Research Proposal on "Toyota Organizational Assessment"

Research Proposal 15 pages (4095 words) Sources: 1+

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Toyota Organizational Assessment

Company Overview

As a Japanese-based company Toyota is a major international car retailer and automotive specialist. The company offers a wide variety of vehicles, from small sedans to trucks. It also has a line of luxury vehicles under the Land Rover and Lexus brand names. For generations the company has been competing well against American-based companies within the same industry, and as the consumer interest moves to cleaner vehicles with more sustainable attributes, the company only continues to grow and offer more eco-friendly vehicles for consumers all over the world.

Toyota was formed in Japan by Kiichiro Toyoda who had the spirit of invention and innovation within his blood. Son of another famous inventor, Sakichi Toyoda, Kiichrio worked laboriously for years until "he finally successfully completed the AI prototype vehicle in 1935," (Toyota "History of Toyota" 2009). With the success of this prototype, the global corporation Toyota was born.

From this initial success, Toyoda jumped on the opportunity to expand and develop his small business and set the foundations for what it is pictured as today. He understood the importance of keeping up with the latest technologies and so established the Toyoda Physical and Chemical Research Institute in 1940. This along with his developing plants all over Japan helped establish Toyoda as a major force in the early Asian automotive industry. A few years later in 1950, Toyoda re-established his corporation as the Toyota Auto Body Corporation, which was later re-established as the Toyota Motor Sales Co. which is still in place today.

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/>That same year Toyota came out with several models which still make up much of their sales gross today. In 1950 Toyota launched its version of the jeep, now known as the Land Cruiser. The 1950's saw a growth in both product diversity and capability within the corporation. Along with introducing several new products which later would help establish them as a popular global company, they also continued a strong strategy of growth and establishing and acquiring new plants all over Japan.

The company was not limited to Japan for very long. By 1957, Toyota had begun exporting the first passenger cars to the United States, a move which would later increase their profits immensely. The company continued it international growth throughout the 1960's with the opening of new sister corporations in nations such as Thailand, Toyota Motor Thailand Co. officially opened its doors in 1962. By 1969, Toyota reached a monumental number of exports with one million cars sold to external nations.

The future generations also held great growth and development of the corporation. By the 1970's Toyota was a major powerhouse within the automotive industry. It continued its trends of moving into other nations and reached a grand total of five million vehicles exported in 1975. The first American branch of the company, the Toyota Technical Center U.S.A., INC was established in 1977. The company reached ten million vehicles exported by 1979, a number which doubled the five million exports reported only four years earlier. The modern Camry saw its birth in the year 1980 and the number of exports continued to rapidly climb, with twenty million exports reached in 1985. In 1988, the company opened a plant in the United States, the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, INC in the Midwest. Further development continued with the arrival of Lexus model dealerships in the United States around 1989. This was followed by a plant opening in the United Kingdom in 1992.

The company's modern day history has solidified it as a major international power in terms of the automotive industry. By 1994, Toyota had reached over one million exported vehicles and was still growing. In 1998, Toyota opened up several more manufacturing plants within the borders of the United States including locations in Indiana and West Virginia. Domestic production soared along with importing Toyota and Lexus cars into the United States. By 1999 100 million Toyota vehicles had been domestically manufactured within the United States and annual overseas sales topped over three million cars a year. The new millennium saw a much more environmentally friendly production practices with more sales of hybrid Prius models within the U.S., reaching over 100,000 unites by 2002. These hybrid models which consume much less gas became more and more popular as the world's citizens became increasingly aware of the environmental damage car emissions were causing. By 2006, Toyota had sold over 600,000 Pius worldwide, solidifying their role as a major rounder of more sustainable vehicles. Today, Toyota still proves to dominate the global market, especially as they move towards more green branding of their company image. Only the future can tell what else the company has in store for the world.

Industry Analysis

Toyota is witnessing a strange new marketplace in today's world. As a leader of hybrid and more sustainable vehicles, they're sales have continued to dominate over heavier and more environmentally harmful American alternatives. Toyota's Corolla came to dominate sedan sales. In the midst of the automotive crisis within American industries, there are great opportunities and also looming threats for the Japan-based Toyota. The company already has a strong line of eco-friendly products in place, which gives them the green advantage. Also the weak position of American car companies gives Toyota a strong advantage over the industry; "Imported vehicles -- coming now especially from Japan, Germany, and South Korea -- accounted for 23.4% of the vehicles sold in the United States," in 2007 (Uchitelle 2007). This is an 11% jump from just a decade before. However, the company must tread lightly as to not suffer the same fate as major American competitors such as General Motors and Ford.

Current Organizational Mission

Toyota's organizational mission is to bring affordable quality cars and premier customer service to the general public. Its' mission statement reads "To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience," (Toyota "What are Toyota's Mission and Vision Statements 2009). The company aims to keep reasonably priced vehicles efficient, clean, and luxurious. Toyota communicates this mission to the public based around advertising campaigns centered on the sustainability and affordability. One of its major current organizational goals is to dominate the automotive industry in the United States and remain strong while its competitors crumble under the weight of the domestic financial crisis.

SWOT Analysis




p p o r t u n I t e s

1. Ability to capitilize on the "Big Three's" financial trouble to dominate the American Market.

2. Global presence and market knowledge. 3. Capibility to produce large numbers of affordable and eco-friendly vehicles. 4. Capitilizing on the already strong Toyota brand name.

5. Compeitive pricing allows for Toyota to compete in all markets which it targets. 6. Toyota's products boost fuel-effiency, allowing for consumers to save money both in upfront vehicle sales costs and long-term gas costs. 7. Diversification allows Toyota to dominate a multitude of markets including the automotive, aerospace, and financial industries. 8. Toyota is known for liability, therefore strengthening its reputation. 9. Multifaceted product list allows for complete functionality. Along with providing transportation the company also provides functional products like fork lift models and aerospace development.

10. Toyota's philanthropic reputation reinforces the strength and reputation of the brand.

11. Price reliability ensure Toyota's customers that they will not pay a one high rate one day and see the car on sale for much cheaper the next. They provide a stability which is comforting within an unstable financial environment.

12. "Toyota Teen Driver Program" effectively identified and appeals to parents wanting their children to gain a proper education regarding driving and motor-vehicle safety.

13. Reputation built on brand name rather than sole individual product.

14. High level of customer satisfaction leads to a large percentage of return clientele. Keeping touch wit previous clients with service reminders, birth day cards, and etc. helps keep the brand image fresh within the customer's mind.

1. Ability to capitilize on the "Big Three's" financial trouble to dominate the American Market. 2. Global presence and market knowledge.

3. Capibility to produce large numbers of affordable and eco-friendly vehicles. 4. Capitilizing on the already strong Toyota brand name.

5. Compeitive pricing allows for Toyota to compete in all markets which it targets. 6. Toyota's products boost fuel-effiency, allowing for consumers to save money both in upfront vehicle sales costs and long-term gas costs. 7. Diversification allows Toyota to dominate a multitude of markets including the automotive, aerospace, and financial industries. 8. Toyota is known for liability, therefore strengthening its reputation. 9. Multifaceted product list allows for complete functionality. Along with providing transportation the company also provides functional products like fork lift models and aerospace development.

10. As a Japanese brand, it will always have to go over and above to be fully domestically respected. Yet the current philanthropic nature of Toyota helps build its reputation.

11. Potential changes in import tariffs might force prices up despite the company's commitment to affordability. Therefore, the company must prepare… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Toyota Organizational Assessment" Assignment:

TOYOTA Organizational Assessment:

1. Prepare a summary of the background and history of the organization including Toyota current mission.(3 pages)

3.Prepare a thorough SWOT analysis on the organization that includes at least 15 each of the enterprise*****s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (Google on SWOT analysis or refere to your textbook). (2 pages)

4.Determine the organizations current marketing mix (See the textbook Marketing, 1st Edition 2009, ISBN-13 9780077240806 for an overview and many other references by accessing the index at the back of the book, if you have this textbook then its great if not then any recent marketing book will do the same job) (3 pages)

5.Conduct secondary marketing research via online publication database, to gather a minimum of 15 articles that relate to the organization. Include a synopsis of your key research findings in a (3) page synopsis.

6.What strategic changes would you recommend that this organization make to its marketing mix in order to remain competitive over the next 3-5 year period of time. List your recommendations and reasons for your stated changes making use of your research from step 5 above. If marketing mix components can be expected to stay relatively the same, use your research from (5) above to prove your points. (4 pages)


The paper needs to be at least a 15 page word-processed paper, with 1" margins all around.

In terms for format, The professor prefer 1.5" line spacing, block style papers that have no indents and leaving the right edge ragged. Please just skip a space between paragraphs. No cover page is required.

Not following my formatting guidelines will result in a grade reduction of at least 10 points by my professor.

How to Reference "Toyota Organizational Assessment" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Toyota Organizational Assessment.”, 2009, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Toyota Organizational Assessment (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Toyota Organizational Assessment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Toyota Organizational Assessment” 2009.
”Toyota Organizational Assessment”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Toyota Organizational Assessment”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Toyota Organizational Assessment [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Toyota Organizational Assessment. Published 2009. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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