-Mart mission derives from a core philosophy of Sam Walton, that lowering the cost of living for customers will allow people to save more and live a better life. This comment highlights the way in which Wal-Mart intends to meet a key perceived need of one of its major stakeholders, the customers. Much of the rest of Wal-Mart's strategy flows from this. If the needs of the customers are met, then the company will be able to meet the needs of several other key stakeholders as well. Shareholders will benefit as revenues and profits increase. This success will fuel growth that will create job opportunities, so that employees will also see benefits of Wal-Mart's philosophy.

However, shareholders can only benefit if Wal-Mart shares continue to appreciate or if the company moves into a more mature business model of focuses on driving dividends higher. The company's stock has flatlined in recent years, a function of it no longer being able to drive growth the way it has in the past. The company is also facing increasing competition and dominates some markets to such a level that it has little room for further growth (Bianco, 2007). The company has, however, increased its dividend steadily over the past five years, from $0.60 in 2
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006 to $1.09 in 2010. This dividend, however, offers a fairly low yield. Therefore, despite the best intentions of the company to deliver shareholder value, it is largely failed to do so in the past five years.

Although there is some controversy about the claim, it can be argued that Wal-Mart is also beneficial for its suppliers as well, as increased volume allows the suppliers to increase their size as well. Suppliers, however, must run a low-cost, high volume strategy in order to meet Wal-Mart's price demands and this sometimes causes difficulties. For firms such as Rubbermaid (Hopkins, 2003) or Vlasic (Fishman, 2003), Wal-Mart's price discounts devalued their brands and forced them to dramatically alter all aspects of their supply chains, to their great detriment. Other firms, however, are perfectly happy dealing with Wal-Mart and have adapted their supply chains to meet the company's needs.

A broader stakeholder group is the United States. While Sam Walton's credo emphasizes improving lives, one impact of Wal-Mart's size is that the company has forced its suppliers to move overseas in order to continue to deliver goods at low prices. This practice is not a direct impact of Wal-Mart but it is a powerful indirect impact. Offshoring has cost thousands of American jobs, to the detriment of the nation's manufacturing base. The company imported $12 billion worth of Chinese goods in 2002 and this figure has increased since then (Bianco & Zellner, 2003). This has economic costs as it represents a transfer of wealth from the United States to China. Walton's consumers pocketed or invested their savings but most Americans… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Walmart: Visionary Company" Assignment:

Wallmart: A Visionary Company?

Wallmart is a company that is constantly changing. They are building for the future. But do the changes really make the vision happen? Sometimes a company WANTS to be one thing but the actions take them somewhere else. And when this happens, who gets hurt? My question then is:

Is Wal-Mart*****'s mission and vision aligned with the needs of their stakeholders?

Case Instructions:

Step One. Visit the Wal-Mart Website and identify their mission, vision and goals and think it through. In a word, or a phrase, conceptualize the company Wal-Mart wants to be. Dig through the website and see what you can find, like going here.

Step Two. Read the required articles about Wal-Mart and conduct additional research as needed.

Step Three. Identify the main stakeholders; pick one or two, e.g., the customers, the employees, the stockholders and determine what their needs and goals are in regard to Wal-Mart..

Step Four. In a three to five page paper, critically analyze whether Wal-Mart*****'s mission and vision take the needs, goals, and objectives of its stakeholders into account.

Case expectations:

This paper should include:

An introduction stating the thesis of your paper.

A main body discussing

1. Your interpretation of Wal-Mart*****'s mission and vision

2. Your assessment of the stakeholders and their needs/goals.

3. Your critical assessment as to whether Wal-Mart*****'s mission and vision takes their stakeholders into account.

A conclusion concisely stating the main points of your analysis and the conclusions you reached.

Be sure to document your sources and provide in-text citations whenever you use information you obtained from a background reading or other outside source, as well as a separate reference list at the end of the paper. You may use footnotes instead, if you prefer, but you MUST doocument where you got the information you are using in your papers!

Required Site:

Please visit the Wal-Mart website and go to About the Company. By researching that site thoroughly you will find a wealth of information about the vision, mission, values, the CEO, etc.

Required Articles:

Bianco, A., Zellner, W., Brady, D. , France, M., Lowry, T., Byrnes N., & Zegel, S. (2007). Wal-Mart*****'s Midlife Crisis; Declining growth, increasing competition, and not an easy fix in site. Business Week. New York, April 30, 2007, Issue 4032, page 46.

Bianco, A., Zellner, W., Brady, D. ,France, M., France, M., Lowry, T., Byrnes, N., & Zegel. S. (2003). IS WAL-MART TOO POWERFUL? Low prices are great. But Wal-Mart*****'s dominance creates problems -- for suppliers, workers, communities, and even American culture. Business Week. New York: Oct 6, 2003., Iss. 3852; pg. 100


How to Reference "Walmart: Visionary Company" Essay in a Bibliography

Walmart: Visionary Company.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Walmart: Visionary Company (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Walmart: Visionary Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Walmart: Visionary Company” 2010.
”Walmart: Visionary Company”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Walmart: Visionary Company”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Walmart: Visionary Company [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Walmart: Visionary Company. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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