Essay on "Travel Blog: Year 2012"

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Travel Blog: Year 2012

Travel Blog:

The world is full of beautiful and interesting places to visit. Yet one may ask oneself where to go first, especially at the beginning of a relationship. While the first, second and even third dates have passed, perhaps even a few months, the question of where to go on the first 'real' trip is one that must be weighed carefully and answered properly. The following paragraphs have compiled a list of five must-see places in the year 2012, five places from which one can choose that are certain to be as unforgettable as they are remarkable.

The five places mentioned above all include either cities or countries. For instance, the first place is the City of Lights, Paris, France, which is a must-see for any couple at any point of the relationship. Yet the second place is Ireland, a country whose countryside is as romantic as it is calm, and very beautiful indeed. Ireland is also quite cheap, especially if one is used to eating simply and is able to lodge with strangers whose hearts are as warm as their hearths.

Whereas Paris is a metropolitan area for those who are very 'chic' and in step with fashion, art, and culture, Ireland is lower key, for people who are willing to spend some time listening to the patter of the rain and the beautifully green solitude of the country.

The third place that is a must-visit for couples in 2012 is Turkey. The country, especially its capital, Ankara, is full of life, color, and culture. Though Turkey is undergoing quite a tumultuous time, especially as it is across the border from many Middle Eastern countries, Turkey's largest city, Istanbul, as
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well as the capital, mentioned above, offer a full array of luxurious services, from world class hotels, to nightlife, to spice markets and shopping. Turkey is definitely a destination for the adventurous.

For those Americans who want to stay close to home and experience the novelty of a new country, Canada must not be forgotten. Montreal, a city just at the border of the U.S. (New York State), and Canada, is full of charm and history, with churches so close to each other that Mark Twain was known to say that one could not throw a stone without breaking a church window. Yet Montreal is not only for lovers of religion and history; indeed, the city presents the gastronome with an array of fantastic opportunities as well. For this reason, Montreal is fourth on the list of must-see places for couples.

Perhaps the most unexpected but, in a way, predictable destination is a 'warm weather' destination. This kind of a yearly trip is present on every couple's list. Who does not love a day on the beach with a daiquiri, or a swim in the most clear, blue water? Yet whereas some couples may choose the Caribbean and Mexico, which are, indeed, wonderful places, this list recommends one of two warm-weather destinations that can put that spark back into even an older relationship. These places are Thailand and Brazil. Thailand is an ever-popular destination, especially… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Travel Blog: Year 2012" Assignment:

Write a blog post on one of the topic below. (2page) and then write an email (1page) to a journalist. In that email you should tell why your blog is important enough for me to read and then write a news story about.

topics are;(choose one of them)

1) travel blog for the easter weekend. (where to go, where to stay, with family or couple, luxury places, including Europe, asia etc)

2) travel blog for the new year 2012 or 2013 (where to go, where to stay, with family or couple, luxury places, including Europe, asia etc)

if you have any interesting ideas to write about please let me know before you do besides these topics.


The email is called a *****"pitch*****" email.

Here are some examples of that email;

Dear Ms. Sozmen,

Although this is short notice, I came across something new regarding the earth, the world population*****'s excess use of energy, and a creative initiative to reflect on this problem: Earth Hour.

Earth Hour is based in Sydney, Australia but it is a worldwide initiative to save electricity for one whole hour. On March 31, 2012, at 8:30 pm local time, people throughout the world are turning off their lights and other electrical gadgets for one hour.

With this, Earth Hour*****'s YouTube channel created the I Will if You Will platform, which allows participants to create *****"bids*****" regarding green initiatives and their participants. Users can log on with their YouTube, Facebook or Twitter accounts and *****"accept*****" the challenge. Once the number of users have reach the challenge quota, the bid proposer will act on their offers.

I believe that Earth Hour is an incredible global celebration in order to save and reflect on ones energy use.

For more questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

Sincerely, Melissa Assa

To unsubscribe from this newsletter please click here.

Another example,

Hi, Chuck.

I hope you remember speaking with me on the phone a couple of weeks ago about my client,, the website that offers innovative Jewish rituals that are rooted in tradition. You told me that you would like to interview Ritualwell*****'s editor, Rabbi Roni Handler, for a possible story on your blog and perhaps for Gay Voices at Huff Post.

You will recall that we originally spoke about Passover rituals that were inclusive for the LGBTQ community. That is still a relevant topic, of course, but when I spoke with Roni she suggested that you might also be interested in writing about the entire LGBTQ section that Ritualwell features. One of the more interesting rituals they offer is a Coming Out Ceremony, which you can see here in their *****"Coming Out*****" section: And there is a section on *****"Gender Tranisitioning,*****" which you will find here:

Ritualwell is gearing up for wedding season, when they get a lot of requests and suggestions for innovative wedding rituals, gay and straight. Since same-sex marriage is so much in the news of late, Roni thought that this story angle might also be of interest to you. The wedding section is called *****"Sanctifying Intimate Relationships,*****" and you will see it here:

Roni is available to speak with you by phone sometime tomorrow afternoon (Monday, April 2), as well as on Tuesday, April 3, from 10 to 11 a.m. or anytime after 2:00 p.m. Please let me know if one of these times works for you. I do hope that you are still interested in speaking with Roni. (She loved your piece on Purim, btw.)




If you use any sources please cite them. Thank you

How to Reference "Travel Blog: Year 2012" Essay in a Bibliography

Travel Blog: Year 2012.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Travel Blog: Year 2012 (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Travel Blog: Year 2012. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Travel Blog: Year 2012” 2012.
”Travel Blog: Year 2012”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Travel Blog: Year 2012”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Travel Blog: Year 2012 [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Travel Blog: Year 2012. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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