Essay on "Visual Rhetoric"

Essay 4 pages (1174 words) Sources: 2

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Visual Rhetoric

Visual Communication

The purpose of the present paper is to start a discussion regarding the issue of visual communication. In order to do that, we will be making some general considerations about the manner in which the visual means act as language for the transmission of messages. In addition, we will be analyzing the cover of a book that came out in the fall of 201,namely Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love.

Visual communication can influence an individual's feelings and beliefs. As Stoner and Perkins (297) pointed out, study of argument dating back as far as Aristotle has focused on words. Nevertheless, visual communication undergoes a huge success nowadays. While it is believed that "an image is worth a thousand words," PR specialists and people working in advertising know that specific messages can not be transmitted through visual means only. Images are needed because, according to their quality and the reality that they represent, they are likely to draw attention and stir emotions, but the creation and proper transmission of messages makes words indispensable.

Stoner and Perkins (297) wrote that visuals invite interpretation but do not control it. It is the words which shape our thoughts. Visuals, on the other hand, suggest thoughts that the mind expands upon, fueled by both intellectual and emotional responses. An excellent example of this phenomena in action is the response to the two words "dog fighting." What images comes to mind-Some people might immediately think of Michael Vick, quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. Vick had had a successful career with the Atlanta Falcons, but was released af
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ter being convicted of felony charges because of his participation in an interstate dog fighting ring. Vick served prison time and apologized to the public; nevertheless, there was considerable controversy when the Eagles signed him.

Individuals who know little about football and do not recognize the name of Michael Vick could still have a negative visual associated with "dog fighting." By itself, the word "dog" often conjures a number of different mental pictures and associated thoughts and emotions. One might think fondly of a pet, either one that is current or part of a childhood memory. One might even think of a dog from television or movies, such as the Jack Russell terrier "Eddie" from Frazier or the loveable St. Bernard "Beethoven" from a series of movies with his name in the title. Many people like dogs, even if they have never owned one, and to associate

"dog" with "fighting" brings disturbing images to mind. People who make money through the illegal sport would obviously have a different mental image, but the majority of reasonable people would most likely feel horror, disgust, and outrage for the perpetrators and sympathy for the dogs.

Addressing the area of advertising, we must underline right from the very beginning that the purpose of most advertising messages is to persuade the targeted people to modify their behavior in a certain direction (for example through the acquisition of the advertised object). In order for the message to achieve this purpose of persuasion, it needs to be transmitted in a manner which allows its proper decoding. The visual means alone are not sufficient in order to send an explicit message, which can be decoded and interpreted just like the sender intended.

The cover of a book is a means of advertising it, since it may play a decisive role in the acquisition process. As a puppy, Oogy had been used as a bait dog in the fighting ring… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Visual Rhetoric" Assignment:


Assignment Instructions:

1) Read the file on your assigned critical method (e.g., ideological or culture, feminist, classical new rhetoric, visual, media, or postmodern). See pdf under â€A"file exchange” on your group’s Blackboard site. You will be writing about this first on your own, then later discussing it with your group when you make plans for your group presentation.

2) For your short paper, please apply the critical approach to an example of your choice. Do not use the examples provided in the reading and do not use examples we have already discussed in class. The example of rhetoric that you choose to analyze can be any genre, any mode (etc.), just make sure you provide full bibliographic information for your example. In your short paper, you should give an overview of the critical approach; introduce your chosen example (include its author/source, social or historical context, intended audience, intended purpose, etc.); use the critical method assigned to you to analyze the example; then compare this method of analysis and its key concepts to other theories, critical methods and key concepts we’ve discussed in class this semester. Conclude by sharing any insights into rhetoric or the study of rhetoric you may have gained from performing this analysis. Note: you do not necessarily need to write your short paper in the above order (for example, you start by introducing your example briefly, then work in the critical method). However, your short paper should make all these moves and address all of the above aspects of the assignment.

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How to Reference "Visual Rhetoric" Essay in a Bibliography

Visual Rhetoric.”, 2011, Accessed 7 Jul 2024.

Visual Rhetoric (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Visual Rhetoric. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jul, 2024].
”Visual Rhetoric” 2011.
”Visual Rhetoric”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Visual Rhetoric”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 7-Jul-2024].
1. Visual Rhetoric [Internet]. 2011 [cited 7 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Visual Rhetoric. Published 2011. Accessed July 7, 2024.

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