Term Paper on "Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model"

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The three stages in Feldman's model of organizational socialization are anticipatory socialization, accommodation and role management. The first stage comes before an employee actually occupies one of the positions in an organization and involves any socialization before that occurs, as well as any prior actions of getting the future employee prepared for the organizational culture he will working in.

The second stage is the accommodation stage, which generally may start with a confrontational state, in which the new employee is confronted with both the other employees (with higher experience in the work place) and the actual organizational culture. Usually, the adjustment period follows the conflict period and it is a period when the new employee is already settling in his new work environment.

The third stage is the role management stage, when the new employee is actually creating new attitudes and values in the organization and acts as a change agent.

The first recommendation could involve the anticipatory socialization stage, in which employees currently working at the cereal products manufacturer can socialize with the future employee in an informal environment. This could help the new employee meet some of his future colleagues and develop the first social ties with them.

The second recommendation can use a mentor for the first weeks that the new employee is with the company. The mentor can act as an interface between the new employee and the rest of the organization and can help him tackle some of the second stage accommodation problems that may arise at that point.

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Since this is a basic skills training program, the theoretical part of the program should only aim to cover some of the main issues that the course deals with. This would include introductory notions and applicative parts that the employees can use in their day-to-day activity. The program should also contain basic notions on organizational culture and mission and values of the company, as well as on how the company has set about in achieving this. On the other hand, I think it would also be a good idea to have employees who have taken the course before present the way they are using the notions learned in practice and this could give the theoretical notions a more practical reflection.

In terms of evaluation, I think the effectiveness of the program can only be measured against the objectives of the program that were set in the first place. Is the program aiming at giving an overall view of the organization and the means by which the company can achieve its goals? Then a likely evaluation of the effectiveness of the program will, in fact, be an evaluation of the effectiveness with which the employees themselves are performing their duties in the company.

3) One of the important reasons is that many managers do not see coaching as being on the list of their job attributes; they don't believe they were hired to coach other people, but rather to lead, organize and plan. From this perspective, they are likely to divide their time between activities for which they believe they are remunerated and leave out anything that they deem unimportant or that they believe that there are other specialized departments in the organization that can deal with that, such as coaching, for example.

Another reason they might find coaching difficult to do or are reluctant to do it is that, in a period of increased employee mobility, within the organization and outside of it, managers don't believe it is a good investment of their time, since that employee could join another team in the company or even move to a different company. They would simply be left with all this time spent coaching, time that will not benefit them in any way with a coached employee.

I think the first problem we have identified can be solved or at least improved with an organizational culture that encourages coaching and encourages managers to go ahead and form employees as well, even rewarding them for improving the overall level of the human resource. This can be done by examples from higher manager that can you use some of their time coaching (Jack Welch, for example, would sometimes participate in the training seminars that were held at General Electrics and provide examples from his own experience).

The second obstacle can't really be identified, but it can probably be tolerated. The manager will need to understand that, even if an employee does not stay with his team or with his company for a long period of time, he will still be a better asset if he is coached and trained than if not.

4) I think, first of all, that it would be important to assure a proper framework in which this discussion can take place. Something less formal than the supervisor's office, like maybe the company's cafeteria over a cup of coffee, can likely ensure from the beginning a constructive, rather than a conflicting discussion.

Second of all, this could presented as an evaluation of the employee, in which the quality service and relationship with the customer is an important part. This would give the supervisor the opportunity of pointing out the good activities that the employee has accomplished and turn over to some of the areas where he is underperforming, including the relationship with customers and the poor quality of the customer service he is providing. He can be asked about the reasons for this, which can be objectively discussed during the meeting.

If the causes for this include others than a simple lack of knowledge towards customer service, then those should be approached and discussed as well. It may be the case, for example, that the employee is psychologically stressed because of the long hours he is putting into some days, which means that one could re-discuss the employee's schedule as well, as a potential cause of the poor quality of customer service he is offering.

Finally, in terms of exact coaching, I think that a short training program on customer relations could be very helpful for the employee, especially since the extra research and the nine steps for coaching analysis showed that it is potentially likely that the employee may simply not know how he needs to behave with the customers and how to treat them.

One of the important sources of alcohol abuse relies in stress associated with work and many employee see this as their number one stressor in life. An EAP can help promote a less stressful work environment that can eventually direct the employee away from stress and away from his alcohol problem. The employee will also most likely feel more integrated into the organizational community and less susceptible of falling pray to stressful events in the company.

The EAP also encourage the idea that that respective employer cares about him as a worker and for his family. This will help foster the idea of a paternal organization, again, turning the employee away from the stressful factors that have made him abuse alcohol. The EAP will also most likely promote a safer and healthier working environment, one that will also encourage employee retention.

The main disadvantage, I think, is that the EAP will need to be in touch with the community resource and be able to direct the employee with the problem towards the right entities that can solve his problem. Additionally, the EAPs will need to be extremely focused on each employee in part and be attentive to immediately sense the problems that the employee has and prevent it in the earlier development stages.

6) it really depends on how changing organization attributes are likely to affect organizational goals and, in the end, the organization's mission and values. Further more, one would also need to analyze what changing these attributes implies and how it will affect the company as a whole. Sometimes, it is much easier for an individual or a couple of individuals to change rather than for an entire organization to do so.

A good example in this sense can come from the software industry. In this industry, it is often the case that stress usually intervenes in the days or weeks previous to the release of a new version of the application. The client may come up with newer requirements by that point or can ask for more from the application, without allowing for more time. This stress can actually be eliminated by better planning work along a longer period of time or by improving the relationship with the final customer and getting the input from his organization at an earlier time.

However, if we refer to attributes such as management style, again, it is easier to give up on an individual rather than on a group of individuals. In this sense, it is simpler and more efficient to give up on the manager than ask the whole team to cope with this situation, especially since the type of management used is not encouraging the full potential… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model" Assignment:

1) Name and briefly describe the three stages in Feldman's model of organizational socialization. Then, make two recommendations for how the ideas in this model can be used to design an effective orientation program for marketing professionals at a large cereal products manufacturer. For each recommendation, be sure to identify which element of the model your recommendations are based on, and explain how you have applied this element.

2) An organization of your choosing has asked you to help them design and run a basic skills/literacy training program for many of their employees. What approach would you take to this training? How would you evaluate the effectiveness of this program?

3) Many managers and supervisors find coaching difficult to do or are reluctant to do it. What do you believe are at least two important reasons for this? How do you think the obstacles you identify can be overcome?

4) Suppose that you are a supervisor in a retailing organization. You have been getting complaints about a particular salesperson providing poor quality service to customers. You recently observed this individual acting rudely towards a customer. This is not the first time you have observed this. Using the nine steps for coaching analysis (from Fournies and Mager and Pipe), you determine that this problem is worth your time and effort to address, and that this individual could act courteously if s/he wanted to. You are now ready to move to the coaching discussion. How would you handle this discussion, i.e., what specific questions would you ask the employee, or what steps would you follow to deal with this situation? Support each of your choices.

5) There is some disagreement about the effectiveness of EAPs and the constructive confrontation approach in treating alcohol abuse. Present the positions supporting both sides of the argument. Given what you have learned about this issue, where do you think the truth lies? Support your choice

6) Stress management interventions commonly focus on helping employees find ways to deal with the stressors in their lives. Yet, some experts believe organizations should modify jobs or other organizational attributes (e. g., management style) to remove or reduce the impact of such stressors themselves, rather than teaching coping skills alone. What is your opinion on this matter? Support your position.

7) Your text argues that an organization needs to pay attention to career management and development with its employees. Today's job market is often "tight" with too many applicants and too few positions. How does this situation affect an organization's concern for its employees?

8) You have an employee who appears bright and capable yet seems to delight in being negative, critical of others and the company, withdrawn, and "above it all." They "go through the motions and do the minimal job." You can't "fire" this person for at least two years. How do you specifically "coach" this employee? Can you change this person?

9) Compare and contrast management education, management training, and on-the-job managerial experiences. How can these be combined to create a strategic management development program?

10) Assume that you work for a large manufacturing organization and that you have been asked to join a new task force charged with shifting the organization toward greater use of self-managed work teams. Currently, the organization has a fairly typical organizational structure, with a sizable number of supervisors, managers, middle managers, etc., arranged in a hierarchy. How would you recommend that the organization go about making such a major change? Identify at least two problems that would you anticipate in this change, and state how you would seek to avoid them.

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How to Reference "Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436.
”Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436.
[1] ”Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436
1. Training the Three Stages in Feldman's Model. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/training-three-stages/654436. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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