Term Paper on "Victims Program Grant Application"

Term Paper 10 pages (3255 words) Sources: 10

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Victim Service Enhancement Program for Rural Crime Victims

Victim Services Enhancement Program for Rural Crime Victims:

The State Board Fund offers support and advocacy services to crime victims in order to develop and enhance current programs that serve victims of crime. Generally, the State Board of Victim Services provides specific priorities and initiatives that can be funded in light of offering necessary services to victims of crime. In addition to the identified priorities and initiatives, the State Board also accepts applications that are geared towards providing new services or extra help for crime victims and witnesses. The State Board also considers applications that seek to provide services that seek to directly support a specific population of victims of crime.

Project Summary:

The main goal of this project is improve victim services provided to rural victims of crime who have usually been given less attention as compared to their counterparts in urban settings. The program focuses on enhancing the delivery of these services to South Carolina's victims of crime. Generally, rural setting and small town environments have normally received less attention since many studies on operations of criminal justice organizations and crime control have basically been geared towards urban settings. Actually, most of the existing policies in criminal justice are basically established based on the characteristics of urban settings (Yun, Swindell & Kercher, 2009, p.145).

Notably, these policies are only effective to rural communities if the underlying mechanisms between the rural and urban settings are homog
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eneous. Since this is not usually the case, the crime control policies have largely been ineffective in rural settings. The ineffectiveness of these policies has in turn resulted in significant impact on delivery of victim services. South Carolina constantly faces the need for improved victim services in remote settings because of her huge rural population and increasing rates of crime. The issue of effective victim services in South Carolina's rural areas is a major, constant challenge to Victim Service Programs across the state.

Victim Services Enhancement Program for Rural Crime Victims is a project that seeks to address the challenges of South Carolina's crime victims in remote settings and enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of these services. This program will address the issue through examining the unique challenges that these victims confront and developing promising practices that would meet the needs of these victims. The program will achieve its goal through increasing the capacity of service delivery and coordination with other service programs across the state to ensure that the rural crime victims are served to the highest possible extent.

Problem Statement:

Victim Service Programs and initiatives across South Carolina have made considerable efforts to address the needs of crime victims. However, the proportion of underserved crime victims continues to increase, especially those in rural settings. As one of the underserved crime victim populations, rural crime victims in South Carolina do not receive adequate support and services that totally meet their needs. Actually, these crime victims experience victimization that contributes to significant physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial needs (Hook, Murray & Seymour, 2005).

The severity of this problem is worsened by the geographic isolation of and lack of appropriate social support to rural victims of crime. While these victims have rights that are protected by the law throughout every stage of the criminal justice process, they may not be aware, understand, or act on these rights because of the previously mentioned factors. Moreover, South Carolina's rural crime victims are compounded by other factors like cultural intolerance, language barriers, and disability.

Scope of the Problem:

South Carolina is designated as rural because 36 out of 46 counties in this state are remote settings, which is approximately 75% of the state. Therefore, the state is characterized by numerous barriers that are associated with rural crime victims. This implies that these considerable barriers must be addressed in order to ensure that Victim Service Programs across the state provide adequate and effective victim services. Since 75% of the state is rural, the problem of lack of adequate and effective support and services to crime victims is a statewide problem in South Carolina.

The issue of lack of adequate and effective services and support for crime victims in South Carolina is attributed to remoteness of the region that limits the accessibility and quality of necessary services to crime victims ("Rural Victims of Crime," n.d.). Remoteness in South Carolina is linked to shortages of services since some counties in this state lack adequate mental health services, have minimal medical facilities, and have few social services organizations. Therefore, Victim Service Programs face enormous challenges in providing necessary, impartial and safe assistance for crime victims.

Generally, the spread of inadequate services to meet the needs of crime victims in this rural state is attributed to economical and geographical shortfalls that impede the effectiveness of victims' services. In addition, the state has numerous cultural issues that are specifically rural and create unique difficulties for victims. These cultural issues include traditional belief systems that are predominant in the rural communities. These issues inhibit the effectiveness of victims' services because they are not only misogynistic but also narrow-minded. Actually, many families in the rural communities tend to hold shroud of secrecy, which leads to the belief that the criminal justice system will be unable to effectively address the situation.

Geographical and economical shortfalls as well as cultural issues are not the only factors that contribute to difficulties in the realization of adequate and effective services for rural victims of crime in South Carolina. The limited services are also attributed to the isolated residence of the rural communities, which hinders the ability of these individuals to access support services that are usually available to their counterparts in urban settings. The isolated nature of rural crime victims increases the period of time law enforcement take to respond to them. Moreover, these victims face numerous challenges in attending a support groups due to distance and lack of transportation.

Since rural communities comprise of sub-groups that face unique challenges, some of the distinct challenges for rural crime victims include tribal concerns, domestic violence concerns, and rural campus concerns. However, violent crime accounts for a huge percentage of crime-related issues that occur in South Carolina. Similar to other states in America, more than 50% of people assisted by victim assistance programs are violent crime victims (McEwen, 1995).

Failures to Address the Problem Adequately:

As compared to urban settings, law enforcement agencies and services are considerably limited in remote or rural jurisdictions. These settings are characterized with the presence of fewer officers who are adequately trained in investigations, regulations, and services that are necessary for crime victims. Furthermore, the rural jurisdictions have law enforcement officers who are less competent regarding victim-related issues because of lack of enough training on victims' rights and assistance services. Therefore, the seemingly inadequate competence in victim-related issues hinders the ability of law enforcement agencies and personnel to provide adequate and effective victims' support services.

The second factor that contributes to the failure to address the problem adequately is the apparent lack of enough resources and transportation challenges. This is one of the most frustrating aspects that Victim Service Programs in the rural South Carolina confronts. The lack of resources and transportation difficulties makes it tricky for Victim Service Programs in the region to develop rapport and trust with victims. The inability to develop good relationships with victims is also attributed to lack of personal contacts and the long distance between victims and these personnel. In addition to being a constant frustrating factor, Victim Service Programs are unable to offer referrals to support groups that are usually available to crime victims in urban environments. The lack of community resources in turn result into burnout and high rates of turnover in law enforcement personnel.

Potential of this Program's Impact on the Problem:

While providers of essential services to rural crime victims confront numerous challenges when conducting their operations, victim service programs tend to play a crucial role in addressing the needs of crime victims. These programs provide support, safety, and several helping hands to victims of crime. The ability of these programs to provide such services is also attributed to their tendency to encourage the reluctant rural crime victims to not only access but also collaborate with criminal justice agencies.

Victim Services Enhancement Program for Rural Crime Victims will have significant impacts on every stage of the criminal justice process for crime victims. The program will provide support services for crime victims across every stage in the judicial process including victims' crime reporting, investigation, and prosecution stages. The program's impact will be based on the fact that it will ensure that the needs and rights of crime victims are not ignored as is usually the case ("What Do Crime Victims Want?" 2000).

The probable impact of this program is also attributed to the identification of the needs of crime victims and development of effective strategies to address these needs and achieve justice for crime victims. Through these measures, the program… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Victims Program Grant Application" Assignment:

For this Final Project you will complete select portions (See Sections III A, B and C1 and C2 below) of a grant application for a program to assist victims of violent crime. The program you select must be drawn from those listed in Section II below. You must include a minimum of 4 outside sources in support of your Project Narrative. The submission must be a minimum of 10 pages, not including the Cover page and the References page(s).


A minimum of 10 narrative pages

12 font, double spaces, 1 inch margins

APA formatted citations for quoted materials in the narrative

References Page(s)

Citations for all quoted (non-original) materials in APA format

Minimum 4 outside sources

The course materials must be cited if referenced

VICTIMS***** Program Grant Application


The Fund provides advocacy and support services to victims of crime for the purpose of developing and enhancing existing programs that serve victims of crime. The State Board will also accept applications that provide new services or additional assistance for crime victims and witnesses, or for services that directly support a specific population of crime victims.

The following priorities have been identified by the State Board of Victim Services, though other initiatives are also permitted:

Direct Services for Victims of Crime;

Victim Advocates in Law Enforcement;

Victim Advocates in State's Attorney's Offices;

Enhanced services and support for Child Advocacy Centers; and

Enhanced services to crime victims that aid and promote the distribution of mandated brochures and educate them on their rights according to state law.


Grants supported by the Victims of Crime (VOC) Fund support at least one of the following purpose areas:

Coordinating services for crime victims from first response through the criminal justice system and beyond which include those individuals in law enforcement, prosecutors' offices, courts, victim service agencies, other state agencies, and non-governmental organizations serving crime victims;

Developing, enlarging, or strengthening all victim service programs including private non-profit organizations, police victim/witness sections, and District/Circuit court victim/witness units;

Developing or improving the delivery of crime victim services to underserved populations;

Providing support to specialized domestic violence advocates in courts where a significant number of protection orders are granted;

Developing, expanding, or strengthening crime victim programs addressing Non-English speaking citizens; and

Implementing community-driven initiatives to address the needs of crime victims who are included in the underserved populations: people with disabilities, elder victims of crime, and children of physical and sexual abuse.

III. What an application must include

A. Project Title

B. Project Summary

The Project Summary is a brief (maximum 250 words (approximately 1 page) that describes:

The problem/issue your grant funded program intends to address (must align with one of the Program Purpose Areas listed in Section II) ;

The program itself, what it is and how it will operate

How the program will specifically and directly address the problem/issue you identified

C. Program Narrative

Statement of the Problem

The history of victimization problem/issue you identified

The scope of the problem

Failure(s) to address the problem adequately

The potential to have a significant impact on the problem with the right program

Project Overview, Goals and Objectives

Description of Project; a detailed narrative of the program organization administration and operation.

Goals; a detailed narrative of what the program hopes to accomplish

Objectives; a detailed description of the indicators of positive progress, (How will you know the program is effective)

Methods of Reaching Objectives

A detailed description of the various steps or activities that will be used to achieve the objectives for this project

How the program work will be organized, administered and operated

The manner in which responsibility within the project will be assigned

Collaborations you intend to develop to further the efforts of the project and the role of each such collaborating entity.

If the project is adopting procedures used by another program, describe the strengths and weaknesses of the other program and how this project will differ in its approach to the problem and/or how it will improve upon it.

Notes: For this Final Project you will complete select portions (See Sections III A, B and C1 and C2 below) of a grant application for a program to assist victims of violent crime. The program you select must be drawn from those listed in Section II below. You must include a minimum of 4 outside sources (in addition to your text book) in support of your Project Narrative. The submission must be a minimum of 10 pages, not including the Cover page and the References page(s).


Submitted via assignment folder:

Student*****s name

Program title

Class title and number

Date of submission

A minimum of 10 narrative pages, maximum of 12

12 font, double spaces, 1 inch margins

APA formatted citations for quoted materials in the narrative

References Page(s)

Citations for all quoted (non-original) materials in APA format

Minimum 4 outside sources

The course materials must be cited if referenced

VICTIMS***** Program Grant Application


The Fund provides advocacy and support services to victims of crime for the purpose of developing and enhancing existing programs that serve victims of crime. The State Board will also accept applications that provide new services or additional assistance for crime victims and witnesses, or for services that directly support a specific population of crime victims.

The following priorities have been identified by the State Board of Victim Services, though other initiatives are also permitted:

Direct Services for Victims of Crime;

Victim Advocates in Law Enforcement;

Victim Advocates in State's Attorney's Offices;

Enhanced services and support for Child Advocacy Centers; and

Enhanced services to crime victims that aid and promote the distribution of mandated brochures and educate them on their rights according to state law.


Grants supported by the Victims of Crime (VOC) Fund support at least one of the following purpose areas:

Coordinating services for crime victims from first response through the criminal justice system and beyond which include those individuals in law enforcement, prosecutors' offices, courts, victim service agencies, other state agencies, and non-governmental organizations serving crime victims;

Developing, enlarging, or strengthening all victim service programs including private non-profit organizations, police victim/witness sections, and District/Circuit court victim/witness units;

Developing or improving the delivery of crime victim services to underserved populations;

Providing support to specialized domestic violence advocates in courts where a significant number of protection orders are granted;

Developing, expanding, or strengthening crime victim programs addressing Non-English speaking citizens; and

Implementing community-driven initiatives to address the needs of crime victims who are included in the underserved populations: people with disabilities, elder victims of crime, and children of physical and sexual abuse.

III. What an application must include

A. Project Title

B. Project Summary

The Project Summary is a brief (maximum 250 words (approximately 1 page) that describes:

The problem/issue your grant funded program intends to address (must align with one of the Program Purpose Areas listed in Section II) ;

The program itself, what it is and how it will operate

How the program will specifically and directly address the problem/issue you identified

C. Program Narrative

Statement of the Problem

The history of victimization problem/issue you identified

The scope of the problem

Failure(s) to address the problem adequately

The potential to have a significant impact on the problem with the right program

Project Overview, Goals and Objectives

Description of Project; a detailed narrative of the program organization administration and operation.

Goals; a detailed narrative of what the program hopes to accomplish

Objectives; a detailed description of the indicators of positive progress, (How will you know the program is effective)

Methods of Reaching Objectives

A detailed description of the various steps or activities that will be used to achieve the objectives for this project

How the program work will be organized, administered and operated

The manner in which responsibility within the project will be assigned

Collaborations you intend to develop to further the efforts of the project and the role of each such collaborating entity.

If the project is adopting procedures used by another program, describe the strengths and weaknesses of the other program and how this project will differ in its approach to the problem and/or how it will improve upon it.

Notes: Resources paper submitted was written by ***** and is directly related to this new request. *****


How to Reference "Victims Program Grant Application" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Victims Program Grant Application.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Victims Program Grant Application (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Victims Program Grant Application. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Victims Program Grant Application” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081.
”Victims Program Grant Application” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081.
[1] ”Victims Program Grant Application”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Victims Program Grant Application [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081
1. Victims Program Grant Application. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/victim-service-enhancement-program/2022081. Published 2013. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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