Term Paper on "International Business Turkey"

Term Paper 7 pages (2122 words) Sources: 9

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Turkey Textiles

Turkey is a crossroads nation, straddling Europe and Asia. The country was once the hub of the Byzantine Roman and Ottoman Empires, and as such has longstanding cultural and trade links throughout the region. The modern nation is a secular Muslim republic of 80 million. The country has an economy that is predominantly free market in nature, but with a strong agricultural sector. The economy is in the trillion-dollar class and ranks 17th in the world, behind Indonesia and ahead of Iran. Turkey has its own currency, the Turkish lira, that floats freely and is currently worth 0.55 USD (Oanda, 2013). The country's main industries include textiles and food processing, and among agricultural products cotton is a major export commodity. The country has a diverse group of export partners (CIA World Factbook, 2013). This paper will focus on the textile industry in particular, discussing the conditions that affect Turkey as a place for international business in this industry. (write a little bit more tothe introduction)

Impact of Geography

Turkey benefits from its physical geography in multiple ways with respect to international trade. It occupies a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, which gives it access to multiple markets. Turkey's top trading partners are Germany, Iraq, Russia, the UK, Italy, Iran and China, a diverse mix. No country is a dominant trade partner, something that is unusual for most nations. Turkey has water access to the Mediterranean, the Aegean and it controls access to the Black Sea, where goods can reach the large Russian and Ukrainian markets. Two of Turkey's largest trading partners -- Iraq and Iran,
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share land borders. Syria would normally represent more trade with Turkey but the statistics given are for 2012 and Syria was embroiled in its civil war then (and still is).

Turkey's textile industry benefits in multiple ways from geography as well. The country ranks 8th in world cotton production and is 3rd in organic cotton production. Cotton production is situated mainly in the western areas of the country, on the Aegean coast and near Istanbul. This area has a Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters. There is precipitation in the winter that allows for crops like cotton to grow, as there is little rain in the summer. A third center for cotton production is in the south near Gaziantep. This area is a little bit cooler, again with rain in the winter. The vast Anatolian plateau that makes up most of the country does not see much cotton production. Turkey was a major cotton producer at least as far back as the Ottoman Empire, if not earlier.

This access to raw ingredients fuels a massive textile business that is worth 6-7% of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP). Turkey is close to the EU and as a result is the 2nd-largest foreign supplier of textiles to the EU, and is the world's 6th-largest exporter of textiles (GDE, 2012). Turkey's position adjacent to Europe not only gives it access to that market, but also gives it an active design scene in Istanbul. The European influence found in the boutiques of Cihangir in particular, highlighting the ability of Turkey to compete at multiple ends of the market, including high end clothing design. This is unique among major textile producers, most of which do not have the same strong cosmopolitan design influences. This aspect of the industry is supported by the government and is considered a strong growth opportunity (Hurriyet, 2013).

Role of International Business

Though Turkey is a large domestic market, the textile industry has long been focused on export. Textile production as industry dates to the Ottoman period, and was at an advanced level. Rapid expansion of the industry occurred from 1923-1962, fuelled by extensive growth in cotton production. Government involvement in the industry began in the 1970s and some of the programs spurred significant growth. With high capacity and high quality, the Turkish textile industry has long sold to export markets. Europe and Russia provide high value export markets, while Middle Eastern add volume potential. The total export value of Turkish textiles is $5.4 billion USD (ITKIB, 2010). This trade provides different advantages to the different stakeholders. For the EU and other wealthy countries, Turkey represents excellent comparative advantage. The country is able to produce high quality textiles, but at a lower price than domestic European countries such as Greece. In the developing world, Turkey has an absolute competitive advantage in quality vs. domestic producers. For Turkey, textiles represent a strong industry that provides significant employment, especially in the country's agricultural regions. The textile industry represents an opportunity for Turkey to vertically integrate. The push from the Textile and Apparel Exporters' Associations (ITKIB) and the Ministry of the Economy to develop high end clothing design in Istanbul is an example of the government seeking to exploit the country's advantages in textiles to further vertically integrate this industry. The international markets like the European Union and Russia are crucial to the success of Turkey's textile industry going forward.

Political Environment

The political environment for the textile industry is favorable in Turkey. As noted, the Ministry of the Economy works with the industry (ITKIB) to promote the textile industry in international markets, and to develop vertical integration of the industry at home. Both entities publish reports promoting the industry, and both spend money to build markets for Turkish textiles. The economic importance of textiles is high in cotton-growing regions and is high for the country as a whole, so there is a high level of government support for the textile industry is Turkey. This facilitates growth, because the government is more willing to make textiles a central theme in trade discussions and free trade agreements. This gives Turkey an advantage over other countries for whom textiles are not as much of a priority. Turkey has, for example a customs union with the EU, something that gives it a high level of access to that market for its textile goods.

Effects on Local Areas

The textile industry in Turkey consists of around 7500 different companies, both SMEs and large companies. There are six centers of production for textiles: Istanbul, Izmir, Denizli, Bursa, Kahramanmara? And Gaziantep (ITKIB, 2010). Thus, Marmara (Istanbul, Bursa) and Ege (Izmir, Denizli) are the most important regions for the textile industry in the country, as well as the Cukurova region in the south of the country (Saba, 2013). For these regions, the industry provides tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. The industry would be substantially smaller without international trade, so the trade is important to the development of these regions. The Turkish government is heavily involved in the industry providing subsidies for farmers as part of its commitment to agriculture businesses and rural development (Osakwe, 2009). That said, Turkish cotton production is declining, including the acres under cultivation (Sirtioglu, 2013).

Role of Economic Systems

Turkey operates a free market economy, albeit one with significant government intervention. The textile industry in the early years of the republic was run on the basis of virtual monopoly under Sumerbank (Saba, 2013). Over time, however, producers gained independence and power, to the point where now the industry is heavily diffuse and is subject to relatively free international trade. The government still plays an active role in finding market opportunities for Turkish textile firms, and in fostering the development of the industry, but for the most part it is privately run. This has spurred significant investment in the sector over the years. As a result, the sector has been strong enough to thrive after the expiry of the global textile quota system in 2004 as per WTO guidelines (GDE, 2012).

International Consumer Markets

Turkey sells textiles to a diverse group of countries. The top nine export markets for Turkish textiles are all in the EU, with the tenth-largest market being Russia. Iraq and the U.S.A. are other important non-EU markets. The most significant growth market is Saudi Arabia, which saw 96% growth in 2011 (GDE, 2012). These markets have diverse needs, and Turkey's textile industry is able to meet them all. The highly-diversified production capabilities of Turkey allow it to compete at different price points in the market, as well as with different products. This allows Turkey to sell to so many different countries and is the hallmark of a well-developed industry. Another factor is that Turkey's government promotes its cotton exports, despite the high domestic usage. This is not the case in India, where cotton exports were recently banned, something that opens up more markets for Turkey and increases the global price of cotton (Hurriyet, 2012).

Turkey's geography again plays an important role in international marketing. The country's historic outlook has been characterized as by its crossroads position. Marketing internationally in the textile industry requires understanding different social factors, and Turkey has for 2000 years been capable of such an outlook. Turkish manufacturers understand the needs of European, Arab, Israeli, Russian and Iranian customers… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "International Business Turkey" Assignment:

This is a research project about Turkey for INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS class.. Do this research considering only Turkey. While considering the business part focus on the textile & fabric side of turkey. While explaining the labor and everything consider it. The main point of the research is that business(textile) so you don*****t have to go over the other businesses while considering international business. However you should also state that since Turkey surrounded by 3 seas, there are so many business are involved internationally. It is very important country for trading etc etc. You can state them but don*****t go very deep into those as much as you go in the use of fabric and textile.

Answer every question below. Make sure you make it really clear. I will do a presentation of this research + I also need the paper but you can write the essay part by part assuming that you are doing a presentation.

While considering the business part focus on the textile & fabric side of turkey. While explaining the labor and everything consider it.

Do not use Wikipedia as a source. Make citations and put url to every webpage that you used. Do not use books as a source. I put 9 sources but use more if needed.

Please make sure you are clear and since my English is my second language do not use difficult words.

+If you can, you can also talk a little bit about Chobani brand of yogurt, which is actually Turkish brand with Turkish owner but sells yogurts by saying a greek yogurt. You can talk about that and explaining why the owner wanted to say greek instead of Turkish.


Develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts of international business.

e. Determine the impact of geography on international business to include areas such as climate, time zones, distance, topography, and social, economic, and natural resources.

f. Explain the role of international business at local, regional, and national levels citing examples at each level and how each level affects the world economy.

g. Analyze the potential impact (on a community, region, state, and country in which it is located) of a domestic company involving itself in international trade opportunities.

Analyze various factors and influences affecting the international business environment.

a. Identify international cultural differences in food, dress, language, gift-giving, social behaviors, and major holidays of various cultures and discuss how they are celebrated as well as their impact on the business community.

c. Identify and differentiate between types of governments and political environments and determine the impact of the government on international business through the use of barriers, tariffs, quotas, and taxation policies.

f. Define terms such as GDP (GNP), balance of trade, foreign debt, and cost of living...etc.

g. Analyze the availability of resources (natural, human, and capital) in a country and the economic potential of the country to improve its quality of life by engaging in international trade.

h. Identify the economic systems used to decide what to produce, how it is produced, and for whom it is produced in a country.

Determine characteristics of various organizational structures in the international business environment.

b. Determine social and cultural influences on the form of business ownership used or required in different countries.

Determine the importance of market research, product development and pricing strategies in successful international marketing strategies.

b. Identify characteristics of international consumer markets and commercial markets including social, cultural, and political factors that would affect international marketing.

c. Explain how the marketing research process, including secondary data and primary data collection, differs in an international application.

d. Create a data collection survey instrument for an international marketing research study based on knowledge of social and cultural factors in a specific foreign market.

Unit Understandings, Themes, and Concepts:

Understand the cultural, geographic, economic and governmental differences in various countries and how these differences affect international business.

Primary Learning Goals:

Determine the impact of geography on international business to include areas such as climate, time zones, distance, topography, and social, economic, and natural resources.

Identify and differentiate between types of governments and political environments and determine the impact of the government on international business through the use of barriers, tariffs, quotas, and taxation policies.

Analyze various factors and influences affecting the international business environment.

Determine social and cultural influences on the form of business ownership used or required in different countries.

Essential Questions:

How does geography impact international business?

How do politics affect international business?

How does the government affect international business in a country?

How does the culture of a country affect international business in the country?

What social and cultural influences affect the forms of business ownership used in various countries?

SECOND PART MAX 250 WORDS (so I am adding +1 page to the other essay. Answer the questions about Turkey. In this part you can use Wikipedia and do not make this part in an essay format.

THANKS! Let me know if you have questions.

Complete the following:



Area comparative

Land boundaries

Coast Line



Natural Resources

Natural Hazards

Environment*****Current Issues

Click on People*****list the information on the following:


Age Structure

Median Age: total




Death Rate

Sex Ratio

Infant Mortality rate

Life expectancy at birth

Total fertility rate

HIV/AIDS, people living with HIV/AIDS


Ethnic groups and percentages

Religions and percentages


Click on Government*****complete information on the following:

Government type



National holiday


Legal system


Executive branch

Legislative branch

Judicial branch

Flag description

Click on Economy*****list information on the following

Overview of economy

Population below poverty line

Labor force

Labor force by occupation

Unemployment rate


Agriculture products


Export Partners

Import Partners


Economic aid recipient?


Exchange Rates

Click on Communications*****complete the following:

Telephone System

Radio Stations

TV Stations

Internet country code

Internet users

Click on Transportation*****list information found

Click on Military*****answer the following:

Military branches

Military manpower (military age)

Military manpower (availability)

How to Reference "International Business Turkey" Term Paper in a Bibliography

International Business Turkey.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

International Business Turkey (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). International Business Turkey. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”International Business Turkey” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261.
”International Business Turkey” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261.
[1] ”International Business Turkey”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. International Business Turkey [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261
1. International Business Turkey. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/turkey-textiles/5436261. Published 2013. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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