Term Paper on "Domestic Homicide in South Carolina"

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How can there be any consensus about either truth or justice - or the relationship between the two - in a place like El Salvador?

The answer to this depends almost entirely upon one's own beliefs about the nature of governance and of human rights. If one were fortunate to believe in the divine right of monarchs, then one argues that it is the monarch alone or the modern equivalent, the military dictator - guided by God - who has both the wisdom and the power to institute laws. Those on the progressive left end of the political spectrum argue that only the most democratic institutions possess the wisdom and the right to make decisions for the group as a whole. But as good as this sounds, Maier (2002) reminds us that is not this simple when trying to bridge the differences between "hot" and "cold" memories and to bring together a population in which most are innocent and a few are horribly guilty but many are not quite guilty but certainly not entirely innocent.

The difficulty of a single, relatively short-lived governmental body being able to restitch a sundered society can perhaps be better understood if we compare a place like Chile to the United States, where there is profound disagreements about the ways in which our society should be run. Oliver Wendell Holmes (quoted by Joseph P. Lash) argues with absolute truthfulness that we - and this we is the government of any nation - practice law rather than justice for there "is not such thing as objective 'justice'." In a democracy the law shifts from one era to the next, trying to reflect and create as great a consensus as is possible - but always leaving a large number of people outside of that consensus. And people who are le
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ft out - at least in a democracy - often take action to try to bring their own concepts of justice to bear. This will inevitably be true even in the presence of commissions that are designed to circumvent - or at least channel - such impulses.

That which is not just is not law," argued William Lloyd Garrison, and there are a number of ways in which Americans who believe that the nation's laws are not just can act to try to bring those laws into accord with their own idea of justice. Americans may participate in civil disobedience - intentionally breaking laws that they do not believe are just to bring attention to these laws and so (they hope) to change them. This was, of course, one of the ways in which members of the Civil Rights Movement acted; it is today often used by environmental activists.

But what does such a maxim mean in a place in which there can be no true justice because so many hundreds and thousands and perhaps even hundreds of thousands of people who deserve compensation for the terrible things that have been done to them are now dead and beyond the jurisdiction of a commission or a nation. What is justice for those who are beyond everything, even pity?

Neither the law nor conceptions of justice are static: They change as the culture changes, as history allows for different types of crimes, punishments and, remedies. They are rarely the same - and never the same for all of the members of a group. So long as justice remains an ideal (even when the concept of justice is acknowledged as subjective) human societies will continue to develop systems of law designed to make human society as just as possible.

But those systems will again and again be challenged by the dictators and torturers and racists - and no number of truth commissions can prevent (or at least so it seems) the next massacre. "No justice, no peace," shout people at demonstrations for a variety of causes across the nation and across the world, and while many of us have considered this to be a pretty catchy slogan it is also true that most of us have not stopped consider what exactly the implications of such a slogan would be.

The promise of the truth commission is the promise of distributive justice, a philosophy based on the idea of a strict or radical equality, which is simply the idea that every person in a society should have the same level of treatment - something that each person deserves because as a part of our human birthrights we are owed equal respect, and one measure of this equal respect is that we all participate equally in our society.

We all deserve justice. We all deserve truth. But this is not possible, for we all have different pasts and not all of us are capable of receiving justice for what has been done to us. Perhaps those of us who cannot receive justice must settle for truth - which may be enough so long as we - and the truth commissions… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Domestic Homicide in South Carolina" Assignment:

The specific sources that must be used for this paper are:

Paloma Aguilar, Memory and Amnesia: The Role of the Spanish Civil War in the Transition to Democracy. New York and Oxford. Berghanhn Books, 2002. Chapter 1: Regarding Memory, Learning, and Amnesia.

Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History. Boston. Beacon Press, 1995. Chapter 1: The Power in the Story.

Charles S. Maier, "Consigning the Twentieth Century to History: Alternative Narratives for the Modern Era," The Amweican Histrical Review 105,3,2000.

Charles S. Maier, "Hot Memory...Cold Memory: On the Political Half-Life of Fascist and Communist Memory," Transit Europaische Revue, Tr@ansit-Virtuelles Forum, Nr. 22/2002

Martha Minow, Between Vengenance and Forgiveness: Facing History after Genocide and Mass Violence. Boston, Beacon Press, 1998. Chapter 1: Introduction.

Mark Osiel, "Ever Again: Legal Rememberance of Administrative Massacre," University of Pennsylvania Law Review Vol. 144, 1995. Introduction and Part I, pp.464-504

Rachel Sieder, "War, Peace, and Memory Politics in Central America", in Alexandra Barahona de Brito, eds. Op. Cit.

Priscilla B. Hayner, Unspeakable Truths: Facing the Challenge of Truth Commissions. New Yorkk. Routledge, 2002. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Confronting Past Crimes.

Richard A Wilson, "Justice and Legitimacy in the South African Transition", in Alexandra Barahona de Brito, ed Op. Cit.

Priscilla B Hayner, Op. Cit. Chapter 3: Why a Truth Commissions? Chapter 4: Five Illustrative Truth Commissions.

If any of the material is needed please let me know and I will fax it over.

The paper should include the role of truth commissions in five cases: Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala and South Africa. Truth commissions are an institutionalized way of beginning to address a traumatic past and, therefore, of influencing the creation of memory and of a narrative for recent history.

The papers ought to engage the more conceptual literature from a reflection on these specific cases and their experience with truth commissions.

Some concepts such as the following which are found in the readings should be mentioned and supported with proper citation.

Collective and individual memory

Memory and identity

Memory and class and generations, or other categories

Communities of memory

Hot –cold memory and what influences one or the other


Nature of the regime and of the transition

Moral narrative of the 20th Century – Structural Narrative

Legal remembrance, administrative massacre (if you have not yet read Mark Osiel’s piece you may read up to page 478 if you find that pp. 478-505 are too difficult)

Trials and its problems and as opportunities for developing social solidarity

The past in the present; the past from the present; a constructed past – collective identity

The storage model of memory-history

History as production

Silences in historical production

I would like to focus on the issue of the truth vs. justice. by knowing the truth are we obtaining real closure or do we have to seek for justice?? what justice?? victors justice is not always the truth and is it real justice?? Truth commissions and their roles in this search for truth and justice.

How to Reference "Domestic Homicide in South Carolina" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Domestic Homicide in South Carolina.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2003, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Domestic Homicide in South Carolina (2003). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783
A1-TermPaper.com. (2003). Domestic Homicide in South Carolina. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Domestic Homicide in South Carolina” 2003. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783.
”Domestic Homicide in South Carolina” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783.
[1] ”Domestic Homicide in South Carolina”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2003. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Domestic Homicide in South Carolina [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2003 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783
1. Domestic Homicide in South Carolina. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/truth-justice/1518783. Published 2003. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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