Term Paper on "Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call"

Term Paper 4 pages (1418 words) Sources: 0

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Vivid Detail

REFLECTIONS on a CLOSE CALL was sitting in my usual seat on the left side of the classroom when the professor interrupted his lecture to ask a question. Squinting against the bright sunshine beaming through the window to my left, I started to raise my hand but, for some reason, was completely unable to put my pen down. Curiously, I was holding it very tightly out in front of me, within my two closed fists, clutching it very tightly instead of in my writing hand; still, I was unable to release my grip to respond to my professor's question.

It was something I had never really noticed before, but my pen seemed much larger than normal, and it had numerous curved depressions in it, presumably to fit one's fingers. At the same exact moment that I found myself examining my peculiarly-shaped pen, the floor of the classroom began to vibrate and my chair started shaking, gently at first, but then much more roughly as it also started tilting to my left. Still, I could not let go of my strange pen; it was as though someone had crazy-glued it to my palms.

A opened my eyes just in time to see the highway disappear on the passenger side, and found myself at the wheel of my Jeep as it started sliding off the pavement and into the rough terrain of the ravine that separates I-80 West from I-80 East. My fingers were wrapped tightly, but around the steering wheel of my Jeep instead of a pen. I had fallen asleep behind the wheel.

Instinctively, I jerked the steering wheel to the right to get off the highway shoulder, but by then, only my passenger-side tires were still on the shoulder because I had already begun drifting into the ravine,
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probably right about the time the professor in my dream finished the question I had hoped to answer. With more time to think about it, I would have known not to turn the wheel so sharply at highway speed, but how many people think clearly in an emergency situation, especially right after waking up? My reflexive reaction had made a bad situation even worse.

As soon as I turned the wheel back toward the highway, the vibration increased so dramatically that my body could no longer be described as shaking, but more accurately as bouncing in the driver's seat. My Jeep and I were now tilted at the same 45-degree angle as the side of the ravine, sliding sideways toward the bottom at 60 miles per hour. In the next instant, the sound of rough terrain disturbed at high speed became louder and louder, which is perfectly understandable, since it was now rushing by only inches from my head. Thank God that Jeeps come with roll bars as standard equipment. I now understand why. By then, my eyes were already very tightly closed, but it was probably the taste of the sun-baked sand that made me shut my mouth as well. The noise was absolutely deafening, perhaps similar to the sound of a blender filled with rocks and gravel. Heard from the inside. "They" always say that, in the moments before violent death, time slows down and one remembers one's entire life as it flashes before the mind's eye. "They" are half right: time does slow down. I realized I was about to die and expected the screenplay of my former life to simply "fade to black" at any instant.

Otherwise, my only conscious thoughts related to maintaining the tightest grip possible on the steering wheel to keep myself inside my open Jeep - more accurately, what had formerly been my Jeep - until the it stopped rolling, or until everything suddenly went black, whichever happened first. Nothing else about my life "flashed before my eyes" at all.

As quickly as it had all started, the violence was over; apparently, my life was not, thankfully. The deafening roar of rocks, and gravel - and whatever else makes up desert ravines between highways - flying by my head at 60 miles per hour was over, if not the taste of the gravel. My eyes and mouth were still closed very tightly, either as a reflex, or possibly… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call" Assignment:

To whom this may concern,

This essay is all about VIVID detail. Listed below is an elaborate explanation I typed word for word from 3 pages in my text book highlighting how to construct a reflection. I would like you to write a topic of the paper to anything you can relate to easily and vividly.

The essay should be 4 pages and have an academic level of a college senior.

THIS ASSIGNMENT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT; so please take your time and don't rush.

Below discussed the "components", "key parts", and "how to write it".


---------------COMPONENTS OF REFLECTIONS-------------------

1) Find a relative topic

2) Consider your readers

+ How interesting will this topic be to your readers? Will they want to share in your experience?

3) Identify a purpose

+ A clear purpose makes the reflection coherent. Your purpose is not to teach a lesson about life but rather to convey the significance of the experience-why it is important or memorable and why it is worth writing and reading about

4) Provide concrete details

+ Concrete details stimulate readers' imagination and make your reflection come alive. Use factual details such as dates to provide background information. Augment visual details with your other senses: smells, sounds, tastes, and feelings.

+ Use dialog when possible

5) Think about your organization

+ Telling what happened in chronological order is the simplest organization for *****s to use, but it is not the only one possible. Conceptual order explores different points and links them together.

For example, you might reflect on a photograph, examining details one by one and discussing how they related to your family's past.

6) Start fast

+ The beginning MUST show the *****'s involvement and gain the reader's interest

7) Finish strong

+ Effective conclusions invite readers to reflect further. Ending with a question or an issue to think about is usually better than trying to sum up with a moral lesson.

--------------------KEYS TO REFLECTIONS--------------------

1) Tell a good story

+Readers have to be interested in your story to understand the significance. Often reflections gain and keep readers' interest by presenting a conflict or a difficult decision that must be resolved.

2) Let the details convey the significance

+Select details carefully to communicate meaning. Identify people by more than how they look. Think about MANNERISMS, GESTURES, AND HABITS to suggest their character.

3) Be honest

+ Telling the truth about your thoughts ad actions can build a strong rapport with your audience, but beware of becoming sentimental. Too much emotion may turn readers off.

4) Focus on the little things in life

+ A reflection need not reveal earth shattering secrets or teach crucial life lessons. It may be as simple as describing something that makes you happy. Remember that small moments of significance can be just as rewarding for readers as great events.

5) For a reflection on an image or object, let the reflection grow out of the details

+Your close reading of details and your explanation of the significance of the experience is crucial.

-------------------HOW TO WRITE A REFLECTION----------------


+ Analyze the assignment

+ Explore possible topics

+ Remember places and objects

+ Consider the significance

+ What do reader's likely know about the topic?

+ How can you engage readers?

+ What will they gain reading your reflection?


+ Generate details

+ Make people come alive

+ Think about your context

+ Relate your experience to the experiences of others


+ Select vivid details and dialog

+ Decide on an organization

+ Craft a strong beginning

+ Conclude by inviting further reflection

+ Consider your voice and tone

+ Choose a title that will interest readers


+ Check that your paper fulfills assignment

+ Make sure that the subject is focused

+ Add details, description, or dialog

+ Make sure your voice and tone engage readers

+ Examine your organization and think of possible better ways to organize

+ Proofread

-----------------------WRITING IT!-------------------------

1)Select vivid details and dialog

+Don't rely solely on visual memory. Include SOUNDS, SMELLS, TASTES, and tactile feelings.

+Describe people's mannerisms, gestures, and voices.

+Use dialog to reveal character.

2)Decide on an organization

+Use chronological order to help readers re-live events with you.

+Use conceptual order to show connections and links between ideas.

3) Craft a strong beginning

+Start with an incident or a place that is the focus

4) Conclude by inviting further reflection

+Have you discovered anything new in the process of writing the reflection to share in your conclusion?

+A conclusion can sometimes change the entire tone of a reflection

Do you want to surprise your readers?

+Above all, your conclusion should help readers make sense of your reflection.

5)Consider your voice and tone

+Who are you writing for? How do you want your audience to feel upon reading your reflection?

+How interested will your readers be in your reflection? Can you add details or something else to draw them in?

6) Choose a title that will interest readers in your essay

+ Your title should suggest the direction or the significance or your reflection.

Thank you for your time and effort,

An appreciated student,


How to Reference "Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729.
”Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729.
[1] ”Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729
1. Vivid Detail Reflections on a Close Call. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/vivid-detail-reflections/9800729. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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