Term Paper on "Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area"

Term Paper 10 pages (2687 words) Sources: 1+

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Treatment of Alcoholics in Low-Income Areas - Meeting the Needs of Population Groups through Social Marketing

Grant Proposal

Strategies of Marketing to the Community

Demographical Data in the Area of the Proposed Community

Alcohol Treatment Center


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Treatment of Alcoholics in Low-income Areas - Meeting the Needs of Population Groups through Social Marketing

From the perspective of a "Nurse at the Master level" this work will focus on obtaining a grant for a treatment facility for alcoholics in a low-income area.

Proposal: Use of Social Marketing Concepts in the Influencing of a Population Group's Health. This work will serve to provide an opportunity for the nurse to demonstrate application of a selected health promotion/disease strategy. A marketing plan will be developed for presentation to a board from which the nurse seeks approval for support resources for implementation of the program through a grant proposal. Included will be a description of the population group; the desired intervention and strategy and rationale. The goal of this grant proposal is to obtain a treatment facility for alcoholics in low-income areas.


Low-income neighborhoods are subject to
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experiential difficulties associated with alcohol use and abuse by members of the community. Studies have found that marketing targets these neighborhoods, specifically those comprised of minority individuals with ads, supply, and other marketing schemes which further propel the already existing problem. In the pursuit to treat alcoholics in low-income neighborhoods a marketing plan is critical in reaching those needing such treatment less funding prove to be ineffective and denied in future funding.

I. Strategies of Marketing to the Community

The strategic notification of eligible and needy participants is just as important as the provision itself because without a specified strategy for delivery the effort will have been one that is wasted. Strategies include but are not limited to distribution of flyers, community meetings and committee visitation at individual homes of those who are referred by other community members. In the work entitled "Assessing Needs, Access, and Barriers to Alcoholism Treatment in the Rural Community of Grant County, Oregon" information related to a community alcoholism treatment project conducted in the year 2004 is related.

Stated within the report is the fact: "Alcoholism and its negative social, economic, and medical consequences increasingly pose major problems in the American society and important challenges in doctor offices, especially in rural settings where there are few available resources. It is the objective of this study to attempt to assess the needs for, the access to, and the barriers against alcoholism treatment in Grant County, Oregon.." In the report of the design of the study stated is: " the design of the study includes multiple facets of researching work on available literature and published reports, reviewing medical records in medical facilities, meeting with personnel involved in alcoholism treatment programs, and attending Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, all of which focus on the population of Grant County, Oregon.

II. Demographical Data in the Area of the Proposed Community

Alcohol Treatment Center

Published data regarding the rate of alcohol misuse and abuse in Grant County which would be reveal a lower rate of alcoholism in Grant County as compared to that of the entire state of Oregon (6.7% vs. 7.8%). However, the needs for alcoholism treatment in Grant County are still considered greater that those of the rest of Oregon with finding of greater magnitude of negative consequences of alcoholism in Grant County, i.e., alcohol-induced death, alcohol-related traffic fatalities, adult alcohol-related arrests, and drunken driving arrests. It was so found that 207 people in Grant County sought treatments in four of major resources for alcoholism help in Grant County (Blue Mountain Hospital, Strawberry Wilderness Family Clinic, Grant County Center for Human Development, and Alcoholics Anonymous program) in the period of about one year through medical records. The rate of utilization of medical help of 207 makes up only 43.5% of the 476 in needs for alcoholism treatment, suggesting multiple barriers that are difficult to identify.

Among these barriers are finance with Grant County being one of the poorest county in Oregon with high unemployment rate (16.9%) and low educational level (15.5% without high school diplomas), low affordability of alcoholism treatments (high rate of uninsured population of 16.47%), social stigma, and other factors unique to each alcoholism treatment options in Grant County." This reiterates the importance of individual and case-by-case as well as area-by-area assessment of needs related to strategic delivery of assistance and intervention for the treatment of alcoholism within the community.

III. Intervention

Intervention has always been a key in the treatment process of the alcoholic individual and while this has always been acknowledged as being important it has emerged over the past decade the realization that the present framework that exists in community partnering which has shown to be very effective in interventions related to alcoholism and drugs particularly in low-income areas. The process is one of participation integrated with the interventions that are conducted through collaboration between service providers and members within the community. The behavioral aspects related to alcoholism are another factor that is gaining validity among those in the treatment field in relation to successful treatment of the alcoholic individual.

Demographic data for Rock Island County, Illinois shows a population of 147,912 of which 74.5% are white and 18.1% are black. However in Ward 1 & 2 with a total population of 8,242 31.5% are white and 68.5% are black. Specific challenges within the area include schools failure to prepare students for the college or alternatively for the job market.

While the factor of home ownership in Rock Island County is somewhat higher than the national average, the median home value and the median household income is lower than the national average. The national average for home ownership is 66.2% compared to 69.7% in Rock Island County. The factor of home ownership in Ward 1 & 2 however, is 38.4% which much lower than the national average. The national median home value is $119,600, in the State of Illinois the median home value is $130,800, in Rock Island County median home value is $79,900 while median home value in Ward 1 & 2 is only $36,856, almost 50% less than the national average of median home value. Median household income at the national level is $46,543 and in the State of Illinois is reported at $46,590.

The Rock Island County median household income is reported somewhat lower than the national or Illinois median household income at $38,608 while Ward 1 & 2 report less than 50% of the median household income at $18,400.

Demographic information shows that the National average for families living below the poverty level is 16.8%, 10.7% for the State of Illinois, 11.5% for Rock Island County and at 19.4% for Ward 1 & 2 which is above the National average and well above the median average for the State of Illinois as well as over 8% above the average of families living below poverty level in Rock Island County. Rock Island County, having 350 individuals per square mile is in receipt of $983,195 in federal grants and funds for the year 2004 while Ward 1 & 2 with 385 individuals per square mile receiving the pithy amount of $18,000.

IV. Rationale

The Rationale for the needs in the community being studied is clearly fact-based needs that are very easily seen when taking into consideration the demographical statistics in the area. An alcoholism treatment center is desperately needed in this area which is predominantly black in Ward 1 & 2. The studies of Lincoln (1977) clearly states that the African-American male tends to drink more heavily when under or unemployed which is clearly a problem in this area due to many factors. It is important to note the statement within the work entitled: "Healthy Cities: a model for community improvement." Journal of Public Management" (Clark, 1998)

V. The Outlook Relating to Future Funding Provisions

Prospect for future funding does not look optimistic as Rock Island County's funding was cut in half for the year 2006. Statistics show that alcoholism is lower than the national average for the State of Illinois and Rock Island County, however alcoholism needing treatment is nearly twice the stated 9.3% for the national average with Rock Island County having 17,.5% of its' cases being of the nature that requires treatment. The problems is further clarified when consideration is given to the fact that only 10.3% of those in Rock Island County needing treatment have insurance that covers alcoholism treatment. Another factor that is important to note is that the amount of violent crimes committed during the course of consuming alcohol (on the basis of rates per 100,000 in population) is much higher in the State of Illinois than the National average of 428.9 with Illinois being 672.5, Rock Island County records 469.9 and Ward 1 & 2 record 524.4… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area" Assignment:

This paper is written from the perspective of a 'Nurse at the Masters level.' This is a nursing perspective of obtaining a grant for a treatment facilty for alcoholics in a low income area. The title is: "Meeting the Needs of Population Groups Through Social Marketing."

The paper should include: A proposal that demonstrates the use of social marketing concepts to influence a population group's health. The population group is "alcoholics in a low income area of a small city." The goal is to obtain a grant for a treatment facility for alcoholics in a low income area. The strategies and interventions, with rationale for the interventions, must be included.

*This paper provides an opportunity for the nurse to demonstrate application of a selected health promotion/disease (alcoholics in a low income area of the city) strategy. A marketing plan must be developed that would be presented to a board. The nurse is seeking approval from the board (mayor and city council) for support (financial and /or other) resources for implementation of the program through a grant proposal. A description of the population group; the desired intervention and strategy (with rationale); and the "board" (mayor and city council) to whom the request is presented.* Example: Asking the local city council for assistance in implementing a treatment and SCREENING campaign for alcoholics in a low income area of the city. Assistance could be financial or services such as distributing information to use a particuliar facility for meetings with this population group.

* Description of the population 15%

* Discussion of desired intervention strategies 20%

* Analysis of Marketing Process resulting in plan 25%

* Description of board to be addressed 10%

* Overview of presentation 20%

* APA format with bibliography 10%

Text used:

Ervin, N. E.(2002). Advanced community health nursing practice: Population-focused care. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. ISBN# 0-8053-7364-0.

Bensley, R.J., & Brookins-Fisher, J. (EDs). (2003). Community health education method: a practitioners guide. (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN# 0-7637-1801-7

Andreasen, A.R. (1995). Marketing social change: Changing behavior to promote health, social development, and the environment. San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN# 0-7879-0137-7


How to Reference "Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666.
”Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666.
[1] ”Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666
1. Proposal for a Grant to Treat Alcoholics in a Low Income Area. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/treatment-alcoholics-low-income-areas/55666. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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