Thesis on "Criticism of Television Shows"

Thesis 8 pages (2313 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

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TV Show Critique -- Gossip Girl

TV Show Critique of Gossip Girl

Media plays a powerful role in the development of a teenager's personality and on teen culture, as a whole. Celebrities and popular personalities on television, radio and magazines dictate what is "in" and what is "out" on impressionable teenagers. They are bombarded with images of media everyday and everywhere. Simple forms of media influence can be witnessed in common conversations held among friends, with the use of terms or phrases made famous by popular personalities. An example of such a term is "Frenemies," which was coined by the character Carrie Bradshaw from the television show, "Sex and the City" and describes friends who are constantly at odds with each other.

"You know you love me," is a phrase made famous by Gossip Girl also known as "GG" from the controversial Gossip Girl book series created by Cecily von Ziegesar in 2002 (Naugle, 3) . Described as "Sex and the City for the younger set" (Waters, 5) these books were made into a teenage drama television (TV) series in 2007. Following in the footsteps of past teenage drama series like 90210, Dawson's Creek, One Tree Hill, and The O.C., the Gossip Girl TV series has since become a huge sensation among teenagers. This paper seeks to better understand the reason why a TV show like Gossip Girl has such an impact on the everyday lives of teenagers and how it has affected their values, traditions, and the relationships they maintain with both family and peers.

The first part of this paper shall cover a review of related literature, beginning with Rosemary V. Barnett's views on the development of teenagers from c
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hildhood to adolescence. The paper will then relate this to the insights given by Jennifer A. Irving on the control that media has on teenagers, and how they are more susceptible to media's subliminal messages. The author will then link this to the reason why a television show like Gossip Girl has such a hold on today's teenager as well as the possible impact that Gossip Girl may have on a teenager's moral development and the effect of this on their social interactions.

Review of Related Literature

Rosemary V. Barnett's series of articles give insight on the challenges that teenagers face during their journey of childhood to adolescence. The late teen or late adolescent years (from the ages 15- 18 years) are not only awkward but they are also difficult because of the many physical changes adolescents have to go through in the transition into adulthood (Barnett, 2008). Rapid physical changes make teenagers more sensitive and insecure about who they are and where they belong among peers (Barnett, 2008).

Jennifer A. Irving reaffirms Barnett's take on the adolescent stating that, "Adolescence is a very complex time in a teen's life. Most adolescents struggle to find an identity that is individual and unique, while at the same time conforms to the various societal pressures to which they are exposed." (Irving 4). Using different channels of influence, such as television, radio, movies, magazines, media often takes advantage of such a vulnerable period in a teenager's life. An American writer Allen Ginsberg once said "whoever controls the media -- the images-controls the culture" (qtd in Irving 7). This has never been more true than it is today, accompanied by advancements in technology and communication, media is able to constantly bombard teenagers with unreachable standards or images to emulate that may hold realistic and damaging consequences (Irving 8).

Along with the search to find out, "Who am I?" comes the teenagers' yearning for independence from their parents. The new genre of "chick lit," in particular on von Ziegesar's Gossip Girl book series, is able to lure in teen readers by portraying teenage characters who are beautiful, rich, independent and mature and live in a fantastical world but still have to battle to the everyday life of high-school (Naugle, 30); thus, the novels still maintain a personal connection to the reader.

Von Ziegesar successfully creates a setting that has just the right blend of fantasy and reality. For example, even if von Ziegesar's world is restricted to the New York Elite who live in the Upper East Side of New York City, her descriptions of the homes of the characters are vague and common (Naugle, 37). This lack of detail gives the reader the freedom to imagine their own home or any other that they may have seen (Ibid).

The situations and the characters are also a mixture of fantasy and familiarity. The fantasy is that all of the characters are beautiful, rich and have "unlimited access to money" (qtd in Naugle, 33). They live an extravagant life where they throw parties, such as the "Kiss on the Lips party where authentic Kate Spade bags were given away as party favors to unimpressed guests," have "fabulous vacations (private yacht rides to tropical islands)," attend "crazy parties in the Hamptons" and go for a "weekend getaway to Paris" (qtd in Naugle, 33).

However, this fantastical world is counterbalanced by the everyday struggle that the characters face in their high-school lives. They, too, battle with issues that were once considered to be taboo, like sex, alcohol and drug abuse (Naugle, 44-49). The characters also exhibit a maturity longed for by readers and viewers as there is a lack of parental presence, and guidance, throughout the series (Naugle 36). For older and more mature viewers, TV shows like Gossip Girl are but "guilty pleasures" and used for pure entertainment. However, for teenagers that are easily molded, Gossip Girl is just a novel or a TV show but something that reflects some parts of their own lives and, in a way, is a release for their most repressed desires (Naugle 38).

The main Gossip Girl characters -- Blair, Serena, Chuck, and Nate- are stereotypical (Naugle 38). "Blair, the beautiful but bitchy and conniving brunette who struggles with bulimia; Serena, Blair's "frenemy," who is considered to be the "perfect blonde bombshell" but is also "extremely self-centered"; there is Nate, the hot all-American preppy guy who all the girls want and all of the boys want to be like; Chuck who is Nate's sleazy bestfriend but whose family's power and influence makes him more tolerable in the eyes of his peers; Isabel and Kati who strive to brew up more drama in the story" (Naugle 39).

The "lower class" characters, who live in Brooklyn, include "Jenny the annoying wannabe who is willing to risk everything just to be part of the "in-crowd"; Dan, Jenny's older brother, a hippie poet who is both trying to find his place among his peers but is also highly resistant to the "in-crowd"; then there is Vanessa, Dan's bestfriend, a cynical, goth-rebel chick; and Blair's minions," (Ibid).

The main characters are also highly flawed and yet do not try and do not want to change their bad habits (Naugle 38- 42). On the contrary, the characters flaunt their flaws and weak moral values and claiming that, "we aren't always the nicest people in the world but we make up for it in looks and taste" (qtd in Naugle 41). The creation of far from perfect characters humanizes the over the top characters and teaches teenagers that being privileged does not mean that life is any easier.

However, it may also be detrimental to the development of a teenager's moral development since the characters lack parental guidance, they are free from rules and restrictions and can get away with almost anything. Moreover, the overly concern with material possessions like wanting to have the latest designer bags or shoes as well as the superficial means of happiness and instant fixes of gratification, such as getting wasted on alcohol or high on drugs, may have lasting negative impressions on teenagers and what activities that think are fun or values that they consider to be important.

The lack of parental presence and guidance in the Gossip Girl stories may diminish the importance of strong parental bonds and ultimately, solid family relationships. The viciousness of the "frenemy" relationship that Blair and Serena have and how Serena sleeps with Blair's boyfriend, Nate, could teach teenagers that it friendships are not shallow and sex is more important than loyalty to a friend. Although, on the upside, the main girl characters in Gossip Girl are strong and they are not dominated nor mistreated by the boy characters. Blair and Serena's lives do not revolve around boys though they do not lack them. Blair has higher ambitions, such as her academic studies and her dream of going to Harvard and Serena places more importance on her extracurricular activities like, starring in movies and being a model (Naugle 41).

More so, the discrimination of the upper class characters against the so-called lower and unsophisticated class characters is clear (Naugle, 51). This is evidenced in von Ziegesar's comparison of Dan renting a tuxedo from a rental store with the Armani tux he considered buying at Barney's:… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Criticism of Television Shows" Assignment:

You will begin by researching what has already been published on the topic (aka *****Review of the Literature*****), which you will do by conducting extensive book, journal, newspaper, and electronic research on. Rather than simply state your opinion on a topic you should construct an argument based on a review of existing literature. By this I mean that the research project should include a review of the literature as well as your interpretation of the research findings (i.e. what do you want to say about this particular topic?)

Here is the abstract of the research paper (In this case, "I" would be "You"):

For my research paper, I have decided to explore family values as well as gender relations by analyzing the popular television program *****Gossip Girl*****. The nature of the paper will be based around audience research. Since the television show*****s premiere, it has been a big hit and I plan to find out why by analyzing the show*****s audience. More importantly, I will be looking at who the show*****s target audience is and how the show relates to them in terms of traditions and values.

The television show covers many topics of interest to young adults such as the importance and difficulty of maintaining relationships with those around you. Given the media's portrayal of how family life should be, how does this impact teenagers? My paper will answer some of the following questions: Is the show an accurate depiction of family life? Do teenagers in today*****s society prioritize academics the same way that the teenagers in the show do? To what extent do teenagers try to mimic the characters on the show, if at all? Does the show relate to any other of its***** kind? And if so, do these shows perpetuate any stereotypes (ex: promiscuity of teenage girls)?

I want you to answer the following (as well as discuss the above questions): Does this program represent real life or is it creating an inaccurate portrayal of society that young adults (the show's primary audience) feel pressured to live up to? Give an in-depth analysis of gender roles using examples from the show. How are girls treated by the boys? If they are often mistreated, do you think that this happens in real life as well? I would like you to discuss every aspect of the show that can relate to this essay. Please support your opinions with many examples (from the show and from other sources). It is very important that you review other literature, such as what has already been written about gender roles or family portrayal in the media and to then cite those works in your paper.


*****¢ Essays are to have normal margins, double-spaced lines, and 12-point font size (no larger).

*****¢ The titles of all books, magazines, and newspapers must be consistently italicized.

*****¢ When talking about films, do not confuse the term "clip" with "shot." A clip is a section of a film, which is made up of one or more shots, or continuous pieces of film edited together. And remember that a "long shot" refers to a relatively large distance from the camera to the subject, while a "long take" refers to a shot that lasts a relatively long time.


Whatever style you chose (MLA, Chicago, or APA), use it consistently throughout your paper. If you chose to use footnotes, at the end of the sentence with the quotation or reference, include a footnote in superscript, either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the essay. If you reference a book, upon first mention, full details should be provided; e.g.

1. Bill Nichols, Introduction to Documentary (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001), 7. [Authors full name; Full title in italics; Place of publication followed by colon; Publisher; Year *****“ all in parenthesis; comma, page number.

If your second footnote is also from Nichols and is on the same page, simply write the word Ibid; if it*****s from the same book but a different page, then shorten the reference:

2. Ibid. [only if reference is from the same page]

3. Nichols, Introduction, 9.

As long as you continue to cite Nichols for the rest of the essay, use the shortened version. Same logic applies to journal articles and essays in anthologies.

For web sources: Author, title, URL and date you accessed the site, e.g.

Arthur Delaney, *****Bobby Rush: A Black Panther in Cuba,***** (accessed April 22, 2009).

Films and Television Shows: Whenever you refer to a film and television show, the title should be in italics with the director*****s full name and year of release in parenthesis e.g. The Changeling (Clint Eastwood, 2008). TV series and shows should also be in italics, although if you know the title of the episode that goes n quotes along with the year of the broadcast. If referring to an entire TV series, include the inclusive years when the show aired e.g. Sex and the City (1998-2004).

If there are any questions, please email me or call me at (347) 217-0400. Please make sure that the paper arrives on time and also keep in mind the notes above.

How to Reference "Criticism of Television Shows" Thesis in a Bibliography

Criticism of Television Shows.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Criticism of Television Shows (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Criticism of Television Shows. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Criticism of Television Shows” 2009.
”Criticism of Television Shows”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Criticism of Television Shows”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Criticism of Television Shows [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Criticism of Television Shows. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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