Thesis on "Tuition in Higher Education Holds"

Thesis 13 pages (3251 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

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Tuition in Higher Education

Higher education holds the key to the future economy of our nation. However, the recent performance of our educational sector only reflects a sad state of affairs. The Enrollment curve has flattened, accessibility reduced and dropouts have increased. For higher education to become more affordable institutions should formulate plans, innovate and restructure to deliver quality education in a cost effective setting. It is high time that policy makers rethink and redefine this ailing, unhealthy and commercialized system to a more principled, productive and accountable one. The future economic success of America rests with success of the educational system in transforming itself to improve the accessibility, participation and successful completion of higher education programs.


As we progress into the end of the first decade of the new century the value of education has increased tremendously with more and more people perceiving higher education as an important, indispensable component of our societies in order to achieve social equality and economic independence. American education system has always attracted students from around the globe due to its adherence to high standards and quality. However, just as is the case with our healthcare system, high quality comes with a price. Today, higher education has become unaffordable to vast majority of middle class and lower income American students. Economic constraints and consequent lowering of state funding has left institutions with no choice but to hike tuition. According to the recent report from the 'National Center for Public Policy' college tuition increased by 43
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7% between 1982 and 2007 while the corresponding increase in median family income stood at only 147%. [Tamar Lewin]. The report also highlights that over the last decade student borrowing has virtually doubled. Students from small income families also receive lower value of grants compared to students from affluent families. Already having the dubious distinction of being one of the few countries in the world where 24 to 34-year-olds are less educated than the elder population, the growing trend of escalating higher education costs will only worsen the scenario. [Tamar Lewin] A brief overview of the debate surrounding the issue of rising costs of higher education and its implications would offer better insight into this important social issue.

Higher Education (Vital Statistics)

The recent 'Measuring Up 2008' national report on Higher education has shed light on the new developments and disparities in our educational system in relation to some other countries in the world. The encouraging data has been the increase in the number of 19-year-old freshmen opting for college over the last decade. As per the report this figure has improved from 39% to 42%. The report also indicates that 34% of students between 18 and 24 are enrolled in college. However, the number of students who successfully complete college education has decreased significantly at just 18 per 100 students. (ranking 15th among the 29 countries) When compared with the education levels of those above 35 years old this is a real decline. Further, 78 million of Americans will soon be retired and considering the fact that this group represents the most educated of our national population, it places us in a predicament. [NCPPHE, 2008] These declining rates of completion and the gloomy statistics of our aging population are a cause for concern as they affect the quality and the success of our workforce in the global economic environment. As Mr. Patrick M. Callan, the president of the NCPPHE says, "When we come out of the recession, we're really going to be in jeopardy, because the educational gap between our workforce and the rest of the world will make it very hard to be competitive." [Tamar Lewin]

Lowering Public Funding

The result of diminished public funding for higher education is leading to higher tuition rates and lower graduation rates. This is underscored in the study by DeMoranville & O'Donnell (2001), who indicate that "colleges and universities are faced with the necessity of raising tuition rates to meet the ever increasing costs of providing higher education. How those increases are marketed may influence the typical negative impact such! increases have on enrollments." [DeMoranville & O'Donnell, 29] . With the economic crisis worsening across the last decade, we may expect to see continued drops in the number of those graduating from top-tier institutions, private schools and other universities. This also leads to a decline in the number of people who go on to graduate. The consequence is a trend of declining population of professionals and qualified specialists in many fields. According to Trombley (2003), this is a pattern that is evident across the United States. Reporting on a recent decline in public funding for university education, Trombley indicated that "the result was the worst fiscal news for public higher education institutions and their students in at least a decade, as the economic recession struck almost every state. So far this year, the picture looks even bleaker, with states continuing to cut higher education appropriations and campuses responding by! raising tuition even higher, imposing new fees and reducing student financial assistance." (Trombley, 1)

The Raising Costs

Between July 2008 and 2009 the consumer price index fell by 2.1% but college tuition prices have continued on the upward swing. In fact, the 2009 report from 'The College Board' shows that tuition fees at public four-year institutions amount to an average of $7,020 in 2009, which is a 6.5% ($429) increase from last year. Similarly tuition fees at public two-year colleges stood at $2,544 an increase of 7.3% ($172) compared to last year. In the private for profit four-year institutions the cost surge was even more pronounced averaging 8 to 10% per year. For the current year New England has the highest average tuition fees in the country. For instance the average fee for public two-year institutes in New England is $3,992 while it is much lesser in the western states at an average of $1,475. [The College Board] Quoting Mr. Callan, the NCPPHE president, "Most governors' budgets don't come out until January, but what we're seeing so far is Florida talking about a 15% increase, Washington State talking about a 20% increase, and California with a mixture of budget cuts and enrollment cuts," [Tamar Lewin]

The most recent case is that of University of California. In the wake of the $813 million budget cut the University of California board members have decided to increase tuition costs by an unprecedented 32%. This decision has cast so much burden on the students as they would now have to pay as much as $10,000 per year. As Richard A. Mathies, dean of the College of Chemistry at Berkeley, voiced his concerns, "Dismantling this institution, which is a huge economic driver for the state, is a stupendously stupid thing to do, but that's the path the Legislature has embarked on. When you pull resources from an institution like this, faculty leave, the best grad students don't come, and the discoveries go down." [Jack Kadden]

This significant increase in college fees is a discouraging trend, particularly for low income and middle-income households and under the prevailing economic downturn will add more burden to the students and their families. This is more amplified by the declining trend in the grant aid given to the lower middle-income students. Over the last 5 years grant aid for lower and middle income students fell from 47% of the amount paid by higher income students to only 34%. On the contrary grant aid increased for the higher income students by around 3% between 2004 and 2008. [The College Board]

Even though need based aid has increased over the last decade it has failed to match the increase in tuition. As per the 'Measuring up 2008' report, since 2000, the percentage of family income required to pay a four-year college program has continued to increase in all but two states (even after discounting financial aid). Students from poor income families have to spend as much as 40% of their family earnings for studying in public four-year colleges. State investments have been uneven with some states such as Georgia (4% to 0%), Hawaii (8%to 5%) reducing their funding while others such as Nevada (2% to 48%) and North Carolina (3% to 70%)have improved their funding. [NCPPHE]

Student Loans (The Pitfalls)

Another report by the NCPPHE focused on the growing cost burden of higher education and the financial management. This report focused on the aspect of student loans and the increasing burden on students. One recent report from the Washington education trust revealed that, "hundreds of thousands of young people leave our higher education system unsuccessfully, burdened with large student loans that must be repaid, but without the benefit of the wages a college degree provides.." [Lawrence Gladiex] National statistics show that almost half of the freshmen borrow loans and among these one-fifth dropout from college. This implied that in 2001 around 350,000 dropped out students were struggling without a degree certificate as well as being pressed with the burden of loans. Statistics… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Tuition in Higher Education Holds" Assignment:

Hi, this is Yoonki, and I am from Korea.

My writing class gives that the topic is "Higher Education."

It is about 13 pages of research paper, and it should be had really good thesis statement.

You can choose any resources, but it should be include the topic which is about "higher education."

Also, you should consider that "I am international student."

Please don't use difficult words and grammar because I am not a native speaker.

If you use difficult words and grammar, my teacher know that.

My professor use "TURNITIN.COM" so, please make sure about citation.

I would like to get back this paper at 4:00 pm 11/20/2009.

Please, think about written conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, apitalization),word choice (efficiency, clarity, and variety of words),sentence fluency (correction of awkward phrases, run-on sentences), overall organization (paragraph and essay structure).

I wrote about "The Effects of Increasing Tuition in Higher Education" for research paper with using Trombley, W. "The Rising Price of Higher Education."

However, it was limited to write more research paper, and it just coverd graduation rate.

I want to put the more information such as relation of economic recession, enrollment rate, private funding donations, reduced public funding, and increased salaries due to rising costs of living mean that simple budgetary financing is not enough.

So, please entitle to write "The Effects of Increasing Tuition in Higher Education" using other resources.

Here is my essay about "higher education", and please use some information from my essay and combine relative information using other sources.

You can write research paper using some part of my essay.

Also, all resource should be connected each paragraph and thesis statement.


"The Effects of Increasing Tuition in Higher Education"

The current economic recession has had widespread and troubling effects on every walk of American life. The available resources as the public government funding level and at the individual level are lesser in recent years as corporations fold, families struggle with mortgage payments and individuals work to tighten their belts. Sadly, this is also true at the university level, demonstrating that the impact of a negative economic situation can lead directly to self-perpetuating trends. In this case, the result of diminished public funding for higher education is leading to higher tuition rates, which in turn, is producing lower enrollment and graduation rates. This is underscored in the study by DeMoranville & O*****Donnell (2001), who indicate that *****colleges and universities are faced with the necessity of raising tuition rates to meet the ever increasing costs of providing higher education. How those increases are marketed may influence the typical negative impact such increases have on enrollments.***** (DeMoranville & O*****Donnell, 29)

This shows that there is a close connection between economic conditions and access to public education, indicating that there is a real sociological problem represented to our shared education in the mist of this recession.

All indications are that with the economic crisis worsening across the last decade, we may expect to see continued drops in the number of those graduating from top-tier institutions, private schools and other universities. Of course, this also leads to a decline in the number of people who go on to graduate or professional schools following college graduation. The consequence is a trend of declining populations of professionals and qualified specialists in any number of fields. According to Trombley (2003), this is a pattern which is evident across the United States. Reporting on a recent decline in public funding for university education, Trombley indicated that *****the result was the worst fiscal news for public higher education institutions and their students in at least a decade, as the economic recession struck almost every state. So far this year, the picture looks even bleaker, with states continuing to cut higher education appropriations and campuses responding by raising tuition even higher, imposing new fees and reducing student financial assistance.***** (Trombley, 1)

All of these conditions illustrate the harm in instigating a recession which is related directly to poor budgetary distribution on the part of state governments and failed financial management by universities. The perception of higher education as being inherently competitive and exclusive does a clear damage to America*****s social, economic and professional fortunes. In the decades to come, a continuation of these trends will help to reduce our stature on the world stage. The lesser degree of public assistance for higher education suggests a poor resolve on the part of the U.S. and its private universities to help keep the American student and professional on pace with the rest of the world.

While it is true that tuition rates have a tendency to rise annually with the changes in the economy, the presence of general inflation and with trends of growth. It is when the tuition rates are actually indicative of the inverse trend that we begin to see the troubling consequences in our graduation rates. Quite to the point, we are at a phase in history where economic growth is stagnant, decreasing the abilities of individuals and families to foot the existing bills for higher education. As rates raise in the midst of this situation, the cost of higher education becomes yet more prohibitive. The price hikes that Trombley reports are categorically daunting in some states. As the Trombley article tells, *****tuition and mandatory fee charges at four-year public institutions rose in every state, startlingly so in some cases. In Massachusetts, for instance, tuition jumped from $3,295 to $4,075, an increase of 24 percent, largest in the nation. Iowa, Missouri and Texas increased tuition and required fees by 20 percent, North Carolina by 19 percent, Ohio by 17 percent. Sixteen states increased tuition and fees by more than 10 percent.***** (Trombley, 1)

When prosperity has been either stagnant or on the decline, these increases are nothing short of catastrophic for many families and would-be students. The result is a circumstance which requires creative thinking and ingenuity for resolution. So denote DeMoranville & O*****Donnell (2001), who investigate the correlation between a sliding tuition scale and graduation rates. Their research finds that, unfortunately, altering prices to reflect credit loads is not effective enough to counter the trend. Their article tells that *****the results indicate that a sliding tuition rate scale does not increase four-year graduation rates. The authors suggest that emphasizing value may make tuition increases more palatable.***** (DeMoranville & O*****Donnell, 39)

This emphasis on value is merely a suggestion though, and comes with no empirical validation. Indeed, it is a highly speculative suggestion that reveals our present reality. Without the improvement of public funding for universities, the brunt of our recession is taken by the students and their families. If this seems appropriate from the perspective of the governments and universities responsible for our current situation, the coming years of economic and academic decline will expose this as a problematic view. Indeed, the only way to resolve the problems concerning enrollment and graduation is to return to a public philosophy of funding and support for higher education accessibility.

How to Reference "Tuition in Higher Education Holds" Thesis in a Bibliography

Tuition in Higher Education Holds.”, 2009, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Tuition in Higher Education Holds (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Tuition in Higher Education Holds. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Tuition in Higher Education Holds” 2009.
”Tuition in Higher Education Holds”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Tuition in Higher Education Holds”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Tuition in Higher Education Holds [Internet]. 2009 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Tuition in Higher Education Holds. Published 2009. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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