Term Paper on "Travel Agents Analysis"

Term Paper 23 pages (6342 words) Sources: 25 Style: Harvard

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Travel Agents Analysis

The following pages will focus on providing an outlook on the situation of the U.K. tourism in general, and of travel agents in particular. The main aspects brought under discussion by this research paper regard the differences between traditional travel agents, on the one hand, and of e-tourism, on the other hand. Also, future trends in the field are presented, together with recommendations designed for improving travel agents' activity.

The introduction presents the importance of the problem and its implications. Also, the introduction provides a brief presentation of the research methodology used in this paper.

The following section focuses on establishing the hypotheses and the objectives of the research, as the starting point of any research. This is a very important section of the paper, as it provides theoretical background to the research in case. Also, this section is responsible for discussing the research options used for each objective.

Another section of extreme importance is the Results and Discussion one. This section presents the findings for every objective proposed by the research initially. This section somewhat denies the hypothesis that e-tourism will overcome traditional travel agents at some point.

The paper ends with the Conclusions and Recommendations section. This section reveals and supports the most important findings of the research papers. It also presents a series of recommendations that companies activating in the tourism sector could find useful.


Literature Review

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Research Problem Definition

Research Scope

Establishing the Objectives and Hypotheses of the Research

Pre-estimating the Value of the Information Gathered from the Research

Selecting Information Sources

Selecting the Information Collection Method

Research Methods for Each Objective

Results and Discussion

U.K. Tourism General Situation

Identifying the differences between high street travel business and e-business

Advantages and Disadvantages of Both Types of Companies

Establishing the profitability of both types of companies

Determining the future of the two businesses

Determining the power of e-business

Conclusions and Recommendations

Reference List


The following pages will focus on providing a research study regarding the current situation and the future of high street travel agents. In other words, the research question that the entire project revolves around is: what is the future, if any, of high street travel agents and will they survive?

This issues is a matter of extreme importance and it results could affect many parties involved in this matter. For example, it could be an important issue for the researcher. This is because this research project refers to a very present situation. In addition to this, such a research subject could be a great practice example because it incorporates several types of information collection. The project involves gathering and analyzing qualitative information, on the one hand, and quantitative information, on the other hand. Therefore, it is a very good way through which the researcher could see the differences between the two types of information, the relationship between them, and how these two types of information present complementary characteristics that are useful for attaining the project's objectives.

Also, the project deals with several methods of collecting the information. The research project in cause includes both primary sources and secondary sources. Regarding primary sources, the project involves the in-depth interview and the questionnaire sent by e-mail. The in-depth interview could be a great opportunity for the researcher to test its abilities and knowledge regarding psychology, sociology, and marketing. The researcher could gain experience this way.

Also, the researcher could see in the most practical way the differences between various investigation techniques, like the in-depth interview and the questionnaire sent by e-mail. The in-depth interview requires certain skills from the person conducting it. If the researcher does not have any experience in conducting such interviews, the first interviews with company representatives will not go in the direction required by this project. But after interviewing a few persons, the researcher will gain experience and the following interviews will go according to plan, given the fact that the minimum number of interviewed people should be 30 and the maximum should be 50. Therefore, if some of the interviews do not provide de expected outcomes, they could be eliminated from the analyses. The characteristics of the questionnaire will also be experienced in a practical manner. If the researcher does not have significant experience in elaborating such questionnaires, it is recommended to study some questionnaires that regard certain subjects that present similarities with the matter of this research project. Another important aspect of the research project is the fact that it also involves secondary investigation, allowing the researcher to explore this type of investigation.

The importance of this research project is also given by its subject, which regards a current situation. This situation affects several parties. It affects high street travel agents, online travel agents, and their customers.

The travel market is suffering serious modifications currently. High street travel agents lose more and more ground in favor of online travel agents. In 2001, over 35 million Europeans purchased travel products through online travel agents, especially for leisure purposes (Reitsma, 2002). The most popular products are airline tickets and hotel rooms, the same as previous periods. This online study presents information on travel market trends. These trends show that the number of travelers that prefer online booking to high street agents is increasing.

Another article that presents relevant information regarding the travel market situation and the importance of the subject is "What's the future for high street travel agents?." The article was published on TravelMole, the Online Community for the Travel and Tourism Industry in 2006.

World Travel News site also discusses the high street travel agents situation. The article "High Street Travel Agents Told Change Direction or Die Out" mentions that "up to 50% of independent holidaymakers, those who book hotels, flights and other arrangements separately, are snubbing high street travel agents and booking breaks on the Internet or via phone calls to tour operators." The article also mentions that the number of high street travel agents has fallen by 50% in the United Kingdom, although the travel market has significantly increased. This can only support the affirmation that high street travel agents will continue to lose ground in favor of online travel agents.

Travel market forecast do not show any improvements, as "a third of all travel agencies will close in the next 10 years unless agents embrace the Internet. Numbers could fall from just over 6,000 now to around 4,200 in a decade's time" (Technology Marketing Corporation, 2005).

A very consistent market research that could be used as a secondary source is Travel Agents and Overseas Tour Operators, conducted by MindBranch in 2007. The report contains information regarding: market sectors, market trends, market size, industry background, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, buying behavior, current issues, the global market, forecasts, and company profiles. This report also mentions the great challenge that online travel agents are for high street travel agents.

This research project could be important for travelers also. The information provided by this research could help them decide about their travel options. The research could clarify a series of aspects regarding the activity of high street travel agents and online travel agents.

Literature Review

The following pages will focus on presenting an analysis of the situation regarding traditional travel agents on the one hand, and e-tourism, on the other hand. This information presented in this research paper was revealed by secondary sources mainly. Most of the sources consulted for this paper are consisted of articles from journals and newspapers in the field. Official reports provided by the U.K. government have also been consulted in order to provide a more complex outlook of the tourism situation in the U.K.

A series of websites that deal with tourism in the U.K. were studied in order to gather information regarding past situations in the field, current situations, recent developments, and future trend that are expected to characterize the evolution of tourism in general, and of travel agents in particular.

However there is a severe lack of data, information, and consistent studies in this field. This lack of information has been acknowledged by the government also. As a consequence, the U.K. government has established a research strategy that is required to be implemented in the future. The lack of such information on tourism significantly affects the situation of travel agents. Travel agencies' strategies should be based on thorough studies that would allow them to make the right decisions on a long-term basis.


Research Problem Definition

The problem that makes the object of this research project regards the current situation of high street travel agents and their future in relation to e-business travel. It is recommended to establish all the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional travel business and of the e-business. These advantages and disadvantages must be studied in terms of companies and clients also. It is also recommended to establish the performance of each type of travel business, in terms of financial results and number of clients. Customer satisfaction is another factor that must be taken… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Travel Agents Analysis" Assignment:

Academic level of Your writing:BA Hons degree Final Year (u.k)

Could I have ***** ***** BREBENEL conduct the dissertation.

This is a business and marketing dissertation and is to be based on the project proposal I have attached. I have changed some objectives and you should focus more on the nature, implications and drivers of re-intermediation in the travel industry. *****high street***** is not sufficient; on/off line can have both in parallel. Sufficient use of journal articles need to be used, along with all interviews and questionnaires made, results found, and problems encountered.

Problem Identification (10%)

To what extent was the nature of the problem identified original and challenging?

Are the objectives/hypothesis clear and applicable?

Dose the research question identify a gap in the literature?

Literature review (15%)

Was there comprehensive coverage of the relevant literature?

To what extent there was clear evidence of reading/references from appropriate sources?

Methodology and Data Collection (15%)

Was the chosen research method(s) appropriate to the subject and well justified?

Was the empirical data appropriate to the subject?

Were the chosen research methods used in an effective way?

Was the sampling technique discussed, if appropriate?

Analysis and Evaluation (25%)

Was there evidence of:

- a critical approach to the literature and/or data collection?

- an understanding of the chosen research methods(s) ?

- justification for the use of the chosen research method(s)?

Was there an awareness of the assumptions made or limitations in the literature and/or data collection?

Was the argument logical, coherent and balanced?

Was the analysis rigorous

Was there an appropriate balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of the project?

Conclusions (15%)

Were the findings of the study explained?

Were the implications/applications of the study explored?

Were the conclusions relevant and appropriate to the problem?

Were the limitations/shortcomings of the project understood and explained?

Were areas of further research identified?

To what extent were the conclusions supported by the findings and arguments in the body of the project

Organisation and Presentation (10%)

Was the project organised and structured in an effective and logical way?

Did the writing style display:

- formal academic writing style (e.g. using third person instead of I, we and us)

- fluency?

- clarity?

- conciseness?

- conventional spelling and grammar?

Referencing (10%)

Was the project fully and accurately referenced to academic convention i.e. The Harvard Method?

7. Project structure

The following is considered to be an acceptable and logical way of structuring your project.

Title Page

Acknowledgements Page


Contents Page


Literature Review







Title Page

The title page must include the following:

The Title of the project: although the title of the project is a personal matter it should be one that reflects the subject

Acknowledgements Page

To acknowledge and thank anyone whom you want to for giving assistance with your project. This page is very much optional.


Written last but the first section of the report. A brief and concise preview of the report based upon the information from the other sections of the report.

What might be included in the Abstract:

- some background information

- the principal reason for the study

- an outline of the methods used

- a summary of the results of the study

- outline of the conclusions / recommendations

Contents Page

This page lists the main parts of the project together with their page numbers.


The introduction provides a perspective for the reader. It establishes a context of where the research fits into the wider area of study. The information might be provided in a sequence from General background information to Specific information e.g.

(a) general statements about the area of study i.e. put research into some context;

(b) specific statements about aspects of the problem already reported by other researchers (this could be in the form of a Literature Review and where this is extensive enough it might warrant a separate chapter in its own right);

(c) why there is a need for further investigation;

(d) purpose and objectives of the project;

(e) the report plan (chapters contents.

Literature Review

A discussion of the main concepts of the research and previous research to justification the research and show its contribution to knowledge:

(a) general statements *****“ these provide the reader with the necessary background information on the topic in relation to the general area of study.

(b) specific statements *****“ these are to review the findings of other researchers who have published in the area of study. They confirm that the author is familiar with important research in the area and open the way to their research topic.

There is a need to cite the relevant authors in a consistent way using the 'Harvard' method.

When discussing previous research on the subject area it should be done in some systematic, logical order e.g.

(i) Chronologically: Discussing the research from a historical perspective e.g. If discussing motivational theory it could be Taylor, Maslow, Herzberg; or

(ii) Different Approaches e.g. Content theories followed by process theories of motivation (but also chronologically)

(c) Further investigation - why there is the need for further investigation. Weaknesses / gaps / shortcomings in the existing literature e.g. areas ignored, conflicting ideas / conclusions. A new research question that has not previously been considered or previous ideas extended.

(d) The purpose and objectives of the project - the specific research problem. A brief outline of what is to be done. The scope of the report.

(e) Justification for the research - the value, benefits of the work to other researchers / workers in the area. The practical or theoretical benefits.


Describes the methods, procedures and materials used in the research project e.g:

- The population / sample; sampling technique; location; materials used.

- Questionnaire / interview; procedure e.g. postal / face to face.

- How the data was an*****d i.e. what analytical technique was used.

- Any restrictions / limitations in the research process.

Results /Discussion

Presentation of the most important findings. It is important to note that while figures, tables or graphs may be used they should be seen as illustrating points made in the body of the dissertation or as providing further information. Do not provide a succession of tables or graphs without introducing them and without a commentary or discussion.

You may present results and the discussion of results as two separate chapters or you may integrate them. If in doubt discuss this with your supervisor.


Brief overview of findings i.e. reference to original research topic/hypothesis; review of findings; explanation of findings; implications/applications of study; limitations; shortcomings of project; areas that could be developed further.

The conclusion is not merely a simple summary of the previous information but a drawing together of the relevant parts of the project which can be justified by the findings to produce a coherent position.


Referenced publications are listed in the bibliography alphabetically by author*****s name using the Harvard System.


Copies of questionnaires; interview schedules; diagrams, figures and graphs which are too large for the text should be provided in this section.

General Presentation

The project must be word processed or typed on A4 paper, double spaced with 25mm margins. The font and font size must be such that the project is easily readable e.g. a font size of either 12 or 14 point (excluding headings). Use widely-used fonts such as Times New Roman, not those that might be considered informal or unusual.

Pages must be sequentially numbered.

Chapters, sections and sub-sections must be clearly identified and sequentially numbered or lettered with separate chapters beginning on a new page.

Diagrams, graphs, figures, tables, pictures and charts must be incorporated into the project, NOT photocopies stuck in and they should be clearly labelled and referenced.

References must be accurately provided in the text using the Harvard System.

All quotations must be acknowledged and correctly presented within the text i.e. other than very short ones, quotations should be indented and in single spacing.

Number of words should be mentioned at the end of the dissertation and before the bibliography.

Dissertation Criteria

Problem Identification

- shows originality to the nature of the problem;

- the research problem was complex and difficult;

- the problem was clearly articulated

-identified gap in the literature

Literature review

- there was comprehensive coverage of relevant literature;

- clear evidence of reading/references from appropriate sources;

Data Collection

- the chosen research method(s) were appropriate to the subject;

- the empirical data was appropriate to the subject;

- the chosen research method(s) were highly effective

Analysis and Evaluation

- there was a rigorous analysis supported by evidence;

- ideas, issues were highly developed in a logical way;

- the argument was logical, coherent and balanced;

- there was a critical mastery of the literature and/or data collection;

- there was an excellent understanding and justification of the chosen research method(s)

- there was an excellent awareness of the assumptions made and limitations in the literature and/or data collection;


- the findings of the study were clearly and fully explained;

- the implications/applications of the study fully explored;

- the conclusions were highly relevant and appropriate to the problem;

- the limitations/shortcomings of the project were fully understood and explained;

- areas for further research were identified and explained;

Organisation and Presentation

- the project was organised and structured in a highly effective and logical way;

- the writing style displayed fluency, clarity and conciseness with conventional spelling and grammar;


- fully and accurately referenced to academic convention


How to Reference "Travel Agents Analysis" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Travel Agents Analysis.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Travel Agents Analysis (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Travel Agents Analysis. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Travel Agents Analysis” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937.
”Travel Agents Analysis” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937.
[1] ”Travel Agents Analysis”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Travel Agents Analysis [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937
1. Travel Agents Analysis. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/travel-agents-analysis-following/855937. Published 2008. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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