Research Paper on "Training Levels and Number of Complaints"

Research Paper 12 pages (3726 words) Sources: 12

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Training Levels and Number of Complaints in the it Industry

Dissatisfied employees is a major detriment in any industry. When employees feel their rights are not being honored, they have the right to file formal complaints, which can cause a dip in both morale and overall productivity. This is often attributed to a lack of proper formal training in regards to appropriate work environment training, both on the employee and managerial participatory levels. This is true within the it industry as it is in most other contemporary industries.

This current study reviews the contemporary discourse regarding the level of formal training as correlated with the number of personnel complaints filed within a particular organization. The following content first examines the problem of high complaints and processes it from within a theoretical framework that attributes poor training processes as a major reason for such high complaints. It then moves to reviewing the contemporary discourse to uncover recent conclusions in the area of the study.

Using content analysis, the study focuses on three previous studies. These three studies were coded, focusing on the frequently used words or concepts that showed a relationship between training levels and complaints. Each case was coded, categorized, and then analyzed using the most frequent concepts to test the strength and sign of the correlative relationship between training levels and numbers of complaints. The initial hypothesis was confirmed, that the more formal training employees are exposed to, the less incidences of complaints there are.

II. Statement of the Problem

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ially, the nature of the problem revolves around a potential detriment to modern it work environments. High levels of personnel complaints are unfortunately "significant cost to organizations, both because they raise labor costs and because they lower organizational performance."

When there is inappropriate behavior and practices in the workplace, employees will complain more in a formal context. This only ends up hurting the organization and its overall productivity. Unfortunately this is a problem which has existed throughout contemporary business practice. Yet, as it industries become more widespread and diversified, they are becoming more susceptible to the same problems other industries have faced on such a large scale basis.

IV. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

The conceptual framework uses prior research as a way to mine data using qualitative research methods. Content analysis focuses on the study of texts as a way to facilitate gathering data regarding particular social phenomena. It is often used within the context of the social sciences, and can include a thorough analysis of a variety of different text types, including books, journals, and websites. Categorizing and classifying prior studies and research in the discourse in order to pull out a common thread that would attest to the nature of the relationship between the two variables, the level of formal training and the number of complaints. This type of analysis goes beyond inferring what is in the text through the process of coding the frequency of commonly used words, meanings, and relationships between denoted categories within single texts.

The theoretical framework rests on HR theoretical concepts, specifically regarding the importance of training in the workplace to reduce inappropriate behavior and problems. Such theories denote that HR practices that emphasize more formal training as a way to avoid potential problematic behaviors within the work environment that would generate more complaints. In this regard, the more formal training employees receive, the more knowledgeable they are in regards to what constitutes as harassment and other problematic behaviors within the context of the modern work environment.

V. Significance of the Review

This study does hold some major significance in regards to its potential impact on modern business practices within the growing it industry. First, there is relatively little information or inquiry regarding the relationship between training and complaints within the specified niche of the it industry. As such, this study can help lead the way in understanding this phenomenon not just from a general stand point, but from a more specified one that pertains to it and its related industries. Such an examination is crucial to social scientists because it helps to begin a conversation regarding the nature of training in it industries and how it can improve morale and productivity by reducing the number of employee complaints of various types.

VI. Research Question and Hypotheses

Overall, this research aims to dig deeper into the relationship between training levels and the number of employee complaints. As such, the primary research question is how do levels of formal training impact the number of complaints taken on within the context of the contemporary it industry. Based on the prior research and HR theory, it is the hypothesis of this research that the more formal training that is implemented the fewer incidences of complaint reports. Therefore, the null hypothesis would be that there is no relationship between the two variables.

VII. Major Concepts & Variables

There are two primary variables within this current research. First is the independent variable, that of the level of formal training witnessed by employees in the industry. This is the amount of training in regards to employee conduct and workplace behavior. In it industries, formal training often goes far beyond simply keeping employees up-to-date with the latest technologies. In fact, Corrado, Haltiwanger, and Sichel (2009) suggests that "training demands of a firm are not limited to the introduction of new technology; as new organizational structures such as teamwork are put into place, this increases the need of workers to acquire additional training to help them function in a more interactive group environment."

Secondly, the dependent variable is the number of complaints that are issued. These are thought to be related to the level of training.

VIII. Research Methodology

Overall, there is a general lack of data concerning organizations and the complaints filed against them that were handled internally based on potential nondisclosure agreements. A study of this nature in quantitative format is not present in the modern discourse, especially within the more specified context of the it industry. Therefore, the methodology had to be careful to look at other industries that are related to it as well as it itself.

The primary methodology for data collection and analysis was content analysis. In this method, textual data from content analysis helps show frequencies in meanings and assumptions within the existing literature. As such, "content analysis is a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from texts."

Coding texts for the frequency of words and ideas is a common occurrence within the structure of content analysis methodology.

This study will utilize relational analysis that examines the frequency and prevalence of formal training in relation to the number of complaints within contemporary organizations. Identifying concepts regarding the level of formal training and how that relates to complaints within the same organization or group of organizations is a primary element of the methodology. First, the study goes to identify concepts and then moves to establishing the relationship between them. Coding was done based on frequency of words and phrases and the assumed meaning those frequencies denote in regards to the strength and sign of the relationship between formal training and the number of complaints. The research suggests that this is appropriate, being that "the frequency with which a symbol, idea, reference, or topic occurs in a stream of messages is taken to indicate the importance of, attention to, or emphasis on that symbol, idea, reference, or topic in the messages."

The text was analyzed based on the strength of relationship and the sign of that relationship, to show at what degree and what sign the two variables were associated with one another. The study used prior studies on complaints filed within the it industry and related industry, especially telecommunications. It coded the studies for signals and meanings associated with the level of formal training that participants were involved with. From within the structure of content analysis methods, "a measure has hypothesis validity if in relationship to other variables it behaves as it is expected to."

IX. Review of the Literature

Corrado, Haltiwanger, and Sichel (2009) were a study that focused on understanding the measure of training in regards to organizational capital. Workforce training is essentially one of the three components of organizational capital. As such, this research suggests that "employer-provided training is an important component of the workplace organization and organizational capital."

Moreover, Corrado, Haltiwanger, and Sichel (2009) also suggest that employee voice is another level of organizational capital. This can be tied to the dependent variable within this study regarding the number of complaints being filed by employees within the modern it industry. Therefore, "the employee voice measure is primarily the right of workers to voice complaints under some form of due process."

There are a number of different types of complaints that can be seen within any work environment. These range from complaints regarding the quality of the work environment, impacts on health and well being, to more serious issues. Complaints regarding discrimination "often come up when someone… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Training Levels and Number of Complaints" Assignment:

II. Introduction:

Provide an introduction and brief overview of the study you are conducting.

Briefly outline the specific issues of concern in the study. The introduction should read similar to an abstract in a professional journal.

III. Statement of the Problem:

A. Describe nature of the problem [i.e., topic, issue or concern], you have selected

to examine in full detail.

B. How long has this problem existed?

C. Provide an historical overview.

E. Explain why, in your opinion, does this problem still exist today?

IV. Theoretical Framework:

Discuss the conceptual and/or theoretical context of this problem. That is:

A. What are the major concepts and/or theories that have been advanced to

explain why this problem exists?

B. Does the existing conceptual/theoretical framework, in your judgment, provide an adequate and reasonable explanation of the problem? If not, how do you expect to improve upon them in your approach to examining this problem?

V. Significance of the Study or Review:

A. What, in the final analysis, do you believe is the overall significance of this

problem? That is:

B. Why is an examination of this problem important to you as a social scientist?

C. What do you see as the significance of your study to the field of public

administration, your community and to society in general?

VI. Research Question: Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis:

A. What is the central question you will try to answer by conducting research on

this problem?

B. What is your hypothesis? [i.e., your tentative answer] to this question?

VII. Major Concepts & Variables:

A. Provide either a theoretical or operational [i.e., measurable], definition for each of the major concepts you believe are critical to an understanding of this problem.

B. List the major variables that will be analyzed in studying this problem.

C. Which of these variables are dependent? Which are independent?

D. Discuss what you view as the relationship that exist between these variables?

VIII. Research Methodology: Data Collection Steps & Procedures:

A. Describe the steps you took to gather your data [i.e., primary data], related to your research problem.

B. Outline the methods employed to evaluate your data.

What types of data did you use?

C. Discuss the techniques and procedures you employed to evaluate your data, i.e., content analysis, comparative analysis, or statistical analysis? If so, in what specific ways?

D. Note If a hypothesis is going to be tested:

1. Decide on a null hypothesis, Ho.

2. Decide on an alternative hypothesis, H 1.

3. Decide on a significance level.

4. Calculate the appropriate test statistic, using the sample data.

5. Find from the tables the appropriate tabulated statistic.

6. Compare the calculated and tabulated test statistics and decide whether to reject the null, Ho.

7. State a conclusion, after checking to see whether the assumptions required for the test in question are valid.

IX. Review of Literature:

Note: Treat this section as the body of your paper

A. Outline and discuss pertinent studies you reviewed.

B. Explain the importance and relevance of these studies to your research.

Research Findings Summary and Conclusion:

A. Outline the results of your study.

B. Are the results in line with your stated hypothesis?

C. Based on the preliminary findings, can you accept the hypothesis?

D. Do the findings require you to accept the null?

E. Provide recommendations for future studies in this area.

F. Outline any factors which deserve attention which may not have been outlined

or discussed under one of the major headings.

XI. Bibliography:

Use ***** Turabian, A Manual for *****s of Term Papers,

Theses and Dissertations 6th Ed

XII. Appendices:

Provide a full list all of the special documents & reports that will be included as

full text references for this study. Include draft copies of any survey &

questionnaire instruments you intend to employ in gathering data, as well as any

interview schedules you plan to implement.







How to Reference "Training Levels and Number of Complaints" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Training Levels and Number of Complaints.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Training Levels and Number of Complaints (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Training Levels and Number of Complaints. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Training Levels and Number of Complaints” 2013.
”Training Levels and Number of Complaints”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Training Levels and Number of Complaints”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Training Levels and Number of Complaints [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Training Levels and Number of Complaints. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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