Thesis on "Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons"

Thesis 4 pages (1359 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Universal Healthcare

The Pros and Cons of Universal Healthcare

Michael Moore's film, Sicko, did a great deal to raise awareness about the issue of health care in the United States. Showing the differences between healthcare systems in Canada, France, England and other countries where the government offers health care to all, the movie made many ponder why the United States does not have universal health care. But there are many on the opposite side of the coin. As of late, it is hard to miss their commercials on news channels, the soulful stories of Americans who, with universal health insurance, would still be very sick or dead. These commercials are most likely a reaction to U.S. President Barack Obama's recent release of his health care plan, which claims to give affordable health care to all Americans. But there are many opponents of this kind of health care system, and their concerns are valid. A discussion of the pros and cons of universal healthcare, as well as the recent trends and implications of this policy, will allow Americans to make their own choices regarding whether or not universal healthcare is the way to go.

Those who believe that national healthcare is needed often cite the many Americans who die each year because they are insured -- 18,000 according to My Family Doctor Magazine (Whelan para. 1). Dr. Patrick Whelan, a practicing rheumatologist and the national executive director for the Catholic Democrats, says that it is not universal healthcare itself that raises questions, but instead how the policy would be paid for and how it would be enacted. He wonders how anyone could actually be opposed a system that would prevent many death
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s of children minorities, and others who are unable to obtain health insurance. Generally, Whelan argues that people are opposed to a healthcare system that is completely government run like those in the UK. But this kind of healthcare system will never be a realty in the U.S., suggesting that U.S. universal healthcare would involve private corporations, tax dollars, and other compromises so the private sector and U.S. government could work together in order to ensure all have health insurance. In fact, Whelan states that "no major organizations or national political figures have advocated creating a system like Great Britain's, where the government owns all the facilities and employs all the doctors and nurses" (para. 2). According to Messerli, other benefits of the universal healthcare system include a reduction in the amount of paperwork that the medical field produces, which will not only save time and money for healthcare providers, but will also give the environment a significant break. Having universal healthcare, according to Messerli, will allow one, centralized database to serve as the container for Americans' health information, meaning that any doctor would be able to pull up any patient's file. Because this would be done quickly, it would aid to efficient treatment. Further, Messerli contends that having universal health care would significantly free up doctors to concentrate on patients and healing rather than records, costs, and paperwork. Finally, Messerli shows that universal health care may encourage people to seek preventative treatment, as some would not have done so in the past due to cost.

Thus, the arguments in favor of universal health care are quite convincing. Saving lives is never something that can be easily argued away. But those who argue that a universal health care system is not the best way to go often argue that universal healthcare will not save lives. Messerli argues that one primary argument against universal healthcare is the efficiency of the government. The government is not efficient, and Messerli challenges readers of his Pro-Con list, featured on, to think of even one government agency that runs smoothly. If the government is running health care, previous experience with other agency may lead citizens to believe that health care will not be run more efficiently and will not save lives, but will be even more difficult to deal with, which could have mortal outcomes. Other important arguments against the universal healthcare system… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons" Assignment:

General research on the pros/cons of universal healthcare and how its implementation might affect our current economy, people and business of today. Please make mention of any recent trends and legislative decisions impacting programs.

How to Reference "Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons" Thesis in a Bibliography

Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons” 2009.
”Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Universal Healthcare the Pros and Cons. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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