Research Paper on "Tourism Profile for Australia"

Research Paper 8 pages (2459 words) Sources: 7

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Tourism Australia

Tourism Profile for Australia

Tourism is one of the most important industries of Australia due to which it is counted as the eighth largest tourism market of the world. Australia provides to its visitors stable and secure environment; therefore every year a large population of local and overseas tourist visit Australia for exploring adventure and discovering beautiful places that have natural and cultural significance.

Australia has not only developed the natural destinations for its visitors but it also has a big range of cultural assets, which attract tourist towards it. For instance, it has art galleries, museums, historic places and live art that include theatres and live concerts, which not only educate but also entertain visitors (Foo & Rossetto, 1998). This paper will present the tourism profile of Australia in which information regarding the demographics, climate, topography, major cities, famous attractions and economic impact of tourism in Australia will be explored in detail.

The Role and Significance of Major Cities

Approximately 75% of the population of Australia lives in its major cities, which also contribute around 8% of GDP. Industrialization has rapidly boosted up the development in these cities by focusing on education and skills and by providing employment and raising the living standards.

Australian cities rank high on the list when compared internationally due to their infrastructure, quality of life and connectivity with the globe. Every city in Australia, regardless of its population, has always been globally competent. Sydney and Melbourne
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are the major global cities of Australia. Other major cities like Perth and Brisbane are also appearing in global comparative analysis due to their larger global imperative.

Sydney was ranked 14th in a survey called "Global Power City Index" that was conducted in Japan by, evaluating the 35 major cities of the world. The evaluation of cities was based on their economy, research and development, cultural interaction, livability, ecology & natural environment, and accessibility. The results showed that Sydney ranked 14th among these 35 major cities of the globe due to the features it possess that make it an ideal place (Mori Memorial Foundation, 2009).

Further more, Sydney was ranked 26th among the 150 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) providing major cities of the world (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2007). Similarly the estimated GDP of Melbourne is around $U.S. 123 billion giving it a rank of 33rd in the world, which is equivalent to the GDPs of Barcelona, Shanghai and Istanbul. If same methodology is use to rank Perth and Brisbane; then they will stand equally with Manchester, Athens and Hamburg (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2007).

"GaWC" Global and World Cities project (2008) conducted a study the global connectivity of the cities of the world. Sydney was found out to be the Alpha + city with the 7th h highest level of connection throughout the globe while Melbourne was rated as a Beta + city with 41st in the connectivity (Taylor et al., 2009).

Economic and Social Implications of Tourism

Tourism is an excellent source for increasing the social, economical and regional development of Australia. It has a major impact or in other words "The Multiplier Effect" on the social and economic situation of Australia. Tourism brings lot of outside money in to Australia making it a financial prosperous country. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, tourism industry contributed 2.5% of Australia's GDP in the financial year 2010-2011, which means tourism in Australia is contributing around $94.8 million daily to the national economy.

Another important economic impact of Australian tourism is the creation of employment. A large number of tourists mean Australia needs more and more hotels, restaurants, vehicles and obviously human resources to run all these places. In simple words, Australia needs increased number of goods and services, which result in increasing jobs. Thousands of jobs are created in the host areas of Australia every year due to tourism, which help in generating wealth of the nation.

Apart from the above advantages, another economic benefit that Australia gets from its tourists is the tax. Tourists provide a productive and beneficial taxation base to Australia. Taxes on departure, bedding, food, alcohol and shopping help government in making lot of money. This money is than further invested in future development projects like infrastructure, new roads, airports etc. Tourism also brings invisible export to Australia as overseas tourists bring foreign exchange and use their traveler's cheques and credit cards.

Tourism in Australia has not only raised awareness in the environmental concern by increasing employment but it has also benefited the physical environment positively. Australia has continuously promoted its physical environment by convincing people to see first-hand things. Due to this movement, the tourism industry has shown an incredible growth in the last few decades and tourism has become a lot more environmentally friendly than before. This movement has encouraged people to see and understand natural beauty and experience the real life situations.

Cultural Factors

The vast Australia is a multicultural country due to the diverse populations that possess different cultures. Around 64% of the Australians are Christians; however, other religions are also followed without any restrictions.

Australia is an egalitarian society, which means that there are no class distinctions. It is often called the "Tall poppy Syndrome" as it is a society that does not discriminates between the individuals and prefers modesty and giving mutual respect to everyone. Australians are always humble, down to earth and follow a liberal and diversified culture. Australians laws give rights to all its citizens for freely practicing their culture and religion. This cultural diversity is the strength of Australia that welcomes the tourists from all parts of the world in this dynamic society.

A very valued and well- known quality of the Australian population is their open and direct way of performing routine life activities. Australians do to the point and clear communication and give strong opinions. The national language of Australia is English but Australians speak more than two hundred languages. More than 15% of Australian's speak different languages at home. The most common languages include; English, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Cantonese, Mandarin and Vietnamese.

Australians like sports; they do not only watch but also enjoy playing them. Australia is also famous at vibrant arts scene; this reflects their cultural values and their traditions. Different types of visual and performing arts is followed which include; theatre, art, film, dance and music.

No specific clothing rules are followed in Australia; clothing is considered as a personal choice so people dress up according to their wish, climate and society. There is no official national dress, so freedom for everyone. However, it is expected that people wear neat clothes and appropriate footwear when visiting clubs and cinemas.

Climate and Topography

Australians experience different varieties of climate due to its wide size of Australia. It is considered as one of the driest continents in the world due to its extreme temperatures. Temperature in snowy mountains can fall below zero and heat in northwestern region can become unbearable in summers. Weather in south region is cool and warm with wet winters however northern area experiences tropical climate with hot and dry season.

Australia has a coastline of 36,735 km (IEAA, 2010). It is found to be the only nation that occupies the whole continent. It is one of the driest countries and yet has the extreme climate and topography. It has the flattest land mass of 7.7 million square kilometers and about one third of the country lies in tropics. It has rainforests in the north and snowfields in the southeast.


Australia is the fifty second most populated country across the globe and according to Australian Bureau of Statics, its current population is more than twenty two million (Population Clock, 2012). The age structure results show that from this huge population, 19.3% are less than 15 years old, 67.5% are in the ages of 15-64 years while 13.2% population is 65 years and over

Australia is one of most urbanized country of the world and most of the people, i.e. 89% live in the urban areas of Australia. It is expected that by 2030, the population figure of Australia will cross twenty eight million

. The densely populated areas of Australia include; Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.

Major Tourists Attractions

Australia is one of the beautiful countries of the world and offers uncountable exclusive places to visit that are full of culture and nature. It is difficult to decide which the best are; however following is the list of some major attractions.

As stated above, Sydney is the most popular and largest city of Australia. One of the most popular places to visit in Sydney is the Opera House. Tourist can see this it from front as well as from the backstage. Beside this House, there are also many other famous places; such as Marine Aquarium at the Darling Harbor, Harbor Highlights Cruises, Hunter Valley Wineries and Jenolan Caves.

Major attractions of Perth include; wildlife, sight-seeing, adventures to Aboriginal dance and culture and aquatic fun. Tourists also like to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Tourism Profile for Australia" Assignment:

Each student will be required to submit a Tourism Profile of a country. Use footnotes and bibliography where appropriate. Neatness and accuracy are essential. Proof read! Grammatical and spelling errors will result in grade reductions.

The following factors are to be addressed:

*Australia Profile

1. The role and significance of major cities

2. Economic and social implications of tourism

3. Cultural factors

4. Climate and Topography

5. Demographics

6. Major tourists attractions

7. Markets and competitive advantages and disadvantages

8. Existing tourist infrastructure

9. The role of the National Tourism Organization.

10. Conclusions

11. Recommendations

12. Bibliography

How to Reference "Tourism Profile for Australia" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Tourism Profile for Australia.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Tourism Profile for Australia (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Tourism Profile for Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Tourism Profile for Australia” 2012.
”Tourism Profile for Australia”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Tourism Profile for Australia”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Tourism Profile for Australia [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Tourism Profile for Australia. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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