Article on "Tube as a Key ICT in Education"

Article 8 pages (2640 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

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Tube as a Key ICT in Education

"Many educators believe that the act of creating content…is a valuable learning exercise… [YouTube] allows students to replace passive learning with active participation, where everyone has a voice, anyone can contribute, and the value lies less in the content itself than in the networks of learners that form around content and support one another…" (Skiba, 2007).

This research embraces several practical, creative and informational uses for the YouTube technologies to be integrated into educational, pedagogical settings.

Students today are as a rule very Web-savvy, and digital technologies are very easy for them to learn and navigate within. Whereas a few years ago students using online technologies were seen as "surfing the Web" or visiting Internet sites that contain inappropriate material, today many students are utilizing social media technologies and other digital services as part of their learning experiences. In fact ICT-based educational strategies are finding their way into high schools, colleges and universities because faculty and administrator realize

ICTs are not just tools for entertainment, but rather are useful links for learning, for researching, and for personal development vis-a-vis problem solving. The revelation that students learn through YouTube may surprise the uninitiated;

but it should aid the understanding and appreciation for YouTube.


The ongoing revolution in the development of information and communications technologies (ICTs) has opened the door for significant advances i
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n pedagogical settings, and instructors are walking through that door in a myriad of contexts. Indeed, ordinary students today are being presented with extraordinary opportunities to enhance their learning through ICTs, and the literature reflects that students are taking full advantage of these emerging formats. The explosion of Web-based digital technologies -- from cell phones that take video, tell you where you are and how to get where you need to go and access the World Wide Web with a soft touch of a finger on a screen, to iPods, iPads, light-weight laptops, and more -- did not until recently transition into the educational milieu with any sense of immediacy and urgency. However, that is changing, and technology-savvy instructors are finding creative ways to stimulate learning through a myriad of ICTs and "apps" that link to multimedia and other resources.

This paper focuses on the way in which YouTube -- owned by search engine giant Google, among the most fiercely aggressive technology companies in the development of new media, social media, maps, and countless examples of creative software and applications -- is being implemented in classrooms and other educational settings. The literature presented in this article illustrates the pragmatic and yet progressive application of YouTube technologies within the educational setting, and how students -- and their instructors, professors and technology mentors -- are benefiting from those applications.

Definition of Terms

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies); apps (applications for smart phones and other technologies); politicoeconomic (those in society with political power and money); pedagogic (in a teaching / learning context);

Review of the Literature

In their peer-reviewed piece in The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, authors Kellner and Kim lament the fact that while education until recently was a "democratizing force" designed to promote culture and social change, it has lately become a "voucher for politicoeconomic success" (Kellner, et al., 2010, 3). In fact education in Western society is no longer a "live forum for liberating dialogue" but instead education has in too many cases become "a warehouse for knowledge and skills," Keller continues (4). Because education is too often "…controlled by dominant economic and political institutions" this has led schools to come under what Kellner calls "a quasi-monopoly control" (4). In fact the article asserts that the current dissemination of knowledge by "established powers" can be seen as a kind of "cultural and ideological domination" existing largely for the purpose of strengthening the interests of the "dominant class" (4).

While those accusations and assertions may seem extreme, there certainly is more than a grain of truth to be found and salient questions to be posed vis-a-vis their thesis. Meanwhile, now that new media technologies are in play and available in classrooms, the "institutionalization" of education, and the "monopoly of knowledge" alluded to earlier by Kellner can be -- and is being -- challenged (4). The authors believe through applications like YouTube -- a pivotal ingredient in the decentralized communication revolution -- combined with a "…transformative critical pedagogy," can help achieve the Internet's potential for "democratization" (6).

Clearly, these authors are invested in jump-starting educational environments away from he "ideological domination" of corporate influence and into a realm where technologies liberate the student and allow "…traditionally unrepresented people" to actively engage "subject matters in which they are interested in" (15). Readers can be writers and "active producers of their culture," Kellner asserts (22). Through YouTube, individuals in learning environments can pursue a "transformative pedagogy of everyday lives" on the Internet (Kellner, 22). Moreover, YouTube provides a chance to learn by doing, an opportunity to understand "…learning as communication, learning for agency, and learning for social transformation"; and yet, without a "clear pedagogical vision" -- and here is where leadership from savvy instructors plays a critical role -- YouTube could easily become "a mere toy of the privileged" and an instrument of pleasure and self-expression.

Rousseau saw education as an avenue for raising an individuals' "…rationality to realize autonomous human agency," Kellner explains (27). In that same vein, through the production of YouTube videos -- investing time and thought into topics and issues that are germane to the coursework, and carefully organizing one's ideas -- students practice "…a crucial pedagogy of critical human agency" (Kellner, 27).

The Kellner article was published in 2010, and so his estimate of how many individuals in any genre utilize YouTube is entirely out of date. An article in the Los Angeles Times (Chmielewski, 2012) reports that YouTube attracts about 800 viewers a month. According to YouTube's global head of content partnerships, Robert Kyncl, some ninety percent of the traffic on the Internet in the near future will be video-related. Someone like Michelle Phan can follow her own passion, Kyncl explained, instead of doing what her mother wanted her to do -- become a doctor. What Phan has created on her own YouTube channel is "instructional" videos on makeup and beauty (Chmielewski, p. 1). To date Phan's YouTube channel is attracting twice as many "regular viewers" as cable TV's "Style" network.

Learning Shakespeare via YouTube

An article in the Shakespeare Quarterly (Thompson, 2010) highlights a unique learning experience for Asian-American students who portrayed Othello in creative ways on a YouTube presentation. The interpretative opportunities that YouTube technology affords are dramatically obvious in the production these Asian-American students put together, as an Othello that is "…unmoored historically, linguistically, and narratively" (Thompson, p. 2). This updated version of Shakespeare's iconic Othello production alters the language, the setting and the plot of the play; and the YouTube production is irony personified because as Thompson points out, Asian-Americans are among the least visibly represented groups in contemporary Shakespearean performance" (Thompson, 2).

Thompson carefully and accurately points out that traditionally there has been tension between African-American students and Asian-American students, and given that Othello is black, and most white students putting on the play wear blackface, the Asian students uniquely eschewed those production stereotypes altogether, due to the flexibility they have producing a YouTube video. Hence the author notes that it is "…revealing to watch the YouTube video of these students & #8230; create fascinatingly rich cyberproductions that reveal their tenuous positions both inside and outside of popular American cultural production" (2)

Another play the same students produced, Titus Andronicus, was whittled down to only 13 minutes and 53 seconds. The students condensed Act 1 to one minute, Act 2 to three minutes, Acts 3 and 4 to about three and a half minutes, and Act 5 to four minutes, Thompson reveals (3). Clearly the five Asian-American students who produced and uploaded the production to YouTube are technologically empowered, but moreover, they are media-savvy as they used "diverse musical overlays" from bands like Radiohead, the Smashing Pumpkins, and Coldplay (4).

Moreover, the students' use of certain "disturbing aspects" of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus -- that normally would be "suppressed or addressed euphemistically in classroom discussions" in high school -- tells a story about the power of YouTube in pedagogic venues (Thompson, 10). Those "disturbing aspects" portrayed in the YouTube video include a "preponderance of sexist, racist, and homophobic responses" -- which clearly demonstrates "…how the anonymity afforded by the YouTube platform can unleash" those troubling, controversial passages that would be in appropriate in typical secondary school dynamics (Thompson, 10).

Thompson points out that by producing and uploading original, student-crafted Shakespearian material onto YouTube the students provide "long public afterlives" for their work (11). Moreover, the value of this Internet activity lies in the opportunity for "dialogue and debate across the borders of nation, race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, class, physical ability," Thompson asserts (11). Additionally, it can be said that this… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Tube as a Key ICT in Education" Assignment:

I need help writing an article for my class that focuses on ICT*****'s in Education. The article should be suitable for publishing in an academic journal focusing on ICT*****'s such as: Learning and Leading with Technology, QUICK, Computers and Education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning or Journal of Research on Technology in Education.

The idea behind this assignment is that eventually we could actually submit our articles to the journal for publication (I won*****'t be taking this step as I have no interest in it) so it is supposed to adhere to the style guides and formats of the particular journal it is being written for. At the same time, there is also a class requirement of the article being around 2500 words, this is contradictory to the requirements of most journals which only want articles around 1000 words. The class requirement should be followed for the word count by the style guide of the journal will need to be followed as well.

The article should focus on a single topic, the usage of a single ICT in education. It should not be an overall look at all the available ICT*****'s but should have a very specific focus on a single ICT and how that ICT can be utilized in the classroom to benefit student learning. Which ICT the ***** chooses to research and write on is up to them and their particular expertise, I am impartial. A few examples that I thought of were: discussing the effective use of classroom blogs, How the use of Web 2.0 tools like Dropbox can create more efficient classrooms, how the IPAD can be used in the classroom.

The direct instructions for the chosen topic from the professor are:

*****"This course has highlighted the importance of good pedagogy going hand in hand with new technologies. Some teachers can adopt constructivist principles using paper and pencil, and other teachers can maintain didactic, instructionist, traditional approaches using modern technology. It is not the technology per se that will bring about transformation in learning, but reflective, creative, and skilled teachers applying the technology in a conscious and knowledgeable way.

Investigate how a particular new technology, concept or approach may be applied in an educational setting in order to bring about transformation in learning. For example, you may choose a new piece of hardware or software, or a Web 2.0 tool, or ePortfolios, or Webquests, or Learning Objects, or constructivist learning environments.*****"

As can be seen from the quote above it is very important that the article highlight good pedagogy as the heart of the successful implementation of the ICT. It is not the technology that makes good teaching it is the teacher.

The framework of the assignment will be directed by the style guides of the chosen journal but the professor has also given some ideas:

*****"Most journals adhere to the following framework.

1.An abstract of approximately 150 words.

2.An introduction that describes the issue, e.g., the implementation of a new piece of technology or concept.

3.A definition of terms.

4.A review of current literature to establish how others have attempted to resolve the issue, e.g., how they have implemented the new technology or concept. You would include any advantages or pitfalls that others have identified.

5.A list of recommendations for the implementation of the new technology or concept.

6.A conclusions section at the end that has no new information, but which serves to bring all your arguments together.

7.A reference list.

You are not expected to collect data in the field, though you may include data and your own observations if appropriate and available. *****"

I will also be send some additional details including the writing tips provided by the professor, the rubric and the peer review guide. If any further materials are needed or the ***** needs access to style guides (maybe they don*****'t have access without using a university library??) these can be provided.

I would like to be involved in the writing process as much as is possible and to have updates frequently. Specifically, I would like to be updated when the ***** has chosen which journal they will write the article for and why they have chosen that journal as well as when the author decides which ICT they would like to focus on and why they have chosen that ICT.


How to Reference "Tube as a Key ICT in Education" Article in a Bibliography

Tube as a Key ICT in Education.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Tube as a Key ICT in Education (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Tube as a Key ICT in Education. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Tube as a Key ICT in Education” 2012.
”Tube as a Key ICT in Education”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Tube as a Key ICT in Education”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Tube as a Key ICT in Education [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Tube as a Key ICT in Education. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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