Thesis on "Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing"

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Wal-Mart Analysis

Industry Information

In completing an analysis of the Big Box Retailing industry of which Wal-Mart is the most dominant participate, the key factors of the industry's growth potential, industry profitability, degrees of risk in the industry's future, and how this industry is confronting the current economic challenges in the retailing environment. As an industry, Big Box Retailing is considered to be in the mature phase of its product lifecycle (Sampson, 2008). Many research firms and the Department of Commerce consider the Big Box Retailing industry one of three industries that comprise the U.S. General Merchandise Stores Sector. According to industry analysts real sector revenue increased 14.1% over the last five years. Of the three industries that comprise this sector, the Big Box Retailing industry generated the majority of growth, average a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.8% during this time period (Sampson, 2008).

Key factors relating to this industry are analyzed in this analysis.

Big Box Retailing Growth Potential

Of the three industries that comprise the U.S. General Merchandise Stores Sector, only Big Box Retailing shows growth between 2008 and 2013 according to industry research services including IBIS World (Sampson, 2008). Industry analysts predict that Big Box Retailing will grow 3.6% per year from 2008-2013 (French, 2007). The growth of Big Box Retailing is seen as countercyclical to fuel pricing and the uncertainty consumer's sense about gas prices, the economic and their jobs. Growth of this sector overall and Wal-Mart specifically is being driven by the reliance on
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these stores by middle-class consumers who live paycheck to paycheck and look to Wal-Mart to assist them in keeping their budget balanced (Birchall, 2008).

Industry Profitability

Big Box Retailing will support the revenue and profit growth of U.S. General Merchandise Stores Sector during the 2008-2013 timeframe due to the operations efficiencies Wal-Mart and its competitors are investing in. Foremost of these operational efficiencies are the increasing reliance on ERP systems, distributed order management and the adoption of RFID throughout their supply chains (Boarnet, Crane, Chatman, Manville, 2005). With revenues growing at 3.6% through 2013 and expenses staying flat even with operational performance gains, the challenge of attaining industry profitability and generating Return on Assets of 8% and a consistent $180,000 Sales Per Employee achieved on a consistent basis. Profitability long-term in the Big Box Retailing industry is more reliant on operating efficiencies than top-line revenue growth.

Degrees of Risk

There are very large risks associated with the Big Box Retailing industry as it is heavily dependent on supply chains (Boarnet, Crane, Chatman, Manville, 2005) and inventory turns to be successful (French, 2007). The risks of supply chain disruptions and the lack of consistent quality from suppliers could significantly change the profitability of this industry rapidly.

Overcoming Industry Challenges

Big Box Retailers in general and Wal-Mart specifically have redefined retailing to concentrate on a low-price value proposition that is supported by exceptionally high levels of operating efficiency. For the Big Box Retailing industry to overcome the economic slow-down impacting most the world's economies today, operational efficiencies are going to be crucial to achieving consistent Return on Assets performance and sustainable profitability as well.

Competitor Analysis

Wal-Mart has three major competitors in the U.S. including Costco Wholesale Corporation with 20.2% market share, Meijer with 4.2% market share and BJs Wholesale Club with 2.7% market share as of 2007. Figure 1 shows the market shares of Wal-Mart relative to its competitors in the Big Box retailing segment of the U.S.

Figure 1: Big Box Retailing Market Shares, 2007

Market Share

Wal-Mart Stores, Incorporated

Costco Wholesale Corporation

Meijer, Inc.

BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc.

Sources: (French, 2007) (Sampson, 2008).

The most entrenched and effective competitor Wal-Mart has is Costco. This competitors' supply chain, distribution channel, pricing and location-based expansion strategies most closely resemble Wal-marts' and as a result, they are the largest big box retailer competitor they have in the U.S.

The Costco supply chain management system is designed to support the big box retailer's prioritization of electronics as the product area of the most competitive importance to their product strategy, followed by apparel and perishables. The Costco business model has also supported Internet-based selling through that uses the same distributed order management system as the store network. The entire network is comprised of 537 warehouses, 393 of which are located throughout the U.S. In 40 different states and Puerto Rico. The company has also initially launched a series of 19 stores throughout the UK, 75 in Canada, six in Japan, five in Taiwan and a total of 31 throughout Mexico. While other big box retailers including Wal-Mart concentrate on 40,000 SKUs, Costco concentrates on just a tenth of the number of items, 4,000 (Sampson, 2008).

Costco however is significantly different than Wal-Mart in that it is highly dependent on its base in California, so much so that from an Operations standpoint that it's a liability from a logistics standpoint. Costs of transporting perishable products to their central warehouses in California have also been significantly increased by the cost of oil and fuel. Operations are also highly dependent on California's economic and logistical support networks for supply chain management and integration. On any given year 31% of total sales are generated from California. The economic dependency on this state is a continual financial and operational challenge for this company for the long-term.

In terms of distribution, Costco is currently supporting 31 warehouses throughout the U.S. expanding to over 50 by FY 2008, with the balance of the growth coming from international growth (Sampson, 2008). Costco also has a high reliance on traditional logistics functions including manually-based Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) functions and Direct Store Distribution (DSD) through the use of 3PL service providers. In addition, Costco intensively relies on bar coding and manually oriented technologies for managing inventories and optimizing inventory positions.

From a sales and marketing standpoint, Costco is heavily reliant on a low-cost leader strategy, choosing to compete on price above all other aspects of their marketing. In addition, this competitor relies on event marketing focused on new warehouse openings and new partner announcements in their centers. Costco conducts direct mail marketing to potential new members and direct marketing to existing members to promote selected merchandise as well as part of their broad-focused marketing strategies.

One of the key differentiators Costco relies on vs. Wal-Mart is service. To fully take advantage of this differentiator, Costco has instituted one of the most comprehensive returns policies in the big box retailing industry, encompassing electronics in their definition of this service. Costco also relies on an intensive distributed order management system and catalog that makes it possible to manage customer queries both online and over the phone with greater accuracy than has been possible for Wal-Mart over their websites including

Costco's regional strength in the western U.S. And throughout the Pacific Northwest are a potentially significant competitive threat for Wal-Mart nationally. To date however Costco has not been able to scale their operations nationally or globally.

Additional competitors include Target, who most often competes with Wal-Mart on loss-leader consumer electronics sales, and a myriad of smaller retailers who concentrate on one specific product line Wal-Mart carries. A prime example of their smaller competitors are toy retailers, many of which have seen gross margin degradation over time due to Wal-Mart's aggressive pricing strategy in the 4th calendar quarter of every year. In the pricing discussion of this analysis are examples of how Wal-Mart seeks to create more of a competitive threat to profitability of competitors through their strategies. The impact on Toys R' Us is a case in point. Wal-Mart also is facing competition from global competitors including Carrefour and Tesco as both look to significantly increase their sales into the U.S., Asia and other regions Wal-Mart is also competing in. Briefly, their competitors are grouped into the primary set of big box retailers, followed by nationally-based retailers of which Target is the largest and most profitable. The tertiary set of competitors includes Carrefour and Tesco, based in France and the UK respectively. Both of these companies are actively moving into the U.S. And have quite a different strategy relative to Wal-Mart. Instead of just concentrating on supply chain efficiencies, these companies focus on local market knowledge and getting to know specifically what customers are looking for in the regions they enter. By doing this, these competitors are able to create smaller yet more focused and potentially more relevant product selections for consumers in the regional areas they are working to penetrate with new marketing strategies. They are also able to better understand the pricing dynamics of these areas as well.

The severity and intensity of the competition however is most acute with other big box retailers including Costco on consumer packaged goods and with Target on loss-leader electronics including flat screen televisions. In these two categories, Wal-Mart faces its most formidable pricing and availability competitors. As brands and products in these areas are the most potentially commoditized by Wal-Mart and their pervasive distribution,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing" Assignment:

Course Project

Name of organization: Walmart

This document must be typed in paragraph form, using the questions as a guide in structuring the content. While it is not a requirement that each of these questions be specifically addressed, they should serve as a guide in creating the content of the project. Use whichever questions you care to by selecting the ones that seem most applicable to your organization. At least ten of the fourteen subtopics listed below must be addressed to some extent. Each topic addressed should have its own title and section. It should be very clear to the reader which topic you are addressing.

The project has no specific length requirements. However, it seems highly unlikely that a project of less than ten pages would be worthy of a grade higher than C. Each of your sections should be of sufficient length. While they do not need to be of equal length, one overly-long section will not compensate for another that is very short.

Subtopics (Please include your selections from this list in the order presented here.)

Environmental analysis

Industry information

Competitor analysis

Corporate mission

Corporate analysis and appraisal

General marketing strategy

Marketing research techniques employed

Market strategy

Market segmentation strategy

Positioning strategy

Product analysis and strategy

Pricing strategy

Promotion strategy

Distribution strategy

Environmental Analysis

Discuss the environment in which your organization operates?

What major environmental forces affect or will affect you?

Which aspects of the social-cultural environment most affect your organization?

How will you conduct environmental scanning?

Industry Information

Discuss the nature of your industry.

What is the current climate in your industry?

How would you describe the future of your industry?

What entry or exit barriers exist in your industry?

Explain the impact of factors in Porter*****s *****Five Forces***** model on your organization.

Competitor Analysis

Briefly analyze an important competitor in terms of strategies, objectives, strengths and weaknesses.

Discuss the various classes of your competitors, mentioning names.

Discuss the intensity, or degree, of the competition you face.

Corporate Mission

How would you define your organization*****s mission?

Discuss your value orientation.

Corporate Analysis and Appraisal

Explain how you would go about conducting a corporate appraisal.

What would you list in an analysis of your organization*****s strengths and weaknesses?

How do you measure past performance?

Discuss how you do or could conduct a gap analysis.

How will you measure strategic performance?

Relate the concept of the experience curve to your organization.

Discuss the organization of your organization*****s marketing function.

Discuss your marketing function*****s relations with other areas of the organization.

Discuss your strategy for building a company-wide marketing orientation.

How will you evaluate and control your total marketing effort?

Select several key items of importance that you would want to examine in a marketing audit.

General Marketing Strategy

Discuss several important strategic planning initiatives facing your organization.

Discuss your growth strategy.

What goals are important to you at the present time?

What strategic alliances make sense for you now or in the future?

How will you seek to acquire a competitive advantage?

Explain your value marketing strategy.

Analyze/discuss your corporate strategic direction.

How have you organized for strategic effectiveness?

Discuss your product/market objectives.

Discuss your system for implementing marketing strategy.

Marketing Research Techniques Employed

How do you monitor industry trends?

How do you monitor consumer needs and behavior?

How will you determine industry sales and market shares?

Discuss your competitive intelligence system.

Market Strategy

Discuss your use of a market-scope strategy.

Discuss your use of a market-geography strategy.

Discuss your use of a market-entry strategy.

Discuss your use of a market-commitment strategy.

Discuss your use of a market-dilution strategy.

Market Segmentation Strategy

Using one product or your entire organization, discusses your level of market segmentation.

Positioning Strategy

Discuss your product positioning strategy.

Discuss your product re-positioning strategy, if relevant.

Product Analysis and Strategy

How will you define market boundaries?

Discuss your use of a product overlap strategy.

Discuss your use of a product scope strategy.

Discuss your use of a product design strategy.

Discuss your use of a product elimination strategy.

Explain the marketing strategy you do or would employ, based on the life cycle stage of a product/service.

Discuss your new product strategy.

Explain your diversification strategy.

Discuss your product portfolio (use the product portfolio matrix approach).

How does or might your organization use line or brand extensions?

Pricing Strategy

What will be your immediate pricing strategy?

What factors determine your organization*****s degree of price sensitivity?

Discuss your various products***** elasticity of demand.

Which pricing strategy will you select?

What methods might you employ in adapting your price?

Discuss your use of a price-flexibility strategy.

Discuss your use of a product line-pricing strategy.

Discuss your use of a bundling-pricing strategy.

How would you respond to a competitor*****s price change?

Promotion Strategy

Discuss your promotion mix strategy.

Explain the factors that do or will influence your promotional strategy.

Discuss your advertising copy strategy.

How will you measure the results of your advertising effort?

How will you set media timing, and decide on the geographical allocation of your advertising?

What purposes are hopefully served by your sales promotion efforts?

Which consumer promotion and/or trade promotion tools do you use?

Discuss your personal selling strategy.

Discuss your sales force structure.

Discuss your sales force size and method of compensation.

What factors are considered when recruiting and selecting sales representatives?

Discuss your efforts at training and supervising sales representatives.

How do you motivate your sales representatives?

How do you evaluate your sales representatives?

Distribution Strategy

Discuss your channel-structure strategy.

Discuss your distribution scope strategy.

Discuss your use of a multiple-channel distribution strategy.

Discuss your use of a channel-modification strategy.

How will you determine the number of intermediaries to use, and the responsibilities of channel members?

How might product life cycle stage influence your decision to modify channel arrangements?

Do or could you use multiple channels of distribution?

Discuss possible examples of channel conflict, their causes, and how you will manage them.

What legal or ethical issues might arise regarding your channel relations?

How to Reference "Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing" Thesis in a Bibliography

Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing” 2009.
”Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Wal-Mart Analysis Industry Information in Completing. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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