Research Paper on "Scotus Brown V Board"

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Research Paper 3 pages (1007 words) Sources: 3

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So it was not that Brown was something that simply happened; it was in fact a part of the broader civil rights movement, seeking an activist judiciary willing to correct the wrong of Plessy. This effort bought the multiple cases together, and brought Brown to be the plaintiff though there were millions of blacks facing the same conditions as the Brown family at the time of this case.

Brown was one of the most important cases in the 20th century. On the surface, it lead to the dismantling of the separate school systems, so that all children would go to the same schools. But that is just one the surface. In practice, Brown all but effectively eliminated institutionalized segregation. First, it outlawed discrimination by government entities by invalidating the separate but equal doctrine. More importantly, it was the starting point for an entire wave of desegregation in the United States. This happened for two reasons. First, it sent a clear signal to the entire nation about the morally right actions and the nation by and large agreed. That there were still people who objective to desegregation actually contributed to the major impact of Brown. There were riots and violence when desegregation came to certain areas of the south. This violence galvanized the entire civil rights movement, which now had the Supreme Court behind it. With the weight of the Brown decision, civil rights leaders pushed for desegregation of everything in the country. Few governments or businesses, knowing the Supreme Court decision and the tone of the nation on this issue, had any compulsion to resist desegregation. Even those who did resist were hard-pressed to do so in the long-run, knowing that they would never win in Suprem
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e Court. As a consequence, Brown launched the process of desegregation and gave it strong backing.

This case shows the importance and influence of the Supreme Court. Most people would have been powerless to address discriminatory laws, especially in the south where there was the threat of violence against people who supported desegregation. The Supreme Court, being the highest legal authority in the land, was essentially required to support desegregation and to put an end to separate but equal in order to ensure that desegregation occurred. This shows that how the Supreme Court goes, it is difficult to counter that. The decisions of the Supreme Court have a profound influence on the social norms of the country. However, one could also argue that certain political actors remain committed to finding ways to segregate American society, through gerrymandering of electoral districts, financing schools based on local income and other factors. Brown remains a landmark but even to this day its principles are being challenged.


Brown v Board of Education of Topeka. 347 U.S., 483. Retrieved December 1, 2013 from

US (2013). History of Brown v Board of Education. U.S. Retrieved December 1, 2013 from READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Scotus Brown V Board" Assignment:

Primary Source Research Project Assignment Overview

Research paper Video Explained:

It can be argued that the most important and influential branch of the federal government in the 20th century was the Supreme Court.

Your assignment for this worksheet is to research one (1) of the following Supreme Court cases by reading the primary sources related to the case you choose to research:

*****¢ Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)

*****¢ Gideon vs. Wainright (1963)

*****¢ Miranda vs. Arizona (1966)

*****¢ Tinker vs. Des Moines (1969)

*****¢ Roe vs. Wade (1973)

*****¢ United States vs. Nixon (1974)

*****¢ Regents of the U. of California vs. Bakke (1978)

*****¢ New Jersey vs. T.L.O. (1985)

*****¢ Hazlewood vs. Kuhlmeier (1988)

*****¢ Texas vs. Johnson (1989)

The following website contains extensive primary source material related to each of the above-named cases: (**Note: the primary sources are found under the heading *****Decision***** after you click on the case you have chosen to research.)

You can also research these cases by visiting the home page of the Supreme Court and searching for the documents related to the case you have chosen:

After you have researched the case by reading both the background material and the primary sources, write a full essay (min: 1000 words) in which you discuss the key issues involved in the case, the decision of the Court and the reasons offered by the judges for the majority opinion, and the long-term impact of the decision on American culture and society. See the Grading Rubric for specifics.

IMPORTANT NOTE: you will have to do your own research (using secondary sources) to discover the significance of the Case for culture and/or society.

Grading Rubric:*****¨Was the essay at least 1000 words? (NOTE: Make sure you put the number of words at the conclusion of your essay. Failure to do so will result in a 5 point deduction.) 5

Did the essay contain quotes from the Supreme Court decision (majority/minority reports)? 10

Did the essay contain one secondary source quote with clear citation information? 5

Was the essay historically accurate and was the information complete? 10

Did the essay discuss the long-term significance of this ruling for American culture/society? Is this information specific and accurate? 10

How to Reference "Scotus Brown V Board" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Scotus Brown V Board.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Scotus Brown V Board (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Scotus Brown V Board. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Scotus Brown V Board” 2013.
”Scotus Brown V Board”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Scotus Brown V Board”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Scotus Brown V Board [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Scotus Brown V Board. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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