Article Review on "Visual and Verbal Learning Styles"

Article Review 4 pages (1035 words) Sources: 2

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Visual and Verbal Learning Styles on Learning" by Prasanthi Pallapu examines the impact of different learning styles on academic performance at the university level. Research has revealed various learning styles that may influence student performance. Pallapu surveyed a total of 22 students (21 females and 1 male) at a four-year southeastern United States university, using a modified version of the Index of Learning Styles. Only the visual/verbal domain of learning was taken into account for the current research. Results revealed 7 verbal learners and 15 verbal learners. There was a statistically significant difference between the verbal and visual learners. Visual learners prefer pictures, films, diagrams, and charts to help them grasp course material, whereas verbal learners prefer writing synopses and discussing course material with classmates. Although Pallapu's research has limitations, the implications of this research are that educators should account for learning styles when constructing course material.

One key point in the Pallapu research includes the importance of learning styles and their impact on measurable performance (grades). Although grades are not the only measure of student learning, they are the most obvious one. Students also need good grades to succeed academically. Therefore, paying attention to learning styles can help students improve their grades. A related point that Pallapu makes is that educators should take into account different learning styles when preparing lessons and delivering course material.

Another key point in the Pallapu research is what learning styles mean. For example, what does it mean to be a visual learners vs. A verbal learner
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? The author clarifies the differences between visual and verbal learners well. Visual learners need some sort of visual anchor such as a picture, a film, a diagram or a chart. These visual aids are crucial to helping visual learners grasp material and ultimately perform well in school. Educators who have a large number of visual learners in their classroom can incorporate these visual aids to help their students. Verbal learenrs rely strongly on language. This may mean that verbal learners need to take their own meticulous notes and write their own summaries, or this may also mean that verbal learners need socializing when studying. These key points have strong implications for the field of education.

Finally, Pallapu's research shows that the visual learners outperformed the verbal learners. This does not necessarily mean that visual learners are smarter than verbal learners. Rather, this means that classrooms may be structured more for visual than for verbal learners.


Pallapu's research shows how learning styles is an integral part of diversity in the classroom. The research helps educators understand their students' "prior experience, learning styles, strengths, and needs," in accordance with the Mid-Preparation Benchmark 1.2.3. The key to the Mid-Preparation Benchmark is to recognize "that students differ in their approaches to learning," which is also what Pallapu proves in the research. Learning style is a primary aspect of classroom diversity. Primary language, intelligence (MI), strengths and needs are also mentioned in the Mid-Preparation Benchmark 1.2.3. If visual learners perform better and earn better grades than verbal learners, then educators may not be addressing the needs… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Visual and Verbal Learning Styles" Assignment:

This journal will be approximately 3-4 pages in length.

Mid-Preparation Benchmark 1.2.3

Through observation, description, and reflection on their own and P-12 students***** prior experience, learning styles, strengths, and needs, the preliminary candidate recognizes that students differ in their approaches to learning.

Meets the Benchmark Does not meet the Benchmark

The preliminary teacher candidate:

*****¢ Describes areas of diversity such as primary language, learning style or intelligence (MI), strengths, and needs observed in classroom and supports that description with examples from own experience as a learner.

*****¢ Recognizes that learning takes place within and is influenced by the cultural context of the learner. The preliminary teacher candidate:

*****¢ Fails to recognize areas of diversity in his or her classroom observation and/or examples of the learner*****s own experience.

*****¢ Fails to recognize that learning takes place within and is influenced by cultural context of the learner.

You will select an educational journal article that deals with one characteristic of how students vary in their approaches to learning (learning styles, culture, race, exceptionalities, special needs, socio-economic status, etc.).

1. Objective Description ***** Just the Facts, 10 points

Objectively describe the article by answering the questions below:

 Paragraph 1: Summarize the article

 Paragraph 2: Discuss a minimum of 2 key points that you learned. This could be new information learned or key points that support what you already know.

2. Connection, 3 points

Paragraph 3: Your description of the article should relate to an issue of diversity in the classroom. Discuss why (or how) this article and your description of the article are connected to the Mid-Preparation Benchmark 1.2.3: Diversity.

3. Reflection, 10 points

Minimum of 1-page typed, double-spaced

Paragraph 4: Discuss how this information will change (or support) what you will do in your own classroom. How will this information improve your teaching and student learning?

4. Citation, 2 points

At the bottom of the last page, cite your work correctly

How to Reference "Visual and Verbal Learning Styles" Article Review in a Bibliography

Visual and Verbal Learning Styles.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Visual and Verbal Learning Styles (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Visual and Verbal Learning Styles. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Visual and Verbal Learning Styles” 2010.
”Visual and Verbal Learning Styles”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Visual and Verbal Learning Styles”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Visual and Verbal Learning Styles [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Visual and Verbal Learning Styles. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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