Research Paper on "Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia"

Research Paper 4 pages (1240 words) Sources: 4

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Treating Leukemia With Stem Cells

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze literature to create a literature review. Specifically it will investigate past literature on treating leukemia with stem cells and its success.

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation can save lives in bone marrow transplants, but it is often not available due to a lack of availability of suitable human matched donors. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an alternative, especial in pediatric acute leukemias. Umbilical cord blood is also found to be "an acceptable source of HSCs for adult acute leukemia patients who lack HLA-matched donors" (Tse et al., 2008, p. 465). The authors believe studies into leukemia and UCB will impact the use of stem cell transplants in the future, because UCB is easier to get, less risky for donors, it has a low risk of infection, and is superior in just about every way to regular stem cells.

The study looked at clinical outcomes for a group of adults with leukemia, and found many interesting results. For example, they found "UCB recipients were younger (median, 24.5 vs. 32 years; Po0.001), weighed less (median, 58 vs. 68 kg; Po0.001) and had more advanced disease (52 vs. 33%, Po0.001)" (Tse et al., 2008, p. 469). They also found UCB recipients had better short- and long-term survival rates. They also give recommendations to practitioners about using UCB in adults. They write, "Using double UCB units for adult AML patients can effectively overcome the low cell dose barrier observed in clinical practice" (Tse et al., 2008, p. 470). UCB seems to be an excellent alternative source of stem cells for use in a variety of tr
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Stem cells are more difficult to obtain, so UCB is a good alternative source for stem cells, and it is especially helpful in bone marrow treatments for children and adult leukemia patients. It is easier to obtain and use, people show better survival rates, and it is generally a superior source of stem cells.

Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) has been used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) for over 15 years and it is still a very standard treatment for CML patients. However, the creation imatinib mesylate, which inhibits the molecular defect that causes CML is an alternative treatment that makes the use of grafting stem cells often unnecessary in CML treatment.

The authors acknowledge the use of stem cells has grown in regard as a successful way to treat leukemia in many patients. They state, "In most patients, imatinib reduces CML to a minimal residual disease state in which options to further deepen remission, such as immunotherapy, are sought; monitoring techniques and interpretation of response advance in parallel to meet demands" (Mauro and Maziarz, 2006, p. 404). The authors maintain stem cell use has helped them learn more effective ways of treating leukemia. They offer imatinib clinical trial information that major cytogenetic response (MCR) was higher with the imatinib control group study that began in 1998. They note, "Complete hematologic response was achieved in 96% of patients. To date in this study, imatinib has induced an MCR in 67% of patients, of which 55% were complete. Of patients with MCR, an estimated 82% have maintained their response for 36 months or more" (Mauro and Maziarz, 2006, p. 406). Follow-up studies show a greater quality of life for imatinib patients, and it is less costly than stem cell treatment, as well.

In summary, ongoing studies indicate that stem cells may be falling out of favor in treating leukemia, because imatinib seems to be a better alternative. Studies show it is more effective than stem cells, patients report a better quality of life after receiving the treatment, and it is less costly.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia" Assignment:

I need to write *****"literature review*****" for nursing research class. Instructor gave recommended steps to write this paper. Please review them before you started to write the paper. I also have picked 4 articles, but not sure if they are good enough. My paper will be about treatment of leukemia with stem cells. If you have better articles feel free to use them and send them to me. Thank you very much for your help.


- Identify the major ideas/concepts that are related to the problem statement and research question.

- List the concepts either in descending order of importance or in terms of a logical presentation. Determine whether one concept needs to be understood before another one can be introduced.

- Prepare an outline using the major concepts as major headings. The time put into the outline at this stage will save time later and increase the chances of having an organized literature review. The outline does not have to be extremely detailed to be useful.

- Divide each major heading into logical subheadings, if applicable. The need for further differentiation is determined by the problem. More complex problems require more subheadings.

- In a sentence or two, summarize the major findings of each study. Include complete reference citations.

- Write an introductory paragraph explaining the significance of the two or three major concepts.

- At the end of each section, summarize the findings for each group of studies. Write a paragraph at the end of each major concept or topic that summarizes the key points, supports the cohesiveness of the subheadings, and establishes the relevance of the proposed problem.

- Compile the entire literature review and scan it for coherence, continuity, and smoothness of transition from one topic to the next. Carefully check each citation for accuracy.


Research Question: What are the smoking behaviors of women after being diagnosed with lung cancer?

First Stage Outline: Identify concepts that provide the rationale for the study.

Smoking is related to lung cancer.

Smoking behaviors are associated with sociodemographic variables.

Second Stage Outline: Develop subheadings for each major concept.

I. Smoking is related to lung cancer.

A. Incidence of women who smoke.

B. Gender-specific differences in smoking.

II. Smoking behaviors are associated with sociodemographic variables.

A. Relationship of smoking behaviors among women of color and ethnic background.

B. Relationship of smoking behaviors of women in young, middle, and older adulthood.

Third Stage Outline: Add most important references that support each subheading.

I. Smoking is related to lung cancer.

A. The percentage of women who smoke has decreased from 33% in 1974 to 29% in 1990. However, the rate of decline is slower in women than men, and women are smoking at an increasingly earlier age (Centers for Disease Control, 1993; Grit, 1993; USDHHS, 1989). Even a family history of lung cancer does not deter some women from smoking (Horrowit, Smaldone, & Viscoli, 1988).

B. Investigations of gender-specific differences in smoking and quitting behaviors suggest that women have more difficulty quitting (Blake, et al., 1989; Grit, 1992; Novotony, et al., 1990; Orlandi, 1987). Women are more likely than men to have tried to quit or to have actually quit after diagnosis of lung cancer (Grit, Nisenbaum, Elashoff, & Holmes, 1991).

II. Smoking behaviors are associated with sociodemographic variables.

A. In an analysis of smoking patterns of white, Hispanic, and black men and women with cancer, white women were noted to have the highest smoking prevalence (26% of current smokers) (Spit, et al., 1990).

B. Continued smoking was reported most frequently in women ages 20 to 34 years and less frequently in women ages 65 years and older. Middle-aged women (45 to 65 years) however, smoked the most cigarettes per day.


How to Reference "Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia” 2010.
”Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Stem Cells and Treatment of Leukemia. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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